Why So Many “Global Warming Skeptics?

| August 20, 2014

Well, according to one liberal billionaire – a hedge fund manager – it’s because 99.5% of all Americans are “not super sophisticated”.   Presumably that’s his polite way of saying it’s because we “just don’t know any better”.

It’ can’t possibly be because recent climate data doesn’t support the thesis; that the theory is completely the opposite of what was accepted climate science 40 years ago; that current climatologists never have and still cannot adequately explain the Medieval Warm period and the “little Ice Age”; that there appears to have quite possibly been widespread    tampering with   “correction” to actual raw data to support a man-made global warming hypothesis; the fact that the results have been overly sensationalized, possibly deliberately (Himalayan glaciers, anyone?); and the fact that for years “global warming” research was a key to getting research dollars? Or maybe that a sizeable minority of actual, you know, scientists think the thesis is currently unproven and may well be false?

No, none of those could possibly be among the reasons people might doubt that global warming    propaganda    thesis.  It must be because those who doubt the global warming    propaganda    thesis are “not super sophisticated”.

Yo, fella: last time I checked, someone who was “sophisticated” typically was willing to examine facts and think for themselves. They didn’t usually simply accept and parrot whatever trendy BS, prevailing opinion, or half-baked theory was tossed their way for consumption. Sounds to me like you’re the one simply following the crowd here – “bubba”.

Now, why don’t you just run along get stick to making money from speculative and often-risky investments. Regarding that, you might actually know what you’re talking about.

Sheesh.  Liberal hypocrisy never ceases to amaze.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit, Global Warming, Liberals suck

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Well….weas jus all a bunch a inbred rednecks that aint used to any fancy learnin…


Yup. “Unsophisticated” = “dumb”.

Speaking of dumb…anyone watch Extreme Weight Loss Challenge last night? One of the people was 410 pound Kenny, a former Marine, who “quit” the Corps at age 19 by “not going to drills” and then the Corps just sent him his discharge. Is it wrong to think we didn’t get the whole story?


Quite believable to me. If the USMCR is anything like the Army Reserve or NG, the process is exactly that: Don’t show up for drills and you are eventually just booted out. Remember that reservists are not subject to UCMJ during weekend drills, only during their 2 week active duty period or other active duty.

I think there may be an administrative way to reduce them in rank, but I don’t think I ever saw it done.


Thanks! The guy on TV never really characterized his discharge and just talked about the mistake he had made. I read some stuff online that was in response to a question asked by a different USMCR person. Someone said that he would be considered UA after missing 9 UTAs and another person mentioned an OTH discharge as a possibility.


A Texas NG unit that I was in for a few months back in 1999 (1/133 FA)would swear out arrest warrants for members who missed 3 straight drills. Of course it didn’t hurt that the S3 and BN XO were senior members of the local police department and the BN CO was a city councilman. I wasn’t in the unit long enough to see what they did after they arrested them, but the threat seemed to work – heard a lot of guys talk about it…

I’m still curious what the charge would have been.


NBCGUY: Yeah, I’ve heard second hand stories about such things but have never seen any unit actually do it. Most RC units have better things to do than try to track down people who don’t want to be there. You don’t get paid if you’re not there and many units require members to keep their TA-50 at the unit for this very reason.

To be fair, I have said in the past that in many ways it takes a much deeper commitment to the military to be in an RC unit. On active duty, you just serve one “master” and that is the same one that pays you. In the RC, by contrast, you are expected to dedicate your time to a military that only pays you a fraction of your monthly income, and you still have to keep your (civilian) boss happy, too (and many of the bosses either actively dislike or are indifferent to the reserve unit) so you have to walk a fine line.

I used to get a little ticked off every time I had to remind a supervisor at my civilian job that I couldn’t work this weekend because I had drill, only to have them respond with some variation of “Oh, yeah, I forgot you were playing Army this weekend.”


So by agreeing with their propaganda and feeding into their scheme I now become a sophisticated individual? Sounds like they took the play book right out of Scientology and made it more kid friendly.


Anytime I see a hedge fund manager making a statement, I safely assume he is trying to move the market. That non-productive piece of shit gets down on his knees every night and thanks God for “the unsophisticated” because that’s where his money comes from. He’s nothing but a gambler playing FOR the house, and he knows that there is no penalty for failure. Fuck him.


Um, if the archaeological evidence suggests that the climate can change without human influence, and the geological record shows that the climate can change without human influence, does that mean that the rocks, dirt, animals, and pre-20th-century people were all unsophisticated and ignorant?

Full disclosure: my day job includes doing historical climate analysis.


