Unrestrained consumerism claims two (Updated)

| November 28, 2008

Drudge links to a Daily News story that claims two people were killed at a Wal-Mart in Nassau County, one an employee, the other an unborn child, in a mad rush for the savings the hundreds of shoppers expected to find in  their local Wal-Mart. Two more Wal-Mart shoppers were struck by a car in the parking lot of Wal-Mart in Missouri. Our big WTF moments.

I don’t know who started this Black Friday crap, but it’s got to be the biggest gimmick ever started and perpetuated by the idiot local news stations. Every year, expecting my local news anchors to tell me what has happened in my area, my senses are assaulted by the images and interviews with obese, jobless morons who would normally be stretched out on their well-worn couch with crumbs of what used to be a potato hanging from their scraggly beards, but instead decided to be the subject of a “news” report about other obese, jobless morons who camped out all night to get a few pennies off of things they probably can’t afford at any price.

Here we are less than a month from Christmas, and these folks suddenly decide they need a discount so bad that they’ll brave the elements and shove and push their fellow shoppers to the ground to save five bucks on a $100 item. If someone offered them a job to stand outside in a line for the amount of money they’ll “save”, they’d quickly turn the offer down.

Is it any wonder that folks who spent time in the military would look down upon their fellow citizens when they witness disgusting displays like this?

Michelle Malkin says “Reason number 99,999 to shop online.”

UPDATE: AP reports that the pregnant woman and the child are fine.

Category: Society

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I braved the crowds today, it wasn’t too bad. I do think there were probably some girl fights at the bebe store. There were probably 100 people waiting in line for the doors to open, based on the looks of the young ladies in line (yes I am profiling) I think someone was at least going to catch an elbow if not worse.


What is wrong with people?


Total idiots. All you have to do is wait an hour and the crowd will thin out and the sales people will get you whatever piece of junk you are after from the storeroom. But don’t you know it’s WalMarts fault for not controlling the dimwit’s in the crowd. Lawsuits to come. I real judge would throw them out of court, if not from the roof of a tall building.
We were picking up two/three fall victims per week from the local stores until most of them installed camera’s. Now the falls are few and far between and are real falls not staged.

AW1 Tim


As a veteran, I have very mixed feelings about civilians these days, especially since 2000. I am pleased that I did my time to allow them to do the things they want to do. I get really pissed off, though, when I see them and realize how clueless so many are. It really burns me when the National Anthem is played, and they sit there, they don’t take off their ball caps or salute, just stand there talking, drinking a beer, and waiting for the song to be done so they can sit the butts down again.

My so, who is an infantryman deployed overseas at the moment, has a new found respect for his country, his flag, and his comrades in the ranks. He called me yesterday and told me how he gets it now about how I used to get riled up when I saw folks who would watch a parade, and couldn’t even be bothered to stand up when a color guard passed by.

More & more I like Heinlein’s idea about citizenship and service from his novel “Starship Troopers”.



Heh… this is little more than a trivial reflection of life. Certainly not the first such occurrence in this country. It is sad that someone paid for it with his life, indeed.

The auto makers taking private jets to DC is similar folks.

Oh well… My 2 cents and worth every penny,


Merry Christmas!!

On and On

the Reason for the Season.


[…] Unrestrained consumerism claims two by This ain’t Hell, but you can see it from here I don’t know who started this Black Friday crap, but it’s got to be the biggest gimmick ever started and perpetuated by the idiot local news stations. Every year, expecting my local news anchors to tell me what has happened in my area, my senses are assaulted by the images and interviews with obese, jobless morons who would normally be stretched out on their well-worn couch with crumbs of what used to be a potato hanging from their scraggly beards, but instead decided to be the subject of a “news” report about other obese, jobless morons who camped out all night to get a few pennies off of things they probably can’t afford at any price. […]