Dare to Criticize the POTUS, Get Investigated by DoJ

| July 15, 2014


DOJ investigates Nebraska parade float critical of Obama

So much for that pesky “free speech” concept.  I guess to some folks, free speech means, “Free for me – but not for thee.”  I guess the same holds true regarding that little oath taken to “. . . preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States . . . “, too.

Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Legal, Politics

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This is the very type of speech that the founding fathers sought to protect!!
What in the name of all that is good in the world have we allowed to happen to our country??

The Other Whitey

We allowed shitbag politicians to get away with igniring the law. Then we allowed a megalomaniacal petty-dictator wannabe to get elected to the highest office of government. The worst part is that there’s several more either just like him or worse waiting their turn.

Old Trooper

This type of thing has been going on for the entire time that Obama has been in office. Anyone that dares to criticize “the won” is called racist, bigot, etc. and is going to be investigated. Funny; I don’t recall anyone getting investigated for pulling worse when Bush was President. I don’t remember Tom Petty getting investigated when he had an effigy of Bush Sr. hanginging on stage that he would run by and hit as he worked the stage, or when Motley Crue was doing the song “Shout at the Devil” and they had images and animations flashing on the big screen and one had Bush Jr. morphing into the devil. Nah, that’s just patriotic, according to Pelosie, Reid, Hillary, Biden, etc.


If I remember right, that float also got voted as the “most popular” (or something like that) of the parade. Better investigate the folks who voted too.
It’s funny how it’s okay to parody virtually anything in the world nowadays, but if you make fun of someone of color, here comes the NAACP. Newsflash – this type of political stuff has been going on FOREVER. Get over it.


“The float’s creator, Dale Remmich, has said the mannequin depicted himself, not President Obama. He said he is upset with the president’s handling of the Veterans Affairs Department, the World-Herald reported.

“Looking at the float, that message absolutely did not come through,” said NAACP chapter president Betty C. Andrews.

Ok, so the guy is not a professional artist. People forget or never learned that the part of the 1st Amendment dealing with speech was not aimed at “Abortion Rights” protests or freedom to watch unlimited porn. It was put in specifically to deal with political speech


Remmich should have said that “hell yeah the mannequin is Obama, and what of it?” Where’s the ACLU in all of this anyway?


Pretty much, yeah. “Damn straight its about Obama. F-You you don’t like it”


Well, gee whiz! We all criticized bodaprez all the time. How come none of us are being investigated?

Dadburnit, he’s visibly annoyed because he isn’t getting kudos for bringing bergdahl back, or for asking for funds for the ongoing Latino refugee problem. VISIBLY annoyed, mind you, and almost at the temper tantrum stage. Everything is all YOUR fault and you’re all bad because you don’t like him. Pfffft!


“How come none of us are being investigated?”

Lois Lerner has bigger worries right now, but she wants to assure you that your efforts have not gone unnoticed.


I think she sent me an email stating that I was being investigated, but I somehow lost it…




Take the 5th (of Jim Beam).

Veritas Omnia Vincit

My country, ’tis of thee,
Obama stole our liberty,
For thee I cry;
Land where politicians lied,
In plain sight illegals hide,
The VA let veterans die,
Let oppression ring!

Apologies to Mr. Smith, Obama and Holder have failed completely to understand the responsibility of the offices they hold. No matter how popular you were or are as a president somewhere between a third to half of the people will always dislike or even despise you. It’s part of the job, instead of being petty little whiners it’s time to put on the big boy pants and get to work.

The IRS and the DOJ aren’t supposed to be political re-education arms of the government. To use them as such is reprehensible and beneath the dignity of either office.

Both men should be ashamed that they have allowed this to be their legacy.

Roger in Republic

Not only are their acts reprehensible and disgusting, they are impeachable acts and in some circles hanging offences. In order to reclaim our Republic we may need to stretch some rope.

The Other Whitey

Responsibility is a meaningless word to the Glorious Leader and his minions. Most of them are chosen hacks of the Chicago Democrat Machine who have never been responsible for a Goddamned thing. It has never been about responsibility to them. It is and always has been about what kind of power and perks they can get their meathooks on, and how they can stick it to the people they don’t like.

I become more convinced every day that the only reason the Dems hate Nixon so much is because he was better at it than they are.

2/17 Air Cav

Some stupid moron jerk asshole knucklehead took offense at the float and notified the state dem party and the mayor, whose name is Fuchtman. Yep. Fuchtman. Here come the IRS audits, grant denials, and who knows what else, all courtesy of our “public servants.”

And just to make myself clear. Obama is a piece of shit so an outhouse is appropriate housing for him and his library.


