Sean Yetman; phony Ranger facing cops

| December 2, 2014

Ryan Berk, the fellow who busted out Sean Yetman, the plus-sized, heavy-drop phony Ranger on Black Friday was on Fox News talking about the bust;

MCPO Ret. In TN sends us a link to WTKR which reports that Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick has asked a federal prosecutor to look into charges against Yetman;

The Stolen Valor Act of 2013 makes it a crime for anyone to fraudulently claim to have received any military decorations with the intention of obtaining money, property, or tangible benefit.

The video does not show the man attempting to obtain any benefit, just potentially posing as someone he is not, which in itself, is not considered a crime.

Allegations are surfacing, however, that the man may have been wearing the uniform to obtain military discounts at stores in the mall.

Maybe this will put the phonies on notice, if Fatty Mc-fat-fat does get prosecuted. Lord knows that we’ve tried to get some arrested and maybe this case is sexy enough for prosecutors.

Category: Phony soldiers

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The mall where he was busted isn’t too far from the maternal family’s old stomping ground, and close to a house that I have. I might be willing to stay there, put my soon to be retired fat ass back into a uniform, and show up for the trial.


Careful about using the word “stomp” there.

Certain phony lawers/shitty pilots get a tingle in their catheters when you say that word.


I think he’s safe here, the word is being used as a descriptor, not a verb. Being colloquial about where you used to live cannot be translated into a threat, at least not legally.


Rustle, rustle, rustle, rustle, rustle, rustle, rustle, rustle………


Ryan Berk is the guy’s name, but close enough!


Holy crap! That guy makes the Wotund Wanger look svelte.

A Proud Infidel®™

He kinda looks like Uncle Fester crossbred with “Blobfish” Chevalier.


He must be their love child.


This isn’t the first time for old Sean Yetman.
Someone posted a link to a PA court document on the Stolen Valor page where old Sean has been arrested for Impersonating A Public Servant, Driv While Oper Priv Susp Or Revoked & Driving W/O A License Feb 2013 and plead guilty.

Green Thumb

I wonder if Lori Benton and Bernath will help defend him?

Green Thumb

I mean, this dude is APL material.

Smooth under pressure, had responses to his bullshit claims, good on film, able to walk and lie, probably spending taxpayer dollars on the things in that bag, milking the system for free shit in a public place, etc.

Checking the blocks!


Yetman wanted attention, he got it.


Okay, now I understand the CIB and stars. So anyone Yeti the Fatman’s age who has that would have to have been an egg that popped out of his mommy’s ovaries to be in Vietnam.

Got it.


He’s wearing a CIB with two stars, which indicates third award.


Not quite. More like his mom would have been a gleam in his granddad’s eye during Korea.

Only one CIB per defined period is awarded to an individual. The Korean War CIB period ended on 27 July 1953. The Vietnam War CIB period was from 2 Mar 1961 to 10 Mar 1995. Current period started 18 Sep 2001.


Didn’t one of the Cheeseslayer’s TSG Facebook friends have a couple of stars on his CIB?


Since I’m Navy, not Army, that makes me a slow learner with all those badges and stuff.

I promise that some day, I’ll get the hang of those things. I will.

CC Senor

Just think of the stars as oak leaf clusters.


Bottom line: The last legitimate recipient of a third award CIB would now probably be 87/88 years old.

Currahee John

Easy to find out, the National Infantry Museum at Ft. Benning has (or at least had, the last time I was there) a nice display of all the CIB 3rd Awardees.


The list is available on Wikipedia in their CIB article, Currahee John.

FWIW: all known valid 3-time CIB recipients are World War II – Korea – Vietnam. The length of the Vietnam War CIB period (Mar 1961 to Mar 1995) guarantees that will be the case for the foreseeable future.

Kevin Metz

If he is is over 45, he should have said: I was in Panama in 89, the Gulf in 90-91, and then Afghanistan.My guess is he has a brother or something in the infantry and took his uniform and did a basic background check and got confused on the CIB and though its plausible a soldier would deploy three times, he thought that meant the two stars obviously. But I agree with the coolness that this guy lies with; he definitely has been questioned before.

Wandering Scout

That still wouldn’t fit. The Department of the Army has a ridiculously long “miscellaneous” time period that qualifies as only one award, no matter how many campaigns you fought in during the era.

