Defense budget cuts $$$ for Afghanistan, adds $$$ for Syrian rebels

| June 27, 2014

The Stars & Stripes reports that the White House has sent their “Overseas Contingency Operations” budget to Congress. It has cut spending for Afghanistan while adding a 1/2 million billion bucks to arm “appropriately vetted” Syrian rebels fighting against the government;

[T]he budget, known as Overseas Contingency Operations, includes for the first time money to arm and train moderate Syrian rebels that are not only fighting President Bashar Assad’s government but also a wing of the same al-Qaida-inspired group challenging the U.S.-backed leadership in Iraq.

The funds are part of a new $5-billion pot of money called the counter-terrorism partnerships fund, an initiative announced by President Barack Obama during a West Point speech on the future of U.S. counter-terrorism efforts in May.

I’m just wondering how they plan on “vetting” these people they’re going to arm – because you know terrorists are always so truthful about their intentions. There were al Qaeda and Taliban who had infiltrated Afghan police and army units and were able to murder US personnel in the last few years. Karzai assured us that they were vetted before they were armed and trained and then went on their shooting sprees.

The Washington Times reports;

Officials said the administration would coordinate with Congress and regional players on the specific types of training and assistance the U.S. would provide the opposition. One potential option would be to base U.S. personnel in Jordan and conduct the training exercise there.

Well, that makes me feel better – Congress is jam-packed with folks with military experience who should be given honorary general ranks and determine how our proxy wars should be fought. They have such a flawless record of military expertise.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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You said “1/2 a million bucks” but I think you meant to say 1/2 a BILLION.

The linked article says 500 million.


But only for the “good” Syrian rebels.

Delilah T.

‘appropriately vetted’?

Isn’t that like issuing a green card for someone who stole my identity?


al-Qaida of any brand = Impossible to vet and impossible to trust! Another brilliant idea from our Obama lead foreign policy and military efforts. I say money for Afghan Americans to protect and defend them until we get them out if that is what they are planning anyway and nothing for anyone with al-Qaida in their faction, name or background. Use it to arm and help the Kurds if you want to help anyone.


The most incompetent, idiotic, pathetic excuses for a Commander in Chief and his sycophants in the 5 sided puzzle palace.
Clueless. When they make a movie about them, I wonder if they will be able to use “Dumb and Dumber” as the title?


I think dumber and dumbest might be available


Yeah but how many of you are going to get on the phone or send a letter/email to your Rep to vote against this? We really need to arm more ISIS to take over Iraq just a little faster before the mid-terms show up to stop this shit weasel president


already done


How does Congress allow the funding for this boondoggle?? This is as dicked up as two men fucking in church and our supposed Republican Congress is going to allow the money for this?? If this bill passes, I will vote for a goddamn circus monkey before I cast another vote for any incumbent in my state.


After their July 4th break, only 28 working days for Congress in year 2014. Feel better?


If this vetting system is so reliable, why don’t we appoint a few of these worthy allies to the congressional security detail?


This, if nothing else, should show what this administration really thinks of our military. Take funds from the troops, during a surge in violence in Afghanistan, to give to those who are responsible for the shit in Iraq. Those brain dead idiots are going to “vet” the groups before giving them aid, just like the “vetted” them before. We all know how well that turned out, seeing pictures of terrorists waltzing in and picking up weapons and supplies in Syria. The Obama administration is either deliberately aiding the terrorists or they are so damned incompetent they can’t tell the difference. Talk about Keystone Kops…

A Proud Infidel®™

B. Hussein 0bama & Company helped Mexican Drug Cartels arm themselves via Fast & Furious, armed rebels in Syria, now they want to arm anyone they ease while doing their damnedest to disarm law-abiding American Citizens. GOD HELP AMERICA!!


The Han Solo character put it best: “I’ve got a bad feeling about this . . . .”

Pinto Nag

This is how we have the finest military in the world — we keep equiping / training their ENEMIES, too!

I wish I could put the /sarc tag here, but this isn’t sarcasm, this is exactly what seems to be occuring.


Oh FFS. Somebody please impeach this domestic enemy already. His islamic califate crew, the Muslim brotherhood was funded and booted out the Egypt so now he’s back to funding groups more effective in getting the califate.

Seriously what will it take for Americans to realize Obummer’s last priority is America or western civilization? He’s just blatantly obvious now.

Climb to Glory

Jesus. What could go wrong here. Congress is obviously well equipped to make this decison right?