So here we are talking about a war in Iraq again – the third time in 23 years. We always seem to end our involvement too soon to satisfy history. According to the New York Times, ISIS claims that they’ve murdered hundreds, if not thousands of Shi’ite Iraqis. Terrorists can’t stop terrorizing.
Even as anecdotal reports of extrajudicial killings around the country seemed to bear out the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria’s intent to kill Shiites wherever it could, Iraqi officials and some human rights groups cautioned that the militants’ claim to have killed 1,700 soldiers in Tikrit could not be immediately verified.
Meanwhile, the US is scheduled for talks with Iran over their nuclear program, but other issues will seep into the discussions, says the Wall Street Journal;
The U.S. and Iran have publicly committed in recent days to provide military support if requested to Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and help his government repel an offensive the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, or ISIS, has launched against Baghdad and other major Iraqi cities over the past week.
With terrorists at the gates of Baghdad, with suicide bombers killing more Iraqis in that city, The Marine Corps Times reports that about 100 soldiers and Marines are on their way to The Green Zone to bolster security at our largest embassy;
“Overall, a substantial majority of the U.S. Embassy presence in Iraq will remain in place and the embassy will be fully equipped to carry out its national security mission,” she said.
Some embassy staff members have been temporarily moved elsewhere to more stable places at consulates in Basra in the Shiite-dominated south of Iraq and Irbil in the Kurdish semi-autonomous region in northeastern Iraq and to Jordan, she said.
Slate has finally come to the conclusion that withdrawing from Iraq was probably a mistake;
Once Americans collectively settled on the idea that the Iraq War was a disaster, it was perhaps inevitable that we’d want to wash our hands of the whole ordeal. President Obama appeared to do just that when he declared in December of 2011 that “we’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable, and self-reliant Iraq,” knowing full well that we were doing no such thing. The disaster that is the Iraq War did not end when the last convoy of U.S. combat troops left the country more than three years ago, as many of us are now learning as the fragile Iraqi state loses ground to Sunni extremists.
Of course, the President has been hard at work on a solution to the problem in Iraq, you know, while he and the family spent the weekend at Palm Springs.
Obama said as he left for the trip Friday that he told his national security team to come up with options for U.S. assistance to deal with the worst instability in Iraq since the U.S. withdrawal in 2011.
I guess he was hoping the problem would correct itself while he was on the back nine.Like I said last week, a real national security team and a real President would have had a plan in place after Fallujah fell to ISIS earlier in the Spring, but not this crowd. They can’t see past the end of their collective nose apparently.
Fox broadcast News is hinting that John Kerry has threatened drone strikes in the near future. I’m guessing that there were reports of the ISIS forces urinating on the corpses of dead Shi’ites and that just won’t stand.
Category: Terror War
“Overall, a substantial majority of the U.S. Embassy presence in Iraq will remain in place and the embassy will be fully equipped to carry out its national security mission.”
There ya go. It’s official. The purpose of the State Department is national security.
Maybe border security would improve if we just build a bigger embassy in Mexico City? Sure, that will fix it.
Well after Benghazi we knew the mission wasn’t embassy security so I guess it’s nice to know there is some sort of security mission assigned to State…
“Fox broadcast News is hinting that John Kerry has threatened drone strikes in the near future.”
Teeny tiny almost unbelievably small drone strikes? With fricken sharks and “lasers”?
Are they evil sea bass?
Are they at least ill-tempered?
Hopefully someone is taking good notes, because the exact same thing is going to happen in Afghanistan…
I expect nothing less of a group of buffoons who couldn’t organize a two car funeral on a one way street. By the way do all embassies now have rooftop helo pads?
All the embassy buildings in Baghdad do. That place is built like a fortress!
Well, the important thing–the thing that matters so very much–is that the US embassy in Tel Aviv flew the Gay Pride flag for a week. That’s right. There was Old Glory and, immediately beneath her, the Gay Pride flag. That ought to establish our priorities for the world quite well. BYW, which golf course is The Emperor on today?
Good point.
Barrycade has a full schedule today. He flies home from Palm Springs, then he “attends” the U.S.-Ghana soccer game. I’m assuming that means he’ll watch the game on a live feed, as I don’t think he can get from Palm Springs to D.C. to Brazil in that time frame
Good thing there’s nothing going on to interfere with his entertainment.
UpNorth…You said it. Yea when it’s just a laid back kinda Monday with not much happening, just watch a good game on the tube. The lawn mowing can wait. Oh, wait a minute, we’re not talking about lawn mowing. We’re talking about scandals at home up the wazoo and oh yea, those American lives in threatened positions in Iraq. Nah, “Kerry, call the kitchen, have ’em fix us some sammiches and get the game on!” Kerry, “You got it Sir! Just let me go in the bathroom and clean up my ass from your morning stress reliever okay?” Obama, “Sure John, sure, but you can’t use the Oval Office bathroom, that is only for ME! I am king of this castle remember. In fact I am The King of America!!!” Kerry, “Yes Sirree, I love that line!”
And he doesn’t even have the decency to risk American lives unnecessarily in the name of an American sport! He’s doing it for a fucking fagball game against a 3rd-world African shithole!
Sorry, I just really, really, REALLY hate soccer. So if anybody here happens to be a fagball fan…sorry, the game sucks.
Then there’s the opposite opinion, which says “face it, if you have to wear a helmet, you should be on a f*ckin’ motorbike.” (Dave King, “Flogging Molly”)
The Other Whitey…+100 on the soccer!
