Lost Government Email: It’s Not Just for the IRS Any More

| June 26, 2014

Well, it looks like another Federal agency has been ordered to produce email from a former employee and can’t. And like the IRS, this one is also being blamed on, “My hard drive ate my email.”

Back in 2009, a former EPA employee, Phillip North, “arranged” (some might say, “conspired”) with a number of his colleagues to veto a proposed mine – the Pebble Mine – before the EPA even started evaluating its potential environmental impact. This is obviously not “according to Hoyle”.

The House Oversight Committee has been investigating the matter for some time. However, there’s a problem: North fled to New Zealand, and is not cooperating with Congressional investigators.

The House requested the EPA’s help in getting data concerning North and the Pebble Mine issue. The EPA Administrator, Gina McCarthy, has now notified the House that – you guessed it – they are “unable to provide lawmakers all of the documents they have requested on the proposed Pebble Mine in Alaska, because of a 2010 computer crash.”

Sounds kinda familiar, doesn’t it? Hey, it seems to be working for the IRS. Why not?

Oh, and regarding the IRS/Lerner scandal – there’s a bit more, um, “interesting news” about Lerner and her missing email. It seems as if the IRS told the White House about Lerner’s missing email at least a month before it told Congress. And it also seems that Lerner sought to start a IRS investigation of some sort of a sitting US Senator over what a reasonable person might conclude could have been nothing more than pique – specifically, an invitation to a political fund raiser mistakenly sent to her from a political foe.

Oh, and in case you’re wondering why current IRS Commissioner John Kosiken is receiving such a warm (some would say “fawning”) reception from one party in Congress: this might explain it. It seems Kosiken has consistently donated to one political party over the years – to the tune of around $85,000.

Nothing to see here, folks. Just more business as usual for “the most transparent Administration in history”.

Or maybe that should read “getting ‘the business’ transparently from a historically-bad Administration.”

Category: Politics

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Something….something….Seal Team 6….something….GITMO….something….waterboarding….something…..Then we’ll see about fucking cooperating. 凸ಠ益ಠ)凸


The Obama administration doesn’t even try to hide it’s underhanded tactics anymore. Those people are simply throwing a stiff middle finger to Congress and the American people, thinking they can do whatever they want with impunity.


As long as Holder is in charge of the DOJ, they can.

Green Thumb

Much like the VA and stalling Congressional Document Requests.


All I can add is, “It’s apparently business as usual on any given day in our U.S. government. Got our paychecks, got our bonuses, tell the American public to f@ck off, we’ll do as we please. After all we’re lame ducks here and we can do what we want. So America…just screw yourselves, all of you and just shut up! We’re Obama and Company!”.


If the speaker of the house, Boehner, was a true leader and had balls, he would tell the IRS and EPA; Until the emails are delivered you budgets are cut in half or held in check.

A Proud Infidel®™

Most. Corrupt. Administration. Ever.


Looking at the directive out of Denver, I guess we finally have an explanation of all these hard drive crashes…


Yeah, and I’m sure all my 2009 work email is sitting around on a government server too–oh wait, no it’s not. (NSA snooping aside, har, har) If enough people keep jawing about this, some ‘tards in congress might just pass an annoying law saying we actually have to keep everybody’s freaking spam on file forever. Holy cow would that be expensive and nasty. But then we’d just complain about government dragging their feet when it took them too long to produce the email, and all this suspected underhanded stuff would just move to personal mail.

Delilah T.

Dontcha just love the ‘caught – pants down’ stuff?

They really do make Nixon’s team of bunglers look like amateurs. And I’ll bet THIS White House’s enemies list is a whole lot longer than Nixon’s was. 😛

That smirk on Kosken’s face when he’s being asked for answers is so smug. I sure hope his tech geeks are better than my tech geeks.