Amy Rising; Pot head wants free pot from VA

| November 20, 2014

Amy Rising

What else is new right? Well, the Washington Post chose former Airman Amy Rising to represent the former military people who are now pot heads in order to influence the VA to pay for their pot;

Every morning, former Air Force senior airman Amy Rising makes breakfast for her second-grader, drives him to school and returns home to prepare what she calls her medicine.

She suffers from severe anxiety after four years working in the frenetic global command center at Scott Air Force Base in Illinois, providing logistical and support services for bombings and other missions in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Although Rising did not serve in Afghanistan or Iraq, she said the pressure of her work was intense. “What was really hard about working in command was never being able to see the damage you did on the ground,” she said. “You start to think about all the orphans and widows you created, and that you do hit civilians.”

Yeah, sure. I’m not saying that there isn’t a legitimate purpose for the use of marijuana to treat brain injury victims or maybe PTS, I’m not a neurologist, but I can spot a malingerer correctly 10 out of 10 times, and that’s what I’m thinking Ms. Rising does for a living. It does take a measure of courage to try and use such a weak story for her “severe anxiety”, though.

She reminds me of Wayward Bill Chenglis, the pot advocate in Colorado who pretended to be a Vietnam veteran who needed marijuana to treat his PTS from being a clerk in Germany.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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A SrA in TACC had nothing to do with, the bombs falling in the war zone. She was not “working in command” of anything.

Tammy Reising



Dope head… had she been something other than a POG (don’t get all butthurt USMC POG’s 😉 ), forward deployed in Afghanistan under fire, or even in an MOS where she actually witnessed and experienced traumatic events…
She is the epitomy of why we have so much trouble with PTS diagnosis being doubted.

A Proud Infidel®™

Of course they choose some POG that never had her feet on the ground in the ME to hype their pro-stoner agenda, no surprise there. Should we expect anything else from a liberal rag like the Washington Compost?


Today I learned that sitting in an air conditioned command center in Illinois is just as stressful as an RPG attack in Kandahar.


I know men who went through more actual trauma than her just in training. People like her really piss me the F off.


Would this be the equivalent of someone who lives near a freeway claiming PTS because of the accidents on the freeway? Claiming TBI because you watched a football game?


She survived the horror of almost war. Things combat arms types cannot imagine. Lines at Starbucks, Slow internet, Facebook down for an hour. She found her personal breaking point somewhere poor little thing.

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe she’s had to even endure the trauma of *GASP!* being stuck indoors on a stormy day after the TV cable system went kaput, OH, THE HORROR!! Did she ever even have to work outside of an air conditioned office while she served?




Sapper3307, you and Proud have struck a nerve in me. I cannot imagine the pain she endures now. In other words, what a dumbass self serving bitch.


If I’m reading that right, she was in the same career field I’m in, supply. She was at Scott, where you aren’t directly working with anything related to what she is saying caused her anxiety. You work with the other supply personnel at those bases and the vendors to make sure parts made it to that base.

If she was a Log Planner…they don’t even do that. Looks like she wasn’t going to give up her actual AFSC to help us wave the B.S. flag, or they didn’t care to publish it. Either way, her reasoning is complete bull.


As a retired AF supply troop, I concur.


Well, OK. Standard request: if anyone can come up with full name/DOB/place of birth/rough dates of service (years is enough), I’ll file a FOIA on the “fine individual” and we’ll see what Smokeahontas here actually did in the USAF.




