More “Words of Wit and Wisdom” from Jonathan Gruber
Well, there he goes again. And again.
And he’s getting paid, too.
Remember Jonathan Gruber? Apparently the 3 videos I discussed yesterday – showing Gruber repeatedly calling the US public “stupid” – weren’t all of his past “pearls of wisdom” concerning ObamaCare and/or US healthcare policy. A couple of more have surfaced.
What does he say in these new “nuggets”? Well, let’s see. In one, he says that the Massachusetts health care system he helped design was a scam from day one and only succeeded because Massachusetts conned the Federal government into paying a big chunk of the cost. Here’s the “money quote” (pun intentional; material in italics added for clarity):
“The dirty secret in Massachusetts is the feds paid for our bill, okay?” he [Gruber] said. “In Massachusetts we had a very powerful senator you may know named Ted Kennedy. . . . Ted Kennedy and smart people in Massachusetts had basically figured out a way to sort of rip off the feds for about 400 million dollars a year.”
In another, he openly mocks a critic of single-payer, government-funded healthcare systems, comparing the critic to an adolescent child. Nice. And very indicative of where Gruber lies (second intentional pun) politically.
Ya know, Gruber sounds to me like your sterotypical arrogant ivory-tower pr!ck who’s never really had much to do with the real world. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear he was a professor at some college in New England who had never really held a job outside academia. Well, except for those hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars he’s been getting over the past few years for speaking in favor of, performing analysis concerning, and executing various other consulting tasks promoting ObamaCare.
Ya know, to me it almost looks as if he might just have a conflict of interest in that last, or an ethical problem vis-à-vis MIT policies. But what do I know?
Category: Government Incompetence, Health Care debate
As I posted in my comment of yesterday, it gets even worse for him AND this clown-car posse administration.
Turns out the Gruber and Obama worked together on this subterfuge to fool/hide from the citizens what was really going on with ObamaCare, and they worked together in the White House.
It seems to me that conspiring to create a false document and have it passed into law is a crime.
There is no surprise in any of this. Imperialism and elitism are rampant in that side of the political fence.
For some reason, I’m not even vaguely annoyed by grubenhalde’s ‘revelations’ because thanks to electronic media and the intergoretubes, this stuff lasts for, like, EVER.
I will add, however, that I truly would like to see hum hit the unemployment lines and when someone recognizes him, the videos mysteriously show up on smartphones. My, how his little face would crumple. The tears would trickle.
Now, THAT I would enjoy.
He’s one of those ivory tower types. This stuff that sane people would consider deal breakers are resume enhancers for them.
Oh, I can dream, can’t I?
My question. So in light of these videos, when will Congress call for hearings about the truth of ObamaCare with Gruber front and center, followed by the likes of Pelosi and even Obama himself?
I just remembered…Executive Privilege.
Not so much, Sparks. Richard Nixon.
Here we have one of the architects of Obamacare openly admitting, actually boasting, about how the single largest piece of legislation of the Obama administration was a deliberate fraud perpetrated on the nation with the direct collusion of the president and the mainstream media is trying its best to ignore it.
Had a Republican administration done this exactly the same way, the mainstream media would be howling for impeachment and removal from office, if not criminal prosecution. They are the real culprits here, these ass-kissing lefties in the media whose willingness to turn a blind eye and forsake their watchdog role have emboldened the incompetent fraud sitting in the Oval Office to pull crap like this.
If the balloon ever goes up, those carefully coiffed heads should be the first ones to go on the pitchforks, every damned one of them, for they are the true enemy of the people when they blindly align themselves with one political party.
See what I mean?
I fully support bringing back the Guillotine.
Mark Levin had a good point about all of these frauds regarding Obammycare. If it were the private sector government agencies would charge people with crimes. Because it’s the government that did it nothing will happen. Talk about the best syndicate to be in if your a criminal.