That “illegal” war in Iraq

| June 19, 2014


Remember how we were told for years that the war in Iraq was “illegal”, somehow, when it was being fought by a Republican President. Well, apparently, now that the Republican is gone, it’s fine for the Democrat President to use the same authorization from Congress to fight another war in Iraq. From CNN;

I’ll let you know what’s going on, but I don’t need new congressional authority to act, President Barack Obama told congressional leaders Wednesday about his upcoming decision on possible military intervention in Iraq.


House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of California agreed with McConnell’s assessment, adding she believed congressional authorization for military force in Iraq back in 2001 and 2003 still applied.

What a difference party affiliation makes. Pelosi added;

Obama “did not give us an array of actions he was planning to take,” Pelosi said. “He just talked about his perspective on what was happening there.”

So, she’s not really worried about what the President will do in regards to Iraq, but when it was President Bush;

“The burden is on the president to justify any additional resources for a mission,” said Pelosi, D-Calif. “Congress is ready to use its constitutional authority of oversight to question what is the justification for this spending, what are the results we are receiving.”

“There’s not a carte blanche, a blank check for him to do whatever he wishes there,” she added in an interview taped Saturday and broadcast Sunday.

I guess we can all relax when Democrats go to war.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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Veritas Omnia Vincit

One president’s illegal war based on lies and deception from the intelligence community (even though that intelligence was used in statements by the previous democratic administration) is the next president’s honest and appropriate response to aggression perpetrated by extremists against a reliable ally.

Moments like this expose the hypocrisy of the democrats to the light of day for all to see.

Under Clinton Hussein was a barbaric ally of terrorism and needed to be stopped, under Bush he was a barbaric ally of terrorism until the democrats tired of the war then he was the former pillar of stability in the region uniting the Kurds, Shiites and Sunnis in his country.

The democrats are so full of shit they can’t smell the winds of change blowing around their lives at the moment. November will leave an impression on their party I hope.


I watched what I then thought of as my Democrats go from solidly supporting the invasion of Iraq to a chorus for failure (“quagmire!”) just after the units started rolling. I remember Osama bin Laden saying that, as soon as the casualties started to happen, the Americans would lose heart and decide to quit. I remember John F’n Kerry, who had sonorously supported the war, doing an imitation of the lady elephants in the movie “Dumbo” shortly thereafter.

And I remember Tom Daschle, with his theory of, first support the war, then ride it all the way to the White House.

Notice how Tom Daschle no longer holds high public office? The good people of his state stripped him of his office.

As for me, I am voting for anybody but a Democrat for the next few rounds.


Drunkle Joe Biden says he didn’t vote for the war. He lies.


Obama “did not give us an array of actions he was planning to take,” Pelosi said. “He just talked about his perspective on what was happening there.”

Problem here is, Obama has no perspective on Iraq. If he did, the embassy would be empty now, before American lives are lost or more “boots on the ground” were sent, which he was emphatic would not happen. Put Obama and his crew, blindfolded on the roof of the White House and ask which way the wind is blowing. They’ll all point in a different direction, until you take their blindfolds off and they see which way Obama is pointing, then they will add their fingers to that direction. Simply, there is no leadership in this nation. Not in domestic matters and certainly not in foreign matters where American lives are at stake.


Problem here is, Obama has no perspective . . . .

All hail President Max Headroom!


what was Terry Crewe’s name in “Idiocracy”?


President DeWayne Herbert Mountain Dew Comacho I think. Btw- welcome to Costco, I love you.


Don’t you dare besmirch the name of President Dwayn Herbert Mountain Dew Alehandro Comacho by comparing him to the creep that currently occupies the White House! President Comacho is a man of action and a born leader who, in the end, could even admit when he made a mistake and act decisively to correct it!


Kickass!! True dat!!
Brought to you by Carl’s Jr.


Say “NO” to war, unless a Democrat is President.

Delilah T.

I thought it was Bush’s war.

Green Thumb

Just two more years. Two more years.

Farflung Wanderer

I’m counting the bloody days…

Am I the only one looking at the above picture and thinking, “now kiss”? I mean, hell, I’ve seen lovers that are further apart, and gazing any less deeply into each other’s eyes…

Although I don’t think any of us need to have the mental image that comes with anything involving the two being… involved.


Is that Pelosi with the pResident, or Bergdahl’s mom? It’s getting so one needs a program.


Wait a minute. You expect me to believe that opposition to the Iraq war was just political partisanship? Next you’ll expect me to believe that people who question President Obama are racists. That there’s no scandal at the IRS. Or the VA. That everything that’s happened for the last 5 years is all Bush’s fault (except for killing Osama, that’s all Barry. And Benghazi-that was Bush’s fault too. Except for capturing the guy who did it. All Barry again). That Fast and Furious was a Bush program that Eric “the Red” Holder stopped as soon as he took office.

