A supplemental feel good story

| September 10, 2014

Gun Groups Offer Free Concealed-Carry Gun Training To School Employees

So here is an extra feel good story for today from the Washington Times about a wife who came to her youth football coach husband’s aid when he was jumped by irate fathers in Kansas;

A man watching the practice at Linwood Park, in south Wichita, confronted the coach about his son’s lack of playing time, lifting his shirt to display a handgun tucked into the waist of his pants, The Wichita Eagle reported. That’s when five or six other men, one with brass knuckles, began beating the 37-year-old coach, Lt. James Espinoza said.

The coach’s wife pulled out a gun of her own and fired it into the air. The coach was able to break free from the attackers and went to his car for a second gun, which he pointed at various people in the crowd, Lt. Espinoza told the paper.

The attackers had all fled the park by the time officers arrived, the officer said.

What is the world coming to, by the way?

Category: Feel Good Stories

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“The guns used by the coach and his wife were confiscated, but no arrests have been made, The Eagle reported.”

So now the coach and his wife will get beat up again and this time they won’t have their weapons. Is the Police chief also mad because his kid didn’t get enough field time.


She wasted a round by shooting into the air, IMHO.

Brass knuckles, which is a deadly weapon? And another guy with a handgun tucked in his pants? Five or six guys start beating the coach???

The only appropriate remedy is a double-tap center mass.


Because, those “fathers” were expecting to live out their own failed sports fantasies through their kids playing OR this story happens to have as many holes in it, as a block of Swiss cheese.


“five or six other men, one with brass knuckles, began beating the 37-year-old coach’

Glock 21 with the 13 round mag = 13 + 1 in the pipe = enough rounds to double tap each and every one of them without having to take the time to reload.


I have a Mdl. 23 (.40 S&W) and there’s no denying the capabilities of the .45 ACP – I actually forgot that the 21 has a 13+1 magazine. Sweet!

I carried a Sig Saur Mdl. 226 for a bunch of years in what some of us called a .380 Long 🙂


*Sig Sauer…………..DUH!

Climb to Glory

Would’ve been more of a feel good story had she sent of few of those worthless bodies to the morgue. This is one of those stories that makes me say ‘Someone stop the fucking earth, I want off.’


Worse, what goes up must come down, and firing into the air is a pretty good way to get someone hurt or killed.

Happened every friggin New Year’s Eve in SoCal. Some idiot fires into the air, several blocks away, someone gets hit.

There is NO such thing as a warning shot or shooting to wound. Period.

Roger in Republic

As the Major used to say. “The first shot is the warning for the second guy”.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Youth sports, welcome to my world. I work to create a safe environment in western massachusetts for our young soccer referees. The state allows 14-16 year olds to be trained as referees and we use those young referees to referee the 3rd and 4th grade soccer programs.

We have had to start a mentor program to teach these kids how to avoid or de-escalate any confrontations with parents. We have instructed our club members that they and their coaches are responsible for the behavior of parents. Every sad sack shitty athlete with a daughter who is 20 lbs overweight and couldn’t outrun the pillsbury dough boy thinks he has the next Mia Hamm at age 9 and is very upset when she gets called for using her excess mass as a steamroller during the game. We are trying to avoid being the next league with a dead referee.

Coaches being attacked by parents is just as bad, and this case is outrageous. Fortunately it ended better than the hockey coach in eastern mass who was killed over a dispute at practice.

You are correct that too many jagoff parents are trying to prove their worth on the talent of their child, often at the expense of that child’s well-being.

I had a parent pissed off at me because their child took a hit to the head and couldn’t tell me what day it was so I wouldn’t allow the child to play and I told the mother she needed to take the child to the emergency room for evaluation. Mom told me I was screwing her kid out playing time and that the child would be fine as it was just a little knock on the head.

We definitely need better priorities with respect to our children and our nation.


Some people shouldn’t be parents.


And some just shouldn’t be.


If people had to take an exam, similar to a driver’s test, the birth rate would be a whole lot lower than it is.
And Biermann is correct, some just shouldn’t be.


Looking at the average American driver, I see no improvement coming from that remedy. What the answer is – I don’t know. You are certainly right, though…. many of the people I see reproducing should barely be allowed to keep breathing.

Roger in Republic

I need a license to fly a plane, drive a car, wire a house, carry a gun, hunt, fish, and god knows what else. But these people need nothing at all to fill every crack and crevice above room temperature with their seed.
My bet is that most of the jerks beating the coach were members of a rather distinct social group or tribe. Only a thug would show a gun as an opening gambit. Nothing more than a crude attempt to bully a coach. Ban the asshole and his spawn.

E-6 type, 1 ea

Here’s a little more in-depth story:


Here’s a few exerpts that clarify the situation a little better. I think Roger in Republic has probably hit the nail on the head.

“The player was with the Tigers for about one week last season before he was removed from the team for what Burris called “a character issue.”

Family members played loud music and cursed loudly during practices and were a disruptive presence, he said.”

The woman came to the park Monday night and began yelling at the coach, prompting the “team mom” to step in and urge her to calm down, Burris said.

“The woman left and police were called to the park. They interviewed witnesses and left.

About 20 minutes after the police left, Burris said, a group of men walked up to the field in the park at 1901 S. Kansas and asked which coach had talked to their relative. When they found out, they confronted him.”

“The attackers had all fled the park by the time officers arrived, Espinoza said. The guns used by the coach and his wife were confiscated as evidence. No arrests have been made.”


““He’s been a great role model” for kids, Burris said of the coach, who has been with the Tigers for a few years and worked in the league for at least 15 years. “He’s really helped.”

Despite that background, Burris said, “you can’t take weapons out around children.”

So I guess you have to let 6 men with brass knuckles beat you into a coma? Seriously?



Warning shots are a problem. Practically speaking they make perfect sense to me — the shot may stop an attack. But if you do not have an immediate need to shoot an attacker, that is if you have time for a warning shot, maybe that attacker is not an imminent danger to you so maybe you are not in danger of death or great bodily harm? Maybe you are brandishing … intimidating? District Attorneys think like this – yeah, they do.

In my ignorant opinion there was no right answer here. It seems to me that all of the choices were bad.

“Shoot the guy with the gun. Think of it as a warning shot for the guy with the brass knuckles.” There would probably be a trial; does killing in defense of a third party apply in Kansas? I think that Mr. Burris is a dick and has not the first idea of how to teach adult values to children. The police department needs to think about it. There was a crime but neither the coach nor his wife committed one. This is simply arresting the people who were too hurt to leave the area. I’m thinking that their police training videos are 23 minutes long (plus commercials) and contain a lot of dialog with Don Knots and Opie.