John Miska

fell off my perch laighing at Her


working on it. Check this out: Amy Rising – Semper Hi Program / Combat Felt Amy Rising lobbies for veteran’s causes and actualizes political propaganda through paintings and sculpture. After separating from the Air Force in 2005, Amy worked at Boeing and completed a Master’s degree in public affairs and started her own consulting firm in 2010. She is dedicated to the cause of medicinal marijuana, particularly the benefits it provides for military veterans with dehabilitating conditions such as post traumatic stress syndrome. Amy is also currently developing a national campaign to highlight issues faced by returning women veterans. Amy heads the Combat Felt project which grew out of Combat Paper in 2012. Combat Felt is a project where participants disassemble and reconstruct their military uniforms as a process of transformational healing. and her BFF: Peter Schlange – Semper Hi Program In 2010 Peter was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder due to MST (Military Sexual Trauma) by Veterans Affairs. For several years following his time in the US Air Force Peter found it difficult to reintegrate back into his community. “All the VA could offer me was pills and talk therapy, I needed more than that. I needed an outlet for all the anger and sadness I had bottled up after leaving the service. I never said what happened to me, the shame alone kept me silent for over a decade. I still deal with post traumatic stress daily because it took so long for me to say something. Veteran Artists gave me an outlet, and more than that, it gave me a voice in my own recovery.” Peter saw an immediate benefit to his mental health by having a supportive community that encouraged the medical use of cannabis. “Vets are returning home from war and trauma. They are using medical cannabis to alleviate the symptoms of post traumatic stress. These are facts the other VA continues to ignore” These days Peter continues to foster his own recovery and that of other vets through his participation in Veteran Artists. “Miltary Sexual Trauma”… that’s a first for me. All this… Read more »


Gee – former military personnel who are now “artistes” are also pot advocates and produce artwork that some would consider pr0n. Who’d a thunk it? Is anyone surprised?


Military Sexual Trauma means he probably flipped out from having to attend too many SHARP briefings…


Wonder what her MST event was? If you read the definition of sexual assault published by the DoD she could have overheard a dirty joke and that would count.

Common Sense

According to my kids, ‘Military Sexual Trauma’ is being subjected to the endless stream of PowerPoints on sexual harassment.

Roger in Republic

I can testify to the horrors of ‘Military Sexual Trauma’. I can tell you of the mental anguish inflected on me many times as a young soldier. I lost count of the times the First Shirt threatened to “Break it off in your ass” during our very stressful dialogues. He never said what “IT” was, but I was convinced that IT was going to get broken off in my ass. I lived in deathly fear of the man for weeks. I found the only way to avoid his threats of rectal mayhem was to keep my nose clean and my ass out of the orderly room.


“Military Sexual Trauma” means a Marine banged his girlfriend!


I managed to avoid the laptop, but not by much. Spew alert next time.

The Other Whitey

“Actualizes political propaganda through sculpture.”

Fucking hippie. [spit]


This kind of bullshit does help to bring that whole “we need the draft so’s more people can connect to the military!” into perspective, don’t it?

I mean, this is a fine example of the utterly worthless trash that can end up in the military by volunteering. Just imagine what we’d get if random numpties were shanghaied these days.

Old Trooper


That shit’s funny right there.

Her full name should be Smokeahontas Snowflake.


Sister to Dopeahontas Snowflake (aka The Ebola-Nurse.)


Please, Gravel – her sister’s given names are “Ditzahontas Special”. This one’s given names are “Smokahontas Mucho”.

“Snowflake” is the family name.

“Dopeahontas” is this lady’s street name.


I stand corrected … to many in the Snowflake family for me to keep them straight.


Indeed, there are many such “Snowflakes” out there these days . . . .


I went to basic with her. Sent Jonn a pic from the “yearbook”. We arrived at Lackland in December 2001. My pay date was 4 Dec, so hers was probably similar. I remember she got special attention from the MTIs, for what, who knows, it was 13 years ago. The memory that stands out the most though, is on graduation day, her crying wearing her BDUs doing details, while the rest of us ran around with our families on base liberty in our blues.


Well, if you happen to have full name, DOB, and POB info for the “fine lady” . . . I’ll be happy to fill a FOIA and we’ll see what we can find. (smile)

Tammy Reising


Tammy Reising



Bumping this up for Hondo. Bet you’ve already seen it, but just to make certain…


OWB – no, I hadn’t; thanks for the bump.

— break —

Ms. T. Reising: thanks.

I guess I have a FOIA inquiry to file . . . tomorrow.

