MO National Guard to Ferguson

| August 18, 2014


Missouri Governor Nixon has called out the National Guard to establish some sort of order in the city again after a medical examiner confirmed that Michael Brown had been shot six times…all in his front, and not in his back as some witnesses have stated according to the Associated Press;

In a statement, Nixon said the National Guard would help “in restoring peace and order” to the St. Louis suburb that has been filled almost nightly with angry, defiant crowds since 18-year-old Michael Brown was killed Aug. 9.

“These violent acts are a disservice to the family of Michael Brown and his memory and to the people of this community who yearn for justice to be served and to feel safe in their own homes,” Nixon said.

The latest confrontations came the same day Attorney General Eric Holder ordered a federal medical examiner to perform a third autopsy on Brown.

I guess they’re going to keep subject Brown’s remains to autopsies until they find an examiner to say what they want him to say.

What began as a peaceful protest last night devolve into riots again forcing the police to fire tear gas into the crowd in response to gunfire and Molotov cocktails, according to Captain Ron Johnson of the Missouri Highway Patrol who is in control of the police response in Ferguson.

For some stupid reason, the morons at Democrat Underground are worried about the racial makeup of the National Guard troops being sent to Ferguson. And they’re digging up zombies from Kent State, you know, because the same guys will have been at both events. Oh, by the way, Captain Ron Johnson of Missouri Highway Patrol is also black, so I don’t see what the race of the responders to rioting has to do with anything. The black rioters are shooting and tossing Molotov cocktails at black officers, FFS.

Category: Crime

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Old Trooper

Kareem Abdul Jabbar is, also, digging up Kent State and Jackson State. He says he doesn’t want to make it racist, but about the economically challenged (class warfare), then goes right on and makes it racist. Ok, Kareem; what would have happened had it been a black cop and a white teen? Would race play a role? How about class? Was the evil white boy part of the privileged class while the black cop part of the under class?

Now that it has been established that the hits (all 6-7 of them, which is good shooting) were from the front, it lends to the pausible explanation that the kid was charging at the cop and not running away, which leads to self defense on the part of the cop, which is what the narrative from the cop is. If that is what happened, then I have no beef with the cop, no matter what color they are. That it took 6-7 hits to put him down shows that it’s time to put away the 9mm and step up to a .45.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Not to be a nudge but I will be, Dr. Baden took great pains to state that while the shots struck the front part of the body he makes no assertions as to reconstruction of the shooting. In point of fact he stated it’s possible to have the front part of the arm struck from behind depending on the position of the arm, such as the forearm being struck while the arms are moving up and down when running.

His words, not mine. Dr. Baden is always cautious about what his findings mean.

I don’t disagree with your comments, I just wanted to point out that Dr. Baden made it clear he wasn’t making the points you are making based on his findings because he doesn’t have enough information.


But he also said that from the angle of entry the hits to the head indicate that the head was tilted forward.

His head would have been tilted forward if he was doing something like, oh, rushing a cop.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Or kneeling and bleeding out, like Dr. Baden said it’s unclear exactly what happened at this point from the autopsy.


…. or stumbling from being shot, looking down at wounds in the arms, looking down to see the ground as one fell…..

There are a lot of ways this could have gone down.

The problem is that too many people rushed to judgement and the situation was made worse by the reaction and actions of the police.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Agreed, more information rather than less is required.

Old Trooper

That’s why I said it was plausible. I didn’t say that it was exactly as the cop described, but does give some plausibility to the cops version of what happened. We won’t know what really happened until Eric Holder tells us what really happened, after the third autopsy. (that’s sarcasm, btw)


Old Trooper,

What “cops version?”

I may be missing something, but I haven’t seen a statement from the cop, or a statement from investigators on what the Wilson said.

If you have a link to a statement or something like that, I would like to read it.


Well, gitarcarver, there is this from CNN:



Yep, there is that one and I was aware of someone putting out the story via 2nd hand hearsay.

But there is a problem with her story and a problem if she is relating what Wilson told his girlfriend.