Vietnam and the Gulf War are in the same qualifying period, which is 1961 to 1995.

Which means a soldier could have fought in Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, the Gulf War, and Somalia and STILL would only have one CIB.


I wonder how many times he’s pissed and shit himself in the last week in Mommy’s basement since this went viral?

I’d hate to be his Mom and have deal with this turd’s laundry.

Combat Historian

Hey yetman you fatass motherfucker, you enjoy the attention now ???

Dr. Strangeglove

I think he left off the Ford patch above his Ranger tab.

Poohbah, Lord High Everything Else

You owe me a new keyboard :o)




Congratulations you are well on your way to becoming internet famous. Now that you’ve got that going for you, go fuck yourself.


Nailed him! Now that’s…a feel good story!


First 8 Google hits for news and links are for Sean Yetman, each about this stolen valor. Way to go!

Dr. Strangeglove

Every poser caught in a fake uniform should get immediately airlifted to Syria or Fallujah and dumped, quite loudly, in a very populated area at noon.

Then they can wear their fake bling proudly, and perhaps have some real stories to tell if they make it out alive.


I’ve said this about 1,000,000 times.

Same with Illegal Immigrants. They can go home or go fight, if they survive, citizenship.

Semper Idem

You mean like the French Foreign Legion does? That would be an interesting idea.

NR Pax

You still have to get injured for the right to be a citizen with the FFL. But the idea has some merit.

Dr. Strangeglove

Once dropped off if (when) they get captured and are held as a prisoner, we can have Don Shipley nominate a few fake SEALs from SEAL Team 3.1415 go in for the rescue.


SEAL Team Pie, for sure.


The impersonator needs to be called out for the phony that he is, however if Ryan Berk wants to go into “law enforcement” he needs to not present himself as some out of control hothead who likes to yell the “f” word in a mall full of women and children. Classy. I don’t think this will help him in his background investigation if he ever applies.

Green Thumb

All things considered, I thought he was fairly mild.


Haven’t spent much time around senior NCOs, have ya?


I’m sure that some would consider me wrong, but I would rather my wife and kids be exposed to he “F”word than exposed to some f’n poser’s BS


God, you sound like a Private I had, who all he could do was whine like a little bitch if I offended him with “harsh language”… fucking hell.


Did basic at Leonard Wood in 97 – I was 25 – and there was a no-cussing rule by drill sergeants (hell we couldn’t even call them drill sergeant then – had to call them sergeant.)

I was had a drill sgt call me a sack of shit after I got some deserved personal attention (rolled in the snow and mud) while the whole platoon was being smoked. When we got to the barracks another guy in my platoon asked if I was going to file an EO complaint for being called that – I laughed in his face.


Yeah, God forbid a police office actually use some of the language he’s going to hear on the streets.


Brooth, I think that thaying Ryan uthed offenthive language ith very offenthive to me.

I’ve thaid thingth a lot more offenthive that Ryan did.

Oh, yeah – you’re a pithant.

3/17 Air Cav

EXTH-PHTH-Thu…..Justh wenth Ith thinth yourth warmth andth Fuzzyth youth gouth thth otherth wayth!

Semper Idem

First thing I thought of when I saw this guy was YouTube user JohnnyB34434.

Then I though of William James Clark, the heavy-drop phony from Alaska.

I wonder, what is it with posers and their seeming tendency towards corpulency? Real military generally isn’t that porcine; anyone with even the most basic knowledge can tell you that.


It’s the puffalump marshmallow delusion.

They think that being large makes them impervious to just about anything… until they get caught.


I think I might be safe in saying this:

Splash. Out.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

How come these fuckers are always pork chop potato boys?

Bloated lazy fuck stop pretending to be something you are not….

Linda Kiff

Because they’ve blurred the line between video games and real life.


Hey, careful, you gotta specify here,don’t forget, at this moment, any soldier not in class or a war zone is probably blurring those lines too

A Proud Infidel®™

Fat Boy needs to be wearing a STRIPED uniform, then people can tell if he’s walking or ROLLING down the sidewalk!

Linda Kiff

If you google him, White pages only has one person listed for Philly, PA. In case you wanted to know more about him that is.