Damn, I never knew……

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Look you racist tax dodger, you better get on board the Obama train ASAP.

Everything is Bush’s fault and all success is Obama’s….

Nothing more to see here.


I’ll bet he’s one of those rednecks who own “assault rifles” also. How dare he question the rule of Dear Leader, Messiah Obama!!

Delilah T.

Just a question, because I’m in a foul mood about this whole thing: Does anyone besides me think Puglosi’s panties were on the floor when that photo was taken?

Oh, that’s SO NOT NICE OF ME!!!!!!!

Sorry, gentlmen, I just CANNOT stand that plasticized, surgically-corrected** old cow.
(**two-faced part surgically hidden to avoid scaring people)


On the floor? Probably not; that’s a public location.

Rather damp? Entirely plausible.


No, but if you took her bra off her boobs would be!

The Other Whitey

Between age and Botox (copious amounts of both), I don’t think the hag’s loins can generate any fluid, slime, or substance of any kind other than oddly-colored urine.


The Other Whitey…Thanks bud. Now can you tell me if Costco sells mind bleach in restaurant quantities? 😀


Thanks to that mental image, I now need mental floss.


On the floor? No. Definitely in Dear Leaders back pocket for him to sniff later. There’s no doubt she would have been in the broom closet with Obama had he asked.


I thought Dear Leader declared the war over? So how can he now say that it isn’t? I hope Congressional Republicans have the stones to stop him, force him to ask for any authorization to send troops to Iraq.

Delilah T.

ArmyATC, my dearest wish is that this thing blows up in his face, like an egg in a microwave.

This arrogant ass (for whom I did NOT vote, thank you) is going to make his very own decision AS TO sending whatevers into Iraq.

It will, he thinks, cost him nothing, because he has always had his own little waltz through life with no apparent consequences… except that there are ALWAYS consequences, as Tricky Dick Nixon found out. 🙂

Delilah T.

If you did not watch the live presentation on TV at noon, here is a brief summary:

1 – Secure the US embassy and personnel

2 – Increase intel services and recon assets inside Iraq

3 – Increase support to Iraq security forces with additional equipment, 300 additional military advisors, but no US forces in combat

4 – Additional US military assets sent to prepare Iraq to take precise military action

5 – Work toward a new government (Sunni, Shi’ite, Kurd) in Iraq.

I’m trying to figure out if there is a conflicted set of statements in this, but apparently, bodaprez thinks the black flag (AQs) doesn’t mean anything, and that the conflict is only between Sunnis and Shi’ites. He did say something about using Iran as a means of negotiating a truce or end to conflict between Shi’ites and Sunnis, which actually makes sense since Teheran doesn’t want that crap in Iran, either. The UK was on that a few days ago. ‘The enemy of my enemy is my friend.’
However, he said nothing about actually sending material support to the Kurds, which he should be doing. He does not seem to have a grasp of what the real problem is and how quickly that mess can escalate into an even bigger conflict.

Farflung Wanderer

I’m having a hard time following how things are working between the three sub-religions in Iraq.

As far as I can make of what I’ve heard, the Kurds are friendly towards us, but Turkey is stonewalling our sending of support to them.

As for the Sunni and Shi’ite (… Has anyone ever bothered to take away the apostrophe and the extra “i”?)… They’re both hostile towards us, right?

Apologies for my ignorance, I haven’t been following Iraq that closely for a while.

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka iraq arabic for vietnam

It was illegal then it is illegal now! Never reinforce defeat! President Obama should let isis and iran fight it out. Its like when hitler attacked stalin you don’t know who to boo for!

More evidence that vwp loves nothing better than brown people killing brown people.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Is that wrong?

Does this mean you’ll vote Republican this November, VWP?


I’ll give VWP this, as much as he may need his meds, at least he’s consistant.


I’m cool with this. Just draft VWP since ran away like a coward last time. I bet he isn’t as fast now to get away.


“The jihadist group bringing terror to Iraq overran a Saddam Hussein chemical weapons complex on Thursday, gaining access to disused stores of hundreds of tonnes of potentially deadly poisons including mustard gas and sarin. ”

Great. The only good news here is that, apparently, the stuff is very unstable.

Delilah T.

‘Hundreds of tonnes of chemical weapons’? Wait — I thought there WEREN’T ANY WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION when we went into Iraq back in the long ago.

So, all that NO WMDs crap was just that – lies and crap?

I’m so confused. Can someone in Aisle 5 please clean up this mess and ‘splain things to me?



