Illegal people want representation in White House

| July 29, 2014

According to the Washington Times, illegal immigrants are marching at the White House to demand representation in the meetings there to discuss fixing the crisis along the border.

“We are among the millions of people who will either benefit or be harmed by the decisions the President makes, and we are here to represent ourselves in any future negotiations,” said Rosi Carrasco, one of organizers, in a statement announcing the action.

Billing themselves “undocumented immigrant leaders,” the organizers said they will erect a picket line to symbolize their demand.

The groups are fighting to keep momentum in the immigration debate, which has seemingly turned against them in recent weeks as Mr. Obama tries to deal with the surge of illegal immigrant children and families across the border.

I suppose that ICE can just scoop them all up in paddy wagons and move the protesters to processing centers. They can call themselves anything they want using a mix of convoluted terms, they’re still here in this country contrary to the laws of this country – they’re illegal immigrants.

Besides, it seems that all of President Obama’s blood relatives living in this country were here illegally at some time and none have been sent home, so I guess illegal immigrants already have an advocate in those meetings.

Fox News reports that some of the little dears protested at the White House yesterday without much fear of repercussion;

“Unless the individuals meet ICE’s enforcement priorities, it’s unlikely that the agency would get involved in the case,” the official told

Under a policy that’s been in effect for several years, ICE focuses deportation mostly on serious criminals and – in some cases — those caught in the act of crossing the border. The agency prioritizes deportation for felons, repeat offenders, gang members and others with a serious criminal record. But the agency largely gives a pass to other undocumented residents.

This is why illegal immigrant activists can protest outside the White House without worrying too much about ICE.

Like I said, they already have representation in those meetings.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Illegal Immigrants

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Old Trooper

You are here illegally! You don’t have any rights as a citizen. Get The Fuck Out!!

Delilah T.

Oh, yeah? Well, when do I get MY country back?


Born and raised in the USA. Wish I had some representation…just saying.

2/17 Air Cav

You could not make this stuff up and expect anyone to believe it. Illegal aliens, lawbreakers by definition, protest at the White House under the watchful eyes of Federal law enforcement officers who, by executive policy, are bound to violate their oaths by NOT enforcing the law. And then there’s the nerve factor. These illegal aliens are like party crashers who then de-freakin-mand that they be treated like the legitimate guests. Insane.


I would not be surprised to learn that those LEOs are there to protect the illegals from American citizens counter protesting.


This country has entered the fucking Twighlight Zone, and it is not all that entertaining.
viva la revolución!!

Pinto Nag

What’s the matter, you don’t like living in a nightmare?



They already *DO*…

OBAMA, Biden, Kerry, Hilary, etc.


Con una chingada! Estos pendejos del gobierno ni pueden arrestar a un pinche ilegal aun que este protestando en frente de la pinche Casa Blanca! Que se vayan a la chingada todos estos ilegales y estos cobardes que no quieren seguir la ley!


Translations are, of course, available but I will leave it to those of you who “habla”.



For those who don’t, Bing or Google translate will give you the gist of it. (smile)


Oh, we got it. Were I a legal immigrant to this country and I saw this shit, I’d be pissed off too.

Fuck these guys. Let them come here, but do it the right way.


Yo no podría haber dicho mejor.

I might add: Die Tintenpisseren wollen, halten Sie diesen Nichtsnutzen hier.

Roger in Republic

In the imortal words of Samuel L Jackson. “English, muthafahker, English!”. I assume by the words that I can recognize that you are telling the protesters to FOAD. The real irony here is that you need to say it at all. You wouldn’t need to if Barack Obama wasn’t softer than puppy shit on this invading horde.


You forgot ” lechones del gallo “


Dear illegals,

Fuck the hell off, you pernicious fucknuggets! You have no entitlements here, shitbrains. You are here ILLEGALLY. Leave my fucking country, you fetid bags of ass!

Love and kisses,

The Other Whitey

Remember “Bad Boys 2?”

Haitian gang member: “Ya in ma house!”

Mike: “Your house? Fuck you! You’re in my country, motherfucker!”

Pretty much sums it up.