Here’s a portion of the transcript:

“He pulled up ahead of them. And then he got a call-in that there was a strong-arm robbery. And, they gave a description. And, he’s looking at them and they got something in their hands and it looks like it could be what, you know those cigars or whatever. So he goes in reverse back to them. Tries to get out of his car. They slam his door shut violently. I think he said Michael did. And, then he opened the car again. He tried to get out. He stands up.”

Sounds great until you realize that on Friday, AFTER the interview on the Dana Loesch Show with the woman, Ferguson Police Chief Jackson came held a press conference late Friday in which he said that Wilson was not aware of the robbery call, description of the suspect, etc.

So which one is it? Did Wilson know? Or did he not know?

If he knew, then Jackson is lying. If he didn’t know, then the caller and or the cop is lying.

Either way it doesn’t play out well for the police.

I am not trying to defend or attack Brown or Wilson. I just have a strong belief that the Police – all three departments – have screwed this up and made things worse than they could have if they had planned it.

Here is the only thing about Brown and WIlson that is definitive: Brown was not angelic and was a thief who used his size to rob the QuikTrip. Wilson shot Brown and killed him.

That’s it in my opinion. That is all we know for sure.


About damned time they went there.
As to the innocent angel who got killed, that will happen when you assault a cop.

Jon The Mechanic

I am pretty sure that the innocent angel remark was meant as sarcasm.


it was.

Delilah T.

None of the students who were shot at Kent State were blacks. They were all white kids. I have no idea why on earth anyone would resurrect that, when it has nothing to do with this.

IMHO, the only reason this has blown up is because someone, or several people was/were looking for any excuse to start up a rampage, and it worked. If this had happened in Chicago, it would just be another cop/punk encounter on the south side.


“I have no idea why on earth anyone would resurrect that, when it has nothing to do with this.”

Maybe it’s because the Governor’s last name is Nixon.

Delilah T.

Yes, except that RICHARD Nixon didn’t order the OHIO National Guard to go to Kent State University.

It was the governor of Ohio who did that. And the president of Kent State U ordered the ONG to shoot.


Yeah but CSNY said “tin soldiers and NIXON’s coming”. 😉


They were simply predicting the future by, oh, 44 years. (smile)

Club Manager

Same liberal shit, different day. Dig up anything to make authority look bad and tie it to racism or class warfare – same crap.
Investigator: Officer, why did you shoot this man six times.
Response: Cause I ran out of bullets :>)


There is evidence now that Brown charged at the officer. Unconfirmed reports from the State Police Crime Lab and the FBI Crime Lab is that he had powder burns on his clothing. That means he was less than 2 meters from the weapon.

As for the racial aspect, I find it even more ludicrous than calling the 6’4″, 220 lb, criminal, adult a teenager or child. This is the gift that 0bama gave us with all of his race baiting. Who cares that the rioters are now setting up sniper ambushes against cops, throwing incendiary bombs at them, and randomly shooting at them. We have to make sure no whites shoot back or it could get worse. Really? Since when does skin color mean anything when it comes to defending the public?

I bet if they organized a group of National Guard and police that were all black, they’d complain that the State was only trying to put blacks into harms way.


I believe his weight was 292 lbs. Really big guy that most wouldn’t want to box with. The Second Amendment is the great equalizer.


Like in “Operation Human Shield”?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Our news reports tend to focus on missing white girls vacationing in Aruba, or lying dead in their mom’s trunk. There are a lot more of those stories than there are Rodney King, or Trayvon, or Mike Brown…black on black killings don’t interest the nation much. At least no more than latino on latino….as long as they kill each other we remain largely disinterested and we just imprison more and more of them.I don’t know why certain cases catch the attention of the nation. For the most part nobody in the entire nation gives a shit that black gang members kill each other in large numbers each day… Is it because those gang members are perhaps people we prefer not be members of our society? Or something else? I don’t know and I don’t pretend to know, but I am aware that the effort required to resolve gang violence requires more than platitudes offered from a mansion on an island for rich people off the coast of Massachusetts. We certainly don’t like talking about race, it’s uncomfortable and awkward for many. I do think it’s necessary to discuss why we have created a situation where so many blacks and latinos find opportunity with a gun and drugs instead of a textbook and college. Maybe instead of offering generations of welfare designed to remove positive influence from the lives of young black boys and girls we should consider how that welfare and the relaxation of accountability for your sperm has created two sad situations. The first is that in the 1960s black and white families were roughly parallel with respect to single parent households, whereas now 75% of black children are raised in a female single parent household. The second is that the most dangerous place for a black is not the streets of LA or Chicago but their mother’s womb, as there is only about a 67/33 split the child gets out of there alive. Perhaps at some point we will have the desire to discover why a nation with one third the population of China has more people in… Read more »


VOV, great post as usual.

