About Those Terrorists Who “Didn’t” Sneak Across the Southwest Border . . .

| November 14, 2014

Remember those allegations made by Rep. Duncan Hunter about terrorists coming across the US Southwestern border?  You know, those allegations that the current       group of less-than-truthful persons of irregular parentage running things in DC     Administration claimed – in the words of DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson – were “categorically false”?

Well, guess what?  It turns out those claims weren’t actually false at all.  Are you surprised the Administration “got it wrong” – again?  And apparently baldfaced lied about the matter?

Nah, me either.  I’ve already had to get rid of several pair of trousers because they keep p!ssing on my leg and telling me it’s rain.

While not members of ISIS, the 4 individuals in question were Turkish.  And

The men initially claimed to be members of the Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party/Front, known by the acronym DHKP/C. The group is a Marxist insurgency that claimed credit for a 2013 suicide bomb attack on the U.S. embassy in Ankara, Turkey’s capital, last year.

But U.S. counterterrorism officials said the men were more likely members of the PKK, or Kurdistan Workers’ Party, which has been battling for Kurdish rights within Turkey for decades, though recently PKK and Turkish leaders have tried to broker a political agreement.

Both the PKK and DHKP/C are listed by the State Department as terrorist groups.  Jessica Vaughan, policy studies director at the Center for Immigration Studies, said the fact that avowed members of terrorist groups got into the U.S. shows it’s possible to sneak across a porous border.

So, they’re not ISIS/ISIL terrorists – they’re simply other terrorists.  They only claimed to be members of a group of Marxists that have conducted suicide bomber attacks on a US Embassy, and which is recognized as a terrorist group by the State Department.

But they’re not ISIS/ISIL.  So I guess to this      group of clueless idiots      Administration that means, “No problem; it’s all good.”

The four men in question apparently paid a smuggler network $8,000 each to be smuggled into the US.  I’m guessing they weren’t the first to do that.  And I’m also guessing the lies we heard here about them not being terrorists aren’t the only lies we’re going to hear along those lines from this Administration, either.

The Washington Times had a fairly good article the other day on the subject; the quote above is from that article.  It’s worth reading.

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Government Incompetence

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“I’m shocked! Shocked to find there’s gambling here!” “Your winnings sir.” “Oh, ahh, thank you.”


1AirCav69…Thank goodness I learned years ago to keep a rag next to my chair to wipe off my screen and keyboard when I spit coffee on them! 😀 Thanks for that!

“He’s here all week folks. Two shows a night. Hey…try the veal! Don’t forget to tip your wait staff on the way out!”

John Robert Mallernee

Here’s a handy little resource, if anyone is interested:



it’s little alright, lol.


2/17 Air Cav

“Working in tandem with other local agencies, we hope our collective efforts will relay a sense of order and goodwill in the fight to keep our borders secure.” The coalition seeks to relay a sense of order and goodwill? WTF is that? I’ll tell you what: It’s bullshit. If that’s what the coalition perceives its job to be, then they’re in the wrong line of work. A sense of order and goodwill? “Right this way, amigos. No pushing. Everyone gets in. Here, have a water. Enjoy your stay.”


2/17 Air Cav…I’d believe it more if they just said, “This coalition is coming together in the hopes of having a WTF moment about all this. That’s all we have at this time. No more questions please.”

2/17 Air Cav

The WT reporter got lost in the he said/she said crap, not to mention which of the terrorist-group-of-the-month club these guys are members of. Who gives a shit? The point is that the world knows that the least restrictive route into the US is through Mexico. And, hey, this is just a guess but dollars to donuts the four weren’t here to attend the World Series. Here’s another guess. Their guide into the US didn’t rob and kill them b/c he expected repeat business from others to follow. And who is to say these guys weren’t part of that repeat business?


I hear the words that come from the mouths of these “officials”, and then I look south from my porch and see what’s really going on.

I can see Mexico from my house. And it’s not a secure border.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Some of us here in hinterland might be considered to have irregular parentage as well….

Anyone who thinks terrorists can’t walk across the southern or northern borders hasn’t been to any of the border areas of this still great nation.

I’m not saying the northern border is more porous than the southern border but I have sieves with less holes than the northern borders.

Veritas Omnia Vincit



VOV…As a lost member in a northwest liberal state trying hard to maintain sanity in spite of the Starbucks voting bloc, you spoke the truth. Been to the Canadian border many times and the great northwest is a wide open wilderness to easily cross. The weather is just probably not the liking of most desert flavored terrorist types. Thus I thin they prefer Mexico. That and it’s easier to pick up some passable Spanish then a Canadian English accent…”Abdul, hey hoser this queue is long. What a hi-yu and that spinny is holding things up. I’m gonna be giv’n when I get up there, besides I’m hungry as hell and we had the biscuit. Can’t wait for a mickey and stretch out on the chesterfield, eh”.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Chesterfield made me think of BNL and “If I had a million dollars”

“If I had a million dollars,
I’d buy you furniture for you house,
(Maybe a nice chesterfield or an ottoman?)”

Climb to Glory

Oh course the Administration was cool with them. They claimed to be Marxist revolutionaries. They share the same politics as this Administration and the rest of his Cabinet.