Roger in Republic

Oh, and this. “Sneaking into my house does not make you a member of my family”.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Why weren’t these shitbags shot crossing the border? ICE….another government agency designed to provide refuge for middle managers not able to perform any actual work in the civilian world so they can now remain hidden and totally fucking useless sucking the government tit until they’re dead….

What a great system, all these shitbags coming here illegally, all the shitbags sucking a government paycheck….hey assholes what do you think will happen when the folks like me who actually manufacture something and create wealth are completely outnumbered by people taking out without producing a goddamn thing to put back in the system? Tri-care, Medicare, Social security, government pensions? Where does anyone think that money comes from?

It sure doesn’t come from the garbage protesting their illegal status at the White House, it’s about time someone better start thinking about how to treat the bill payers…I am starting to understand why some folks renounce their citizenship for tax purposes and get the fuck offshore…


Socialism sounds great until you run out of other peoples’ money. (Paraphrasing Margaret Thatcher)


American citizens (you know the legal ones), wish they had representation in the whitehouse too !!!

Pinto Nag

Ain’t that the truth!!

The Other Whitey

Sounds like an easy bust for ICE to me…

Joe Williams

Now is the time for a mass arrest and deportation. Just dreaming. Joe


This past Saturday between 6-10,000 people showed up in Boston to protest the illegals Obamas pal the governor wants to bring here. Well, that and protest illegal immigration in general.
It got barely a mention on the news, and whe it was it was stated there were a couple hundred protestors. Opposed to the 6-10,000 who actually showed up at the State House.
My point? I guess it is that even in Liberal Hell the people are beginning to get pissed off. You can only piss down the peoples backs so much and tell them it is raining, before they wake up and realize you are lying to them and selling them down the river.

Pinto Nag

You bring up a very good point, and that’s state sponsored news coverage. They’re more subtle than in the past — they very selectively control only ‘part’ of the news, instead of all of it. But the control is there, and this is an example of it.

I very much fear that is not the only thing they are working to control, either. I think our voting boxes are also being controlled. I have no hope for our next series of national elections. I think choice and the power of the ballot has been taken away from the vast majority of voters in this country now.


Control the news – that depends on which media outlet you’re talking about and who is in charge of it. The local news media reporting on the Israeli/Palestinian protests in the Loop in Chicago last week covered both sides and reported the numbers there.

However, remember that the internet can override anything the news media put together and do it far more quickly than the newspapers and TV stations do it.

I sometimes get the impression that the TV news reporters regard everything as nice and worth reporting or not nice and they don’t like it and don’t want to report it, instead of telling the truth.


A while back, after the 2nd inglorious election so detrimental to this country and everything it stands for, the Mayor of Detroit said it best:

‘We voted for you, Obama. Where’s the bacon?’

Do you think maybe those who were foolish enough to swallow the BS they were handed are now waking up to the truth, that bodaprez doesn’t really give a crap about them or how hard they work and that he just wanted to play golf with Tiger Woods and have expensive dinners at their expense?

Ich hoffe, dass eines Tages wird es eine tatsächliche Chef als Präsident.

(I would use Fuhrer, because it means the same thing, but it is distasteful to do so.)

Duncan McDonut

Ich wurde lieber ein Erwachsen als Prasident. Es ist mir zum kotzen wie lacherlich er hat uns vor dem augen der welt gemacht.

Duncan McDonut

For those who don’t sprechen.

(I’d rather have an adult as president. It amkes me puke how ridiculous he’s made us look in front of the world)


That is the Democrat party though, they have no higher principle than cobble together 50%+1, acquire power and divide up the dosh.

The sad thing is that it works so well.


I never dreamed that I would see a day in my country where;

Criminals have more rights than law abiding citizens. Yes, that would be you’ illegals. By definition you are criminals who broke our laws when you crossed the border.

The president cares more for those illegals than he does American citizens born and raised here.

A attorney general, along with a president, who refuses to uphold the laws of the land, picking and choosing those they wish to enforce.

A president who thinks he can rule by decree, issuing executive orders in a blatant attempt to circumvent Congress and our Constitution.

Duncan McDonut

The Whitehouse should be borderless. Remove the fences. If it’s good enough for the illegals it’s good enough for citizens too. Have they opened the white house up again for tours yet?

