Dempsey: May need “boots on the ground”

| September 17, 2014

last convoy out of Iraq

So, a week since the President promised that he’d guard against “mission creep” and he’d avoid US troops’ “boots on the ground”, Marty Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs mentioned yesterday that he may have to recommend to the President he’d need maneuver units. From Fox News;

“My view at this point is that this coalition is the appropriate way forward,” Dempsey said. “I believe that will prove true, but if it fails to be true and if there are threats to the United States, then I of course would go back to the president and make a recommendation that may include the use of U.S. military ground forces.”

The comment is a departure from what Obama vowed in his address to the nation a week ago, and from what the president’s top spokesman said just one day before Dempsey’s testimony. And it marks the latest mixed message to emerge from the administration on the fight against ISIS, which for weeks U.S. military advisers have described in more urgent and dire terms than others in the administration.

They’ve been slowly cranking up the heat on this pot in which we’ve been boiilng, fellow lobsters. This isn’t the first time that we’ve heard this from the administration – we’re being conditioned to accept the eventuality of deployed combat troops in Iraq.

Dempsey provided one example of a scenario where he might recommend U.S. ground forces, saying they could be used to help Kurdish and Iraqi forces retake Mosul, now controlled by the Islamic State, or ISIS, by accompanying them or providing close-combat advice.


“This won’t look like a ‘shock and awe’ campaign because that’s simply not how ISIL is organized, but it will be a persistent and sustainable campaign,” Dempsey said.

War by weasel words. By the way, that picture that I keep using for these posts was the “last convoy” out of Iraq – remember those days?

Category: Terror War

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Climb to Glory

Glad to see this administration has its shit together and everybody is on the same page. Jesus, cue the circus music.


Rest of world to CJCS: “No sh!t, General.”


Wouldn’t that be, ” No sheet, General Sherlock, sir?”



That works too. (smile)


They did, however, say that some of these troops would be functioning as forward observers, under fire, etc…but not as combat troops. I guess I am not real smart – to me it seems like if someone is actively shooting at your sorry young butt, that’s pretty much defined as “combat” regardless of your MOS or some politico’s press statements.

The Other Whitey

Considering that democrats are in charge, you have to remember the following: It all depends on what your definition of “is” is.

Guard Bum

Dempsey was already compelled to walk back those comments this morning. Boots on ground-no boots on ground, its a war-its not a war (or should that be “I called it a war before I said it wasnt a war?), JV-not JV……they need to publish a program so we can keep up (and it would be mice to have a listing of the cast of players and their rolls!).


“but if it fails to be true and if there are threats to the United States, then I of course would go back to the president and make a recommendation that may include the use of U.S. military ground forces.” Obama, “Hey Dempsey, I’m gonna lay the no boots on the ground bullshit down hard in my speech. So…what you do is wait a while and then say this. It’s already typed up for ya. That way it’s not me saying it or looking like I’m back peddling but it will look like it’s coming from the military guys in the know. See what I mean?” Dempsey, “Ah, well, yea, I mean Yes Sir. How long do I wait?” Obama, “About a week that way the threat to the United States part will be the zinger for support.” This bunch of cowards can’t make a straight up declaration of war against a group who has declared war on us, our allies, the President himself, the British PM and every other “infidel” in the world. They want to do this Lyndon Johnson style. Smoke and mirrors and “you guys give me a war to fight so I can get American support”. It’s gonna be a lot of troops dead and then the big Obama call to action because you know, he and Kerry have gone the diplomacy route and tried their best to reason with these people, now they’ve killed a platoon of troops because they were put in harms way and the Iraqi Army either didn’t show up, showed up but tossed their weapons and ran or turned their weapons on our troops. Meanwhile our coalition allies will still be packing their ruck sacks to deploy and hem hawing because they thought the offer of support was as good as support and never really believed we would call on them. The French will be pissed and impose sanctions. They will promise to export only their “most inferior table wines” to Muslim countries and call it a day. There is an answer to ISIS and it’s not the mealy mouthed, bomb… Read more »


No, you’re not rambling Sparks.

We tried that “graduated response” sh!t in Vietnam. It didn’t work worth a damn.

