Israel launches ground operations into Gaza
Fox News reports that the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu has authorized very limited ground operations into the Gaza Strip – limited to only striking at tunnels that lead into Israel proper;
The army said in a statement late Thursday that after 10 days of Hamas attacks, it had “initiated a ground operation within the Gaza Strip.” The army said the objective was to strike a “significant blow to Hamas’ terror infrastructure.”
Hamas spokesman Fouzi Barhom, Hamas told reporters in Gaza,”The decision of the Israeli army to start a ground invasion in Gaza is dangerous and they will pay back heavily for it. Hamas is ready for the [confrontation].”
A source with close ties to the Israeli military told Fox News, “This is not an all-out operation….The objectives are quite limited.”
He said the current operation is expected to last only a couple days.
I’m sure that Hamas is ready – they probably have piles of little Palestinian children around their gun emplacements.
The New York Times reports a different strategy;
A military spokesman, Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, said the next stage of Israel’s Operation Protective Edge would penetrate the north, east and south of Gaza with ground forces. He said it was not aimed at toppling Hamas from its longtime rule of Gaza, but would “make sure that the Hamas terrorists will be pursued, paralyzed and threatened” by the force of the Israel Defense Forces.
“We will be striking the infrastructure, we will be striking the operatives, in order to safeguard the citizens of Israel,” Colonel Lerner told reporters in an 11 p.m. conference call. “The I.D.F. is not bound by a time frame. We are operating to implement our goals.”
Bill Clinton warns Israel to not isolate itself from the rest of the world’s public opinion, according to AFP. I guess that means that the Israelis should sit back and take it so everyone will like them, or their corpses.
Maybe he’s afraid that Israel will call his bluff on his promise 14 years ago when he said he’d be he first in the ditch with a rifle to protect Israel – you that draft dodger, Bill Clinton who wouldn’t pick up a rifle for his own country.
Category: Terror War
Bill Clinton can go pound sand up his ass sideways.
I second that motion. Although, there probably isn’t much room up there being that his head is up his fourth point of contact. Funny how these idiots are only asking one side to show restraint and not alienate themselves from the international community. By the way, is there anything that Bill Clinton doesn’t weigh in on? Guy hasn’t been president in almost twenty years. Go away.
I’m guessing, but I’d say it has something to do with the next US elections and that wife of his. Besides, he’s an attention whore along with the other stuff.
> I guess that means that the Israelis should sit back and take it so everyone will like them, or their corpses.
Exactly like we do.
The liberal shits in charge could learn a lot from how Netanyahu is handling this. When you’re in war, you fucking kill your enemy. You do not handcuff yourself with BULLSHIT ROE’s and serve up Americans on a silver platter for monsters who strap bombs to children.
Kudos to Netanyahu for having balls and common sense. The Western World is seriously lacking in both.
You mean sending in the air force to bomb children wading across the rio grande?
No, dumbass. It means stopping them from crossing to begin with. Those that make it across are shipped back into Mexico. I’m sure the Mexican government is so very willing to take them in. Those who make it to one of those “sanctuary” cities can feed off that city’s dime. All welfare aid to those cities should be cut until they start obeying the laws of the land. I wonder how leftists in those cities will like putting up their own money to help those poor unfortunate children and their families. One thing I’ve noticed about leftists like you, VWP. Your all about feelings and helping as long as the money doesn’t come out of your pocket. Hypocrites.
VWP, what the fuck does that even mean? Have you seen U.S. bombers over the Rio Grande? Bombing children? I bet you have after you pull your stank ass hippie lips off of your stank ass hippie bong and look up into the sky. Go back to smoking it up stupid.
Oh and by the way, this discussion was about Israel. Focus your drug addled attention span as best you can and try to keep up.
WTF are you talking about.The Rio Grande is in Texas not Israel.
BTW- There is a lot more than just “children” coming across the U.S. border. (But it just doesn’t sound as good if you don’t use the children,,,does it?
Our politicians are afraid of Armeggedon.
Even if our leaders don’t believe in the religious aspect, they still don’t want to be stuffed in a bunker for an indefinite period.
If only we could… and then pile several tons of rocks against the doors, cover with tons of dirt, plant some grass seed, and walk away.
I can dream, can’t I?
In other news, the U.N is a worthless piece of shit organization.
Hamas is vowing Israel will pay. For what? Interrupting their rocket attacks? As if they’re entitled to it? Fuckin’ nutbags deserve to get smoked.
What will be accomplished? Wars never solve anything for the better! Obama should demand a ceasefire otherwise it will degenerate into a contest between netanhayu’s moral corruption and the courage and determination of the children of gaza to see who is tougher. Who is ready to take casualties and come back for more! Ceasefire and peace are a better solution then young palestinian children dying for allah!
I have a grand idea. Why don’t you go over there and tell those Palestinian children to quit throwing rockets at Israel. I’m sure they’ll listen to a brilliant mind like yours.
He might as well throw a temper tantrum on the floor of the oval office a 2 year old would envy. Because let’s face it, no one is listening to him. At all.
“Won’t someone please think of the children!!!”