If you would like to know more about him, I can get you more than just his living address. 😉


Thanks to Fox News and other news sources that felt outing this phoney poser was news worthy.


Why did the award period for the Vietnam War CIB extend to Mar. 10, 1995? I thought it would have ended by the mid-seventy’s.


That is odd…


BinTuy66: I really have no idea. Common sense would have dictated the end of the Vietnam War CIB period sometime in 1975 or so, with specified new CIB periods for conflicts occurring since.

Then again – when has HQDA ever cared all that much about using common sense?



That’s what I thought too about the Vietnam era. I ETS’d in early 69 and would not have heard anything after.

I thought the Banana Republic Wars, and especially the Gulf War would have had their own award periods.

It must be Carter’s fault.


The fault lies with the fact that we haven’t had a Infantry Sergeant Major of the Army since CSM Kidd left in 1995.(I discount E-9 McKinney)./sarc

Green Thumb



Of course,there’s always that problem of how to identify a subdued 5th Award CIB from a 1st Award CIB.

JarHead Pat

He has that OH fuck me look on his huge face, he wanted fame for being a hero well he got it, I hope he gets throat punched in a bar. He looks almost as stupid as Denny C.

2/17 Air Cav


Yeah, this muh-fugger is FAMOUS. I overheard a bunch of my soldiers talking about this douche canoe while in line for our dental checkout. This guy is now known from coast to coast like butter and toast. Right now, it sucks to be him!

A Proud Infidel®™

He wanted fame, NOW HE/IT HAS IT! I see all of his misery as a self-inflicted wound!!

Boston ops

Douche canoe? Coast to Coast like butter and toast?
Just stop.

Mike MacDonald

careful you guys, this fraud might be someone daughter

A Proud Infidel®™

While I doubt that, i have NO doubt that it’s only a matter of time before he screws up bad enough to end up in jail where he’ll be the “property” ob Bubba & Thor!!

Green Thumb

And rooming (and sharing, of course) with BH Austin!


When you look at that shot of him, just so, he almost looks like a clone of the blobfish aka cheeseslayer. Could he be a twin?

Jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

Perhaps he is the lovechild of Cheeseslayer and Catheteraddict?

I was thinking Cheddar-boi and Tesla.

CPT Mike

The way I look at it is this: how often did/do any of you with any rank go out in your utility uniform on purpose just to go shopping / hang out at a mall? Recruiters exempted, naturally.

I hated having to stop at a gas station or grocery store in my utes much less go full-on Christmas shopping. It was just an excuse for everybody and their cousin to come out of the woodwork and try to talk to you (well intended usually), turning a quick booze/smokes/dip run into a 3 hour meet-n-greet at the 7-eleven. It was also an opportunity for some E7 and above to jack your shit up if you happen to dig around in your pocket for slightly too long trying to fish out your cellphone / wallet.

I’m proud of my service and everything, but man, in my enlisted days, I wanted out of that uniform the second final formation was dismissed. Even as an Officer I still dreaded having to run errands off post between work and the house.

To this day, I always look with suspicion upon anyone who keeps the uniform on outside of duty hours, or off post… especially recruiters.


Yeah, my first thought was why would a Ranger wear his ACU’s to a mall? Even if we want to play devil’s advocate. So a Ranger stationed at Fort Lewis just got back from Afghanistan…even if for some reason he rotated through the Philly and had a layover….he wouldn’t be at Oxford Valley Mall. It’s in Bucks County…..not exactly near the airport. It’s just a ridiculous scenario.

3/17 Air Cav

AverageNCO……..another thing, can you imagine that fat fuck being deployed as a 11B! He would have had a coronary the first day out! In the video, when asked his MOS, his reply is 11 Bravo. I’ve never heard that reply. It’s always 11B, when talking to another veteran.

One thing for sure, he is definitely experiencing incoming for the first time in his life! Sucks to be him!q

NR Pax

The only time I ever did that was because I was heading home and my car was below 1/8th of a tank. Other than that, I had no desire to be seen in my cammies in public lest a higher ranking person correct me.


Once upon a time, at least at Ft Hood, it was extremely verboten to be caught at an off-post establishment in BDUs or PTs. Exceptions included quick stops for gas and such, but other than that, Soldiers were getting serious UCMJ action when caught. A while back I was at the Killeen Mall at 1500 and I felt like I was in the PX during lunch because of so many uniforms. WTF?