“But it’s all good because Mike Brown is dead as a result of a good shoot right?” Using tools such as logic and reason I have argued that The War on Poverty has been a dismal failure. Those arguments fall on deaf ears that are attached to illogical heads. I am about at the point where I want to stop arguing and call a good shoot a good shoot. Something about Einstein’s definition of insanity…


Or is it possible we don’t give much of a shit about routine murders and gangbangers is because we perceive that they have purposefully cut themselves off from civilized society, commit crimes in numbers far disproportionate to their actual share of the populace, and consequently end up in prison as a result of their own actions?

Sorry, I know too many people who started out with nothing and made meaningful lives nonetheless. I am not believing that it’s always “the man keeping me down, it’s always someone else’s fault.” God gave us all choices to make and the free will to make them. It sucks when you make the wrong choices, but it does not mitigate the consequences that follow.


“It sucks when you make the wrong choices, but it does not mitigate the consequences that follow.”

I agree with you. Unfortunately, however, many poor choices are incentivized by public policy. I do not expect that to change any time soon… in fact, I suspect it will get worse.


Maybe instead of offering generations of welfare designed to remove positive influence from the lives of young black boys and girls we should consider how that welfare and the relaxation of accountability for your sperm has created two sad situations…

Exactly this, but the left suffers from “pathological altruism”

It satiates white liberal guilt to have government “do something” and poverty pimps make a nice living in the process and if you point out that all of this has been a disaster you are characterized as being against helping women and children-you hater. It’ll take generations to undo, even if we somehow miracle upon a political class with the stones to try to undo the mess.


Meant as a reply to VOV’s post above.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Not much disagreement here David, my point is our society deals with the outcomes one way or another. We either imprison more and more people at a very high cost or we address those issues that create this situation, which long term might prove much less expensive. It will require more effort than just locking people up.

I agree about folks with nothing to start with. I grew up dirt poor as the son of a construction worker in a poor rural New England neighborhood. I was fortunate enough to do well in school and get a music scholarship, but I turned it down to join the infantry. I’ve never regretted that ride and the consequences of that journey. I didn’t do what others here did, as I only served a six year enlistment out. There are avenues out of poverty. Some are strong enough to find them on their own. A society that recognizes not everyone will do so and takes steps to provide opportunity will benefit, I don’t believe that’s a liberal viewpoint so much as I believe it’s a pragmatic viewpoint that recognizes it’s cheaper to educate someone for 4-6 years than incarcerate them for 10-20 years.

Hoping for change does nothing, creating change is our only option or we continue down the same path which as GDC points out it appears many are content to continue down the same path.


VOV…I too grew up dirt poor on a tobacco farm and a small, family run, saw mill, so deep in the NC mountains we had to pump in sunshine. I too saw no future in farming or saw mill work and went into the Army as a simple 11B. I also was not a career man. But it was my avenue out of that poor life and a light towards a future that served me and my family well my whole life. Personally, I think there are more avenues out of poverty for minorities than there are for white Americans. These are good and a positive outcome of the civil rights movement, began in the 60s. But you cannot make someone go to school or college for free if they do not want to. If they would rather live as they have for generations and be taken care of it is difficult to overcome that mindset. Personally I also believe and I may be wrong here that the disproportionate incarceration of blacks as a percentage of their population is because they are committing a disproportionate amount of crime as a percentage of their population. Most of it, black on black crime. Sharpton and Jackson can sing the same old song and continue to tell blacks that it is not their fault. It is the fault of white America who is keeping them down and where they are. Were I in their shoes and someone was telling me to basically, stay where I am and never work to rise above bad circumstances, poor upbringing and continue to take all that I can get because it is “owed to me” by America from issues as far back as slavery, I would probably be prone to stay on that train and ride it out for my life. It is still a poor choice to let others make your decisions and decide your life for you. Yes there are many minorities who fight for a better life and rise above what is simply given them and want something more than they have known. I… Read more »


