Just What We Need…..

| November 25, 2008

I don’t think celebrity should disqualify a candidate but it shouldn’t be your only possible qualification.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Country music singer Hank Williams Jr. said he plans to run for the U.S. Senate as a Republican during the next primary election.

CMT.com said Williams has already talked with Sen. Lamar Alexander and former Sen. Bill Frist about his candidacy.

Williams spent time on the campaign trail this year with Republican vice presidential candidate Gov. Sarah Palin.

Then again, we just elected the most unqualified person in history to be president for the exact same reason.

He does have a history of being fairly assertive after all.

APRIL 4–Country singer Hank Williams Jr. today surrendered to cops on a warrant charging him with throttling a hotel waitress last month in Memphis. Williams, 56, is facing an assault rap for allegedly choking Holly Hornbeak during a March 18 confrontation in the Peabody Hotel lobby bar. According to a complaint affidavit, Hornbeak, 19, told cops that Williams (full name: Randall Hank Williams Jr.) verbally abused her and made other inappropriate comments during the bizarre incident. The tirade apparently began after a Williams crony asked Hornbeak if she knew who Williams was. When she said no, Hornbeak recalled, the singer replied, “I’m Hank Williams Jr., bitch.”

I like Hank Williams but please tell me why this is no more ridiculous than Al Franken?

Category: Politics

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Jonn Lilyea

It should be an uphill climb for him since all of his personal transgressions have been set to music. “It’s a Family Tradition” is a good example.

Thus Spake Ortner

Perhaps Jonn, but a Country Boy *can* survive.

Frankly Opinionated

He would probably make a better senator than a wrestler made governor. I like his music, but Senator?????????? Like ya said; after all, we did elect an empty suit for Prez…., stranger things have happened. Sonny Bono was a politician too…….
nuf sed


See, now that story would’ve been great if he’d have done it in a “I’m Rick James, bitch!” kind of way…


God bless poor Holly Hornbeak who works at the Peabody.

Now Rick James….. the man who had the deep abiding love for his wife to the point that he tied her to a bed post and burned her with his crack pipe for three days.

That’s love.

richard wheeler

Desperate times call for desperate measures.


I like Hank Williams but please tell me why this is no more ridiculous than Al Franken?

Well, Bocephus is good at what he has been doing for a living, Franken is not. Williams would likely take a pay cut, Franken likely not, etc.

Aside: I’ve long felt congresscritters should be drawn from the jury pool anyway so I’m not so sure that ‘experience’ should be the prime criteria anyway…


I think anyone willing to run these days should just go for it. Why not? He probably has more sense than most of the ones who are already there. Go for it Hank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Why would he rape a girl if he could get pussy easy,i think that girls lying



Kim Lankford

I think Hank Jr. Should run for president…I know he has better sense than who is in there now!!!

Mark Dale

What a Loser


Hank has many interesting facets to his life and lessons that can be learned from turning each facet. I have been a fan of his father’s music and story and especially his stories and music for years. Life has not always been easy emotionally for him. When the incident with Holly Hornbeak happened, his daughters Hillary and Holly were involved in a tragic automobile accident; Hillary almost died. Thank the good Lord above they lived. I always believe there is more than one side to a story, and celebrity’s can be targets. As a long time fan, listener of his story, and a reader of books regarding the Williams family, I believe that he has the life experiences related to understanding the average every day working individual to run for Senator even though he is very privileged. I believe he cares about people and America. He is not perfect. However, look closely at some individuals who hold office–they have many flaws that go way beyond what I believe he stands for and what the every day working individual stands for regarding the course or path that America is on. We have people in office who accept bribes, have affairs, deny them, accuse others, get on drugs, place money in refrigerators from bribes, are alcoholics, mismanage funds, receive bailouts from incompetence, and generally run amuck with power. How could he be worse than some of the politicians’ shenanigans??? He already has a presence, money, and power. So he is a target for negativity from those who wish to block his ambition and has been all his life. Mr. Bocephus is already trying to figure how ways to help alleviate suffering from the flood damage and has done other wonderful charitable events and had a caring spirit within him. He has worked to support the military, veterans’ causes, coal miners that are trapped, and I am sure has done other charitable endeavors not mentioned by the media or known to us. I simply say let him run if he desires!!! He could certainly do no worse than many, could make politiics interesting–maybe… Read more »

sister lover

I agree he couldn’t be worse then dubya. Well a turd in a sink couldnt be worse either. if singing is what the cuntry needs then singin it shall get, yeee hawww


if the south would have won He hav it made


Why not? he can do no worse than the bags of hot air that are in congress now……