A manageable problem

| September 6, 2014

On September 11, 2001, I was in my office interviewing a client. I heard some chatter pick up outside the door. Then someone poked their head around the corner and told me an airplane just crashed into the World Trade Center. My first thought was everyone’s first thought. How in the world does an airplane manage to crash into the World Trade Center? I figured it was a small private plane, maybe some tourist ride around the skyline. While I was thinking that, word came that a second crashed into the other tower. And they were both airliners. Clearly they were not accidents. Then we heard of the one crashing into the Pentagon.

At my first opportunity, I sent out an email to all of my contacts around DC. Having just left the area two years earlier, I still had plenty of friends and contacts there. Soon the responses came. “I can see the Pentagon smoke from the window.” “The traffic is already in gridlock.” The DCSPER (Army Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel) and the Sergeant Major are unaccounted for.” “Dave, I have not heard from Larry.” Those last two responses were like a gut punch. The DSCPER Sergeant Major was Larry Strickland. A Soldier I had known and respected for quite some time. That second email was from Command Sergeant Major Debra Strickland, Larry’s wife. As time passed, it became clear that Larry was a casualty of war. To make this story even more difficult to take, Larry and Debra were scheduled to retire together within a few days. Larry did not have to be in the path of that airliner. But, like the old pro he was, he was there briefing his replacement and ensuring a smooth transition into one of the Army’s more important enlisted jobs.

In moments, lives were lost, families destroyed, and lifetime dreams stolen. Taken by dark soulless men. This story is but one of thousands just like it. I am angered every time September 11 nears and I am certain it is much worse for those families directly touched by evil.

Now, we have another scourge of soulless murderers rampaging across the Middle East. From the religion of peace I am told. I am also reminded that these psychopaths only represent a tiny percentage of Muslims. I wonder, where are that majority of peace loving people? The ones who do not support beheading and decapitating children and mass executions. I wonder. Are they silenced into fear or are they complicit. Certainly if there was a desire, these billions of moderate Muslims could overwhelm and remove this tiny percentage. If there was a desire. Or, maybe there is no radical Islam. No moderate Islam. Maybe there is just an Islam.

As September 11 approaches, we still have a missing Malaysian airliner. We have no proof that it crashed. Adding to that, we learn that ISIS has control of 11 commercial airliners taken from the Tripoli airport. Ah, Libya. Such a free and peaceful place after we enabled ISIS to remove that despicable Ghadaffi.

The president ensured our NATO allies that we would degrade and destroy ISIS or at least render it to a manageable problem. Turn it into a manageable problem. Now that certainly is the strategy I had in mind. Straight from the Whitehouse junior varsity brain storming sessions led by JV coach and defacto president Jarrett. I feel better now. A manageable problem. Just for your education Mr. President. The NATO alliance has always worked like this. America leads. NATO follows.

Crazy Uncle Joe Biden had a different take. His strategy? We will follow them to the gates of hell. That one is a little worn out Joe. I can just see the ISIS murderers girding their loins and heading for the hills. Uncle Joe struck fear into their evil hearts.

A favorite expression in my world Joe is that action talks and bovine scatology walks. Manageable problems and the gates of hell. I am inspired. The problem Joe is that you and many like you and your boss shook your fist at God. Through your actions, what you believe, and what you support, you have already taken America to the gates of hell and pulled them wide open. Beelzebub’s evil army marched right out. So there you stand. Facing down evil.

We opened up our southern borders. We have large areas in this country that are sending recruits to ISIS. We probably have thousands of them here right now in the good old US of A. Ready and willing to create another more spectacular September 11. Welcome to the on ramp to the gates of hell.

A manageable problem? You have not discovered one yet. Maybe Michelle can offer them nutritious lunch boxes. I understand the schools have plenty of those left over.

© 2014 J. D. Pendry American Journal

Category: Politics

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AW1 Tim

This the evil spawn of the marriage of political correctness and multi-culturalism.

Whatever happens now is purely the fault of those who forced the issue upon us, and I have no problem in firmly and loudly stating that the democrats and leftists have blood on their hands that no amount of contrite penance will ever remove.

The situation in Iraq is no different than that of Vietnam after the democrats stopped support for the South Vietnamese forces in an effort to spite Nixon and pander to their voting blocks in the anti-war movement. That resulted in the killing fields of Cambodia and Vietnam, where millions perished at the hands of the communists.