A law enforcement officer who behaves outside the law is subject to the same judicial system as anyone else. In this case, I don’t the facts of the encounter between the officer and Brown. The only think I know for fact it the result of that outcome, left Brown dead. All that has nothing to do with opportunistic thugs and criminals of the entitlement class, taking occasion to rob, loot and burn their own community. Also throw fore bombs at police along the way. It’s their neighborhood. Next time, when crap likes this happens. Just have the local government invest in a semi load of big screen TVs and other stuff easily sold or pawned and back it up and hand them out to everyone who wants them. In the end it will save big dollars of tax money for fire, police, rebuilding burned out buildings and so forth. Or shoot the dumb SOBs for being a criminal in the process of committing a crime and failing all vocal attempts to get said criminal to stop. Screw these dumb bastards and the Al Sharptons and Jesse Jacksons they rode in on. A lot of these looters are from other counties for God’s sake! They are driving pretty far just to “gets dares”. It has nothing to do with Brown and if Brown owed most of them $10 they have killed him for it. It has nothing to do with civil rights as most of them can’t tell you what the civil rights movement entailed the resulting legislation it produced. It has nothing to do with justice. They commit murder against one another each day and could care less about the person’s home, family, justice or anything else. Again, screw them and if they disobey the law openly on local and national camera, kill them on local and national camera. I am tired of supporting the welfare class. I am tired of them wanting more than they are willing to work for, thereby, they justify burning, looting and stealing what others work hard for. Simple minded, self serving, thugs and criminals… Read more »


“A law enforcement officer who behaves outside the law is subject to the same judicial system as anyone else.”

I am sorry, but I am going to disagree.

Ken over at Popehat has an enlightening post on the differences in how police are treated in investigations and how the common citizen is treated.


The state of California has condescended to inform us that the disciplinary actions taken against the officers involved in shooting up a truck carrying two women delivering newspapers but similar to Christopher Dorner’s cannot be revealed-they certainly won’t face criminal charges (the women got a $4.2 million settlement).


gitarcarver…Thank you for the article Sir. Upon reflection of it and others I have read this morning, I do have to agree with you. There is a big difference between a LEO facing any type of charges versus you or me facing the same.



You’re welcome.

For the most part, I agree with the rest of you post. The sad thing is that in Ferguson there seemed to be a real gore of people that were committed to peaceably demonstrating and yet that was wiped out by the those who used this incident to rob, loot, and destroy.

Yesterday I watched the memorial service for Brown and listened to MLK III speak. He talked about education and opportunities within the community and I agree with that. He then said they needed more businesses in the community. I thought “like the burned out QuikTrip Market?” Who wants to put a business in an area where it is threatened to be burned or people rob it?

I’ve also heard much about the so called “lack of representation” on school boards and other legislative bodies as there is a greater number of whites than blacks on boards,etc.

If people want to vote for someone because of their race, don’t complain that racism is alive in your community. If you want a person that “represents” you (read: “looks like you”) then get off your butt, work for a candidate and vote.

Finally, one other article on the judicial process, this one written by a former Air Force Colonel whose son was shot and killed by a police officer. Here is the money quote:

“We did our research: In 129 years since police and fire commissions were created in the state of Wisconsin, we could not find a single ruling by a police department, an inquest or a police commission that a shooting was unjustified. There was one shooting we found, in 2005, that was ruled justified by the department and an inquest, but additional evidence provided by citizens caused the DA to charge the officer.”


Yeah, and it’s kinda hypocritical to complain about election outcomes when <15% of the eligible voters turn out, too. Seems to me that I've read somewhere that in Ferguson's last election, only around 11% of the electorate there actually bothered to vote.