Happy 31st, Amy Reising. (smile)

Tammy Reising



Ok, no, you little pissin’ bogart. Buy your own shit. I don’t give a damn if you toke a one-hitter, or if you make those Cheech and Chong megablunts in the back of a VW van, you pay for your own. As if the VA didn’t have enough problems already with your dumb malingering ass trying to get free pot out of ’em. Fuck outta here.


surely driving around East St Louis to score dope is the same as being in a war zone.

well the war zone probably looks a lot better…


She can always hit up Larry Flynt’s place just west of Scott. I’m sure she could score some there.

The Other Whitey

It’s not like she’s never given somebody head in exchange for something.


There’s also less of a chance of getting shot if you’re driving around Baghdad.


I’ve made my view on the LEGITIMATE use of marijuanna to treat injuries or illness well known on another thread, so no need to rehash that. (Pun not intended.)

So, with that said, Amy Rising; GFY!

John Miska

What Gravel Said in SPADES … I know lots of guys ….Boots on ground types with Horrific injury and mental insults from serving with legit needs to explore alternative treatments such as MMJ. I know many a service member who has been thru the VA and DoD Pain Management pogroms (YES POGRAM) to turn to MMJ as an experiment and find their lives improved and reliance on modern pharma’s mind money making pills and opiates greatly reduced. To each his own. I propose that the VA begin a serious study of the affect of MMJ on such conditions as PTSD, Chronic Pain and muscle spasm. I am talking a serious test to see if what is overwhelming anecdotal evidence is factual! I suffer chronic pain muscle spasms and have a diagnosis of PTSD (I am self Actualized and deal with it) …. from what my friends in MMJ States tell me I am giving serious thought to moving to an MMJ State and trying the alternative to Oxicontin, muscle relaxers and serotonin inhibitors that the VA likes to hand out in a miserly fashion or in a generous fashion depending on the Doc you get to see. I have been yoyoed by the VA in Pain management for over 40 years with no consistent pattern of treatment as it has varied so much over the years…. I am going to die one day. I hurt all the time. I just want to get to the end of this road with as little pain as possible ….. WAPO could have found a much better representative than this “Flake” that they picked as a Veteran in need of MMJ. I could today find ten Vets. Many with high awards for Valor all with injuries and chronic conditions that are using MMJ. Two of them have invited this Vet to come to their MMJ States and give it a try …… I am really thinking of moving after my experiences at the hands of the VA these past 40 years and trying for some relief. I will contact some of these true Heroes…… Read more »

2/17 Air Cav

This is too funny. Wait until you see it. Ms. Rising was interviewed by High Times last May and said:

“I have smoked cannabis on and off since 1995, when I was 12. I have been an every-day smoker since May of 2005, when I came off active duty from the Air Force. However, I did take a small break in 2007, while I was pregnant with my son.”

Here’s the link:


Hmmm. Perhaps that’s an indication of why the “lady” didn’t make the military a career.

Or perhaps not. Ya never know, and I certainly don’t. I’m just speculating.


Since pot is so safe and therapeutic, why did she stop smoking while she was pregnant? Another hypocritical scumbag looking for a handout.


She is giving potheads a bad name.

Potheads at least pay for their own stash and don’t blame their service in Illinois for their mental problems.

She caught the PTS from an unwashed spoon in the Dining Facility, I bet.

They taught her how to lie real good in her Public Affairs Masters course, didn’t they?


Amen to that. Probably met a Marine for the first time as a SrA and caught the PTS from a dirty, raw ass chewing that only a Marine NCO can give.

2/17 Air Cav

I have to wonder whether Amy “Water Cooler Trauma” Rising told the WP reporter that her dope use began when she was 12. If so, the reporter, Emily Wax-Thibodeaux, ought to be fired and then pilloried. If not, the reporter ought to be fired for either not asking this question or, if she did, not reporting the answer: “When did you first use marijuana?”


Ah, yes – the famous Water Cooler Stress Disorder, or WCSD. Often noted during times when the office water fountain or cooler is inoperative and (horror of horrors!) someone has to – GASP! – drink unchilled tap water instead.

Sounds to me like she may indeed suffer from WCSD.


I’d be curious to see if she admitted that to her recruiter. I don’t know if it’s enough to keep her out of the service. If it is then she should be prosecuted for falsifying her enlistment docs and her discharge changed to either dishonorable or OTHC.