2/17 Air Cav

Nice. Pat. Back.

Duncan McDonut

They had no qualms with turning away WWII veterans in wheelchairs from their memorial during the sequester yet this scum is given free reign.


Country is going to shit at warp speed.


FatCircles, I am waiting for the ‘BOOM’ that comes with that. I truly am.

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka deport republicans not the children

Parliament told Dr. Franklin the same thing over 240 years ago! These people want to be americans. save the children save the country!

If these people wanted to be Americans, you wouldn’t hear a peep from us. What they want, however, is to become multi-generation wards of Uncle Sugar. That’s why they came here illegally. If they meant to be productive CITIZENS, they would have meet with their assigned case managers, and began the process to be here legally. Most of them have not, however.

Pinto Nag

‘…met(not MEET)…’

So, we should let them cut in line and not respect our laws and practices? We should tell all those who actually applied for citizenship that they don’t matter because… why? Because the illegals are sending children with deadly diseases?


I agree. Save the country! Impeach the criminal in the White House, jail Holder, and kick out every illegal alien here right now. Moron.


No, no. Let them dig the holes they are in deeper and deeper. Let them become the biggest embarrassments this country has ever fielded. Let them be reminders of how easily and quickly promises by politicians are forgotten and/or broken. Let them become the poster children for ‘pulling an obama’.

Then find some people who take the job seriously and put then in office to clean up the messes these marones have left behind.

That will last a whole lot longer.

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka deport republicans not the children

I am part native american and my ancestors didn’t invite your disease ridden land stealing criminals (before revolution most who came here were criminals sent here by the courts!) ancestors here either!

What my great-great-grandfather did to your great-great-grandfather is history. We have to deal with the here-and-now, not with the “what might have been.”

Congrats on being a conquered footnote of history. Tribalism and barbaric warfare doesn’t make you any more special than other civilization throughout history.

You have no moral superiority. Just butthurt tears and entitlement issues.

Who are you, VWPissbucket, other than Chief Aisnifalottaglue of the Allfuktupfleabag Tribe?!

If what he says is true, protected access to copious amounts of peyote would explain a lot.

vwpissedinyourpants, you are no more NA than a banana peel. You’re a lying sack of weed-stinking rat crap who never did anything for anyone besides yourself.

Maybe someone should notify the library where you get to use the computer for free to kick you stinking hippie ass out and leave room for decent people to use it.

I am part native american and my ancestors didn’t invite your disease ridden land stealing criminals (before revolution most who came here were criminals sent here by the courts!) ancestors here either!

Your about as Native as my dog’s shit, and hes a Corgi.
Would love to know what your source is for most the people who came from Europe to the US before the revelution being Criminals.

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka deport republicans not the children

try reading a history book start with 1775 by kevin phillips.

The mumbling illiterate advising someone else to read a book, the mind reels.

I would call you an ignorant ass, but I know a few of those and it would be insulting to them. So, instead, I will make you look as stupid as you actually sound.

The “criminals” you are speaking of were not criminals. What you are speaking about were those sold to America for indentured servitude by both France and Britain. They were not criminals, but were actually debtors who sold their debts to their Crown for a period of servitude in the colonies.

The number of colonists that were indentured actually went down every month as contracts were completed. I believe the average contract length was seven years as it was a Biblical thing and the puritanical colonists were big into the Bible.

However, the colonies were full of political and religious refugees from Britain, France, and Spain. A refugee isn’t a criminal.

So, try again you warthog faced baboon.

“try reading a history book”
The only books you go though are the match books you use burning through your hippie lettuce you illiterate nut-hugging shit heel.

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

Yep let me guess your great grandmother was part Cherokee.

Yes as a matter of fact they did invite settlers. They even assisted them.

We do have that thing called thanksgiving.

Ever heard of The lost colony? You know the one that ended up living with the Indians?

Now go fuck yourself with a tee pee pole

Of course you’re part Indian, just like your hero, leftist nut job and liar Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

Actually, my ancestor’s were here and integrated into the native culture. Look up the blonde haired axe-and-shield fighting tribes.