It is the height of patriotism to criticize your government….unless you are a conservative or disagree with THIS administration….then you are a racist who hates the children…..What a fucking clown show….


What the hell? Even if the figure on the float does depict Obama, the worst thing that could be said about it is that some might consider it disrespectful. There is absolutely nothing there that could be even remotely considered as a threat to the president. (Hell, even he-who-must-not-be-named wouldn’t consider it a threat.) So why is DoJ involved in this?


I hate to be that cynical, but you’re probably right. Did DOJ investigate anyone who was publicly disrespectful (but not threatening) to President Bush? I doubt it.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

For what it’s worth the CRS team is not tasked with any investigatory powers, but is considered a “conflict resolution” team. Whatever that means….it’s a race relations issue of course.

Nothing ominous about being called a racist for expressing your opinion and having the DOJ send a conflict resolution specialist to keep you from escalating your free speech…this is bad stuff all around.

2/17 Air Cav

It’s all about race, see? The only sustained effort the administration has made (apart from wrecking the country) is to harp on race–specifically, racism as the basis for disagreeing with The Emperor or, in my case, calling him a piece of shit.


So let’s see, a parade float with an outhouse on it. So far so good. Add a mannequin, still so far so good. But write Obama anything on it and have the mannequin even resemble Obama…now it is blatant racism and a potential federal offense. Free speech? That’s for us liars here in Administration, not for you low level Americans. Something I’ve always noticed about Democrats and liberals. Their sense of humor and ability to recognize satire is as dull as a froe. Especially when it comes to laughing at themselves or others having a laugh on them. They never get it. It is therefore always a deep issue of racism or discrimination or general disrespect. Lighten up DoJ and Obama, if that’s the worst you’re ever called or referred to as, a guy in an out house called the Obama Library, then you got off easier than any president in history.


This guy is making Nixon and his enemies list look positively tame in comparison.

Worst President since WWII? Try the War of 1812.


About 10 years ago or so when some of us became semi-pro counter protestors, we discovered an incredible number of folks who truly believe that the Bill of Rights only applies to them, and is not a protection which applies to all of us, certainly never to those with whom they disagree. They would demand that we leave because we displayed a message different from theirs, to the point that they often called the police to remove us. It was a thing of real beauty to listen as the police explained to them that our permit allowed us on the corner we occupied, but that they, the useful idiots, were not allowed on our corner, and sometimes, lacking a permit to be there, in the area at all.

It was eye opening the first time we heard them actually say that “free speech” only applied to them. When told that the Bill of Rights applies as much to us as to them, they really said the words, “No it doesn’t.” And, it has been my experience in the intervening years, that it is always easy to find some in their crowd who believe the same.

Sad, but true. It is how the left operates, and has for many decades. Demand that “rights” are theirs exclusively, while violating the rights of others. Of course, lying about their agenda, lying about history, and lying about everything else in general which suits their purpose goes along with it because they want it. It is their only source of power.


…they really said the words, “No it doesn’t.”

Obviously-only the rights of “good” people should be protected, and they are obviously the “good” party in any dispute (just ask them). It’s appropriately awesome that you refer to them as “the left” BTW-they aren’t liberal in any traditional sense and the story you just related perfectly illustrates that.


All animals are created equal. Some animals are more equal than others.


I still don’t understand why the term ‘liberal’ applies to them, when they are hardly liberal with anything except someone else’s money and their own invective.

Maybe I’ll get it some day, but they are NOT what liberal means to me. They are just self-involved dingalings.

Roger in Republic

Wasn’t it Nancy Pelosi who said something to the effect that resisting a sitting president was a patriotic duty? Well, put me down as doing my duty.

We started out as a nation of skeptics when it came to the government. We always attached the worst possible motive to every government action. We watched the governors like hawks in order to protect our rights. Somehow we knew instinctively that the more government we got the less freedom we had. Somewhere along the way we sold out, we let them buy up our rights for peanuts. They bought us off using our own money. The Great Depression started it and the Great Society sealed our fate. We are going to pay a price to return the rights our founders illuminated and enshrined in the Constitution, but pay it we must. The nations continued existence demands it of us. If part of that price is pissing off a tinhorn power whore, well , so be it.


Well to be truthful, I don’t like it either. I think the damn outhouse is too big to be Barack Hussein Obama’s Um,Um,Uh library.


Remember the last administration had a way to restrict Free Speech too…they set up ‘Free Speech Zones’. Far enough away from the action so that the protesters were not even heard.

For all I know the current administration is doing the same thing. But, they don’t really need to because anyone that protests Obama seems to get labeled as a racist rather quickly and the original message is quashed.

My point is, that as Americans we should not repress free speech by anyone. Because the restrictions placed to hinder one group will eventually come to hinder us all.