3/17 Air Cav

CPT Mike……The last time I wore the uniform was Jan. 18th 1972. Flew into SeaTac. When by bus to Fort Lewis, took 48 hours to get discharged. Flew from SeaTac to Portland Oregon. Called my parents to come pick me up. They thought I was still in the Nam. Got really drunk in a airport bar while waiting for them to come pick me up. Got home, took off the uniform and NEVER wore it again.

It was a different time and different attitude concerning the military. Was back at school within two weeks. My last contact with the military was receiving a letter from the military saying that I had been overpaid $400.00 while in Vietnam.

My how things have changed. Posers and embellishers, wearing CIB’s, Purple Hearts, 1st Cav. 101st. Airborne.ect. Who would have thought it possible. 40+ years later!


3/17,did you pay back the $400.00 in MPC or Piasters? As far as these posers/embellishers go,we have what they will never have. Our honor and integrity. They will never have that and no amount of fakery will ever give it to them. For them,freedom has been free since they never gave anything for it.

3/17 Air Cav

Claw……I sent a letter back to the finance Dept. Of the Army. Informing them that NO ONE was over paid while serving in Vietnam!

The only thing I can figure is that they thought I was still a SPC-4 not a E-5 Sgt. My DD-214 says E-5 SGT. However, I requested my file, some years back. Guess what? No orders to E-5. My copies are long gone.


3/17,you’re right about not being paid enough. No amount of money will ever make up for the indignity of having to eat Ham and Mothers and drink Fresca.

CPT Mike

3/17 – Fast forward 40 years, attitudes towards service members have thankfully changed. Never fear, though! The more things change, the more they stay the same… finance and personnel are still FUBAR. DFAS & HRC think I’m married w/family (I am), DEERS however, reverted to single/00 dependents about 4 months ago on its own. Additionally, my last DD214 is still being iPERM’d to someone whose SSN is 1 digit off from mine. It’s been doing this for 4 years, about once a quarter. Good times.


FUBAR and SNAFU: more than military traditions – they’re a way of life! (smile)

Leslie Gennovario

My husband , who’s probably one of the most patriotic person I know showed me this video. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. my oldest brother was NAVY and I have several friends of mine that have served and are still serving in the army and marines ,this guy has defined shame if I have ever seen it walking. What is wrong with this guy. Seriously. Back in 2003 when he pleaded guilty goes to show he hasn’t learned his
lesson .This scumbag needs to be smacked in the throat with a 2×4 .shame on you German….. Posing as
an actual serviceman of this country while we have
REAL serviceman out there on the front lines fighting
for that freedom that allows this piece of crap to even walk around ,and shop, and be merry. I hope you rot u piece of crap. I’ve had my family, friends go out there and put their life on the lines while u sat in your moms basement eating hot pockets and cheetos puffs….playing world of Warcraft. You have some serious metal issues. Shame on you!!!! There havbeen actual men and women that have lost the life defending our right to have the very freedom that allows u to go to the mall and shop freely……u piece of dog sh*t.


Damn – I think I’m in love…

Doc Savage


That was so hawt!

randy h

[Sorry, Randy, we don’t publish addresses or phone numbers here for legal reasons – Jonn]


Please have him make a public apology and pay for his crime. I know what he did was wrong but he has children who had nothing to do with this incident. Sending death threats to his family is unfair to them, especially when it was him who did this shameful thing. There’s no need to be hateful to his family.

OIF '06-'07-'08

First off, with all the national attention that Sean has drawn to his own self. I have a very hard time believing that the death threats are all originating from this blog.

Second, it seems that he has pulled this type of stupid stunt before, but he was impersonating a dead law enforcement officer, and was arrested for it. So it seems that even after his arrest for impersonating a LEO, he simply cannot learn his lesson. So, in short order, Sean deserves all the attention that he has brought upon himself. Take your pity party for ol’ Sean somewhere else.


She has a point.

If, (and I mean “IF”) his wife and children are receiving death threats, that is over the line.

He’s the one who has to answer for being a knob, not his kids.


Ryan Berk seems like a real good kid– squared away & articulate. Would be happy to have him on any team…


Congratulations fatass, you made the local news in SC this morning. I’m so happy you are getting the recognition you wanted and yes you now deserve. Now Go Fuck Yourself and never let us see or hear from you again.