We tried the “overwhelming force” option when we invaded Iraq the first time. Ditto Grenada, Dominican Republic, and Panama. Those worked out quite well.

We tried the “just enough force/show some restraint” option the 2nd time we went into Iraq, in Lebanon, and (arguably) today in Afghanistan. That’s had at best mixed results.

You do the math.


Tolja so.


Geez … Marty-the-bootlicker gets one right. Will wonders never cease?


Odds were in our favor. Who knows, maybe even Obama will do it. Someday.


I have said it before, will say it again, everything that comes out of this presidents mouth has an expiration date. EVERYTHING!!

It is amazing that none of these amateurs can get on the same page. Not really. For any major decision that this administration has made, it has been characterized by confusion and walking back of initial comments. I am sure ISIS is shaking in their boots right now worrying about the mighty U.S. military that may or may not come.

We are going to bumble fuck this because this administration does not have the goddamn intestinal fortitude to get down and dirty and fight these fucking animals. Obama wants nothing to do with anything happening in the world because it takes his focus away from fucking up America.


MGySgtRet.: I think it’s more likely we bumble-f**k this because IMO that’s all this Administration knows how to do when it comes to foreign policy/international relations. But you might be right.


I said this was going to happen.

I do not always enjoy being right.



On the mid-day news, ISIL/IS has a brand-new vidoe in response to bodaprez’s bold speech.

It’s like a movie trailer: ‘Coming soon: The Fighting Has Just Begun – Flames of War’. Lots of explosions and stuff.

Just passing this on.


Also, an article form US News & World Report.

I will never get resigned to it.



So it seems that I have a new friend at “The Pentagon”. I will take up this matter directly with “Secretary of Defense Hagel”.

I am certain that with my vast knowledge of “military secrets” I will be able to sway his opinion.

Note: This message is brought to you by the committee to thank Bernath for sending letters to “The Pentagon” about me.


Oh, I see. They’re talking to you, not to him.

Obviously, you’re more important than he is. That should put a kink in his intake valves.


You are correct Theresa … I am.


🙂 X 1,000,000!


I forgot to add this: COOL!!!

A Proud Infidel®™

So when we get sent over there again, will we be provided with air cover, ammo, and a sensible set of ROE’s, or will we be hamstrung with shitty ones basically telling us we’ll need UN High Command approval before we’re even allowed to fire one rifle shot in return? Unfortunately, I’m certain the latter is true, look at the spike in A-stan casualties after B. Hussein 0bama & Company took the helm, and we’ll see more of that, we Vets are completely expendable to the current regime mainly because we don’t vote demo-rat like the welfare flunkies do!!


To paraphrase a great physicist, I. I. Rabi:

“You’re getting a free trip to the Cradle of Civilization. What more do you want, mermaids?”


The president will approve such plan… the Army will have us DX our most messed up field boots for new ones. They’ll load aircraft with stinky old field boots, then release them over the areas controlled by ISIS. Hopefully, one will get a boot to the head, like what our local cheese gobling blobfish, Dennis Howard Chevalier, experiences here. :mrgreen:


War is the ultimate competition. The only winner is the surviving side. There is nothing nice about it. You’re either in it to win it, or you will lose.

ISIL/IS is determined to bring the war to the US on any front, theirs or ours. My take on it would be blitzkrieg them right back, no holds barred. Wipe them off the face of the Earth and add a warning that the next bunch gets nuked by USING A GODDAMNED NUKE on one of the villages they’ve taken over.

If that still doesn’t stop them, then nuke every fucking village they’ve claimed, including those in Mali. Then round up everyone of them in the US and Europe even suspected of being ISers and drop them off on a deserted island some place with a low profile in a rising ocean. Otherwise, send them to fucking Mars and stop being pissant cowards about it.

It’s them or us. There’s no other way to put an end to this shit.


The new Iraqi president dude says there will not be troops on the ground. Guess someone should have talked to them first huh?


ISIS is almost as media-savy as an American political campaign. They are making Obama their bitch. He sends in ground troops, its going to be the Jimmy Carter Hostage Crisis dialed up to eleven.


“Guess someone should have talked to them first huh?”

Leading from behind. Like, from the PX.
Or would that be from the 18th green?