East St. Louis looks westward across the Mississippi River and says to itself “And people call us the bad part of town?”


Meanwhile, an esteemed member of the Fourth Estate, Chris Hayes(who appears to be Rachel Maddow’s twin) tweeted this, “Riot cop to me just a few minutes ago: “Get back! Or next time you’re gonna be the one maced.” Apparently the designated press area was too confining to Chwissy, he followed that up with, “If you walk about 100 feet from OK’ed press area you find yourself lit up by a spotlight and a squad of police on hair trigger.”
Yeah, Chwissy, you don’t have any concept of what “hair trigger” means, do you? Much less know what “lit up” means? If they were “on hair trigger”, how many bullet holes do you sport now?


I went to the doctor and said, “Doc, it hurts when I do this.” He said, “Well, then stop doing that.”



I am confused.

Should Hayes have said “illuminated” instead of “it up?” Doesn’t a spotlight “light up” people?

Are you saying that the police should be able to confine people – including the press – to predetermined areas otherwise they are at risk of being assaulted by the police? If that is your point, I missed that in the law and in the Constitution. Can you show me where that is?

Finally, don’t you think it was nice that the police from the City of Ferguson, the County of St. Louis and the Missouri Highway patrol made a legal agreement that people can film the public activities of the police?

“Parties acknowledge and agree that the media and members of the public have a right to record public events without abridgement unless it obstructs the activity or threatens the safety of others, or physically interferes with the ability of law enforcement officers to perform their duties.”


How nice of the police to agree to let people exercise their rights as American citizens.


“Are you saying that the police should be able to confine people – including the press – to predetermined areas otherwise they are at risk of being assaulted by the police?”

Or being hit by a Molotov Cocktail. Perhaps it was for his (and the other members of the Press’) safety. Why assume the negative all the time?

Exercising your rights wouldn’t extend to this.



Once again, I am confused.

Are you saying that the police protect people by threatening them with physical harm? That people should be threatened by physical harm by the police for the lawful exercise of their rights?

If there is a threat from a Molotov cocktail, then say so. But that didn’t happen. Instead the police threatened and made a simple request into a confrontation.

On police forces today there are too few Andy Griffiths and too many Barney Fife’s.


I agree now. You’ve convinced me that it happened exactly as this Chris guy says. He was never once warned to stay in the designated safety area for the Press. And that in getting out of the area may cause bodily harm from flying debris. That if he does get hurt, they may not be able to get to him, thereby causing a future lawsuit by his network for dereliction of duty or some other trumped up crap. No, it all started with, “I got mace and stop filming me.”


I don’t really care if the police forces of Ferguson, St. Louis Co. and the MHP agreed to ride to the “demonstrations” on unicorns, while throwing Skittles to the crowds.
That said, I take Chwissy Hayes at less than his word. I don’t believe that he was threatened with “mace”, or OC. I also don’t believe him that he was “lit up” or “illuminated”. I think he’s a preening, vain asshole, who would do and say anything to make himself the center of attention.


Well, there was the MSNBC crew that got stoned (and not in any good way – as in “getting pelted with rocks thrown at them”) while filming those “peaceful protests” the other day.


Did you all see where the reporter from Huffpo mistook foam ear plugs for rubber bullets? Lots of hilarity with a web search on that one.


That the local police are militarized and the ANG is called in is appalling. The local force should have the capability, but it should not be warranted unless you’ve got the manhunt for a terrorist going on, for crying out loud.
The president blew it. He didn’t step up. The racebaiters blew it and have done nothing but egg them on. Why? Because they have been taught that they are “unequal” and therefore act it out, on a daily basis.

Have you seen the video and heard them speaking? The anger they have before knowing the facts is taught and no leader that they would listen to will tell them that razing and pillaging your own neighborhoods doesn’t solve a mother fucking thing or change the outcome.
The mother is out there saying that justice will restore order…(until the next time). Does anyone at all understand that until that predominantly black community of Ferguson changes its mindset that history will repeat? And it matters not who is right or wrong because both sides lose.
If Hollywood is all they will listen to, where are those people? Chris Rock, The Rock, Bill Cosby, Cuba Gooding, Eddie Murphy? Sigh. You’re only as good as what is learned and the leadership of Jackson, Sharpton et al have failed again.