Well, if she disclosed to the recruiter and at Basic, it wouldn’t have been enough to keep her out of the service, cause I know a couple buddies on base who fully admitted and they work over in Intel. However, if she lied on the enlistment docs, she definitely is about to have her ass in the fire.


I wasn’t sure what the standards are now. Thanks


Probably not, cyb. There’s this little thing called a “statue of limitations”. For most Federal crimes, that’s 5 years from the date of the crime.

She’s been out of the military nearly or over 9 years.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I won’t speculate on what she is or isn’t. It does appear she’s a lifelong stoner. But, I know life long drinkers too and frankly life long dopers are a lot less of a pain in the ass than the life long drinkers…in my somewhat limited experience.

If the current treatment plans include meds like Xanax, Librium, Paxil, Ativan and a host of other similar mind altering substances one might argue that weed is just another alternative, especially in those situation where the more serious chemicals are not necessary but are often used as there are limited alternatives.

For me this is an issue of prohibition, I’m against prohibitions on firearms and adult chemicals whether recreational or not. I don’t need the government telling me whether or not I should smoke a cigarette, drink a beer or smoke a joint….anymore than I need nanny Bloomberg dictating the size of my soft drink.

Free societies allow the free adults inside to use recreational substances.

If there is a medical application that has validity in treating specific situations and insurance covers heavy chemical application I don’t see a downside to a lighter chemical application that is also covered.


Can’t disagree much, VOV – except in the case of substances like PCP, where people reasonably often literally go batsh!t crazy, get aggrssive, and kill other people after ingesting same.

Still: Smokeahontas here isn’t asking for permission to get high. She’s asking you and me to buy her weed for her so she can.

Yeah, I got a problem with that. I want a six-pack of beer or a pint of liquor, I have to pay for it. She wants to get high, she can go buy her sh!t herself, out of her own pocket.

It’s current not an approved therapy for PTSD, and until it is a recognized medical therapy she’s choosing to self-medicate with an unapproved drug – just like those folks who have legitimate PTSD and self-medicate with alcohol. In some places, both are now OTC legal. She can go get her own.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

No argument about me supporting her recreational use, I’m not much for that as you have correctly surmised.

If it is found to have some therapeutic effect as it does for the eye pain associated with glaucoma I would be more inclined to have it added to the insurance carrier list.

Recreational drug use and the resulting lack of prohibitions would take a great deal of the violence and subsequent cost of enforcement and incarceration out of our current economy. No one will buy from the drug gangs if you can get it at the local pharmacy or liquor stores. I agree with certain categories of drugs, hallucinogenics are probably not the best things to have released into the wild, but the desire for self destruction often lies on a slightly different path than the desire for recreational mood alteration. They can certainly become connected through addiction but addiction treatment is still far more economical than police suppression and incarceration.


Sorry, VOV. If it’s OTC-legal and recreational, most insurance tells you, “Nice try – go buy it out of pocket.” Alcohol has certain medicinal uses also. Insurance doesn’t typically cover it, and good luck getting it from any VA pharmacy – even with a ‘scrip.


It was the cokeheads who gave me the most trouble, because of the way they lie and lie and lie. Doesn’t matter which side I’m on.

For the main topic – I’d be more sympathetic to cough drops.

2/17 Air Cav

I won’t dance on this. Amy is a doper and, by her own admission, has been one since age 12. That says a lot to me about how she was raised. She is a single mother with a second grader and is advertising herself as a doper for all the world to see. What she is doing is a crime and she is HIDING behind her stateside service as the reason for her doping. I hope that she reads this and that the local police stop by her backyard one morning and smell the air. She won’t be tough to find.

Farflung Wanderer

Yeah, she’s not getting much sympathy from me.