LIttleRed1. You are absolutely correct. Climate change has been with us for as long as we’ve had a climate. 400,000 years ago, Greenland was lush and tropical, not icy and frozen. I don’t have to be convinced that climates can change, but they have a long way to go to convince me that it’s a man made problem, only fixable by some millionaires carbon trade scam.

Follow the money.


Yes, and we ‘modern’ humans weren’t even around back then, were we? Nope, you can’t blame that stuff on us.


Classic liberal:
Make your money in coal and coal fired electric plants (Farallon Investments). Then criticize the unwashed for not believing the theory of global warming.


I like being labeled a skeptic. Skepticism is a good thing. Skepticism said the Earth isn’t flat, and curiosity proved it was rounded.

If, on the other hand, a ‘sophisticated’ individual with all sorts of science at his disposal says, during his weather report, that this is the strangest weather pattern he’s ever seen, and he keeps comparing current records with those going back to 1871, I pay attention to him and ignore the hedge fund manager.


They describe us as “skeptics” and “deniers” in an attempt to put us with the fringe of society. The reality is that we’re climate realists. It’s hard to embrace their opinions about man made global warming when Mother Nature is singing a different tune in a way that even those that don’t follow politics would take notice. :mrgreen:


Nope, not super sophisticated here, but can almost guarantee to have had more sophisticated training in science than this clown. You know, stuff like understanding the difference between theory based upon the best data available at the moment and settled science. (That may be too nuanced for this guy.) Here’s a clue: there really isn’t much settled science because almost all science is involved in the process of discovering hitherto unknown information.

Back in the dark ages of the past century when some of us here were educated, we were steeped in the scientific method of inquiry from grade school forward. (And were taught critical thinking skills in the process. In my case, by persons of faith who saw no conflict between their religious practices and science.)


Originally posted by OWB

Back in the dark ages of the past century when some of us here were educated, we were steeped in the scientific method of inquiry from grade school forward. (And were taught critical thinking skills in the process. In my case, by persons of faith who saw no conflict between their religious practices and science.)

I got my education back in that era. :mrgreen: We learned that science involved observations, coming up with a theory, testing that theory, and adjusting accordingly if that theory is proven wrong. Once that theory was proven “right,” test that theory and try to prove it wrong.

This is a basic concept on how science was supposed to work… not on forced conclusions that everybody agreed on… that defeats the purpose of science.

On the part about “persons’ of faith.”

Many people don’t know this, but it was Christian Monks, during the actual Dark Ages, that continued on with what the Greeks and Romans started with regards to gaining knowledge. The Church, over the centuries, ended up developing, evolving, and creating what will later be known as scientific thought.

This had the side effect of nurturing continuous technological development, as well as mechanization. This was a break in paradigm from the ancient times where a technological breakthrough didn’t always lead to exponential technological improvement.

The Other Whitey

Nosir, I ain’t none too “sophisticated.” I’m a simple man. I love my family; my wife and daughter for whom I provide, my sister, my parents, my in-laws, cousins, nieces, nephews, aunts, and uncles. I would die for them, I would kill for them. I believe in God and Jesus the Christ, according to the Roman Catholic tradition. I will raise my children to do the same. I trouble nobody about their religion, and request that they reciprocate the courtesy. I know my own religion, and few things piss me off more than somebody stereotyping me with the “well, YOU believe _____” bullshit. I know what I believe. Neither you nor anybody else will dictate it to me. I work hard. I’m basically lazy and feel that it ain’t worth the trouble unless I’m going to do it right the first time and get it done, and the sooner I get it done right, the sooner I can go back to being lazy. That’s why I don’t ever halfass a job, but rather try to do the best job I can and do it in a timely manner. I’m also honest. Nobody ever paid me to sit on my ass, so I try hard to make sure I do an honest day’s work. I’ll never be a millionaire, but my family will be fed, clothed, and housed. I own guns. Why? How many? What kinds? None of your damn business. Does your wife like anal sex? None of my business–see how that works? If you demand an explanation–which I don’t owe you–the only one you’ll get, the only one you’re entitled to, is, “Because fuck you! That’s why.” I’m no genius, but I read a lot. I try to educate myself on as many topics as I can, including climatology (my job actually requires some understanding of weather; my life literally depends on it on the fire line), history, languages (my in-laws speak Khmer, and Spanish is commonly spoken by many around here), literature, and a variety of other topics. That’s how I learned in adulthood that many of the… Read more »



Especially the part about Skynyrd!


Bad Company also does a song titled
“Simple Man”. You can likely find it on youtube. Believe you’d enjoy the song.


