Weekend open thread

I guess SJ wants an open thread so Ex-PH2 sent us the picture and said something about it’s for “You Guys”.
Category: Open thread
I guess SJ wants an open thread so Ex-PH2 sent us the picture and said something about it’s for “You Guys”.
Category: Open thread
I beat Sparks here. Nah nah nah nah nah.
Twist…I tell ya, I have got to be more heads up!
A horse’s ass…representative of one of our merry poser band?
Naw, not a bit.
Without a model release, which I didn’t have a chance to get, I can’t show the person’s (or horse’s) face. I follow proper procedures about these things, unlike some people we all know.
Besides, it’s a girl in a bikini top on a horse. I figured you guys would go for it.
Thank you my dear, ’tis a nice picture and a perfect ending for my work day.
My pleasure, ET1.
As always the pleasure is mine.
Ex-PH2…There’s a horse in the picture?
Looks like a well-tended bay horse the woman is riding. It’s a shame it can’t be facing the camera; you could’ve used the photo caption:
“Does this saddle make my butt look big?”
Yes, Perry, but remember that we are dealing with three unpleasant individuals who will do whatever they can to corrupt something good or nice.
And besides, the horse objected to having no notice – you know, no time for a pedicure from the farrier, no time to braid the mane and tail, no time to polish the bit and harness leather.
Squeezing out a fat Giduck, not well formed and a bit smelly. Duckwalking won’t save my shoes this week.
John Giduck – the turd with a face.
I saw him in the bottom of a port-a-potty yesterday.
Right beside Phil Monkress.
Speaking of horse’s asses – This is one of the greatest literary pranks ever – it makes me chuckle every time I read it.
Thanks for posting that!
I enjoyed it.
Make sure everyone contacts their favorite posers and let them know that you are pulling for them to be seeded.
The ones that want “in”, will let us know. But be polite, always be polite.
Also, Commander Phil Monkress at All-Points Logistics is STILL not returning calls seeking clarification of his Native American, SEAL and LEO claims. I imagine with the most recent purge and losing that contract it might be difficult to pay their phone bill.
But that will not stop Phildo from using APL and our taxpayer dollars as a personal ATM machine. All while Birdwoman, Drunken Wolf, Gay Sludge, The “Less than Honorable” COL, The Illegal Eagle and Dainty Dan look on and support his actions.
Daniel A. Bernath is still defecating in his drawers all over that WIAT comments thread. He’s like that mouthy wino by a bus stop that never shuts up, ditto with Psulmer Wickre!!
A Proud Infidel®™ I always laugh my ass off when I read Bernath’s comments. He can’t post a simple reply or even return a jab at someone without listing his “wonderful /sarc/ resume”. So everyone knows what a real “hero” he thinks he is or was. I remember it well now, the Apollo splashdown and recovery was delayed for one more earth orbit because the whole ship’s company was waiting on their “best photographer” to get his camera loaded. Yea, those were the days, in his mind anyway.
This is an unsolicited PSA. Neither Jonn, nor TSO, Hondo, or any other admin or poster have asked me to post this. Any statement or opinion to the contrary is wrong, ignorant, unfounded, and unsupported by the facts. Legal threats of any kind directed my way will be ignored since they will have no foundation in any law, statute, or ordinance in any State in the Union (maybe those threats would have some standing in the State of Confusion, which is where certain well-known litigous assholes reside. However, I do not reside there, so there!).
Physical threats will also be ignored, as I’m perfectly capable of defending myself (and given the track records of those litigous assholes, there’s a good chance that they’ll finger someone else instead of me, which will ensure that my domestic tranquility will continue to be undisturbed).
If the above disclaimer doesn’t make much sense, blame a certain well-known ex-photographer’s mate who masquerades as a US Navy Chief Petty Officer who happens to be an Oregon-based (I think) attorney of some (ill) repute, and a certain well-known former Marine whose claims about rank and awards were so out to lunch that an entire Federal appeals court was reduced to helpless laughter after reading his filings. I modeled the disclamer on language and logic they both have used in their numerous court filings, so blame them, not me!
