More “Global Warming” Data and Analysis

| September 8, 2014

Well, we have new data and analysis regarding that much-ballyhooed “global warming” we keep hearing about.

Briton Christopher Monkton has done a least-squares regression on Remote Sensing Systems’ satellite-based monthly global mean lower-troposphere temperature data. This dataset goes back 17 years and 11 months – to October 1996 – or almost two decades.

Wanna take a guess at how much global warming he found when the trendline of that dataset was plotted using least squares regression?

Try none. Zip. Nada.

Let’s put that in perspective. What this means is that the youngsters who graduated from high school this year have not seen any measurable global warming during their lifetime.

Monkton’s not alone in making this assertion. Professor Ross McKitrick, Universtiy of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, has conducted a similar study using somewhat different methodology. McKitrick’s conclusion? There has been no appreciable global warming since 1995 – or for a period of approximately 19 years.

Global warming may be occurring. Or it may not. We simply don’t know at this point.  If it’s occurring at all – which seems not to be the case, based on the last 18 or 19 years of measured, accurate data – we do not know why with any certainty.  We just don’t understand the Earth’s climate well enough at present to make any meaningful predictions whatsoever.

But one thing is certain: presenting “global warming” as “settled science” is, to be blunt, absolute bullsh!t. The data for the past nearly two decades – which just happens to be the best and most accurate data available – simply doesn’t seem to support that theory.

Category: Global Warming

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Veritas Omnia Vincit

I still hold with the theory we are entering another cooling period, it might not be quite the same as the cooling period during the dark ages but there is some indication that is entirely possible.

It all depends on which cyclical data streams are converging. There are a couple of studies that indicate there is potentially a cyclical change that lasts about 240 years at a time…of course that data is less reliable than the current data, but some of it appears to be interesting.


I am really not seeing where this can be considered man made, if you look at the actual history of the Ice Ages of which we are currently seeing the end of the last one. That is why we have seen over the past hundred years or so the decline of glaciers… those glaciers are what remain of the ones that came dow across north America and Europe.
Hell, Cape Cod is the result of the last ice age.
People making this about man, and politics are ignoring millions of years of the earths own evolution.
It is not that changes are not occurring, they are… but it is not because of mankind. These changes began well before we existed.


We may be entering a cold cycle. Or we may be simply having wacky weather.

All I know is that the first sign of something gone wrong between the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age was a change in precipitation, both in length of time, type and volume, from the kind that favored agriculture to the constant rain and/or snow, and late springs and short summers, that prevented planting, growing and harvesting grain.

This is the time of year when farmers in the cornbelt should be sampling corn and wheat for harvesting. Too high a moisture content means the grain will rot and mold in the grain bins at the grain elevator. To low a moisture content means it can spontaneously ignite when being moved into the grain bins. Too much rain and cloudy weather will keep tomatoes from growing, ripening and being harbested at truck farms.

That’s how this affects the food on your table and in your cart at the grocery store.

The only thing of value that has come out of all this ‘climate science’ is better weather forecasting. I am so fed up with their ego-feeding arguments that I’ve stopped listening to them. We may be in for a very rough winter, or for a series of very rough, long winters. It’s weather. That’s all.


Yeah but Hondo, that raw temperature data has not yet been “corrected” to confirm the hypothesis! //end sarc

I read the blather from the Church of Climatology and then I remember that one large Volcano eruption can negate all of our “do gooder” activities, one large meteor strike could make the argument irrelevant, solar activity could (and ultimately will) as well, and come to find out; our ocean currents are salt water heat pumps.
Regardless, it still takes only 7 minutes for a bottle of beer to get cold when submerged in ice. My uncle performed that experiment back in the ’70s and shared the results with me then. That is science I can believe in.


Hondo…Thank you for the update though it does not surprise me. However, in the world of international foreign policy, this news is really going to set Kerry back. In his words:

“John Kerry said it was the United States’ Biblical “responsibility” to “confront climate change,” including to protect “vulnerable Muslim majority counties.”

“Confronting climate change is, in the long run, one of the greatest challenges that we face, and you can see this duty or responsibility laid down in scriptures, clearly, beginning in Genesis. And Muslim-majority countries are among the most vulnerable. Our response to this challenge ought to be rooted in a sense of stewardship of Earth. And for me and for many of us here today, that responsibility comes from God.”

