Tuesdays with Claymore

| October 28, 2014

Teleprompter Jebus no likey cable news

So apparently Charles Barkley is a Klan member

DUer’s are brilliant

Next, y’all will be eating grits.

Jimmy the Hater

Apparently “major rethink” means more of the same old shit

Cops are going to pot

Background checks…the panacea of gun control

I caught Ebola from my Glock or some other stupid shit

“…you have to allow for a media that is, on the whole, right wing.”

Aborting Hulu

Nice job you have there…sure would be a shame if anything happened to it.

Criticism of Obama’s Ebola policy…racist.

Chief Fauxcahontas

Early predictions for shit?

Kool-aid and talking points

Capt. Whackadoodle whining about attack ads

“Help! Help! I’m being oppressed!”

So, hows that whole “equality” thing working out?

Identity politics trump everything

DUer knows “smart people” who think prosperity flows from a smiling bureaucrat

Voto voto temprano, a menudo!

Democrats, purveyors of HOPE®!

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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Oh, I dutifully read a couple of those entries.

Then I got a brain cramp from trying to interpret the gobbledygook.

Anyone have any Advil?

NR Pax

From the Charles Barkley link:

Why should African Americans have to give up their culture and organic social structures to make the dominant power group happy?

Because the behavior the people in question are engaging in is repugnant and against the law. Perhaps you would like to move to a more monochrome country so you can bask in the social justice.