Phony vet in your school

| November 16, 2014


We’ve talked a lot about some of these phonies who use their fake stories and bling to talk to students for whatever their reason. Someone dropped off a link to our Facebook page about 23-year-old Jonathan Campbell who did just that in Pennsylvania and ended up in the hoosegow;

At the time he was dressed in an Air Force uniform, but said he was a veteran of the Army and wanted to speak to the students about Veterans Day.

However, officials at the school told police that based on how Campbell was acting and how he looked, they didn’t think he was legitimate.

The principal then escorted him off of campus and contacted police.

Campbell was arrested and charged with impersonating a public servant. He is currently in the Fayette County Prison on a $10,000 straight cash bond.

Yeah, dude wasn’t even trying – doesn’t know the difference between Army and Air force uniforms. They ought to drop him off into Mosul in that orange uniform that he’s wearing now.

30 years from now, he’ll be caught doing the same thing – but he’ll be better at it by then.

Category: Shitbags

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Green Thumb

I wonder if he had the opportunity to hand out his All-Points Logistics business cards?


Hack Stone

Dang, Green Thumb, that was mighty funny!


Man, folks who lie to be around kids REALLY set off my cop radar. There is usually a sinister under current in these people’s personalities.
Other than that…just a standard dipshit.


That whole blue, green uniform color thingie throws folks off all the time. It’s the second sign, of being color blind, the first sign of… being a piece of shit!

John "Faker 6" Giduck

These posers like Jonathan Campbell have it all wrong with telling their lies to schools.

I do it right. Schools pay me.


John “Faker 6” Giduck


Imo, the point of this particular story should be…


Much kudos to the administration of that particular school site.

John Robert Mallernee

When I lived in Saint Anthony, Idaho, I really enjoyed participating in the local Veterans Day activities.

At exactly the Eleventh Hour of the Eleventh Day of the Eleventh Month, wearing my medals properly arranged on my Sunday suit, I would join with the other members of our combined VFW and American Legion posts to march down Bridge Street to the park, for a brief ceremony at the Doughboy Statue.

Later, we would visit the elementary and high schools to speak to the kids.

I would take my guitar and Teddy Bear and sing for them.

John Robert Mallernee

John Robert Mallernee


Words and Music by:

VERSE # 1:
He will face any dare
Any time, anywhere.
If there’s danger,
He don’t care,
Ted E. Bair!
He’s a vet of Uncle Sam,
Did his tour in Viet Nam.
Now, he’s always
Where I am,
Ted E. Bair.

VERSE # 2:
I’m a man who stays alone
And my mind’s a combat zone.
But, I’m not left on my own.
Ted E. Bair!
When the night is long and hard,
Ted E. Bair is standing guard.
He’s my buddy
And my pard,
Ted E. Bair!

He is always by my side
With both eyes open wide.
He don’t grumble, he don’t moan.
He just keeps on keeping on.
In any ill or any plight,
Ted E. Bair can make it right!

VERSE # 3:
He is silent when I’m mad
And says nothing when I’m bad.
He’s the best friend, I have had,
Ted E. Bair!
When I’m sleeping in my car
Or I’m singing in some bar,
I know he’s not going far,
Ted E. Bair!

Ted E. Bair! My teddy bear!
Always there, you teddy bear,
So I know that you care,
My teddy bear,
Oh, Ted E. Bair!
Ted E. Bair!

A Proud Infidel®™

KUDOS to the folks who called him out on his BS!!

Mark Lauer

This may serve as an abject lesson for those who ask; “what’s the harm? They’re not hurting anyone? Why don’t you leave these guys alone?”

I would ask them this; who was this man? Why did he want to go into a middle school filled with children? What was his motive? Was it just an innocent prank? What possible harm could he have done? What possible harm could he have done once he had a victim picked out? What harm could he have done by following one of these kids for a few days before pouncing?
What harm would it have done to the parents of a missing, raped, dead child?
Am I being paranoid? Or is this possible?
Why do we want to track these liars down and expose them? Because they DO cause harm. They damage our reputations. They destroy the trust we have to have between us and our civilian population. They throw a shadow on our faces.
That’s why.


It’s been shown many times on TAH alone that being a fake POS is only the tip of a more sinister iceberg for a lot of these guys. There’s usually a long rap sheet next to that fake DD214.