Our money so she can keep on smoking joints? Definitely looking to see her slapped down.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I understand your position on this with respect to this individual you are perhaps spot on with your assessment. I was speculating on a larger scale as these individual cases often open a door to wider reality with respect to what makes for good social and legal policy. I would submit our current war on drugs is an abject failure for a variety of reasons. I’m inclined to follow Einstein’s advice in that it’s not really very wise to keep using the same approach and expecting a different outcome regarding police intervention and interdiction of drugs into the US. Once again a poorly planned social policy has ramifications far beyond the simple morality of getting high versus getting drunk. Our war on drugs has created drug empires, empires that would never have existed had our supposedly free society allowed the free use of recreational substances supplied by legal means. Our policies on drugs have created an instability in Mexico that a poor third world nation will never be able to resist. We can keep pretending that it is the fault of Mexico that the cartels have taken over or we can look in the mirror and realize that our appetite for drugs in the US has created the profit motive behind this phenomenon and act accordingly. The violence over alcohol prohibition ended almost over night when alcohol was once again legalized. There is a large lesson there if we have the intellect to recognize that lesson and admit the fact we have failed miserably by attempting to use police to enforce a failed war on drugs. Furthermore we’ve reduced our personal civil liberties thanks to all the seizure rules and probable cause searches… I prefer the cops and the government to stay out of my house and not seize my property. We may have reached the point where those options are no longer viable thanks to our acquiescence to law enforcement over the “drug war” a war we’ve fought with all the enthusiasm of a whore sucking an old man’s balls…a war the police admit they are not winning, a… Read more »


In addition to the FOIA, I’d love for her former First Sergeant and a few of her fellow airmen to chime in.

Something tells me their words for her would be less than flattering.


I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease while serving overseas back in 1991. I have been somewhat medication resistant and have averaged a surgery approximately every 18 months. I have had NO period longer than slightly over 2 years where I haven’t had surgery. Crohnie boards are full of people gushing about how pot helped their Crohn’s and helped them maintain remission (defined as a longer time between flares). But I have never lived in a state for legal medical pot, so I have never tried it. I have a family to support and have to work. There is no way I can risk a pot bust or a hot pee test.

Would I like it to be legal and covered by Tricare and the VA? Possibly, but I don’t have enough real data to reach a firm conclusion because the plural of anecdote is not necessarily data due to the way it is classified.

I would like it to be treated like every other substance with somewhat similar effects and taken off of the “no possible medical use … abuse only” Schedule 1 category so that real research can be done without stigma. For heaven’s sake, METH and LSD have lower schedule classifications.

Long story short, If I can’t have it to try to treat my physical pain and inflammation then I will be damned if I support some stoner REMF trying to claim PTSD when she never left CONUS.

I did not serve in a combat zone and have no personal experience with PTSD. I was a sea service Navy guy with a couple of years as a tanker in the guard before I went active.

Mike P.

She has severe anxiety? From working at a command center? As a SrA? One enlistment?

Do you know how much authority and responsibility your average SrA has? Not much!

Maybe she had to work full 8 hour days tracking pallets of munitions. You don’t know! Oh the horrors of war! Working in a climate controlled building in front of computer screen is almost like combat, right? She didn’t earn that Combat Computer Medal with two silver ampersands for nothing ya know!

I’m a retired USAF NCO. This embarrasses me.


Oh the horrors of war! Working in a climate controlled building in front of computer screen is almost like combat, right?

Well, Mike P. – the RPV operators in your former service would seem to claim that. And they also seem to want “special status” and “combat decorations” for doing so.

Mike P.

Like I said, it’s flat out embarrassing! I spent all of my years out on flightlines or setting up tactical radar stuff all over Northern Germany. 🙂

One thing is for sure. This gal’s job wasn’t even that “stressful”. She wasn’t much more than a glorified clerk.


Well said. I promote in a week, and reading this absolutely pissed me the hell off. Not because I’m trying to be some kind of high speed prodigy airman or anything, but if you’re bitching about stress from _Air Force Supply_. You clearly weren’t shit, and obviously weren’t cut from the cloth to be in the military.

Mike P.

I can’t imagine this stoner chick was making life and death decisions as a Senior Airman.

2/17 Air Cav

One last point on this from me. I wonder if it occurred to VA or anyone else–including her–that Rising’s anxiety just might trace to many years of drug abuse, predating her service.


SPOT ON Air Cav, spot-effin-on.


