Biden talks tough

| September 4, 2014

Biden Hell

You should probably set down your drinks while you read this latest statement from Vice President Bite Me as reported by the Associated Press;

Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday said America will follow the terrorists who posted videos showing the beheading of two journalists “to the gates of hell.”

Biden said the Islamic State militant group responsible for beheading James Foley and Steven Sotloff won’t intimidate the United States.

Yeah, I couldn’t see this administration following terrorists to the gates of Baskin Robbins.

“We take care of those who are grieving and when that’s finished, they should know we will follow them to the gates of hell until they are brought to justice,” Biden said. “Because hell is where they’ll reside.”

Meanwhile Secretary Chuck Obvious thinks that the US needs to “maintain military superiority” suddenly according to Associated Press;

In a speech to members of the Southeastern New England Defense Industry Alliance at a conference on defense innovation, Hagel said that unsophisticated militaries and terrorist groups are acquiring destructive weapons, and Moscow and Beijing are modernizing their armed services, including their electronic warfare and special operations capabilities.

And unless the U.S. takes these challenges seriously, he said American troops could face advanced weapons and technologies on the battlefield that will put their lives at risk.

“We are entering an era where American dominance on the seas, in the skies, and in space – not to mention cyberspace – can no longer be taken for granted,” said Hagel. “And while the United States continues to maintain a decisive military and technological edge over any potential adversary, our continued superiority is not a given.”

And, Hagel and his friends are doing their level best to dismantle the US military.

I don’t know who they think they’re fooling with this tough talk. If they were serious, there would be thousands of burning bodies along the road from Baghdad to Damascus. Biden must be running for president and Hagel wants to live under his desk.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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Dennis Miller called Drunkle Joe “Jar-Jar Biden” last night. Glad I wasn’t imbibing at the time- that would have cost me a keyboard AND a monitor.
Jar-Jar Biden, perfect!


Me-sa going run for President, betcha, betcha!


“Yeah, I couldn’t see this administration following terrorists to the gates of Baskin Robbins.”

Sh*t, Jonn. You warned me to put down my drink, and I ignored it. Now there is coffee all over my screen!

AW1 Tim

It’s hard to do the right thing when you’re busy playing golf.

I’m thinking that the only way we can get president mom-jeans and his clown car posse administration to do anything is for the owners of the golf courses to close their collective doors, and for Air Force 1 to suddenly have some serious maintenance issues that keeps it on the ground.

Then we duct tape their asses to chairs in the situation room (no, it’s NOT the 9th hole!) and tell them to deal with these issues before they’re allowed out.


They probably would follow the bad guys to the gates of Augusta National though, just saying.


Now now….all Drunkle Joe has to do is step out onto his back porch and fire two blasts with his trusty double-barreled shotgun. THAT should send those terrorists running home to mama!


Anyone who listens to Biden and takes what he says seriously needs to get down from the big peoples table and go back to the little table in the living room.

It would have been nice to have, instead of worthless bluster, an actual plan for dealing with this threat. But like all else with this administration and it’s unqualified lackey’s, that is a pipe dream. What we will get instead is bullshit and deflection. Talk tough, blame Bush, do nothing. Obama administration SOP.

Pigmy Puncher

“It would have been nice to have, instead of worthless bluster, an actual plan for dealing with this threat. But like all else with this administration and it’s unqualified lackey’s, that is a pipe dream. What we will get instead is bullshit and deflection. Talk tough, blame Bush, do nothing. ”
– Unfortunately, it appears that since day one, there has been only one plan all along (bullshit and deflection,talk tough, blame bush – rinse and repeat… ) The truly sad part is that I have doubts that after 2016, the Republican elected will be much better than the current POTUS…


Sadly, I agree 100%…

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Blaming Bush is easy because Bush/Cheney were without a plan to prosecute the conflict….what’s hard is to explain to the American people that the fundamentalists who are intent upon killing us are serious and need to be destroyed as negotiations with those murderers is illogical and without result.

I blame Bush for claiming there was a victory and thinking a simple regime change would be enough to erase a thousand years of divided land and create an inclusive, equal participation government without massive US occupation and manipulation of the social constructs of the fabrication known as Iraq.