Now, the PSA:
Support the blog by clicking on the links and checking out what the advertisers offer. I found a couple of books on Amazon.com that I’m interested in, including Bing West’s latest book “One Million Steps.”
Remember, Christmas is coming up soon, and you just might find that perfect book or other gift items for your loved ones and friends now. You’ll also save yourself from saying “WTF was I thinking???” as you fight your way through traffic and crowds two days before the holidays to find said gift items.
That idiot Bernath has to love that Palmer (of the Ballsack) is back!
He (Palmer [of the Ballsack]) is bogarting all of the attention.
There’s also a “Donate” clicky thingy top right.
Psulmer of the ballsack is screeching for attention in between bottles of Cisco and T-bird (which also double as paint remover) while Daniel A. Bernath who never has been and never will be a CPO honorary or otherwise, and he’ll never be an Attorney at Law in Oregon, his denial of admission to the Oregon Bar sealed that!
DallASS Witlessone has been kinda quiet lately, is he back in jail?
To that whole bunch I say SHALOM, SCHMUCKS!!
Also, is the “Major Gay” Jay Kerwin, the known felon, eligible for this year’s tourney?
He has that “dark horse” Fecal Four capability.
What are you guys doing for the Thanksgiving holiday? I’m going home on Tuesday to spend the rest of the week with my family. Looking forward to hanging out with my brother again.
The extended family’s coming over to our house for Thanksgiving. We host the Turkey holiday, our other relatives host Christmas, Super Bowl Sunday, the Fourth, et al. It’s always terrific; I can’t wait. Now that you’ve got me in a Thanksgiving state of mind though, I feel obligated to mention my “no shit, there I was” of last year’s Holiday. So one of my aunts drank two martinis at the party her family was at before she came to our house, then came to our house and drank four glasses of champagne, a glass of red, and a Manhatten (one of my uncle’s specialty). Bottom line—she was screaming drunk. She ended up yelling at me nonstop for five minutes in front of everybody over a personal issue (she’d been one of my teachers in middle school, and she didn’t think I was taking an advanced enough class in the field she taught me for how good I was, so she took it personally for some reason). She went into our laundry room and cried the rest of the time while her daughters went into another room and cried out of embarressment. Then, on the way out, she nearly slaps my mom when she mentions (VERY politely) that my aunt may have had a bit much to drink. My aunt had to be toted out by my 22 year old cousin (screaming abuse, naturally). My grandpa accidently grabbed the blade of the knife while he was carving the turkey and damn near cut off his fingers. He takes aspirin as a blood thinner since he had a mild heart attack a few years ago, so he bled like crazy. One of my uncles fainted. He ended up having to go to the hospital for stitches. Oh, and that year of all years, we invited over two Chinese exchange students at Stanford through a program our Church was running to help them experience America in a more intimate way. All of this happened in front of complete strangers, basically. I guess they got the authentic spirit of the holiday 😀 Bottom line,… Read more »
That was beautiful man.
There are no words.
You need a John Candy movie about your life, mate.
OMG! Awesome sauce!
One word: TURDUCKEN.
Yep, 20 years ago, I spent Thanksgiving in Texas at Lackland AFB while attending Basic. The base had an “adopt-an-Airman” program for the day and these 2 ladies adopted 11 of us for the day. We ate a lot of turkey, watched movies, and just enjoyed the day. Fast forward 20 years, and I will be spending Thanksgiving in Texas at Ft. Bliss enjoying Thanksgiving in the DFAC. One step closer to home….
I just saw “Fury” last night. I enjoyed it, being the history nerd that I am. But I made the mistake of taking my wife to see it for date night.
Whitey, were you groaning under your breath during the final stand like I was?
Also, what did you think of the movie’s portrayal of American servicemen during the Second World War. I found it to be quite realistic, but Dad didn’t share the same opinion.
