Well, Maybe This Explains a Few Things
Ever wonder if there’s a military newspaper that’s published to serve the Pentagon and DC? You know, like most Bases/Posts/Camps/Stations have an installation newspaper.
Yeah, one exists. It’s called the “Pentagram”.
Seriously. And it’s owned by the company that owns the Washington Post.
Yeah, the internal newspaper for the DoD HQ is named after a symbol today associated with the Occult.
You couldn’t make this sh!t up.
Category: Pointless blather, Who knows
Reminds me of the time when I was a Team Leader doing room inspections. I checked one of my guy’s room and noticed a white robe with hood hanging up. I went ballistic thinking it was a Klan robe. As I was tearing into this guy I heard his roommate, who was black, laughing his ass off. He showed me the Pentagon on it explaining that it was his ceremonial robe for his religion.
You know, at least it is named after a religious institution of some sort. Bringing it up here will only cause those FFRF nutjobs to demand it be changed because it offends them.
Should rename the Pentagon the Pentagram. It’s full of idiots just like cults.
Well, we have 50 pentagrams on our national flag, so there’s that.
Seeing’s as I’m a Pagan anyway, I don’t have a problem with it.
It was either the Pentagram or the Up-Chuck Gazette. Ha,Up-Chuck,see what I did there Mr. Secretary?
The Pentagon newspaper has been known as the Pentagram for at least 20 years…
That was unexpected. You’d think people would show a bit more sense in naming things.
Then again, these guys did come up with “CAC” and “COC” as acronyms, so…
Makes me think of something I read probably 30 years ago regarding Offutt AFB in Nebraska. Offutt was the home of Strategic Air Command, or SAC. When the base chaplain wanted to come up with a newsletter, what did they call it?
“SAC Religious news.” 😀
Wait, it’s not the Puzzle Palace Gazette?