So . . . Ebola Quarantines Are an “Overreaction”, Eh?

| November 20, 2014

Well then, I guess authorities in India are just “overreacting” too:

India isolates man with Ebola-infected semen

The unfortunate fellow contracted Ebola in Liberia.  He was lucky – he was treated there, and survived.

That was nearly 2 months ago.  He was released from the hospital in Liberia on 30 September.  He returned to New Delhi from Liberia on 10 November.

On arrival, body fluids were tested.  His semen still contained measurable Ebola virus.

Yes, that’s post-recovery.  And we already knew some people carried the virus for a substantial amount of time after recovery, and could still be infectious for months.

But don’t forget, my “liberal brethren” – early tests fairly often provide false negatives, too.  That’s why advanced treatment for latest guy to die in this nation from Ebola was delayed.

Quarantines exist – and are used – for a reason.  They freaking work.

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", Health Care debate

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Maybeee, we should think about re-opening Ellis Island. Or Alcatraz Island. Or even better, GITMO.


That darn country of India … how dare they get something correct.

This Just In: The Ebola-Nurse (who doesn’t want to be called the Ebola-Nurse, but she can go piss up a rope for all I care) is headed to India to teach them about SCIENCE! [/sarcasm]


Whoa. Ebola getting into India (or China) has been giving me nightmares since this outbreak started. Lucky for them their government has balls.

Ebola in India – especially in the poorer sections with bad sanitation – would make Liberia look like a local flu bug.

Farflung Wanderer

Wow, that’s pretty nuts. I didn’t realize that the virus remained the system for so long after the body “beat” it.

On the up side, so long as nobody made a pass with him, everything should be fine.


Farflung Wanderer…”Wow, that’s pretty nuts.” Was that an unintentional pun. 😀

On the upside, India who is far more versed in dealing with epidemics than America is at least heads up about this. (That’s a note to Obama.) I hope the guy didn’t go home to India to a wife, mistress and maybe a cousin he had been missing…terribly. If it did get loose on India, big problems. If it gets loose in China or North Korea, their treatment is pretty simple, a bullet to the head and then cremation.

Farflung Wanderer

It might have been, but from now on I’m saying that I planned it the whole time, Sparks…

Former 11B



I want that friggin T-shirt!!

Pinto Nag


Farflung Wanderer

Anyone know any of the guys at Ranger Up? I’m sure they wouldn’t mind make that into a tee-shirt.


Waiting for the next Art 32 hearing for a servicemember post-quarantine havind sex and “recklessly exposing their partner to risk of death or serious harm” a la COL Pounding.
Maybe just provide a ‘sample’ for testing before being granted liberty/pass….