The final stand was the part I didn’t find realistic. If that had happened in real life, I have a feeling the tank would have been quickly taken care of by panzerfausts (and the one that did hit would have killed everybody, not just one person).
Good movie though.
Well, it’s a documented fact that by that point in the war, SS units tended to be long on fanaticism, short on competence, so the Hollyweird tactics may not be all that far off the mark. If it were set in Sicily in ’43, different story. But the kraits had used up most of their starting lineup by the time the movie takes place. Whether fighting the tank as a pillbox without friendly infantry to cover their ass was the best idea is a question for TAH’s tanker community.
As for the portrayal of GIs, it seemed fair enough, provided you understand the context. Summary execution of SS pricks sounds reasonable to me, and the mentality of “if he has a weapon, smoke him” is just common sense.
“Whether fighting the tank as a pillbox without friendly infantry to cover their ass was the best idea is a question for TAH’s tanker community.”
As a former 19E I’ll offer this opinion; bad idea, ballsy, but a bad bad idea.
[spoiler alert]
Well, the movie pretty much agrees with your assessment, Jacobite.
Ya, I’d guessed that from the previews.
I haven’t seen it yet, but a couple of my buddies have and say it’s highly recommended.
Watch 2 chick flicks with her and call it even. Adult beverages included 🙂
Sadly, I don’t drink. Which sucks, because alcohol would make that a lot more bearable. And she already told me that I ain’t getting off as easy as just two chick flicks.
Does anybody know if soap is an effective Viking repelent?
Are you referring to a certain illiterate fucktard who would’ve been culled as an infant by real Vikings?
Logic and reasoning tend to confuse the hell out of our viking wanna be
I think the Vince Lombardi Trophy is an effective Viking repellent.
I see what you did there…
I was thinking about stuff I haven’t had for dinner in a very long time, and here’s one dish that my mother used to make: stuffed meatloaf. It stretched the budget a lot when we needed it.
It’s real simple. All you do is prepare your meatloaf recipe the regular way, make up some stuffing – use the boxed stuff, it’s qucker – and heat the oven to the regular temperature for your meatloaf recipe.
Line a square pan with heavy duty foil.
Put about an inch of the meatloaf mix in the bottom of the pan in a loaf-sized amount.
Pile the stuffing on the bottom layer of meatloaf, and form it into a loaf shape.
Then pat the rest of the meatloaf around it so that it’s completely covered.
Cook it the usual way for the usual amount of time, and fix the rest of the meal.
I would add mashed postatoes, dilled carrots, green beans, and a nice green salad with a lemon-olive oil vinaigrette, and have (warmed up) apple pie with ice cream for dessert.
It’s good, hearty food, inexpenisve and easy to fix, and it really does stretch a dollar when things are tight.
On a whim one time I used stove top stuffing instead of crackers when I mixed up the meatloaf. BEST. MEATLOAF. EVER. Hell, my kids finally complimented me on my cooking.
That sounds good. I may do that, too. And in the interest of having stuff on hand for cook-ahead dishes, I keep boxes of stove top stuffing on hand.
Here’s another one, from Campbell’s ‘Casseroles and One-Dish Meals’ cookbook:
Cut leftover chicken into forkable pieces, enough for at least 2 cups.
Mix the chicken with the following:
1 can each of cream of celery soup and cream of potato soup
1 cup of milk
1/4 tsp thyme
1/8 tsp black pepper
4 cups of cooked mixed veggies (the classic peas-carrots-green beans, thawed under running water)
Mix well and put in a 13×9 baking dish. (For easy cleanup, line the pan with foil.)
Top with a thick layer of prepared stuffing – Herbed or Chicken both work with this.
Heat the oven to 400F.
Bake in the heated oven for 25 minutes.
This should provide at least 5 servings, and for a fix-ahead dish, it’s nice to have in the fridge because it heats well in the microwave.
Add a salad or some cole slaw, a dessert and you’re done. And your house smells like summertime because the thume scent really comes through.