E-6 type, 1 ea

What’s the over/under on whether they have any ammo? I’m going out on a limb and saying some pussy staff-type is going to deny them ammo, and there won’t be a single round in the group. Any takers?


Waaaay back in the beginning of my career, I was in the MOARNG (1106 Trans Co (AVIM) in Springfield), and we were deployed after a tornado hit town (1982 or 1983). We were given our M16s AND ammo (3 rounds in one magazine). We were NOT given the bolts to our weapons however. The plan was to show the offending party our magazines should an issue arise. As long as the dust cover stayed closed and charging handle kept forward, it worked. Not sure what the follow-on plan was in case that bluff didn’t work. We didn’t have radios and the SOG only showed up every couple of hours….


If they bring weapons at all, they’ve have BFA on them with blanks.

badda badda jam!

Andy Kravetz

The Guard is only being used to protect a shopping center which is where the cop have set up a common post and where there are several larger stores. I think it’s to insure the cops don’t feel threatened about being overrun. The Guard, as it stands now, is not going to be directly interacting with rioters, looters or protesters. Also, the curfew is now off.

Terrible to see as I am a native of St. Louis and used to cover those areas as a young reporter back in the day. Hate to see my home town in such a bad light.

Andy Kravetz, reporter
Peoria (Ill.) Journal Star


A real leader would be like “calm yo tits” and people would calm their tits. Instead we have an administration that encourages race based lawlessness and selective prosecution as a clear indicator that certain groups should be above the law.

Hussein’s America.

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka deport republicans not the children

Looks like the black community is no longer protecting Obama and realized its pay back time! Do not fear in the presence of free men tremble in the presence of slaves when they break their chains! thomas jefferson. By any any means necessary. malcom X. Pay backs a bitch. Looks like the black community is going to take the n.r.a. up on its offer. I prefer gun control ;but s**t happens!

Damn dude, you need to take you meds!

So, that means you’re OK with racism and racial violence – right, vwp? Because that’s precisely what you advocated in the comment above.

You really are a piece of work – and a worthless tool.


What did you expect from someone who is illiterate, stoned and drunk all at the same time? Common sense?

Geez, Hondo, why not ask for time travel, too, while you’re at it?

First, you’re an idiot. Second, what does the “black community” have to do with the protection of 0bama and/or paying him back? Last time I checked, there was no national organization that spoke for every single black man, woman, and child. What you are seeing is a single community. 0bama has nothing to do with it. Third, are you calling blacks in America enslaved? Last time I checked, it was against the Constitution. I would ask that you not invoke racist statements on the boards, you could offend some of the innocent souls who regular here. Fourth, I couldn’t find any quote even near that from Thomas Jefferson. Fifth, you are again taking the words of Malcom X out of context, you moronic afterbirth. He isn’t talking about going to war or invoking violence. You are no better than the Nation of Islam, who regularly pervert his words to their own agenda. ———- “We declare our right on this earth to be a man, to be a human being, to be respected as a human being, to be given the rights of a human being in this society, on this earth, in this day, which we intend to bring into existence by any means necessary.” —Malcolm X, 1965 ———- Sixth, who is paying who back and for what? Are the rioters paying the community back for the actions of a single officer who self-defensed a 6’5” thug to death? Was it the neighborhood that committed the crime? Did that QT market somehow shoot the gang member after he strong-arm robbed it? Seventh, the N.R.A. talks about using firearms for self-defense, not for an armed insurrection against a legitimate authority attempting to preserve the peace and protect residents and their property. This does not involve ambushing police randomly in the street for no other reason than they are wearing a uniform. This does not involve brandishing a weapon at men and women who are trying to keep the community safe. This does not involve any activities which break the law. Eighth, you are a hypocritical assclown. You are completely willing to… Read more »



vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka deport republicans not the children

It is sad but true the more reginald dennys you have the less rodney kings you will have perhaps their is a better way. This is the first major one of these so called race riots in the south it will be interesting to see how this plays out. As mr. spock says interesting.