Maybe they can bury all those dead Palestinian kids in that same mass grave in Texas you were going on about the other day.
“Wars never solve anything for the better.”
Really? Pffftt! I think Col Dubois would disagree with you. If you can read anything higher than a can label, try Robert Heinlein’s “Starship Troopers”, chapter 2. But be careful. With such new and improved concepts, your pea brain might go ‘splody.
Obama demand something.
Ha! Maybe you do have a sense of humor you clueless sack…
and right after he emands.. “really! I mean it!! You’re not listening to me!!! Waaaaahhhhh!”
Hey fuck face. Too bad the Palestinians started this shit…again. And they, like yourself, don’t give a flying fuck about dead people, children or otherwise. You’ve proven time and time again that you don’t. VWP you are so dumb you couldn’t pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the fucking heel. You are lower than whale sperm. You are a useless piece of shit. Go wash your mouth out with some buckshot you worthless fucking tard.
You know, watching the aerial footage those “kids” running look to be about the size of oh, I don’t know, MILITARY AGE MALES. Just sayin, they use propaganda like that all the time.
some of those “children” have facial hair at an early age.
When the children of israel demand that their fellow palestinian children stop being killed then it will stop! Just as the children of american say you keep calling this a christian nation to me then suffer the little children to me! What children would jesus turn around in the middle of the rio grande river and say go back to where you come from!
Oh now you love Jesus.
Do you know what Jesus said about goverment, taxes and laws?
Well do you?
I do … He essentially said, comply with governemt, pay your taxes and obey the law!
He also said (little known fact), “all free children of God should receive a Red Ryder at 6 years old, a Rugar 22 at 8 years old, they shall learn to shoot safely and accurately and at the appropriate age take a NRA gun safety course”.
Jesus said that!
Render unto caesar what is caesars and to me what is mine. a\And it is easier for a camel to go thru the eye of a needle then a rich man to enter the kingdom of heave when he told the young man to give his wealth to the poor.
Hey VWP, render unto BLOW ME!!
The sooner Israel neuters Hamas, the better off they will be. Israel has given up land for peace, traded prisoners for peace, fed, clothed and housed Palestinians for years. And you declare them the aggressors when rockets fall on their sovereign territory.
Someone suggested you gargle with buckshot earlier. I second that suggestion you fucking ignorant, morally bankrupt, intellectually dishonest bag of shit.
It’s noticeable that you didn’t call on the “children” of Palestine to demand that Hamas stop firing rockets at “the children of Israel”.
Why is that exactly fucknuts?
Could it be that you’re a transparent, lying, barely literate, morally compromised mouth breather whose ramblings are little more than an irritant. Seriously-piss off, everyone here sees right through you.
The Israeli offensive will end when Hamas agrees to stop firing rockets into Israel and commits itself to constructive dialogue. Or, more likely, is overthrown or annihilated, given that their very charter demands nothing more or less than the destruction of Israel.
As for those kids, they (and their families) can come here legally. People do it all the time. It’s an effort, but it’s quite possible. They are not refugees, either—they do not face a humanitarian crisis or an oppressive government. Millions of poor Latin Americans come to the US legally. They can, too.
Funny how the Israelis abided by the UN Humanitarian cease fire yet Hamas continued to fire morters into Israel. Hamas also saught to take advantage of said cease fire by trying to sneak 13 heavely armed people into Israel during said morter fire. Fortunately, the Israelis were wise to the plan and stopped them comming out of their hole. Speaking of holes, how bout you VWP climb back in yours. This HS student has a better grasp of events and the English language than you could ever hope too. Keep up the good work HSS!
Well, now that you’ve gone and found religion, let’s ask the question a different way. What children would Jesus put on the road, all alone, and tell to cross the Rio Grande?
“Psalm 137:9 Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.”
Rocks/Rockets – all the same.
You are an IDIOT!!!!!!!
The children will win in the end they always do! The children of israel and palestine will win together!
Some hippy chick and vwp insert themselves into the conflict in the middle east-hilarity ensues.
Supposed to be an embedded video, oh well-
VWP, whats your obsession with kids you fucking pederast. You don’t give a shit about any dead people. That’s why you were a Vietnam War protester. You only care about yourself. You’re a selfish worthless prick. Do us all a favor and ask the idiot next to in the drum circle to beat you repeatedly with his drum stick.
Maybe we’ll all get lucky and a big chunk of that blue stuff will fall out of the sky, punch a hole in his rooftop, and catch him on the way down to the center of the earth.
If he had a brain, he’d be dangerous. I was considering getting a pot grower’s license, just to have an opportunity to turn him down.
The Palestinians are very lucky. Any other country on Earth would have completely leveled that terrorist breading ground called Gaza and kicked all of them out of Israel already. I wonder how long they are going to keep it up though.
Who supplies them with weapons of any kind?
Interesting…..20 rockets found hidden in a UN school in Gaza.–abc-news-topstories.html
They’re homemade and brought to school for show and tell.
Im sure mom and dad must be so proud.
No…really, I bet they are.
Kids today..*sigh*…they blow up so fast