Dessert for Turkey Day Dinner~
Guinness Pumpkin Pie
Pie shell uncooked
1-8oz. package of cream cheese
2 cans pumpkin (15oz each)
1 cup Sugar
1/4 tsp. Salt
1 Egg
2 Egg Yolks
1/2 cup Half and Half
1/2 Stick unsalted butter melted
1 tsp Vanilla
1/2 tsp Cinnamon
1/4 tsp Ginger
***Or you can use Pumpkin Pie Spice**
1 cup Guinness
Preheat oven to 350 degree
Mix together then pour into uncooked pie shell.
Bake at 350 degrees for 45-60 minutes until tooth pick inserted comes out clean.
Does anyone remember cheese zombies from grade school? Served with tomato soup.
Today that’s what I’m making. Great comfort food.
Spread bread dough on a cookie sheet.
Layer cheese on top of dough.
Cover cheese with another layer of dough
Bake in oven till golden brown
Cut into squares
It’s yummy do!
Here’s one I found by accident.
Zatarain’s Jambalya is great as it is, but if you are like me you want something else other than just Jambalaya so I got creative one night with it.
Make up one batch of Jambalaya and set aside. Make sure your rice is cooked well, nice and tender.
I cook it with pork sausage as the meat but you can also use any kind of meat you want. Chicken, whatever.
Cook 1 can of refried beans in a skillet and spread all around. Large can of black beans works very well too.
Combine the ingredients mixing well.
Microwave some tortilla’s in a plastic bag with a bit of water in the bag, the tortilla’s get really soft and delicious.
Then put a few spoonfuls into the tortilla’s, cover with shredded cheese and roll into burrito’s.
Heat them a bit more in the microwave in the Ziplock bag unsealed.
Use generous amount of sour cream on it and eat some really good burritos.
Bernath is not, never was nor will he ever be a Genuine or Honorary CPO. PERIOD!
Oh … And his onion has been peeled.
His less than perfect lawyering skills, ill advised sheltering of assets and online activity will permit any and all parties to break through his weak defenses while he observes (seated no doubt) helplessly as he is awarded with a large ham sammich and a warn cup of soup.
Ta Ta ….
Keep it up Bernath … You are doing EXACTLY what is expected and needed.
You want to dance with entire CPO Mess … Let’s dance!
Ta Ta … Ta
Master Chief, he says you’re shorter than I am.
That’s only possible if I stand on a very tall ladder, as I understand it.
And he is larger than life … prison life that is …
I found a video of Bernath at a Portland automobile dealership:
The Microaggression Farce.
The latest campus fad, which sees racism everywhere, will create a new generation of permanent victims.
n November 2013, two dozen graduate students at the University of California at Los Angeles marched into an education class and announced a protest against its “hostile and unsafe climate for Scholars of Color.” The students had been victimized, they claimed, by racial “microaggression”—the hottest concept on campuses today, used to call out racism otherwise invisible to the naked eye. UCLA’s response to the sit-in was a travesty of justice. The education school sacrificed the reputation of a beloved and respected professor in order to placate a group of ignorant students making a specious charge of racism.
The pattern would repeat itself twice more at UCLA that fall: students would allege that they were victimized by racism, and the administration, rather than correcting the students’ misapprehension, penitently acceded to it. Colleges across the country behave no differently. As student claims of racial and gender mistreatment grow ever more unmoored from reality, campus grown-ups have abdicated their responsibility to cultivate an adult sense of perspective and common sense in their students. Instead, they are creating what tort law calls “eggshell plaintiffs”—preternaturally fragile individuals injured by the slightest collisions with life. The consequences will affect us for years to come.
End Snip:
Read the whole thing. As per usual, one of the early devotees to the destructionist bullshit… just recently named the cherry on top of the UCLA Multi-Culti kinder gentler SJW idiocy, is now being burned at the stake for daring to correct POST GRAD students’ grammar.
“Students of Color.”
But if I say “colored students” I get hammered?