Replace Communist with islamist and you have the same basic disease. We cannot reason with the islamists. Islam has been at war with everything and anything NOT named islam for 14 centuries. You’d think that those in power in the west would understand that by now.

People talk about innocent muslims, but I can assure you that history teaches that there is no such thing. There are no innocent muslims in the same manner that there were no innocent Germans in May of 1945.


Let’s be for some gun control in managing shot groups into their fucking skulls.

That’s some policies I can get behind.


Islam believes it’s better to die as a jihadi than to live under the rule of the infidel. I spent most of my 24 year Army career dealing with Islam in one way or another. If they want to die as a jihadi, there’s only one way to counter that desire. And that is to fulfill their desire. It’s really that simple. I think Patton said something along the lines of making the other poor bastard die for his beliefs.


Imagine what our world would look like had FDR decided to render Hitler’s Nazi Reich to a manageable problem, or Hirohito’s Japan. The fact that Obama would even think that “managing” ISIS is possible speaks volumes to his lack of experience and the complete idiocy that prevails in his administration. If there’s one thing I learned in the ME about dealing with those types it’s that they understand one thing only, force. The only way to stop them from being a viable threat is to completely and utterly destroy them.


I would say that this is what happens when you put a community organizer into a position of power. But the clown in the White House really doesn’t care. Nothing interferes with his golf game or many vacations.


Do not look to this government to defend any of us.

We have no one but ourselves for that task. We are on our own, whatever happens.

Unfortunately for jihadis and for the idiotic puddle of braindead clowns in government as well, WE know that WE don’t have to take their shit lying down.

Stay alert. The USA is like living in a good neighborhood, but somewhere lurking in some alley wants to kill you and take your stuff. Be aware.

Farflung Wanderer

I’m really afraid of what will happen come September 11th. There may be another attack, larger than the one thirteen years ago.

I don’t know what I’d do if it happened. I don’t know what the American people would do. All I can do is hope that we’ll do the right thing.

As for the issue of Islam itself: The ones that aren’t violent don’t say anything against what their fellow followers do, and I’m more than certain that mosques even in the US teach very little in the way of peace. While you can’t say they’re all terrorists, you can say they’re not doing enough against it.

John Robert Mallernee

Comrades in Arms:

Unpopular as it may be to express, I still contend that the United States of America should formally declare war against ALL of Islam, as ALL of Islam constitutes a direct threat to our continued existence.

Without warning, launch unilateral preemptive thermonuclear strikes to obliterate Mecca, Medina, and Riyadh, followed with a combination of chemical and biological attacks designed to render the entire region permanently uninhabitable.

Here in our own beloved United States of America, raze any and all mosques to the ground, while simultaneously identifying and arresting any and all Muslims, which then would be incarcerated for immediate deportation.

There is no discernible difference between so-called “militant Islam” and/or “moderate Islam”.

The overwhelming majority of Islamic adherents silently support the violence, deviance, and perversions of the radical militant Muslims.

As a member of The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints, I would say that it is like comparing Mormons to Jack Mormons.

The two groups still believe and support the same faith, while one group is merely more diligent about observing its tenets.

For our own survival, even peaceful, law abiding Muslims should be regarded as ravenous wolves masquerading in ovine camouflage.

Since my personal opinion is admittedly both controversial and repugnant, I’m emphasizing the sincerity of my statement by signing this comment with my true identity and my actual location.

Thank you.

John Robert Mallernee
Armed Forces Retirement Home
Gulfport, Mississippi 39507


I totally agree with all your suggestions except for one point.
That being “while simultaneously identifying and arresting any and all Muslims, which then would be incarcerated for immediate deportation.”
Why tie up our court systems with the scum? Why waste the funds on deportation?
Round them all up, put them in all the mosques, then, following your directions, raze all the mosques.
Just my observation…


Who’s next? Another religion you don’t like, or will you go after an ethnic group? Maybe immigrants in general?

I am all for destroying ISIS-I fought their predecessors in Iraq for years. What you suggest is genocide.

John Robert Mallernee

Islam is NOT just another religion.

Jesus Christ counseled, ” – – – by their fruits, you shall know them, whether they be good fruits or bad fruits – – – ”

What are the fruits of Islam?

What is their history?

What do they produce, and why are we constantly reading about Islam in the daily news bulletins?