Secondly, it was not until Democrats got into power that the land was removed from the natives. The original founding fathers respected their rights and lawfully purchased the land in deals that both people felt was fair.

Finally, you’re an idiot. I don’t believe a thing that comes out of your text and you probably have as much native blood as Elizabeth Warren.

The only part of you that is native American, you fucking commie twatwaffle, is your ass… which you just showed to the whole internet with your whiny doucheness.

Go fuck yourself sideways with a frozen swordfish, you ignorant fuck.

If you are only part Indian, then YOUR ancestors are the “disease ridden land stealing criminals” you described, you idiot. Your hating yourself makes it unanimous.


I wish Sheriff Joe was younger. Guys like him not only uphold NFA rights in Arizona, but he also holds a unique position to stem the Californication of my home.


Round ’em up, put ’em on non-air conditioned yellow schoolbuses, drag them down to Miami Airport and load them on planes while still in the buses. Pick a Central American country, land, drive the buses off the planes and leave.

I am TIRED of this crap. My family’s been coming here since 1632 and did things the right way. They didn’t come in through the cellar door and demand things they didn’t earn.

A Proud Infidel®™

AMEN TO THAT, Ma’am! My German and Polish Ancestors came here seeking to work and earn a living, they learned English and acclimated, they didn’t come in demanding handouts and for everyone else to learn their language!!


Proud, I am in a FOUL mood right now. Can’t think of a better way to deal with my anger than taking it out on a stinking useless piece of crap like vwpissedinhis pants and the wetbacks that are lining up to steal your tax dollars and mine.

Britain’s PM Cameron has cut the welfare eligibility for refugees down to 3 months FROM 6. He was losing voters to the anti-immigrant party opposing the welfare statutes.

Maybe we should do that here. Except the more self-important fungus democraps won’t condone it.

A Proud Infidel®™

Not a bad idea, except that I’m all for giving then NOTHING BUT bread and water while they’re being deported!!


Italy and Australia are turning away boat refugees & angering the “international community”…Mmmm, I don’t the the problem.



Boat people being turned back?

Oh, shades of Jimmy Carter! Man, that takes me back!

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka deport republicans not the children

AMNESTY SOON! (looks like august) Thanks president Obama that is why I voted for you.

What are you going to do once they take your welfare money and hand it to an illegal alien instead?

Duncan McDonut

Or even worse, when the price of the marijuana he’s growing goes down due to the latest crop brought over from illegal-land.

Yeah, Proud, that problem with socialism, as Margatert Thatcher so right observed, is that it stops working when you run out of other peoples’ money.

you are probably right, but you wont be able to blame it on the Republicans when this sh!t blows up in our country’s face.

what do you care though,,,right?

I’m a little perplexed, although most of the time I read your comments here I usually am. The only reason you voted for a president was so he would ignore the rule of law and grant amnesty to a bunch of vato’s. Roger that ass face. VWP you don’t give a shit about these illegal immigrants. And your obsession with children is disturbing. Make sure you keep your happy ass 500 feet from those schools bud. It’d be a shame to see your stank ass doing the perp walk on the evening news. In closing, walk your ass into oncoming traffic you fucking tard.

Here you go, vwpisspot, you f#$@cking asshole.

These are NOT children, they are adults. You’re the biggest liar on the planet and that’s saying something because the only liar worse than you is that horndog asswipe Bill Clinton.

Just an Old Dog

Ex PH2,
That train has been well known as an illegal immigrant transport for a while.
The Mexican Government ignores it because it is a cash cow for coyotes and corrupt LEOs who routinely rob the riders.
Scores of people get maimed or killed riding it.
It is another by product of NAFTA ,,,, made to bring cheap goods up to the USA.


I know, Old Dog, but that’s only one of many ways they get through. The point is that the majority of these illegals are NOT chidren. Period.

You voted for him to ignore people who obey the rules and give citizenship to those who cross the border illegally? What will you do when your child catches Spanish Flu from an immigrant child who is put into their school without immunizations. Will you still feel the same way as you bury him?


Back when the Native Americans roamed the continent in peace and tranquility, what did the Unicorns shit? I mean, it was the White Man that invented Skittles, right?