Who’s afraid of the big, fat terrorist?

| August 6, 2007

Big, fat goofball, Adam Gadahn, the so-called American al Qaeda, is threatening us again for the umpteenth time, according to CBS News;

American al Qaeda leader Adam Gadahn says al Qaeda will continue to target the United States at home and overseas, singling out U.S. embassies as a target, in a new Internet video released by as Sahab, the propaganda wing of al Qaeda.

“We shall continue to target you at home and abroad, just as you target us at home and abroad, and these spy dens and military command and control centers from which you plotted your aggression against Afghanistan and Iraq, and which still provide vital moral, military, material and logistical support to the Crusade, shall continue to be legitimate targets for brave Muslims,” says Gadahn, who hails from Orange County, Calif. “Stop the Crusade,and leave the Muslims alone.”

And there’s the money quote; stop the crusade and leave Muslims alone. Think he’s talking to our troops? Nope, they’ll fight anyone anywhere to defend the nation – from all enemies foreign and domestic. Think he’s talking to the President? Nope, the President isn’t afraid of threats from some pudgy halfwit from California. And, apparently neither are the Iraqis nor the Afghans who are killing al Qaeda operatives in droves, too.

Nope he’s talking to Democrats – they’re the ones cringing from the outcome of this war against goat herders like Gadahn. They’re the ones who think that we can’t win this war. Democrats even invented a useless term like asymetrical warfare to project their cowardice and sense of hopelessness on the American people.

Mostly, the Democrats are afraid that Americans might just win this war. You’ve got their candidates attacking our allies in the war against terror like Pakistan and Columbia, while they visit our enemies like Syria and Venezuela. And folks like over-fed, small-penised Adam Gadahn give them hope.

Um, if you think that “war is not the answer”, you didn’t understand the question.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Foreign Policy, Politics, Terror War

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