The New Cold War in Moscow

| October 28, 2014

Remember back during the good old days, the Bush years, the media and the Democrats accused him of longing for the old Cold War with the Soviets when he planned to put a missile defense system in the New Europe? Well, I do. But, according to the US Embassy folks, the Cold War is back without any help from Mr Bush, according to ABC News;

The number of incidents targeting American diplomats in Moscow has increased in recent years to levels not seen since the Cold War, officials said. Taken together, they paint an escalating pattern of intimidation and harassment that is believed to be led by Russia’s Federal Security Services (FSB), a successor to the Soviet KGB.

The trend has alarmed officials back in Washington, who have complained about the treatment to Russian officials at the highest levels, including President Vladimir Putin.

Officials said the level of harassment increased sharply this year as U.S.-Russia relations plunged to their lowest level in decades amid the Ukraine crisis.

Maybe this administration can negotiate away the freedoms of the people of eastern Europe and volunteer our troops to build a wall of some sort, dividing Europe into zones of influence or something. That would put an end to all of this, maybe they could meet somewhere with Putin, Yalta perhaps, to decide how to divide up Europe.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy

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Now, Jonn. This can’t possibly be true. The current POTUS was going to change the world’s perception of the USA, and gain us more respect and influence as a result!

Yes, that was sarcasm. That incompetent clown krewe in DC has done nothing except reduce the USA’s international standing and influence since 21 January 2009.


The good ol’ days are back? Uh, wait – what?

Did I do a time travel thingy and nobody told me?

Or is Vlad just pissy because the Saudis are undercutting his oil price per barrel? Hey, Vlad, it’s gonna be there for a while, so get used to it.

Well, I did kind of wonder how long it would take, so are we back to the Atomic Clock nearing midnight, or is that yet to come?


“happy days are here again…”


As a retired Russian linguist, I join you in your celebration…tovarishch!


I was close to saying something I could not take back. Ronald Reagan may is now the Supine Tazmanian Devil…when the earth begins to shake, don’t play golf…


This really is nothing new. I’m sure the harassment increased a bit after the events of this year, but we’ve had reporting for several years that western diplomats (not just the US) have been massively harassed in Moscow. Not surprising. It’s pretty much been status quo.


Bur, but, but-“reset” button!


To President Obama:

Sir, if you reach around to the back of your head, in the hollow place at the base of your skull above the nape of your boney neck, you will find a “RESET BUTTON”. Please push it once in a while, please. I would recommend each morning.

Thank you Mr. Obama for single-handedly destroying decades of good will with Russia. I can see Israel is next on your radar of “how to win friends and influence people”.

If you would like, since I know the White House Library is woefully lacking in books about history, democracy, diplomacy and the personal improvement, self-help section is empty, I will gladly send you my very old copy of Dale Carnegie’s aforementioned work.


Sec State was supposed to be the job that would give Clinton the resume to become President. She was an abysmal failure, but the sycophants will still vote for her in droves.

Duncan Mcdonut

Don’t worry Jenjis Conman Kerry will save the day. He’s known all the commies on a first name basis since his winter soldier days. The whole world continues to suffer under obonghit’s unclenched fisting.