Another parade discussion

| June 19, 2014


Remember when we had this whole discussion about a “victory parade” for Iraq? Well, now Senator (VA-D) Tim Kaine, in the middle of the discussion about how we’re going to go back to Iraq, wants to have a parade for the “end” of combat operations in Afghanistan, according to the Military Times;

“The president has said combat operations (in Afghanistan) will end in 2014, and we can’t allow these kind of milestones to go unrecognized,” the Virginia Democrat said. “We need to have that moment. We need to mark the end of that chapter.”

On Thursday, Kaine will introduce a resolution to mark this Veterans Day as an official “welcome home” commemoration for the youngest generation of warfighters.

The move doesn’t carry any money or mandates, but Kaine hopes if it passes the Senate it can act as a firing pistol for a host of nationwide celebrations honoring the military sacrifices of the last 13 years.

Is it really the end of combat operations in Afghanistan, Timmy? Are you really that naive? I’m sure the warriors who fought the war in Afghanistan would feel more welcomed home if they came back to a less dysfunctional Veterans Affairs Department and a fully funded health care system.

But, hey, parades are easy, it’s the stuff that works in the real world that’s hard, so yeah, let’s have a big f’n parade so we can punish the troops with hours of parade practice and the rest of America can take a break from the mall and feel good about themselves for “supporting the troops”. We could tie a huge yellow ribbon around Manhattan or something.

Category: Congress sucks

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No, no, a million times no. Because no sooner than the music fades and the crowds fall away, the people of Afghanistan will be subject to Taliban rule and die by the tens if not hundreds of thousands.

You do not celebrate unless you WIN.


Tom Kaine is a nimrod. Fighting won’t end in 2014 and I doubt in 2015. This is another “feel good solution to a sound good issue”. Whether the issue is real or valid yet or not. Tim, let’s wait until ALL the troops are home from Afghanistan and now Iraq and talk about it then, eh? In the meanwhile, how about looking into your real job, finding ways to solve some of the real problems facing this country. I mean after all, as a U.S. Senator, it’s kinda your job isn’t it?


Sorry to nitpick, but it’s the attitude that government is there to solve our problems that got us into this shitpile in which we find ourselves, at least domestically.

Every major issue they’ve touched in the last century not falling under Article I, Section 8 is a soup sandwich when they get done. Come to think of it, most of the things that ARE in Art. I, Sect. 8 are soup sandwiches too.



Still serving(currently in Afghanistan)

No wonder their approval rating is 13%…….


Sweet Jesus. Day late and a dollar short, Timmy? What genius on your staff came up with this in light of what is going on in Iraq?


I have enough trouble trusting politicians with an (R) after their name (case in point: Peter King, LI, NY, et al) much less this guy, Kaine (D). Perhaps the clenched fists in the photo above make he and his party more trustworthy? Nope! I ain’t buying it….all (D’s) suck and most (R’s) suck too.

They all can kiss my Irish ass. Next time I’ll tell you how I really feel.


2/17 Air Cav

What took you so long?


2/17 Air Cav +100! Timmahy!

2/17 Air Cav

Tim Kaine (D-VA) is a genius. I know he’s a genius. He’s a genius because he has, in addition to the parade proposal, just floated that what he thinks is needed to stem the influx of Central Americans crossing into the US from Mexico. His proposal? To pour more US taxpayer dollars into Central America so that those countries can increase their own border security. His rationale is even better than his inane proposal. You see, the reason parents are packing their kids off is because of violence—drug violence. And the reason there is drug violence? Because US citizens buy drugs from Central America, that’s why! I couldn’t make this up. Well, I could but you would all dismiss it as too moronic to be remotely credible. (The story is in today’s Washington Times, by the way.)


2/17 Air Cav…I was pissed at this moron before…now I am livid after reading the WT article you referenced about aid to Central American countries for “border security”. Is little Timmy on the same planet we are?


Amen… one of the few honest things to pass Hillary’s lips was exactly that: the drug wars will be unstoppable until we kill off demand. Me, I think a first arrest should get a mandatory drug class, fine, and a warning. Second offense or getting caught with dealing-level amounts – death penalty, the expedited 30 day kind. Until you make the penalties high enough to get people’s attention, they will continue to use – and fund the cartels/terrorists who exploit it.

2/17 Air Cav

I think I had better see if Kaine has a financial interest in parade supplies and receives campaign funds from a PAC having to do with Central American Banana importers or something.

Delilah T.

To paraphrase friend of mine in the 1960s, what if they had a parade, and nobody came?


We don’t need a parade. None of us Iraq/A-Stan people do. We did a job. It’s not like we were pulled from our lives and thrown in the military. We all Volunteered.

Ok, I’m being a bit extreme, everyone likes a parade in their honor. Seriously though, can’t we send money on something that is important?


I’d be willing to bet that your parents and the rest of your family and friends (community) would love to show their appreciation for your service. Even though you all volunteered there’s a helluva lot of sacrifice involved when deploying.

Having said all that….thank you for your service.