Hondo…One comment. Tom Steyer is an elitist dip shit for sure. But…I agree with his assessment on one issue ONLY, just not the percentages he quoted. He commented that most don’t give 5 minutes a month in thought to politics. While I believe the numbers are wrong, unfortunately most in our current ill-informed nation only give thought to national or local politics when sorting their mail and wondering who so and so is and why he/she is sending them a mailing to vote for them. Then in the trash it goes. Therefore, we have Obama in the White House…twice. Before anyone shoots me a too harsh reply read on. As to global warming, the “you’re too stupid to understand important issues like these so leave it to we intellectuals who understand science”, has been a bogus trump card for elitist liberals for decades. It applies to global warming, save the whales, save the ice caps, green energy and my favorite, windmills for power. Anything they support and the masses say bullshit to, is a matter to them of stupid people chiming in on something they can’t possibly understand. So on that count screw him and the leftist, liberal who drove him to work. There are many issues over the decades I have watched be hallmarks of “bad science”. I believe carbon dating methods are another. If you want the numbers you want, then keep churning them until the wheel stops where you need it to and your number (needed for your grant money) pops out on the little white ball at the bottom. As, The Other Whitey said above, I too am a simple man and live a simple conservative life. I am by no means stupid or unsophisticated though. Bull shit looks, feels and smells like bull shit and always has and always will. Step in the cow pie once and you won’t twice. So Tom Steyer can take his billions and jam them where the sun don’t shine. I am sure he contributes heavily to the DNC and every Democratic ass clown he can as well as throw… Read more »

Veritas Omnia Vincit

super sophisticated
sophisticated /səˈfɪstɪˌkeɪtɪd/ adjective
1. having refined or cultured tastes and habits
2. appealing to sophisticates a sophisticated restaurant
3. unduly refined or cultured
4. pretentiously or superficially wise, deceptive or misleading
5. (of machines, methods, etc) complex and refined

The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out… without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, intolerable.
H. L. Mencken

Although Mencken was discussing government it’s clear that free thinking is a threat to any organization that is resolved to suppress dissent. The climate change theorists are not interested in categorizing dissent and discussing alternative explanations. They’ve taken 200 years of industrialization and come to a conclusion that ignores millions of years of contrary evidence.

We humans are a blight to the planet to be sure, but not for the reasons that climatologists would have the public believe.


It is okay to call Thomas F. Streyer out by name, ya know. Its even better to know his involvement with the Obama Administration via his press secretary whom is an associate press secretary for Obama. He is partnered with his brother James, in three business ventures, one of which supplies OEM parts to the automotive industry in addition to his Farallon Capital Management, Next Generation climate change group, NextGen another climate change org and the list goes on. Quite the well connected jackass.



Tom Steyer is either a liar or a dupe, and he may have a financial interest that clouds his ability to evaluate the claims made by the anthropogenic global warming hysterics. I observed early on that the immediate skepticism about anthropogenic global warming came from people who are mathematically literate: experimental scientists, engineers, and physicists. Such people are unimpressed by the notion that any given group of “experts” are automatically entitled to obedience. Indeed, such people know that any theory is subject to simple mathematical and statistical tests. These people pointed out immediately that the math the AGW proponents use does not scan. AGW theory does not take into account the margin of error in their readings. They try to pretend that the margin of error is the reading itself on a thermometer, ignoring the enormous experimental error in the readings they obtain that come from the system itself (an atmosphere that does not have uniform mixing.) They have been noodling around, trying to build predictable theories based on changes in experimental noise. This is foolishness, and THEY are unsophisticated enough to be unable to recognize it. For example, a decent thermometer may read temperatures to a hundredth of a degree Farenheit. That means the contribution of error to an experiment using the thermometer is + or – one hundredth of one degree. Put that thermometer in a flask with liquid, a magnetic stirrer, and a temperature-based experiment can be performed beautifully. That is because the liquid is mixed, and therefore uniform in temperature. Take out the stirrer, run the experiment again, and the experiment will fail EVERY TIME. Where there is no stirrer, heating is non-uniform, the readings on the thermometer are completely unreliable because there is no mixing, no uniformity of temperature, and the margin of error in the experiment goes through the roof. The thermometer may be fine, but it is ineffective because the experimental is not limited to the thermometer reading error. So, let’s take our thermometer that reads to a hundredth of a degree Farenheit, and take it outside. Assume that it is well-sited (not… Read more »

Messkit (that medzyk guy)

When confronted by global warming idiots, I always enjoy countering with; Exactly what man-made catastrophe caused the mile thick ice sheets to withdraw from New York City?

They ALWAYS tell me the sun and earth did it, not man.

So I then tell them…..no shit ya stupid fuck.