The following headline appeared yesterday on an article published on the Gainesville (FL) Sun’s website:
leaving ATM, Gainesville police say
That’s not the odd part – well, maybe it is a bit “odd” for Gainesville, FL, but it’s not the oddest thing about the incident. The really strange part is the suspect’s moniker.
Phuc Kieu.
It gets even better. Immediately before assaulting and attempting to rob and rape the other guy, Kieu was apparently watching pr0n in his car on a portable DVD player.
You simply could not make this sh!t up if you tried.
Category: WTF?
Times are tough.
Especially in certain Florida Congressional Districts.
Not to mention All-Points Logistics and Commander Phil Monkress sucking taxpayer dollars out of wallets at, well, what was, an unbelievable pace.
Are you guys EVER going to post a spew alert ahead of time?!?!?!??
I always liked this very real name: Phuc Dong.
Rabid animal. Bullet to the back of the head. Simple.
Don’t shoot it. Keep “it” on a chain, as a pet jester.
“Hey, jester, what’s your name again?”
“Phic Kieu.”
(Uproarus laughter)
We used to have a guy here named Fuk Fu. Needless to say 90% of police officers in the state had a copy of his DL as soon as he got it. We used to run it by number late at night just to see how a new dispatcher would pronounce it.
“I need some water.”
“Water? Sure, cowboy. Here you are.”
“I need more.”
“For what”
“Phuc Kieu you and the horse he rode in on.”
But wait. There’s more….
Phuc Kieu’s first son’s name? Phuc Kieu II.
Until Thursday (Matinee only)
Reminds me of the line from North Dallas Forty:
“It gets worse?”
“Well, it definitely gets different.”
WELL, phuc mei!
It’s Florida.
You should what it’s like in the trailer parks.
Geez, you just can’t make this shit up…
Everywhere you go…there they are.
Was he arrested by officers Mike Hunt and Hugh Jepeeness?
I thought it was Anita and Seymour Johnston.
Two All-Points Logistics investors.
Side note; long ago when I was in HS, we had a married couple that were two of our teachers…Richard ‘Dick’ Johnson was our math teacher and his wife, Anita Johnson, was our English teacher.
When folks use to say to my grandfather, “Well it takes all kinds to make the world go round”, with a bit shit eating grin. He would loudly reply, “HELL NO! We GOT all kinds now and there’s a lot we can do without!”.
Applies here and many other instances in life.