Please pardon my bluntness, it isn’t personal, it’s born from experience with this. Parades are a chickenshit way of showing appreciation. It allows folks to say they waved a flag and cheered when the troops passed. It allows them to feel good about themselves, saying they did something. But what happens afterwards? Those same people will go back to their everyday lives, ignoring the true needs of veterans. You may wonder how I know this. As I stated earlier, it’s from personal experience. I was in a hometown parade shortly after returning from Iraq. I was helped out of my wheelchair and into a car. People cheered and waved flags and generally felt good about themselves. But what happened afterwards? Nothing. I couldn’t even get a single person to help a ramp at my front door. I even bought all the materials. No one was willing to spend a single minute driving a single nail. No, keep the parades. The only troops who will march are those forced to or those who most likely never deployed. Cynical, I know. But it’s the best I can do. Again, my rant wasn’t directed at you. So I apologize for any hurt feelings.

Climb to Glory

Agree wholeheartedly. Its for the people watching the parade more than the people in the parade. And you’re spot on about the people in the parade. The only people in the parade will be forced to be or people that never deployed. Keep your damn parades Timmy. I get so pissed over all this phony thanks/concern for veterans. Every time I see those Hollywood idiots in that “I’ve got your 6” commercials I want to break my tv. Fuck you Sarah Jessica Parker, you don’t have my six. You know who does; the guys that were in my rifle platoon. Sorry about the rant, but that commercial gets me fired up.


The only thing worse than a parade is a division change-of-command.

“Bring your units to parade rest…We will now here comments from the incoming Chaplain’s wife.”

CB Senior

I told my brothers that if they were so fucking gun-ho about going to Iraq. Sign up or shut up. Not much talking after that.
A buddy asked me about doing a parade I told him I cannot stand them and their fake patriotism. He then said that was not true and all the people stand and cheer for the Vets. I then asked him what do they do after the Vets have passed by. He said they sit back down. Kind of like you were never there, I said.


I get that. I really do. But as been said by others, we, meaning Veterans, do not need or want parades.

We need help in lots of other ways.

How many Vets are homeless, just skating poverty, need Jobs, trying to feed their families, I could go on and on.

There are so many ways a community can honor it’s Veterans.

I’ll leave you this think about from personal experience.

I came home in 2009. I came home to no employment because the company I worked for went belly up while I was deployed. I know at least half my company experienced the same thing.

Yes, there are laws protecting jobs, it’s called ESGR. They can’t help you of the company no longer exists.

I and my family are still trying to make ends meet with just my disability check and my wife’s part time work.

I’m not complaining. Please don’t take it that way. I am just trying to point out that there are much better ways to honor Veterans other than a parade.

One of things that has made me extremely proud was when I was walking behind my kids on their bikes on a bike trail and a guy came up behind us, stopped and asked why I wasn’t riding. I explained to this gentleman about my injuries. He asked for my phone number and said he’d have a solution in a week or so. 2 weeks later I received a trike style bicycle. I never asked for it. He saw a need and filled it.

I’d rather that bike than a parade any day.

A Proud Infidel®™

How big of a pat on the back does that clown plan to give himself for his or during it? Parade, MY ASS, every day, politicians give me more reasons to dislike the self-centered windbags!!


I had to march in three parades while on AD. The first one was a Christmas parade in my small hometown in Georgia. My CoC thought I would be stoked about marching in it cause it was my hometown. Thanks for wasting 5 hours of my Saturday guys, I appreciated the hell out of that. The second one was a saint Patricks day parade that wasted valuable drinking time. Yet again, thanks for volunteering me dicks. The last one was a parade two hours south of Stewart that just left a ton of bitterness in my mouth towards my Leadership.

No more parades. Let’s focus on things that actually matter for a change.


Timmy, why don’t you and the other nimrods stop the election year politicking. If you really want to do something for the veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan, for all veterans really, then clean up the VA. Start at the top and work down and don’t stop until it has been completely purged of political hacks and entrenched do-anything-for bonuses-and-fuck the-veterans bureaucrats. Fully fund the VA and truly cut the back log. Anything else is just you doing what political assholes do, anything to get elected and screw the vets. So, I give you a big hearty FUCK YOU, until I see you, and the other assholes in office, actually do something positive for the military and veterans.

Toasty Coastie

Here’s your lollipop and balloon kids…now go home and let us get back to discussing what else we can screw you out of.


Good to see you posting today, TC. How’re things going?

Toasty Coastie

Hi ya Hondo 🙂

Thanks..doing ok…gonna be getting my legs back next week then start PT..

I think the nurses are getting tired of me running over their feet 🙂


Good to hear that. Best wishes for a good recovery.

Toasty Coastie

Thank you Hondo 😀

Pinto Nag

Parades are old-fashioned and need to go. They take up time, space, and money and, at least around here, screw the traffic up for most of a day. Hold something out at the local fairgrounds or something — just don’t block the roads!

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka iraq arabic for vietnam

“I don’t know what I believe. I will be home by christmas eve!” Lets have a parade for all times they came home by christmas eve.

I’d march in a parade just to spit in your eye, you worthless fuck.


We can make this a interoperability operation.

We don’t agree on the reason behind it, VWP — but I want to see our troops come home, too.

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka iraq arabic for vietnam

bring them all back alive!


This is something like poking a stick in the eyes of veterans. Lots of communities have found meaningful ways to support the troops in their towns, cities and country sides. Others have not. Holding a parade only means something if the organizers do other things to support for military members and veterans. Having a parade as street theater instead of actually supporting military service is all for show, as others have said in their comments.

Never have understood how having troops marching in a parade was honoring them. Seems like the troops should be sitting along the parade route with those who wish to honor them forming the parade.