Drones in Iraq now armed

| June 28, 2014

Earlier this week, we read that the Pentagon claims that they were flying a few dozen missions over Iraq of manned and unmanned aircraft which were unarmed and “predominantly for reconnaissance purposes”. Yesterday they admitted that they are now arming the drones for “force protection” now that Americans have arrived.

“I would also tell you that we get paid to plan and prepare. The president has made no decisions about the use of kinetic force in Iraq, but it would be irresponsible for us not to be planning and preparing and thinking and to be ready in case he should make that decision,” [Pentagon Press Secretary Rear Admiral John] Kirby said.

The Iraqi government has called on the U.S. to bomb ISIL fighters. But U.S. officials have said more intelligence gathering was needed before the military would be able to effectively carry out such attacks. Obama has indicated that airstrikes are an option.

According to the Washington Post, e should bank on drones, though. They obtained a FOIA on drone accidents and there have been more than 400 since 2001;

Since the outbreak of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, military drones have malfunctioned in myriad ways, plummeting from the sky because of mechanical breakdowns, human error, bad weather and other reasons, according to more than 50,000 pages of accident investigation reports and other records obtained by The Washington Post under the Freedom of Information Act.

Yeah, see that’s the downside of gravity, just because something is supposed to fly, it doesn’t always. It’s better to have unmanned aircraft crash than the alternative, but obviously it’s not something that we can depend on to be the center of our strategy.

Oh, by the way, remember how there was only 300 troops going to Iraq earlier this week? Well, now it’s 500, according to UPI‘s count;

Pentagon spokesman Col. Steven Warren said, of the 500 American military personnel in Iraq, “Some of them are conducting an advise and assist mission, some are manning the joint operations center, some of them are part of the [Office of Security Cooperation] and yet others are Marines that are part of a [fleet anti-terrorism security team] platoon.”

Yeah, I’m just letting the Pentagon know that someone is keeping count out here.

Category: Terror War

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While I am not defending drone use, once you get towards the end of the article, it states accident rates are going down. Drones are a fairly new technology and I am sure the percentage of Class A accidents when the airplane was first used was quite high as well.

Plus, it appears that the progressive education system is working. Only someone with a US education can be convinced 300 = 500!!


As a fellow zoomie or soon to be retired zoomie, I agree. Now for the real question: Does any one else think this pattern is similar to the 60’s? We’re only gonna scale down our military, the war is over, we’re only gonna semd in advisors but not aircraft, we’re only sending in aircraft for intel and to protect the advisors…..


According to ABCNews Iraq gov’t requesting 1400 Hellfire missiles from USA…

The Other Whitey

I know I said this before but I feel like I should say it again. Obama has promised not to send any troops into Iraq! Uh, except for the troops he IS gonna send to Iraq!

How the hell did we elect this jerkoff twice?

2/17 Air Cav

“We” didn’t. Those who expected him to pay their electric bills and make their car payments did. Well, them, and all of the Prius-driving, middle aged white intellectuals who voted for wanted to help make history or something.


I was a witness to a lot of the voter fraud that happened in WI during the last ten or so elections and can honestly say that oblowme stole that election.
There is no doubt in my mind that the van and busloads of people coming in from Chicago were not registered voters and were illegal voters.
I was an election watcher during the 2012 election and saw many attempts at fraud at my ward. Those people left there and voted elsewhere since we were one of the better wards for stopping fraud.
Other watchers complained vigorously about the last election but of course Milwaukee
County DA was too busy investigating Scott Walker for non existent conspiracies and making sure that conservative groups didn’t have their God Given Right to Freedom of Speech.
BTW, that DA John Chisholm is sweating .50 cal Ma Deuce bullets knowing that he is going to be sued by all of those organizations personally for illegal prosecution.
That is gonna be fun to watch !!!
Ride safe brothers and Sisters !!!

CC Senor

What’s this we shit, white man?


As I read Jonn’s article, the statements coming from DC are typical. They are all centered around Obama. What Obama decides, what Obama thinks we need, what Obama deems necessary. Obama this and Obama that. Never do you hear, what the commanders in the field need. What common sense calls for. None of that. It is all Obama’s call and Obama’s delight if it goes well for a short while and the SECDEF’s blunder, if it goes badly. We should never have put another boot on Iraqi soil. Never. But now that he has, he has the responsibility for their lives and the lives of every American citizen in Iraq. But since Obama thinks he can “rope a dope” the American public like he has his leftist supporters, he will do as he pleases for HIS best interest. Not the best interest of America or American lives.


If he’s willing to leave an Ambassador flapping in the wind ….. If the CINC won’t lift a finger to help an Ambassador, what makes anybody think he’d do any different for mear military advisors.