Of course he sees no Biblical mandate to protect his nation from evil or obey his oath of office. He sees no Biblical mandate to stop evil coming from those majority Muslim countries. Instead he wants to protect them from global warming. I wonder, how hot it is in Mid East deserts? I wonder if they would say they think it is hotter now than in years past? I wonder more…if they even give a crap about global warming? I think not. I think they care more about killing everyone not a Muslim and even other Muslims who don’t walk, talk or pray as they do.

What troubles me the most is that Obama and Kerry think statements like this, aimed at those majority Muslim countries, will suddenly make them all warm and fuzzy feeling about America and our deep care for their environmental future. To the point that they say, “Hey, since you guys care so very much for us and our future, the Jihad is off now. We will establish peace with America, Israel and all our Muslim and Kurdish brothers and fight instead for a safer, better climate for our children and grandchildren.” Yea that’s gonna happen…just as soon as Obama grows balls or hell freezes over. I’m expecting the latter will come far sooner.


I have never in my 64 years seen as much total bullshit coming from one administration as obozo’s. The Constitution is portrayed as an irrelevant document, the citizens of this country are looked on as mere plebes in his grand mufti style of false aristocracy, our allies simple annoyances that he easily insults by even the smallest of gifts, and the security of our country (forget the world problems) is in shambles as he continually pulls the rug from under military funding. It’s been a totally embarrassing 6 years. And this insulting idiot has two more left. The only thing we can be sure about is that there will be at least two more scandals before Christmas vacation.


The f@#$king muslim countries can just damned well take care of themselves.


Hippies. Hippies, never change…


The polar axis determines when the seasons begin and end. It moves one degree every 72.222 years. The tilt of the polar axis is extremely important. In a time span of 26,000 years, it moves 360 cegrees – a full circle. That wobble affects the weather in the short term and the climate in the long term.

The first controlled nuclear chain reaction took place under Alonzo Stagg Stadium at the University of Chicago 72 years ago on December 2, 1942, when 0 Capricorn (winter solstice) hit the first star in Ophiuchus, the Serpentary. Ophiuchus represents man’s struggle with Nature.

The solstice hits the last star, rho Ophiuchi. in 2017.

We have until about then, give or take a couple of years, to resolve our relationship with Nature. We may be seeing weird stuff now, like tornadoes in November (2013) and a foot of snow in Jerusalem (2013) and 3 feet of snow in the Atacama Desert (2012 and 2013), but I think it’s just a hint of things to come.

I’m as serious as cancer about what I said.


There is no “seems to” about it, Hondo. The data that these left tree hugging, Prius loving loons have used used for their calculations is corrupted and not usable. Monkton proved back around 2008 when the “hockey stick” crap came out. The jist of the matter is its falls under two categories, Monetary Scam and Junk Science. When politions such as sKerry and company yammer on about it anyway, odds are very highs they are up to their eyeballs in hidden investments somewhere.

A Proud Infidel®™

I still remember the dire predictions coming from the enviro-loons when I was in college in the mid to late 80’s, they were screeching that most of the human race would be dead by the year 2000 due to ozone depletion (DON’T hear about that anymore, do we?) acid rain (ditto!) overpopulation, starvation due to global warming,… But today things ARE better, and CONUS today has more forested acreage than it did in the 1930’s!


Here’s a little heads-up for you, about snow and ice retreats and advances in the Swiss Alps, and the remains of woodlands recently found.


Flood warnings for areas south of Las Vegas today. 6.09″ of rain near Phoenix, AZ. Snow in Alberta, Canada, last week, and early frost/snow possible this month in the north central US Great Plains, possibly this week and next.

Yeah, global warming is great, isn’t it? The north central part of the US was supposed to have become a tropical latitude by now, if predictions from the 1980s had panned out. The only places I’ve seen palm trees anywhere nearby were in conservatories, INDOORS. They don’t do well in the winter.

Oh, yeah: we’re supposed to hit the 40s overnight in the central north part of the USA.


I-10 in Phoenix, flooded underpasses and dummies ignoring the warnings any way…