The One Opens Metro’s Doors

| November 20, 2008

We don’t see enough of Obama’s face these days, so the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority is putting his mug on a fare card available in early January according to the DCist. Funny, but I don’t remember seeing any commemoration fare card for anyone else. Ever.

I expect passing through the turnstiles at the subway stations will take longer as holders of the card pause to genuflect when they pull The One’s visage from their wallets to swipe the sensors.

I sure hope my card doesn’t crap out next month and they force this one on me.

Currently, Metro plans to sell them for $10 per card, with no value added to the card at the time of initial purchase, which would make them $5 more expensive than regular SmarTrip cards. They may also be hard to come by, as Metro will only have an initial order of 35,000 on hand to begin with, though Taubenkibel said the agency hopes to have more available as time permits.

So they’ll immediately be targeted by thieves.

Category: Politics

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This reminds me of the Obama section in a textbook in the Racine, WI School District.

I expect passing through the turnstiles at the subway stations will take longer as holders of the card pause to genuflect when they pull The One’s visage from their wallets to swipe the sensors.


It’s going to be a long years!


Dear God, please make it stop!


I remember seeing several ‘rulers’ face plastered on everything. I believe the last one was also named Hussein. The one who lost his head, literally. Brainwashing has already been successful on the weak minded, now it spreads.


As if my commutes weren’t bad enough. Few enough manners, unacceptable language (especially from minority youth), bad service, just plain self-absorbed idiots, and now this.

I sure hope its *only* four years. How did things get so bad so fast?