You really are a pathetic excuse for a human being. Please emigrate to somewhere you’ll fit in better.

Like Iran. Or North Korea. Or the ISIS-controlled areas of Syria and Iraq.

You semi-literate fuck. Do you really think that blacks beating or killing whites will cause fewer whites to beat or kill blacks? What kind of twisted stupidity is that? If you truly believe that, why don’t you carry your worthless ass to Ferguson and volunteer to be the first new “Reginald Denny.” Show us you have the courage of your convictions. It is all for the children, you know.

VWP, you truly are a sorry sack of shit. Actually, calling you that is probably an insult to sacks of shit. As I’ve said before, you don’t care about peace. You are a hypocrite and an overall piece of garbage. As I suspected you love death and destruction. Your heroes are probably Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot. You have to be the dumbest living person on the planet. Go away you drooling half-tard. And take your half-truths, lies and made up statistics with you, you worthless fuck.

First, you’re an idiot.

Second, you are claiming that more random people beaten for no reason by a mob would prevent police using more force than necessary to take down criminals. I do not think you know exactly how the whole cause/effect situation really works. If people fight the police, they will have a greater than normal chance to be beaten down. There’s actually a little video describing what I’m talking about.

Second, are you actually using logic and sources or are you just pulling your facts out of a bag of chips? Let’s look at a little list full of things I like to call “Facts about Race Riots in the South.” This is from Wikipedia of all places, and are only the Southern states from 1978 until just before the most recent riot.

• 1996: St. Petersburg Riots (St. Petersburg, Florida): After Officer Jim Knight stopped 18 yr. old Tyron Lewis for speeding, his car lurched forward and Knight fired his weapon, fatally wounding the black teenager. Riots broke out and lasted for about 2 days.
• 1989: Overtown Riot (Miami, FL) In a reaction to the shooting of a black motorcyclist by a Hispanic police officer in the predominately black community of Overtown in Miami, residents rioted for two nights. The officer was later found guilty of manslaughter.
• 1980: Chattanooga Riot (Chattanooga, Tennessee)
• 1980: Miami Riots (Miami, Florida)
• 1978: Houston’s Moody Park on the first anniversary of Joe Campos Torres death.

Third, I do not think you even know what you’re talking about concerning the Star Trek quote. The scripting had Spock say “interesting” when something was interesting. It did not have him say “interesting” when something was bat-shit crazy with no facts or evidence to support it.

Fourth, you’re an idiot. Or, as Mr. Spock would say: “It is abundantly clear that you have a great intellectual disability.”

MO. Is not in the South.

God, your dumb.

Old Trooper

Jonn; please ban this dumbass VWP. The moron adds nothing to any discussion. The only thing it does is shit all over the place.


He just comes in to stir up shit because it reminds him of what he lies in all day. I say that we just ignore him and not respond to his posts. We can still talk ABOUT him, but not TO him.

Delilah T.

I’ve been watching some of the news video recorded during last night’s commontion in Ferguson, MO, and what I see is groups of people, mostly younger men, picking up things like gas canisters and throwing them at the police, throwing what appear to be molotovs at the police, as well as other objects, and running TOWARD the police while throwing stuff AT the police.

I think it’s a logical conclusion that they don’t live there, but went to Ferguson for the sole purpose of causing a riot and more destruction, and nothing else, and that their appearances there have VERY LITTLE TO DO WITH anything else.

A Proud Infidel®™

Acording to more than a few reports, most of the ones lootong and rioting are from outside of Ferguson Mo, they’re either just out to smash, loot, and steal whatever they can and/or they’re being Jackson and Sharpton’s “useful idiots”!


A gang banger gets shot by a cop, and now we need to contemplate racism? Applying that logic I might as well contemplate why Muslim extremists hate us. No I think I’ll cheer for a gang banger dying all day, just the same as I cheer when the piece of shits we’re at war with die.
For research on other idiots like Mike Brown I suggest


“Johnson added: ‘We all need to thank the Browns for Michael. Because Michael’s going to make it better for our sons to be better black men.'”

Something about this screams “bias” and lacks impartiality