Bazinga, Air Cav.


If she wants to smoke weed, who cares? But I agree on this: I don’t want to pay for her weed. She ain’t buying my bourbon and IPA.


All I can say is Good luck Amy! I have been trying for the past 3 years to get the VA to pay for my GinkoViagra prescriptions to help me remember what the fuck I was doing!


GinkoViagara? That’s almost too funny to laugh at. I will be using that from now on.


I have been to Scott several times. It was enough to make you want to smoke a joint. Fortunately I decided to drown my misery at the club there. But seriously; you work C2 as a SrA at TACC and you think you created orphans and widows? BULLSHIT!!! You monitored Tankers and Airlift assets. You are a pothead, you’ve always been a pothead, and from what I hear you saying you will always be a pothead. You are a disgrace to the Air Force and all of us who served in the Air Force. Go away; quickly and quietly. I hope one day all of these dipshits will wake up and realize the military has two; only TWO primary jobs – kill people and take their stuff, or support people who kill people and take their stuff. If you can’t stand doing one of those two things then stay the hell out of the military.


Not going to opine on whether there are appropriate medical uses for MJ in some form because I simply do not know. From some interviews with parents of children suffering mysterious seizures, it appears that there well may be, but the active properties can be synthesized into a pill without forcing a 6-yr old to smoke dope.

Also not going to opine about the effects of stress on some people being different from how that same stress effects other people. There are myriad ways to suffer psychological stress, and they can occur anywhere. (There is some evidence to suggest that people tangentially exposed may suffer greater trauma than those directly exposed to a trauma.)

That said, I can and will opine on whiny children in grown up clothes acting out their fantasies in public. Want to smoke you some dope, little girl? Buy your own.

Meanwhile, I support the exploration and use of any and all substances which assist in pain management for veterans, and everyone else in society. You would think that finding the most effective means with the least number of side effects would be a common goal for all of us.

While I no longer have a dog in this fight, some years back I did some research on the use of MJ to ease pain and suffering for relatives suffering terribly with various forms of arthritis, and came to the conclusion that this usually law abiding citizen would be willing to cross that line if it helped a family member lead a more productive life. Didn’t have to prove that theory. Pain management has come a very long way.

Green Thumb

Curious as to what Brandon Bryant has to say about this?

Pointy Head

Obviously none of you have been to Scott AFB. It’s very close to East St. Louis, which is pretty much like a war zone. Cut the former zoomie some slack. /sarcasm


Well, it is just a stoner’s throw from Ferguson, Mo, to East St. Louis to Scott AFB. I’m sure that was always on her mind.

The Other Whitey

I am so sick and tired of everybody and their dog telling me how marijuana is some kind of miracle cure-all. Sorry, there’s a difference between being cured and being stoned.

Marijuana doesn’t cure a damn thing. It just intoxicated you to the point that you forget about the problem for a little while. It also jacks up your lungs and gives you six kinds of cancer, just like tobacco. That said, if you want to smoke weed, go right ahead. As long as I don’t have to smell it or deal directly with your intoxicated stupidity, I don’t particularly care. You do your thing, I’ll do mine. Go full Cheech & Chong for all I care. Just don’t bullshit me about me about it!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

We have a lot of drugs that don’t “cure” anything and we use them all the time to intoxicate people. Atavan, Paxil, Xanax are all anti-anxiety drugs that don’t cure the anxiety they just dull the sensations around the anxiety disorder.

I agree that I’m not interested in paying for someone to have their own home stoner party, but if the chemically induced high from Marijuana creates less potential side effects than those other very powerful brain and body altering chemicals and there is sufficient evidence to support that theory I don’t see how it becomes any different that supporting insurance for Xanax.

I definitely want to see some scientific backing, but to be honest some of these other “fast” track drugs for emotional distress disorders aren’t as heavily tested for side effects as the FDA would like us all to believe.

One only need to look at statins to consider the reality behind therapeutic benefit and the potential risk. Many doctors consider the best benefit of a statin to be the anti-inflammatory component as opposed to the cholesterol reducing component, quite a few other doctors consider the potential for liver damage and serious muscle degeneration not worth the benefit.