It’s not advocating so-called “genocide” to, for our own survival, merely want every Islamist in the United States of America deported.

And yes, there are indeed other groups which continue to be violently menacing to peace and good order within our own beloved United States of America.

Don’t you agree that EVERY illegal alien should be immediately deported?

What about the black “teens” who are daily ambushing, attacking, and terrorizing white people – – – , or haven’t you seen the news reports?

How are white folk, or any ethnic group, to be effectively able to protect and defend themselves if we, as a society, refuse even to acknowledge that there is a MAJOR, ongoing, horrific racial problem?


JRM, what you propose could best be described as a pogrom. Songtan1 takes it to the next step and makes it genocide. Either way it is still a systematic oppression of a large group of people.

We do read about violence at the hands of Muslims quite a bit these days. Of course, most of this violence is directed at other Muslims.

What you are doing is assuming that all Muslims have the same viewpoint as ISIS and Al Qaeda. This is bigotry, pure and simple.

Islam is by no means the only religion that has inspired violence. Look into the Lord’s Resistance Army in Africa. It is a fundamental Christian movement dedicated to establishing a society based on the Ten Commandments.

I’m not sure where you are going with the ‘black teens’ comment. Are you suggesting that we deport all black people as well, or just hispanics?

Delilah T.

The Yazidis who were slaughtered by ISers were not muslims. They practiced an ancient religion similar to Zoroastrianism. The other groups that ISIL/IS have persecuted and murdered are ethnic minority Christians.

Where do you get the incorrect idea that the ISers are going after other muslims, when an attention to the news reports coming out of those areas where they have run amok specifically says otherwise?


I seem to remember this guy called hitler and this group called Nazis did something allot like what you are suggesting to The Jewish people all of Europe.

John, Most of the time you amuse me. Stuff like this is just not acceptable. You are talking about killing 1.6 billion people. Just under 25% percent of the population of the world. What bible do you read and follow that would ever condone such an action?

Here is a truth you need to remember. We live is a country that is founded on the very idea of freedom of religion. That mean that there is no State Religion.

You often point out that you are a Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint, one of the most misunderstood Christ based religious groups. Many call it a cult because they think they know what it means to belong that group. You think you know what it means to be a Muslim.

You call for the destruction and death of billions and then quote Christ as your reason.

There are as many Nut Job Christians in the world as there are nut Job Muslim. The terrorist no more represent the Islamic faith than Fred Phelps or Jim Jones did the Christians .

But I guess it easy to paint all you dont understand with the same blood red brush.

Oh and for what its worth, I am not a Christian so I guess I would be one of the ones you had rounded up in your demented idea of what the world should be.

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

I did a little bit of checking

In the world there are 7.2 billion people

2.18 billion are Christians
1.6 billion are Muslim.
13 to 15 million are Jewish
There were Nine million Jews in Europe in 1933 in 1946 there were less than 3 million. Or 2 out of every 3 were killed.

The United States and Israel have roughly the same number of Jewish People.

John Robert Mallernee

When I was touring Israel in 1971, I was told that there were more Jews in New York City than there were in Israel.

I sure wish I could visit there again!

Israel is a fantastic and highly inspirational place, and I loved every minute of my experience.


John Robert Mallernee


The news does report that ISIS is going after Christians and other religious and ethnic groups such as the Yazidi. However, it also reports that they are killing other Muslims by the hundreds, if not thousands. I grant that it depends on how you classify the killing and what you consider ‘running amok’- in other words, if you are just talking about massacres or include deaths due to oppressive rule. I won’t include combat deaths, but I do think you have to include war crimes like executing prisoners.
Not counting combat deaths (i.e. the ‘legitimate’ killing of your enemy on the battlefield), ISIS itself claims that it has executed over 1,700 Iraqi prisoners, who are almost exclusively Muslim (Shiite), although we can confirm only about 200 based on the videos that have been released. 1,700 Iraqi soldiers: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2014/06/15/these-dramatic-images-show-apparent-mass-execution-of-iraqi-soldiers-by-isis/
As far as massacres, there are a few. First there are the Muslim Turkmen. About 700 of them have been murdered: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/lauretta-brown/un-isis-massacred-700-turkmen-including-women-children-elderly
Then there are the Sunni (Muslim) tribesmen that had a falling out with ISIS: http://www.i24news.tv/en/news/international/middle-east/40482-140816-is-killed-over-700-syria-tribe-members-in-2-weeks
In terms of oppressive rule, we have the Muslims that are put to death and then crucified for various crimes under ISIS’s own version of Sharia law:
From CNN: ‘But while crucifixion holds specific biblical resonance, the bold and brutal displays in Raqqa hold no direct correlation to Christian symbolism, Barzegar says. The ISIS victims whose bodies were strung up on crosses were all Muslim. http://www.cnn.com/2014/05/01/world/meast/syria-bodies-crucifixions/