I only met one person who earned 3 CIBs, back when I was a young medic at Fort Benning’s Martin Army Hospital in 1983. He was a grizzled old retired CSM named Basil Plumley and he worked at the hospital. You couldn’t find a finer gentleman in the world. Later he became famous after Hal Moore and Joe Galloway’s book, and Mel Gibson’s film, “We Were Soldiers Once…and Young.” Back in ’83 he was just this really cool older man we all knew had more medals than God and was completely humble about it.

Erin McGuire

I am certainly glad I don’t know any of you here who are so quick to defame an obese soldier and make such quick judgment about him without any evidence. If I were Sean I would be seeing a lawyer for invasion of privacy lawsuit against Mr. Berk. Not to mention a defamation of character, wrongful accusation and profanity in public lawsuits. Sean right or wrong deserves to be officially heard from. The law will never make that happen because the stolen valor act like the Rangers has no balls!


Invasion of privacy suit? Really? Obviously you have no concept of what privacy laws really say, I’d bet a dollar to a donut that you’re talking off the top of your head.

Yeti-man made a fool of himself, IN PUBLIC. No “privacy law” will protect Anyone from that.

Green Thumb

You must hang out with “Ranger” Burrell.

Pinto Nag

Well, your comment makes a couple of things very obvious:

1. You have no idea what valor is.
2. You have no idea what stolen valor looks like.
3. You know absolutely nothing about the Rangers.


“Profanity in Public”?

Shut the fuck up and move along.

Cock Knocker.


The so-called “obese soldier” was the evidence. Please troll elsewhere.


Well the trolls have started to come out I see!
1. No expectation of privacy in public. This means you’re an idiot for saying that.
2. Defamation of character: He is wearing a uniform that is fucked up as a football bat and is impossible for anyone to believe.
This means you’re an idiot for saying that.
3. Without any evidence; See #2 above.
This means you’re an idiot for saying that.
4. Rangers: Obviously You’ve never met any nor have you ever served with any.
This means you’re an idiot for saying that.
5. Officially heard from: We are all waiting; where is he?
This means you’re an idiot for saying that.

Not sure if you’ve figured this out yet, but YOU’RE AN IDIOT. Now go fuck yourself and go away quietly because you have no idea who you are dealing with on this page.


Oh, gee whiz, Erin, is Sean crying on your shoulder about this? Is that it?

Or do you not get that REAL military know how uniform gear is properly worn, and that when it is not it is a dead giveaway that the wearer is a phony strolling around, looking for attention and discounts?

ANY ACTIVE DUTY military member has the right to out a phony, as do REAL former military who recognize a phony right off the bat. What part of that do you NOT get?

Furthermore, you might want to actually READ what yeti the fat slob has done, besides impersonate soldiers: he acquired and wore clothing and a badge belonging to a deceased police officer and made people think he was a real cop. If you don’t know that doing that is illegal, you’re so stupid you don’t even know you’re alive.

What Yetman the Fatboy did is NOT harmless in any way.

Dennis - not chevy

Perhaps Erin is suggesting the Stolen Valor Act needs to be stricter. Okay, if Sean wants to be treated as a Soldier, let’s treat him as a Soldier. Now I’m not a lawyer, lawer, or JAG and will never represent myself as one, I’m just a regular man, a veteran and citizen, with no authority over anyone. I’m just saying the Stolen Valor Act ought to have the same punishments as the UCMJ.
A quick perusal of Art 134 of the UCMJ (MCM 2012 edition) indicates to me the punishments for impersonating a Commissioned, Warrant, Non-Commissioned, or Petty Officer, or certain agents or officials, even without receiving any benefit from a third party may include 3 years confinement.
It makes sense to me, if people want to dress up and act as members of the military, the Stolen Valor Act should reflect the same punishments as the UCMJ.


“Perhaps Erin is suggesting the Stolen Valor Act needs to be stricter…”

I didn’t pick up on that. I thought she was asserting that Yetman was indeed a Ranger (see “wrongful accusation” in her screed). She then ipso facto assumes Rangers have no balls. Flawed premise, excellent logic.


NO fair! campaigning at the polling place! 😀