“On Sept. 18, 2002, CIA director George Tenet briefed President Bush in the Oval Office on top-secret intelligence that Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction, according to two former senior CIA officers. Bush dismissed as worthless this information from the Iraqi foreign minister, a member of Saddam’s inner circle, although it turned out to be accurate in every detail. Tenet never brought it up again. ”

Next they’ll tell me that 9/11 *wasn’t* an inside job! /sarc


So if ISIS has chemical weapons now, anybody want to guess how soon they use them? Anybody want to guess how soon ISIS, knowing where they were, are planning now to use them on the U.S. Embassy? If as nothing more than a trump card to keep them hostage there in the event they try to leave. So when is the time to evacuate the Embassy the right time? I vote it was yesterday but in light of this news it should be NOW!!! Chemical weapons strapped on a human bomb dispersal means is all it takes. Obama, are you seeing these events and planning to protect ALL AMERICANS in Iraq by getting them out now, or are you planning your next golf game or vacation? Mr. President, if Americans die there, because of this or simply being overrun in the Embassy, it will be on your head and the blood on your hands for as long as you live. Please do the right thing now before and when it is too late. Please.

How much more incentive is this for the Iraqi Army to toss their weapons and flee? They were unwilling to fight before. Now they have even more reason to abandon Baghdad at the first sign of ISIS showing up.


Curious to see the spin on the WMD stash now in the hands of terrorists. None were supposed to exist, right? At least that’s what we keep hearing.

Does this mean that the current occupier in chief is responsible for them being there? hey must have gotten there on his watch, after all.

Oh, wait. Forget it. Consistency and logical thought is not among the capabilities of the typical lefty.

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka iraq arabic for vietnam

I wish no one be killed unlike you mr blue an apt name.

VWP: Fuck off you racist cunt stain. Why don’t go somewhere else and beat off to body counts of all your leftist heroes you worthless fuck.

Yet you said “President Obama should let isis and iran fight it out.”

And just how do you think ISIS and Iran is going to fight it out? Tickling match? Water balloons?

Mr. Blue

And the name? From one of my favorite movies.


Where is Mr. White and Mr. Pink?


royh…Thank you this article.

I will add my post from above:

So if ISIS has chemical weapons now, anybody want to guess how soon they use them? Anybody want to guess how soon ISIS, knowing where they were, are planning now to use them on the U.S. Embassy? If as nothing more than a trump card to keep them hostage there in the event they try to leave. So when is the time to evacuate the Embassy the right time? I vote it was yesterday but in light of this news it should be NOW!!! Chemical weapons strapped on a human bomb dispersal means is all it takes. Obama, are you seeing these events and planning to protect ALL AMERICANS in Iraq by getting them out NOW, or are you NOW planning your next golf game or vacation? Mr. President, if Americans die there, because of this or simply being overrun in the Embassy, the lives will be on your head and their blood on your hands for as long as you live. Please do the right thing now before it is too late. Please.

How much more incentive is this now, for the Iraqi Army to toss their weapons and flee? They were unwilling to fight before. Now they have even more reason to abandon Baghdad at the first sign of ISIS showing up.

God help and protect the Americans in Iraq. From the terrorists and from this Administration. In whose hands, their lives are now held.


Not to worry. We were told that there were no WMD’s in Iraq.


ArmyATC…You are so right. What was I thinking? If the Democrats say no WMD in Iraq and the State Department, in concert with the White House, now say they are of no value, what could I possibly have to worry about? Whew! I feel lots better now. /sarc off/


There ya go. All you have to do is put blinders on, click your heels together three times and say, “Democrats never lie.” You’ll be transplanted to a special utopia filled with rainbows and unicorns.

Delilah T.

Most people who have had that job for four years get a good deal of gray hair. If they’re well into the second term, the gray hair increases. But this time, Clinton’s hair was nearly snow white, as was Bush, Jr.’s and even Nixon was well past the streaks of gray.

This clodpole? Barely a hair on that bony head has turned at all.


From the WSJ article on Chemical Weapons:

“We remain concerned about the seizure of any military site by the ISIL,” Jen Psaki, the State Department spokeswoman, said in a written statement. “We do not believe that the complex contains CW materials of military value and it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to safely move the materials.”

That’s their story and they’re gonna stick too it I guess. That is, until ISIS does move them, however unstable they may be. Since they of course, read the Wall Street Journal, as soon as they read that those, “chemical weapon materials are of no military value”, they’ll just say, “Meh…so what then, bummer, move along, nothing to see here brothers”.

My money says they are already moving and weaponizing them or trying damn hard to do so and will not give up trying no matter how many of their men die trying. Because after all, they’ll tell those “volunteers”, it is “Allah’s will that you try for him and if you die, praise be to Allah! Think of the glory awaiting you in heaven my brothers!”.

This is going to go from bad to worse in a New York minute! God please protect our Americans in Iraq!

Delilah T.

Puglosi made a little statement that the term ‘special forces’ shouldn’t be used because it means that the number can quickly be increased. Someone else, on another podium, mentioned the term ‘mission creep’.

I have a hard time keeping a civil tongue in my mouth.

I hope that in three months, we do NOT get to witness a contradiction of what was said today, as I outlined above.