Obama could have chosen the difficult path of addressing the shortcomings of the two idiots from the previous administration by educating Americans to the necessity of a generational occupation similar to that in Japan and Germany to consolidate the nation of Iraq and to implement a long term strategy designed to create a true unified Iraq. He chose to abandon the nation of Iraq in spite of evidence of discord between the three major tribes even before we left. That discord has led to massive problems and an inability to react with any unity to exterior threats posed by those who would seek to fill that vacuum with discord and murder.

Obama has compounded the errors of those preceding him and in that process has revealed he is even less capable than his predecessor in dealing with dangerous foreign threats.

And now, here we are Iraq a nation divided at the brink of disaster and Afghanistan still a shithole without direction.

When Obama leaves office this nation will have had 16 years of useless foreign policy that’s left thousands of great Americans maimed for life or dead in the ground at Arlington.

Perhaps this time the fucking morons in the electorate will actually consider the character and experience of the candidates prior to pulling the lever or filling the circle. I wouldn’t hold my breath on that though, we Americans are a lazy bunch of spoiled narcissists.


VOV…Thank you and well said. The typical ill-informed, American female voter wants to know who Kim Kardashian is voting for. The same male voters want to know who Shaq or Spike Lee are stomping for. There seems to be little if any, thinking for ones self anymore. That would require becoming an informed voter and voting your conscience and far more important and much harder, what is best for our country’s future, regardless of personal feelings.


VOV, agree with all with the exception of the initial prosecution of the war in Iraq. The initial invasion was well done, minimal loss of life, quick results. The follow on was an unmitigated clusterfuck. No understanding of the culture, no plan to run the country we now owned. Disbanded the Iraqi Army, the one institution that commanded some respect. And boy did the U.S. military pay for that little oversight.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Point taken Gunny, I would perhaps argue that D-Day without a follow on plan would have been unsuccessful as well. What good is landing all those troops at Normandy without a plan for the breakout?

Any invasion without a post invasion plan or an occupation plan is a recipe for disaster, as witnessed in the ME.

Just a thought…and I claim no expertise.

However, I am, and remain an opinionated old fart.

Delilah T.

‘I couldn’t see this administration following terrorists to the gates of Baskin Robbins.’

Thank you for my morning laugh. Woke the 4-leggers out of their morning comas.

Everything is fine. Everything is just fine. Maintain an even strain.

It’s great, isn’t it, to be able to live in a country made of ice cream?


Pardon me. Didn’t Cowboy Bush take a shit ton of crap for being a cowboy and saying shit like “You’re either with us or you are with the terrorists”? Didn’t our Noble Peace Prize Winning Scoop Chef in Chief admonish us that we should “Sit down and talk with our enemies”?

I used to be mad about all his vacations and golfing that Obama does…. then I realized, it’s the best fucking place for him to be. When he is golfing, vacationing, and/or fundraising the odds of that commie bastard raising my taxes, eroding my God given rights, and/or just fucking something up in general are greatly diminished. And although his outings are expensive, every time that chickenshit uses his pen (or autopen), the costs to this country are ten-fold and potentially irreversible.

I’m glad Biden wants to take care of the grieving first. He probably intends to flirt with Sotloff’s grandmother and then tell Sotloff’s father that his son had huge balls. What a fucking idiot.

Climb to Glory

Bobblehead Biden. What a imbecile. I see Valerie Jarrett farmed out the concerned president speech to Biden. What’s next, Lurch giving a speech reminiscent of something “Janjis Con” once said.

Green Thumb

Does anyone even listen to Biden anymore?


He’s kind of like that crazy uncle that you tried not to introduce to your friends. I actually HAD a Loco Tio Pepe (Crazy Uncle Joe) growing up


I listened to his little tirade last night as I was flipping channels. I couldn’t stop laughing! It was just so not him or anyone in the administration. It’s like he had a B-movie director telling him how to perform. “The Mouse That Roared” fits Obama, Biden and Kerry well.


They only wish they could be as successful as the fictional country in “The Mouse That Roared”. Unless of course, you are referring to the U.S. Government in the movie.


Word LT. Word.


Given our formidable military power there’s a lot we COULD do if we had the fortitude.

With Obama and Biden we’re not so much a mouse roaring as we are a lion squeaking.


Martinjmpr…What you said my man.

CB Senior

A better line is that we will “Drive them to the gates of Hell”. Not follow.