“People of Color” is PC, but not “colored people.” …. What gives?
Wait til they hit the REAL world.
It is far less forgiving than the cloistered life of college.
The skydiving clown has started to comment on that Julee John’s the fake WM.
He thinks he’s Icelandic now. Here’s the profile he’s using: https://disqus.com/home/user/langur_svi_knnun_eftirlitsfe/
Hey Dallas! You’re not the only one who knows how to use Google Translate: Borðaðu stór poka af Tittlingur
I wonder if he’s just as understandable in Icelandic as in English.
All that Wickre sperm must have started to have an effect on DuLlAsS’ pea brain.
I spent the week with 28 security executives from across the globe.
On Thursday we held reville at 0500 and were on the road at 0630 for Gettysburg. With the help of one of a handfull certified civilian guides authorized who spoke as if he where there … we experienced the events of the Gettysburg Campaign.
I will send TAH a few photos and will award prizes to anyone who can tell me what the photos are or what they represent.
Cemetery Hill in Gettysburg,
Alonzo Cushing who was just awarded (Nov 6) the Medal of Honor for his actions in the Civil War.
He was a graduate of the US military academy.
The first photo is of The Angle, also known as The High Water Mark of the Confederacy.
“Killer Angels”
I’ve been there, about 4 1/2 years ago. It was June, so that tree was fully leafed out. Hard to imagine what happened there 151 years ago.
I was there 2 years ago for a Staff Ride during OCS at Ft. Indiantown Gap. Our TAC Officer had us assume the prone position and look out on the field. He then said, “Imagine 15,000 Confederates running across that field coming towards you….” Sobering experience, indeed.
The Angle was the furthest point into the Union defenses that Pickett’s Charge reached. Lt Cushing was in charge of the artillery battery immediately behind the stone wall that the Federals were defending. His heroism and sacrifice helped repel the Confederate attack at that point on the Union line. The stone with Cushing’s name on it is in the middle of the first photo and marks the approximate spot where he fell.
Oops, the stone is the one on the left side of the photo. Danged smart phones.
All of the answers are correct. The angle, high water mark, were MoH Recipient Cushing fell … This was my 4th trip … Can’t wait to return!
For your prizes see Hondo!
Email sent to the admin address. My curiosity runneth amuck.
When I was living at the Ol’ Soldiers’ Home in Washington, D.C., I visited Gettysburg two or three times, as the Ol’ Soldiers’ Home regularly goes their on outings.
One time, we were given a guided tour by a Park Ranger.
Another time, while enroute to Gettysburg, we passed by the Antietam Battlefield, but didn’t stop to tour it.
On yet another occasion, we went by President Eisenhower’s farm.
I was told by one of the old timers that President Eisenhower’s dairy cows were purchased from the Ol’ Soldier’s Home when the Home closed its dairy, AND that President Eisenhower paid only one dollar to purchase that herd.
True or false?
I remember many years ago when driving my old Chevrolet Cavalier stationwagon across country, stopping to visit a President Eisenhower museum someplace in Kansas.
I can’t believe I made such a glaringly stupid mistake, typing, “THEIR”, when I should have typed, “THERE”.
This just in from one of the squirrels hiding in bushes outside of Bernath’s place. It’s a recording of Bernath on speakerphone during a 3 way call with Wickre and Dallas.
Hell, IMO that could be any of the three. Maybe we need to run some speaker recognition software against it to see which one it was! (smile)
On a payday note, how does someone who gets paid OT once you hit 40 hours in a week get the usual bi-weekly check, where I worked 45 hours in one week, and 70 hours in the other, get paid for 85 hours of normal time and 30 hours of OT?
Last time I checked, it should be 80NT/35OT. YMMV.
NHSparky, take the paycheck stub with the hours on it back to payroll and ask them to correct it.
It’s a simple clerical error. That should all be calculated automatically, unless you somehow posted your OT hours for one week in the wrong column.
