Kimberly Guajardo isn’t scared of toy guns
Someone dropped off a link on our Facebook page about Kimberly Guajardo who stepped outside a bar in downtown Olympia Washington for a smoke. When she couldn’t give a cigarette to a fellow who was trying to bum one from her, he pulled a gun;
“I knew it was fake as soon as he pulled it out, because I have a little boy,” she says. “Then I just got angry.”
Without thinking Guajardo grabbed the gun, threw it over a nearby fence, and started hitting the man.
“Then he ran down the street, crying and freaking out.”
Guajardo knows she’s also lucky she wasn’t hurt. But she says she’s glad she got at least one criminal off the streets of Olympia.
“Hopefully I taught him a lesson.”
It looks from the story that the perp went to the police station to report Kimberly. Sissy. He’s going to have a new boyfriend for sure.
Category: Crime
This is the best story ever !!
Yes-it is both badass and hilarious!
Pull a fake gun on a woman, she takes it from you, throws it over the fence, and then proceeds to beat your ass. And then you go to the cops to report that you were assaulted by a woman who was your intended victim? What a loser. Good on Miss Guajardo here by refusing to be a victim. This inept (and punk) criminal is going to have a good time in the slammer !!
Sounds like he’s part of the Manning family.
I’m sorry, this is just too damn funny !!
In Washington state, one cannot operate a bar that is not smoke free. That is, it’s not legal to open a bar (or most any other establishment) that permits smoking, even if you called the place Smokes and had huge signs announcing that those opposed to smoking should go elsewhere. So, people such as this woman must now forgo a night out or run outside where the wind, rain, snow, or creeps can have at them. The law requires that smokers smoke no less than 25 feet from the places. When the investigation is ended and the tape measures are employed, she’ll probably be cited for violating the smoking law and the robber’s case somehow will be dismissed.
2/17 Air Cav…Yep the State motto (on the left liberal side) whether you like it or not is, “We’re Green and Clean”. So you filthy, poorly educated smokers can stick ’em where the sun don’t shine. We’re proud liberals of the left coast and WE control the State. We’re here to save you from yourselves at all costs.
I escaped that liberal haven in ’99 by running to the Marine Corps. I have no intentions of ever returning.
Try the east side Rerun, we are more civilized than the Soviet side of the state. Their laws still apply over here, but our enforcement is a little less rabid.
Do the same restrictions on the smoking of tobacco also apply to the smoking of cannabis? For some reason I doubt it.
They do, actually – but there are a number of reasons why the law is not heavily ENFORCED, some of which are because people are stupid (and willing to break the law) and partly because of stupid decisions made in the recent past by the cops.
That guy is very lucky he wasn’t shot. My husband and I don’t go to bars much but we have been in Olympia any number of times, including at night, and well, Olympia at night is nowhere near as sketchy as Miami or New York. But it’s got its sketchy areas. Pretty sure you kind folks can do the math.
“Then he ran down the street, crying and freaking out.”
I tell ya, now that’s a REAL man! He’ll do well inside I can tell already. Doesn’t get better.
I loved this part from the Olympia Police Dept.
“The Olympia Police Department released this statement: While we are very happy this incident turned out so well, we are always concerned when people act on their own in dangerous, unpredictable situations, especially those involving weapons. Our advice is to always call 911, if at all possible.”
Yea, cause that always works out so well and…always just in the nick of time! Please guys, give us a break and some credit for a little common sense.
So instead of neutralizing the situation, she was supposed to perform some sort of magic show during which she incapacitated the criminal while she went elsewhere to call 911? What?
Ok, Mr. Po-Po. I’ll just hang around waiting while someone telepathically informs you that you are needed and you teleport to my location. Yeah, sure.
We are all helpless and incompetent. Therefore we must rely upon the state to provide the security and safeguarding that we are unable to provide for ourselves.
Right because maybe you’ll get LEOs of the quality that responded to the Sequoia National Park Handicapped Parking Spot Emergency.
Yes, when some asshole sticks a weapon in your face, pull out your cell phone, call 911, talk to the dispatcher for two minutes, then wait ten to fifteen minutes for the nearest patrol officer to show up. We’re sure the asshole holding a knife or gun to your eye will let you make the call and wait patiently with you.
