6000 missing students

Mary sends us a link to ABC News in which they report that there are six thousand people missing in America who came here on student visas, then overstayed their welcomed and melted into the population and Homeland Security is unable to find them. It seems to me that this has been a problem in the past with some terrible results.
Homeland Security officials disclosed the breadth of the student visa problem in response to ABC News questions submitted as part of an investigation into persistent complaints about the nation’s entry program for students.
ABC News found that immigration officials have struggled to keep track of the rapidly increasing numbers of foreign students coming to the U.S. — now in excess of one million each year. The immigration agency’s own figures show that 58,000 students overstayed their visas in the past year. Of those, 6,000 were referred to agents for follow-up because they were determined to be of heightened concern.
“They just disappear,” said Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla. “They get the visas and they disappear.”
I guess “Never again” is just another empty platitude.
But, do you know who I think they should be watching? Veterans and right wingers, that’s who. Timothy McVeigh!
Category: Illegal Immigrants
meanwhile, a reliable source (family) in the northeast says they they have “kids” enrolling as high school students in public high schools in NH who literally have hair going grey. But no one is allowed to ask their age, so the taxpayers get to foot the bill.
I didn’t even know that was a thing. So…wow. That’s all I can say. I found a news link.
On the bright side, however, we in NH are well aware of this, and also of the fact Senator Shaheen has her nose so far up Obama’s ass she has a brown ring on her face.
A fact she can run from all she likes, but she cannot hide.
6,000 ‘missing’ students? Yes, DHS couldn’t find their own behinds with a map, a compass and a guide dog in each hand.
Has anyone told them to try the DMV in each state? Or how about voter registration? Cyber cafes? Local grocery stores? No, that all makes sense and besides, that’s too much work. No SWAT teams, no flash-bangers – none of that stuff.
Big DHS, no doubt however, has an 1900-page plan produced by an outside contractor for around $50 million, telling them how effect the culture changes and synergies needed to improve their business model to align organizational goals to … I’m sorry, what were we talking about and trying to accomplish again? Oh, round up persons illegally present? We don’t have time for that, we’re working on the RFP for the next big contractor giveaway.
No biggie; I’m sure they are all nice kids who want to contribute to society by becoming commerical pilots and stuff…///
Strangers with Candy? http://www.cc.com/shows/strangers-with-candy
This problem has been building over the last three administrations, none of them want to address immigration and immigration policing procedures for fear of alienating the hispanic vote.
That cowardice is working well for the muslim fundamentalists among the illegals.
The lack of foresight and long range planning by any administration has been apparent for some time. We are reaping the benefits of a congress run by folks with a shareholder mentality instead of a legislative mentality. Short term personal gains matter more to our elected leaders on both sides of the aisle than the long term state of the union.
We can blame the other side all we want, but at the end of the day the problem is that we the people are too fucking lazy to vote the rat bastards out and start putting people in DC regardless of party who will work for the health of the nation over the health of their own personal bank accounts.
This will have to stop and soon. My first choice, no more visas for students until this is under control. We as a nation need to become hard line about this. By this I mean, illegals getting tagged with deep tissue implants to track and find them if they go off the reservation. This is the price they will have to pay until they go home, or somehow become legal citizens. Then the implant can be removed but not until then. We are doing nothing more than welcoming the likes of ISIS into our country. If they want to find those that are not Muslim infiltrators but Hispanics and others of all flavors, not too hard. Just watch the welfare roles and see them signing up for benefits and at local “regardless of ability to pay” hospitals. They all go those places sooner or later. But that would involve sharing databases and making a coordinated effort to track and find them and then send them back. Since we can’t even keep secure emails at the IRS though, how do we expect the government departments to work together for the security of our nation. We’re not talking rocket science here. But the radical Muslims coming in are talking, bombs, murder and mayhem on a grand scale. They won’t use welfare and will be prefunded for their terror to stay under the radar and off the books. This…Must…Stop!
The agencies concerened could start by creating a photo data base that could be easily accessed and offer an appropriate reward for successful information. Something similar to their 10 most wanted lists but with smaller payouts.
Nothing to see here; move along.
Old Trooper…Absolutely right. Nothing to see here because they have evaporated into the populace. All Obama thinks about it is “There’s 6000 more folks I don’t have to think about”.
So let’s see – the NSA runs a megacenter capable of storing and sorting every phone call and email sent (probably including this one), but the DHS is utterly unable to locate a few thousand “students” that live on their cell phones and twitter accounts. But DHS does have a well-equipped phantom Army, complete with air support.
I feel so safe now.
Missing student visa holders SO WHAT. The FBI itself announced several days ago that the only threats to USA were domestic. They did not mention Islamic terrorism.
Well, Herb, that and the hacked nude photos of Hollywierd starlets. Good grief, get the Feebs on the case, immediately!!! Someone knowingly stored their own photos of themselves naked on an unsecure storage site, and now, they’re panicked?
Meanwhile, it’s said that the second reporter, Steven Sotloff, has been beheaded. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2740998/ISIS-release-video-showing-beheading-American-journalist-Steven-Sotloff.html