John Robert Mallernee

JACK wrote:
“I’m not sure where you are going with the ‘black teens’ comment. Are you suggesting that we deport all black people as well, or just hispanics?”

@ JACK, Et Alii:

I only made that particular comment because YOU brought it up.

When I used the term, “black ‘teens'”, I was sarcastically referring to how Hollywood, government bureaucracy, and the mainstream news media continue to give false impressions about real events.

I’m saying, without any apology, that we must boldly face facts and do whatever is necessary to protect and preserve our nation, regardless of where, or with whom, the threat originates.

Do you rely on the mainstream news media (i.e., ABC, AP, BBC, CBS, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, NBC, UPI, et cetera) for information?

If so, do you practice the art of reading between the lines, i.e., figuring out what is NOT being said, the true meaning of what IS being said, and WHY it’s being said?

HS Junior

John, arguing from logos rather than pathos, this is why what you propose is wrong. You say we should know Islam by its fruits. True. The fact of it is, Islam has produced quite a lot of very sweet fruits. At one point, it was united under the banner of a caliphate, and it enjoyed a standard of living and a standard of religious tolerance that dwarfed anything that could have been found in the west at the time. It fueled many of the advancements that inspired Western European innovations later on, such as algebra, much of modern medicine, and architecture (a great deal of “western” architecture, like the “flying buttresses” of Gothic architecture were in fact Muslim innovations and were passed on to the West via al-Andalus). These are the good fruits of Islam. At this time, the West was a feudalistic shithole that was still in the dark ages. I know, the Muslim world hasn’t produced a damn thing, at least on that scale, to civilization in centuries. But remember where Western Europe was during that time. It was a feudalistic shithole ravaged by warfare that contributed even less to civilization then than Islam does now. At this time, Europe launched the Crusades. The reasons driving this decision were mostly commercial (the Italian merchants who financed it wished to have a route of trade to east Asia that bypassed the Muslim middlemen) and social (the Pope was hoping to end many of the European continent’s wars in one fell stroke by sending the warring knights to fight the caliphate and getting them out of Europe). Bottom line, it didn’t meet the Biblical criteria for a just war, period. The Crusades were a human tragedy for the people who lived through them; many Christian cities were sacked along with Muslim ones. At this point, if Islam had had nukes and had thought along the lines of what you proposed, it likely would have used them. Would you have considered that correct? Thankfully, it didn’t. I think we can be glad for that and say it’s good that they weren’t… Read more »


Religious tolerance? I have to disagree. The citizens who lived in an area that Islam took over had two choices. Convert to Islam or pay a tax so they could practice their religion. Well, practice it as long as they kept it private and didn’t try to convert anyone. Islam was also well known to take over the houses of worship of those folks and convert them into mosques. Examples of that can still be seen in Spain today.

HS Junior

Yeah, the jiyza. It wasn’t perfect religious tolerance, but it dwarfed anything else present in the world at the time.

John Robert Mallernee

JUNIOR, Et Alii:

Gosh, gee whillikers, you sound just like I did when I was your age!

I wonder what your opinions will be when you (hopefully) reach my age?

A quote that is (erroneously?) attributed to Winston Churchill is,

“If you’re not a liberal when you’re young, then you have no heart.

If you’re not a conservative when you’re old, then you have no brain.”

HS Junior

Doubtful. I think what I just wrote is fairly objective and fact-based. I’m no liberal; I don’t believe that stuff about how Islam is a religion of peace (I also don’t buy your argument that it’s evil incarnate); the truth is somewhere in the middle. I simply regard it as a systematically flawed religion and culture that will probably one day self correct. Until then, I believe we should do what it takes to defend ourselves against violent Muslim groups, up to and including war. However, outright genocide is even more wrong on the other end of the spectrum.


Yep, Islam and slavs are scum. News at 11; followed by a report on voters maintaining the political status quo, then complaining about.