That’s been my point with all this, just because Pfizer makes a product doesn’t mean we should all consider it “safe” for general consumption because “safe” in the pharmaceutical world is all subjective as to risk.

The Other Whitey

Fair point, VOV. I guess my frustration stems from the retards who want us to believe that pot solves all the world’s problems.

I don’t favor legalization. Then again, I don’t consider it a priority to maintain prohibition either. Honestly, on this issue I just say obey the law, whether the law changes or not. Whether it be cannabis, Prozac, whatever, I’ve never been a fan of Better Living Through Chemistry.

Pinto Nag

It’s medicinal value is as an herbal tea — but when’s the last time you heard of anyone drinking their Mary Jane?


“She suffers from severe anxiety after four years working in the frenetic global command center at Scott Air Force Base in Illinois”

Yea, I’m sure only getting 45 min to run to the base Burger King and deal with those long lines must have been horrible. And I’m sure having some pissy full bird yell at you because the coffee isn’t ready must have been nightmarish. Oh, and the set work schedule must have sucked too.


First glance I read:

ARMY Rising, Potheads want free pot from VA, and I was about to contact the Blue Team for their distribution plan.

Then damn I see it is just some SKANK wanting some face time in the media.

Fuckin move to Oregon if it means so much. Offer her cannabidiol, which will not get her high, and the tune will change.

Her real anxiety is she is a slacker whose child has a 75% chance of turning out to be another piece of shit like his mother.


“Every morning, former Air Force senior airman Amy Rising makes breakfast for her second-grader, drives him to school and returns home to prepare what she calls her medicine.”

I wonder of Virginia State Child Services is aware of her pot smoking while raising a second grader? I think they might take a dim view of her and her “explanation for use”.


If Ms. Cheech had a legitimate medical claim I would be much more sympathetic to her wanting some weed. Claiming PTSD from sitting on her ass is, if nothing else, mighty ballsy but it does not meet the common sense test.

She seems to be just another taker who is trying to use an angle that other shitbirds in our society have tried. Being of weak moral and mental capacity does not entitle you to my tax dollars so that you can get high.

Try again Bobette Marley.

Guard Bum

I’d hit it (yup, I’m still a pig).

People like her to me are just as bad as stolen valor thieves IMO because they suck up VA resources needed by truly injured or traumatized vets and they give the general public a seriously bad impression of PTSD.

I was a retread and during my 9 year break I was a probation officer who always tried to help vets who became my charges to the best of my ability but I increasingly found that most of them were fraudsters like dear Amy here. I used to write blistering pre- sentence investigations with accompanying recommendations when one of them claimed their military service was a contributing factor in their criminogenic behavior. PTSD from basic, sympathetic PTSD because they knew people who had been in combat, the military caused their alcoholism/drug abuse/child molestation/thievery/etc.

My personal favorite was one guy I inherited that had gotten a light sentence for a serious crime because as a LTC he had just become overwhelmed by all that he had endured. He showed up in my office after he had violated a condition to plead his case since I was his new PO in full uniform with ribbons out the ass not knowing I was a Vet. It turns out he was a member of a state militia who had never even been in the military.

Thats the problem with these media hacks and others not familiar with the military, they are too lazy to check into some of these claims or they are too afraid of criticizing anyone in the military when they make these dubious claims. This skank ought to have any benefits she is receiving revoked since she obviously lied to get into the Air Force as I am pretty sure admitting you were a habitual illegal drug user since the age of 12 would preclude you from military service.

Combat Historian

“She suffers from severe anxiety after four years working in the frenetic global command center at Scott Air Force Base in Illinois”


John Miska

Still LMFAO when I think of her claims….

Green Thumb

Considering her background and time in, I seriously doubt her MST claim.

It appears and is a way to get paid.


WTF?? I was actually working for the TACC as an Intel Officer in 2006 when i deployed for a year to work on a PRT. I actually was in combat and got hurt at that time….and no one at the VA or Ft Belvoir TBI Clinic even knows if Marijuana would alleviate any of the symptoms..(Yes i admit i shamelessly asked the question to the docs.)
How would it help her? I find a former E-4 without a medical degree advocating this is not helping anyone (potsmoker or not).



