Staff Sergeant Nickolas Clarke saving the world

| October 14, 2014

Staff Sergeant Nickolas Clarke

Chief Tango sends us a link to the story of Staff Sergeant Nickolas Clarke, a member of the 6th Ranger Training Battalion who was recuperating from neck surgery at the beach on Okaloosa Island in Florida on the Gulf Coast when duty called;

He saw a man in the water about 75 yards out, “flapping and yelling in the water” in a “panicked state.”

“I didn’t think. I just ran out there in a full sprint,” he said. “I just reacted. I just bolted in.”

Another man, already in the water, heard the cries for help and headed toward the victim.

But before the rescuer was able to help the man, his leg cramped.

Clarke reached the would-be rescuer first, helping him back toward the shore until he could stand with his head above the water.

Then Clarke went back for the original victim.

“I tried to calm him down, assure him everything was good to go,” he said. “He was out pretty far. The rip current was actually catching him and pulling him out farther.”

Clarke was able to get everyone back to shore, where a crowd had gathered. Rescuers and bystanders helped get everyone onto shore and fire rescue gave the victims oxygen as a precaution, he said.

“People were clapping, giving me hugs,” he said. “I just did what was right. I’m glad I was actually there.”

He said the response was instinct, the result of his training.

Category: Real Soldiers

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Calypso Facto

Hooah. RLTW! (Glad it was a Ranger who could swim well though…)


Very well done!


Bravo Zulu Staff Sergeant Nickolas Clarke! Way to go, way to be!!!


HUAAH, Ranger!


A true hero!

A Proud Infidel®™

BRAVO ZULU, SSG Nickolas Clarke!! You’re a Real Man and a Warrior that I’m proud to think of as a fellow US Army NCO.


Here, here!