Gary Donald Wallace; phony SEAL
About Gary
“The Older I Get The More Spinach I Need…”…I was a Navy Corpsman Great Lakes, Chicago… UDT / Navy Seal Class 108 Seal Team 5 Coronado, California… I have a White Bull Terrier named Segar… I have made Many Mistakes in My Past that has Cost Me Greatly… It is always Darkest before The Dawn… I am now entering The Dawn of My Life… Motto: “ONLY EASY DAY WAS YESTERDAY!” “IT PAYS TO BE A WINNER!”
Yeah, and here’s another mistake, Gar;
He did graduate boot camp and defensive driving, so that’s just like being a SEAL, right? Anyway, he was back on the street before he’d served a year. As a hospital apprentice – pay grade E-1. If he’d been a good sailor, he would have at least made E-2 in the first year, but nope, not Gar.
Category: Phony soldiers
Methinks he could be lying.
Mr Shipley,
Have you made the call yet? I’ll keep checking YouTube.
Small correction: E-1 is Recruit. E-2 is Apprentice.
So he got a SDC discharge? Why is that so embarrassing to these guys? It happens to a lot of people, for Pete’s sake.
He needs to GTFU.
What is an “SDC discharge”?
I’m going with “Stage Directors and Choreographers”. Of course, I could be wrong.
(Falls off chair laughing.)
I’m sorry. I meant SCD – service connected disability discharge.
But SDC in his case obviously means ‘Studly Disorder Complex’.
See, this time I behaved myself.
Also, why no NDSM? His dates of service are inclusive of Desert Storm, wouldn’t that rate the “fire watch” award?
Never mind, thought it was “90 and 91”, instead it is “80 and 81”.
Has Carl Chinn vetted Gary Donald Wallace as a “good man” and inferred a conspiracy of questionable motives/funding against him?
If not, has Degrata Tactical vetted Gary Donald Wallace as the “real deal”?
If not, it’s because he doesn’t have any beret’s or tridents to show Degrata. Easily solved.
John “Faker 6” Giduck
Yet another low grade shitbag.
Turds among us, turds among us.
I wonder what Nicole and Noah think about this?
I bet they are going to have a wonderful time explaining that Gar here is an A-OK guy.
And you’re still making mistakes that’ll cost you greatly… like having your picture shown on the internet along with a description of you claiming to be a SEAL when you weren’t. Brace for the continuous shaming!
Yep, this guy’s about to get interwebs famous. I wonder if he realizes he’s driving the bus?
Another one with a short service record, what is up with these turds?
It’s the modern version of “I shoveled shit in Lousiana…”
Guys for whatever reason left service or where in MOS’s that weren’t stellar. I have no shame in saying I was an Ordnance Officer.
Proud tradition right there.
I made shit happen. Lots of troops got what they needed when I was on watch.
I must have been at another FOB.
Me too. Luckily I found an unlocked connex.
They are empty inside just like your name sake’s fuel computations.
Bag of separarted goat testicles!
Argh …
Dumb ass
Hey now, go easy on this piece of smegma. I can so see him balancing a red ball on his nose.
A real deal seal.
I wonder if this dude lives in Florida and/or rides with a veterans MC?
APL material for sure!!
I wonder how long it will take Paul K. Wickre/Palmer Wickre to leap to this phony SEAL’s defense and launch another futile career suicide attack?
One can only guess, I wouldn’t put it past him or any other member of that gaggle of shitbirds!!
He can bark and clap his hands, right? Sounds like a seal to me.
He’s totally legit. Don’t you guys recognize that thousand yard stare from this steely eyed killer from the deep?
He looks as steely-eyed as “Snake-Eyes Jordan”, and I bet he still lives in his Mommy’s basement!
Not MSGT Soup Sandwich’s retarded cousin! That photo of him with the fake beard and wig is an all time classic example of asshattery.
MOTTO:”The only easy day was yesterday”
Your life is about to get a whole lot harder.
My motto?
“Life is hard; it’s harder if you are stupid” – John Wayne
“…I have made Many Mistakes in My Past that has Cost Me Greatly.”
Like skipping English in HS? Is that where it all started? Probably out doing Spec Ops training…
One mistake Gary Donald Wallace makes, over and over, is failure to change the sheets after wetting the bed… What a douche nozzle.
Gary, Gary, Gary. Yet another delusional SEAL phony. You outed fakes provide some of us real vets tremendous entertainment.
“The only easy day was yesterday.” You aren’t fit to even utter those words, you knob.
This person has run for the public office of city council. I do not have a military background, so I need help to understand what penalties lying about being a Corpsman for the Navy Seals can bring? It seems he has lied about a LOT that was stated when he ran, but THIS is the worst in my opinion. Any and ALL information would be GREATLY appreciated!
He was not a seal. He was in regular navy. He claimed sleepwalking. Huge faker!,,,,,, hasn’t worked in 28 years. Receives disability because of a staged accident at a clean up companyat Hormel. He sued the company and won $ wrongfully he should be sitting in prison but instead lives a life full of LIES…..I am very close with the family and know all the truth. Leave your # and I can get in touch with you……
Yes its all true. Everything he has said is lies….keep putting his name in the search bar and read more lies…
I know the person all too well. I went to college with him in Ottumwa, IA. from 1990 – 1994. I can say I do no like him, nor him me. He told people that he “lost” his Seal ring in a swimming pool drain. I never believed one word he ever said. Ever.