Navy stations sailors in Romania

| October 10, 2014

Deveselu, Romania

So, when you joined the Navy, did you think you’d be stationed in Romania? Probably not, but it’s a possibility now, according to the Associated Press;

The U.S. Navy has taken control of a new missile defense base in southern Romania, one of two European land-based interceptor sites for a NATO missile shield that Russia strongly opposes.

The base at Deveselu is scheduled to be operational in 2015 as part of NATO’s ballistic missile defense system.

Rear Adm. John Scorby, commander of Navy Region Europe, Africa and Southwest Asia said Friday that “ballistic missile threats to the U.S. and our allies are real and growing.”

Funny how the world has changed since this administration scrapped the Bush plan to station missile defenses in Eastern Europe. My son, who is stationed in Germany, went to Romania on one of his vacations this past year and reports that folks there are very friendly and helpful.

Category: Navy

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I thought for sure Poland was going to be a future post for some Army folks. I haven’t heard more on that lately but that would have been cool. Getting the first posting to countries where the dollar goes far (before they wake up a realize) is sweet. BTW, my wife’s step sister in-law is from Romania. She talks like Vlad the Impaler!


They make some nice rifles too. Just got a Romanian built AK. Sweet shooter for a decent price.


Waiting on my parts kit. Fun winter toy to work on.

The Other Whitey

Not worth the trouble here in the Soviet Socialist Republic of California, but I am giving consideration to a Romanian SKS! It’ll either be that or a non-sporterized Winchester/Enfield M1917. Decisions, decisions…


You used to be able to get an SKS for a bargin. Now the word is out and the price on them has sky rocketted.

The Other Whitey

I picked the right time to get my first SKS. Russian, factory-new condition, $180. They want $475 for that Romanian one now.


Got my SKS years ago, paid $100 for it.

CB Senior

Come on John, you know better. Before the office weenies and twidgets go somewhere, some else has already been there. Us Bee’s have been there working as ealy as 2007. Yes we are still part of the Navy, even though they do not like to admit it. That is why we get along so well the the Corps.

The Other Whitey

“Moldova sucks, Frank!”
–John Malkovich, “Red”

“The good people of Moldova owe Marvin a debt that can never be repaid.”
–Bruce Willis, “Red 2”


When we were in Iraq, one of the FOBs that we were on had “C-RAMS,” which used a concept that’s similar to the CIWS on the ship. They were ran by Navy FCs, and they shot mortars out of the sky.

So yeah, having Sailors stationed overseas on land isn’t a far fetched idea. In fact, when I was in the Navy, I was stationed with a unit that deployed to early missile warning locations in Germany and South Korea. That duty station counted as “sea duty.”

On another note, you have Sailors that sham out of sea duty and sea deployments, or even going out to sea, just like Soldiers shaming out of going to the field, deployment, or to an operational unit.


Late 80s; the indoor pistol range at Panzer Kaserne (Boblingen, Germany, — near Stuttgart) was run by an active duty Navy guy. I don’t remember if he was enlisted or officer, but I am pretty sure he was the only Navy guy on Panzer Kaserne.


But there were plenty of us over at Patch Barracks!

B Woodman

I woul iimagine that it wouldn’t be too different then being stationed in the middle of Idaho for the experimental atomic pile program they used to man.
(I’ll have to ask my wife for the particulars of dates, location, and name)


Via Google-Maps; a large runway/base under construction in that general area.,24.419818&spn=0.032741,0.061026&t=h&hnear=Romania&z=15


I wonder if I can get a civilian job there lol. I’d really consider going if it was possible … I wouldn’t mind spending a few more years in Europe. I really enjoyed my time over-seas.


Romania is fun. Went TDY there several times, and my parents were teachers there for a number of years. Did one of my re-enlistments in their apartment when a TDY lined up conveniently.

Club Manager

Visited Ish (up North) a few years back. Wonderful people, friendly, liked Americans okay.


its called AEGIS Ashore. Basic premise: put an AEGIS Destroyer deck house on the airstrip.


I’ve always wanted to go to Romania for some reason. My German wife’s family used to go there most every summer during the Cold War. Cheap does not begin to describe it.

The Frau went there once with a friend. Being quite an attractive young lady AND from outside the Iron Curtain, she got 18 marriage proposals in the two weeks she was there. And back then, they were required to purchase something like 25 DM of Romanian currency every day or couple of days. For 25 DM they got a PILE of Romanian Leu. Got to the point where they bought EVERYONE in the restaurant dinner.

I love going to places that are really, really, really rural and isolated for some reason. Must be the hermit in me. I think that’s why Romania attracts me. I imagine it’s like Europe was over a 100 years ago.

Then of course there’s Dracula. Love it! Where can I sign up?


Romania is also a try for air force. I remember in 2003 we had a chick forward deploy from Romania to the desert.