I suppose that there is some medical promise to it. So if the FDA were to properly approve its use, I can see me supporting it–in suppository form.

As for what stoners want, I can’t picture any* legitimate doctor prescribing the smoking of anything. Fake strip-mall pot docs aside, since they don’t seem to care much about dosage, side effects or actually helping people.


Her absolute worst day in the USAF still involved 3 meals, a shower and clean sheets.

Some people have absolutely no goddamn self respect. I swear.


This dumb shit merely sees the VA as another potential free gubmint giveaway program. That is all. Smoking pot since she was 12. I am sure that does not factor into this at all.

Buy your own shit Amy!! What part of that do you not get!! She is trying to become the Sandra “buy my rubbers” Fluke of the Reefer Madness crowd.

Would be willing to bet she was shitcanned from the AF in 2005 for illegal drug use. The article referenced says she was “separated” from the AF. All the shitbirds I ever knew who were “separated” from the Marine Corps went out with bad discharges. Good troops EAS.


My job in the service was to nuke foreign targets. I’m OK. Cry me a river.


Other sources show her as Amy Rising too, Jonn (see 2/17 Air Cav’s link above to a “High Times” article where she was interviewed – the photo there looks to be the same lady).

She could, however, have decided to modify her name for any one of a number of reasons – including making it more difficult for someone to check out her past. Dropping the “e” from “Reising” would be a damned easy way to do that – and would sound the same if “Reising” was originally pronounced German-style.

Tammy Reising


The Other Whitey

Reising? Like the shitty SMG the Marines tried out on Gaudalcanal? The fragile jam-o-magic that broke just from being carried and only had a 10-round magazine capacity? Fitting name if ever I heard one.

David J.
Guard Bum

Well, well, well…good job. Did I read that right and she got popped before she ever got out of training at Keesler? How could she have been traumatized at Scott…sans a clearance to boot?

2/17 Air Cav

Heather N Stevens is the appellant in that case. She was sentenced in 2002. I see no connection of that case to Rising.

David J.

My bad, forgot to mention, you’ll have to do a search or Ctrl + F. Anyway. Guard Bum, 2/17 Air Cav, she is mentioned on page 4:

“The government sought to corroborate the appellant’s statement that she used
ecstasy in high school with statements that she made to Airman Amy Reising, a fellow
technical student”

Tells me that may have associated with other druggies.


Amy Reising is a witness in the case, AC.

Guard Bum

Oops, thanks for the clarification.

Just an Old Dog

Im all for the VA looking into prescribing and providing medical marijuana if it works to help out a LEGIT condition and veterans.
It beats having our guys Overdose on the painkillers like oxy they prescribe.
Smokeahantas story reeks of pure bullshit, as does her POS boyfriend who says he suffered military sexual trauma.
I should claim that too… eerytime I see an odd green “happy sock” Im reminded of all my deployments surrounded by males only, Didnt get so much as a sniff of trim for weeks at a time.


I’m not going to try to bullshit anyone about my use of mj as a miracle cure all drug, I use it purely for it’s intoxicating properties. However, it does work better than the myriad pharmaceuticals the Army and VA has had me on in the past. It also has far less side effects, I’m much healthier and happier and can lead a better life than when I was medded up. And it’s a lot cheaper than drinking my problems away and I don’t wake up broke with a hangover wondering who I pissed off last night, though I still do like a shiner bock now and then.

All that said, this hippie can GTFO and go buy her own just like I do. Plus she’s not exactly the spokesperson I want put out there as a vet with PTSD. I know it’s a crutch I use to self medicate but there’s a lot worse I could do.

Tammy Reising


Harry Paratestes

As a military member who’s worked at the 618 AOC / TACC at Scott AFB for over a decade, I can ensure you that a Senior Airman on the “floor” had very limited scope of authority, and never touched anything that resembled a bombing mission. This idiot dishonors all of those who served in the trenches and truly placed their lives in jeopardy. Complete loser. Let her smoke all the pot she wants.