Concur with Ex-PH2’s recommendations. Additionally, if your job is one covered under FLSA, this might also come in handy – just in case someone tries to play the “our company policy is different” card:
Unfortunately, if your job is FLSA-exempt company policy is controlling – and CAN be different. So you might want to confirm whether your job is FLSA or FLSA-exempt before going to talk to payroll.
Out for the count: The shocking moment a professional boxer takes down a gang of Russian thugs after they harassed his wife Gang taken out by boxer when they tried to convince his wife to join them Nicolai Vlasenko, 29, asked group of men to leave his wife alone After the men ‘took it outside’ on thug’s request, boxer knocked them out
Was this sponsored by Disney?
G rated picture on the hog board? For shame!
Last week we had a hog in the trap, a boar. I named it after a vikings dad, then I ground it up into sausage. This week, my neighbor shot a fat 300 lb. sow on my place. I named it after a vikings mom. Then I helped him grind it up. That is a summation of how I spent many hours tormenting the viking and his dead relatives this week. I will submit my timecard to TSO tomorrow, as per usual.
GD,I hope you saved their squeals for later use. Back when we had slaughter day,the only part of the hog we didn’t use was the squeal. There are quite a few unscrupulous individuals that are the subjects of TAH posts that I would like to hear “squeal like a stuck hog”.
Speaking of Hogs, hope you Razorback fans are happy – blanking Ole Miss tonight. Send whatever they’re drinking down here to my Longhorns…
How do you season that sausage? What do you use?
Does anyone in this forum remember where they were and what they were doing on 22 November 1963?
Were any of you even born before 22 November 1963?
On this historic date, I’m embarrassed to admit that I was locked inside a crowded, exceptionally smoke-filled dayroom in the Spruill Building, which was the maximum security ward for the criminally insane at Dorothea Dix Hospital (the state mental institution) in Raleigh, North Carolina.
I was seventeen (17) years old.
We were watching a black and white television when we learned that the President of the United States of America, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, had been assassinated in Dallas, Texas.
Many years later, while serving in the United States Army at Fort Hood, Texas, my wife, Bonnie, and I visited the memorial museum set up in the Texas School Book Depository building at Dealy Plaza in Dalls, Texas.
As we viewed the exhibits, we heard the haunting strains of “MICHAEL, ROW THE BOAT ASHORE”, and other similar folk music from the ‘Sixties, being played over the public address system.
So, what are YOUR memories of that eventful moment?
OOPS, that’s “DALLAS”, not “DALLS”.
This is a new computer and my fingers are clumsy.
I was in history class in college when someone opened the door to the classroom and told us what had happened. Stunned silence.
My dad, who was the head of the speech and theater department, had been rehearsing the Scottish play, Old Harry, that play whose name no actor ever uses and for a good reason.
Actors are a superstitious lot. The rumor about it was that if you use or say out loud the actual title of the Scottish play before it opens, something will happen to shut down opening night. My father ignored the superstition completely, thought it was ridiculous.
His opening night was November 23, 1963.
There was a week’s delay of the opening, and I have never used or said the name of that play since then.
Another 2LT and I had just left the 82nd Div area for lunch. Heard it on the radio and said, we’re going to be on alert and turned around. Not sure if we ever were but everyone was leaning forward.
As I’m typing this, the Smithsonian Channel is broadcasting, “THE DAY KENNEDY DIED”.
Have any of you ever seen a living President of the United States of America?
My wife and I (back when I was still married) saw President Jimmy Carter when he spoke at the Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City, Utah.
When Governor Bill Clinton was campaigning for election, I saw him speak in the Salt Palace in Salt Lake city, Utah, when he addressed the national convention of National Guardsmen.
Frankly, I was surprised he got elected.
I’ve been to the White House twice on guided tours, once in 1976 with my wife and parents, and again years later when I was with a group from the Ol’ Soldiers’ Home.
The zipper on my Army M-65 field jacket set off alarms, and I had to be searched again.
Oh, I almost forgot.
I saw President Bush speak at Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day (or was it Veterans Day?).