She had three options: fight, piss herself and cower, or piss herself and then fight. Obviously she didn’t choose Option B. Sounds like she chose A, although C would also work (albeit with somewhat less dignity). May we all show the same balls (ovaries in this case) of steel if faced with a similar situation.
In liberal areas, we should all cower in lockdown when someone mentions the word “gun” or airsoft anything, dial 911 and wait until police come and determine we’re proper exercising an “abundance of caution” (while they privately call us peons they’d “rodney king” for sport). No one should defend themselves because “all violence is wrong,” you know.
I’m a detail guy with a sarcastic and caustic wit.
The link said that it was a pellet gun, not a plastic toy, so I give the lady extra points for that.
Olympia is the state capitol. I am really glad that local law enforcement has the situation so well in hand.
I smoked for about 30 years, I quit in about 1995 and have been a good boy ever since. I think that smoking was and is bad for me but I am not a zealot about it – my choice is not your choice. People smoke in bars or, at least, I do not understand the justification for outlawing it. If you don’t like smoke, don’t go to a bar. I think that outlawing smoking in bars is just as fine an idea as prohibition. I think that it is PFS (pretty f_ing stupid) to force people to stand outside in Seattle weather to smoke – at least it isn’t cold. I am really happy that the fine people west of the ridge felt that it was necessary to tell their fellow citizens how to behave in a bar.
It’s November 11th, I’m thinking of Verdun and Normandy and Gettysburg and a bunch of other times and places. I refuse to get depressed about it.
You know, that smoking thing is a good case in point regarding matters that should be left to individual states. Okay, so WA has no smoking damn-near-anywhere inside if the place is a public place or is a private residence used for certain activities, such as child care. Great. Wonderful. And NYC bans Big Gulps and somewhere in CA bare asses have to be covered when one is riding public transportation. Terrific. As screwed up as I see those things to be (not the CA ordinance but the fact that nudity in public is permissible, necessitating the ordinance) the people or their representatives in state/local government are free to make those choices, free to be stupid. The problem is that more and more, such idiocy is no longer left to the states but is assumed by the federal gov’t–through judicial dictates–leaving us no where to move to in order to escape this stupidity.
I don’t smoke, never have, never will, and I hate the smell of cigarettes (though I don’t really mind most cigars–Backwoods actually smell pretty good). But the anti-smoking campaign really bugs the hell outta me.
No smoking in restaurants, theaters, and such, I guess I can see. Kids come into those businesses all the time, so a valid argument can be made there. Or better yet, have seperately-ventilated smoking and nonsmoking rooms (not particularly difficult), just make the smoking room 18 and up. As for bars, why not just leave it to the owner’s discretion? Bars are 21 and up anyway. Some people like to smoke when they drink, others prefer to preserve their lungs while they poison their liver. Plenty of market for for both.
I get tired of all the anti-tobacco ads everywhere, especially here in California. It irritates me even more that many who oppose tobacco support legalized weed. I’m not pro-weed, but banning one while legalizing the other seems pretty hypocritical to me. They’re both bad for your lungs, with some supposedly-beneficial tradeoffs that users of both seem to enjoy. But they’ll both kill you in the end, so why is one evil while the other is all golden rainbows and unicorn blowjobs?
When that law was being discussed, smokers were left out of the discussion on purpose. I made several trips down to Oly from Seattle and anything I had to say fell on deaf ears. Not even asking if it is was going to have any effect on welding and soldering operations, did any law maker pay a pennies worth of attention. My guys smoked in the shop anyway. Glad I got out there, not that its much better here…speaking of.
Damn! Very well done, Kimberly! Next time, bust ’em in the balls so hard that they are laying on ground wiggling in pain. If you can. 😎
So I’m walking around Olympia, WA completely minding my own business….
….needless to say, I ran away crying and freaking out.
John “Faker 6” Giduck
That will teach the man not to smoke. It’s not good for his health.
OK, she’s making this shit up bwahahahahahaha
He got beat up by a girl.
Enough said.
Houston’s po-pos have a better idea.
Too bad she didn’t shove it up his ass sideways.
I’m trying to remember and google isn’t helping me but what is the quote from a movie something like…” Better file the sight off the front of that weapon so it doesn’t hurt so much when it gets stuck up your ass. “
Can’t believe it took this long – Yeah, I would. You know what they say about girls who smoke…