Thursday morning feel good story
Our morning feel good story today comes from Florida where legally blind Melchisedec Williams was a victim of his own nephew’s attempt to harm him after a break in.
The nephew cut the power to the victim’s house on the 2900 block of Chipco Street and broke in through a bedroom window, police said.
He then grabbed a knife from the kitchen and, flashlight in hand, came for uncle and homeowner Melchisedec Williams.
Williams heard the commotion, so he grabbed his handgun and fired at a shadowy figure who didn’t respond when he yelled out.
Williams, 50, told ABC Action News his vision is poor, but he could still make out the light from the flashlight.
“I saw the flashlight coming towards me, and that’s when I shot toward the light,” Williams told ABC Action News.
Category: Feel Good Stories
Wonder how “I got shot by a blind man” is gonna go over with the little twerp’s cellmates in jail? (smile)
Hondo…He’ll beat down and pimped out for trying to hurt his own elderly uncle.
There’s a happy thought for the day!!
Legally blind is not the same as Blind. It comes in around 20/400. I played football with a guy that was legally blind and he played in glasses. He said that without glasses he could only see a man sized object as a blob. So he just tackled the blob in the opponent’s jersey who acted like he had the ball. He was pretty good at it too. I for one, am glad that even a legally blind citizen is still able to own an equalizer.
Alex Karres (Iowa and Lions and Mongo) also had pretty bad eye site. He often said he tackled the first guy he saw.