I was wearing my medals on my Sunday-go-to-meetin’ suit, which frustrated the Secret Service guy with the metal detector.
At Christmas, everybody at the Ol’ Soldiers’ Home got a one pound box of assorted chocolates, a gift from President Bush.
Love ya man, you’re one of a kind!
I met Carter in May of 1978 with a group of school safety patrol at the white house.
I was at the dedication and transfer of the Vietnam Memorial on November 11 1984. My best friend and I drove from Raleigh and Stayed with a Friend of his Fathers who was an active duty Army officer and stationed at the pentagon.
We were seated about 50 feet from President Reagan when he gave his speech and were able to get a hand shake from him afterwards.
That night the family friend showed us his collection of photos and other items from his time in Vietnam. I can still remember the emotion that he spoke with as he showed us those things. That was the first time I was able to separate a teenagers fascination with war to the real emotion of those that were fought.
When I watch the home movie of the assassination, I am CONVINCED that there was more than one shooter, as it was obvious that President Kennedy was shot twice, first from the rear in his neck, and then from the front, exploding his skull, and forcing his head backwards.
Negative, John. Impacts of high-velocity bullets on the human skull don’t work that way. A high-velocity bullet rifle bullet simply doesn’t have enough momentum to throw a body backwards. It only causes a slight jerk in the direction of flight. Any major jerking of the body after impact is due to other reasons.
Regarding JFK: impact of the fatal round only caused his head to move slightly in the direction of flight of the bullet. Further, reviewing the Zapruder film frames 312 through 314 shows a slight forward snap of JFK’s head before his body jerks backwards. (The other film made in Dealey Plaza that day, the Nix film, also shows a slight forward headsnap immediately prior to the rearward jerk of JFK’s body after the head shot.) The bursting of JFK’s skull – caused by the result of confined pressure wave caused by fragmentation of the head shot bullet and its loss of energy inside the skull – along with the body’s muscular contractions as the CNS is stimulated by destruction of the brain is what caused his body to recoil backwards.
The body jerk will typically be backwards in such a case. This is because the muscles of the torso’s back are typically stronger than those of the front of the torso.
If I ever had any doubt that Oswald acted alone (and I didn’t have much), reading “Case Closed” by Gerald Posner cured me of it.
Agreed. Posner did a pretty damn good job in that work debunking the various nutjob conspiracy theories out there regarding the JFK assassination.
Besides – if there had been some “massive conspiracy” (which many if not most of those theories require) – does anyone really believe it would have stayed undercover for nearly 52 years?
And no – there were only 3 shots that day. The 1978 House Select Committee on Assassinations investigation was later proven to have gotten that just plain wrong.
So, as promised in the most recent discussion of (master)Bateman’s full retardation, I took my wife to the range this morning. She likes the .38 I got her so much that she decided that I had earned some “extra-special bonus sex” (don’t mind if I do!). She put 100 rounds through it this morning and considerably tightened her grouping before she was done.
1911s ran flawlessly as always. Shot a big chunk out of the silhouette’s center mass with all of them. SKS shot nice as ever. Had to leave the Garands and other toys at home due to time constraints imposed by my brother-in-law expecting our presence at a party he hosted in observance of the Filipino national holiday called “Manny Pacquiao is fighting tonight!”
As I type this, I am cleaning guns and recovering from the aforementioned sexual endeavor. So if (master)Bateman happens to read this, the answer is yes, I am living the dream! I don’t know how to post a picture on here, so I’ll just describe my wife. Search for Jamie Chung on Google. Found her? Good. As you can see, she’s pretty damn hot. Yeah, my wife is hotter. And she thinks (master)Bateman is a flaming pussy.
So, (master)Bateman, if you show your ass here again, go fuck yourself and cry.
Marion Barry died.
Bitch set him up.
Best line: “If you take out the killings, Washington actually has a very very low crime rate.”
More at http://www.skeptictank.org/barry.htm
BH Austin’s hero.
Fucking scumbag.