Ever play it?
It’s basically two 45 minute halves of wind sprints and can get fairly rough (google broken legs on goal shots) – though nothing compared to rugby with Aussie rules.
No pads, either. Unlike the effeminate NFL.
It’s still gay.
I have a few lingering high school football injuries that indicate precisely why pads and helmets are worn.
Other Whitey:
I’m with you re sissy soccer.
“They can’t see past the end of their collective nose apparently.” Hell no, they can’t! It’s too GD long from all the lies they’ve been telling the country since the 2008 campaign season!
All the shit that’s going on with pride flags at embassies, open Southern border, Iraq, etc., has to be by design, because there can’t be this level of incompetence running the show. My 7 year old grandson isn’t that incompetent! I refuse to believe that they are this famously stupid.
Old Trooper, maybe, just maybe they really are this incompetent. After all, we have a community organizer who can’t organize his way to the latrine, advised by 20 somethings and a few people who’s loyalty to the U.S. is, at best, questionable.
And, when things go in the shitter, what does he do? Why, he goes to a fundraiser, then golf.
I agree with you, OT. I’ll be curious to see if they go through with the charade of elections in 2016, or they just go ahead and declare the US a fiefdom and move on with their agenda.
I actually agree with ovomit on something…
No ground troops in Iraq.
Other than that, I would sooner drink turpentine and piss on a bonfire than agree with that a$$
I don’t question the obamanistas’ loyalty. They are loyal. what I take issue with is what they are loyal to. Clearly, they are loyal to an agenda that does not reflect, let alone honor, the core principles that, collectively, have defined this country. On the contrary, their loyalty is in doing their utmost to undermine the greatness of this nation, to alter its institutions, and to undercut the Constitution. In short, they were hell bent on transforming America and they have largely succeeded. The country I grew up in–and many of you did–stands in strak contrast to the USA of 2014.
2/17 Air Cav…Thank you and well said. You defined this administration in a nutshell.
It’s that fundamental transformation thing.
Air Cav…..I don’t question his loyalty either. However I question everything else about the man we call our prez.
This nation has serious problems. Just too name a few, Immigration;Iraq;Iran;Syria;Afstan.
With all these problems, what does he do? Takes a mini vacation to play golf. These are serious times. We need a leader, not a public relations expert who can’t lead.
I’ll get off my soapbox now
It’s a damned pity that B. Hussein 0bama’s Poppa didn’t pull out of his Momma as fast as he’s wanted to pull out of the Middle East!
“Extrajudicial killings,” huh? Ya know, in the plain English that most of us speak, we call that, “terrorist assholes murdering lots and lots of people they don’t like.”
Of course, that’s the Religion of Peace in a nutshell: somebody who practices the Religion of Peace a certain way is apparently justified in killing somebody else and his whole family just because they practice the Religion of Peace in a slightly different manner. And of course, if somebody doesn’t follow the Religion of Peace at all…
Hey, I thought this didn’t happen. You know, because the Religion of Peace is so peaceful and civilized and advanced. Because American are the real terrorists, since we don’t execute girls for being rape victims, don’t use African children as sex slaves, don’t buttfuck eachother right after saying how sinful homosexuality is, etc. I don’t get it. Why is the Religion of Peace so violent?
“Religion of Peace” my ass.
” … since we don’t execute girls for being rape victims, don’t use African children as sex slaves, don’t buttfuck each other right after saying how sinful homosexuality is, etc. I don’t get it.”
I don’t either. It’s amazing how blind people can be.
Don’t be racist. Islam is a religion of peace. You have to ignore the majority of terrorist fucks who claim Allah is the reason they are going on a global Jihad and only pay attention to the moderate Muslim minority that wants peace, but wish to institute Sharia law in America.
Also, remember that Christianity is evil because of the Westboro Baptists; they represent all Christians. And guns are evil because of all of the school shootings; school shooters represent all gun owners.
Yeah, I can’t even continue with that thought. I think I need to shower now just for thinking it.
Now, now. You are all being much too hard on bodaprez. He just LONGS to leave the bubble of the White House. I kid you not.–politics.html
He does not like the cloistered life.
There are many other links available, with snarky remarks attached. Just glad I did not vote for that asshole.
Was it Obama that said, “Elections have consequences,” in 2009, I think?
Electing, and then re-electing Obama is the wicked witches Naming Day malignant and evil gift that just keeps on giving, and giving, and giving…
Whether by incompetence or design, he is Hell bent on the destruction of the Republic. Even Ray Charles could see that.
Said it before and here it comes again. ISIS wants the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. That is their prize. They are planning even now on how to get it. They know now there will be an extra 100 soldiers and Marines there and they will compensate accordingly. Now is the time to close that Embassy and get all Americans out of Iraq. As far as talking with Iran for help or a joint operation to bolster Iraq, again a very bad idea in my mind. Once Iran has a military foothold in Iraq they will never leave and they will become part of a bigger problem for Maliki and the world in the future. Mark my words, this is getting out of hand faster than Obama can think, much less come up with a plan. He has too much false pride to admit an error in judgement and close our Embassy because it will signal to the world and America that he was wrong about something. Obama, can never be wrong about anything. As 2/17 Air Cav pointed out above, it is part of his posses “agenda” to not only dismantle America as we knew it but to keep Obama’s ass covered at all times. Obama will let the Embassy fall and Americans die before he admits a mistake and does the right thing here. Kerry (I served in Vietnam) could care as little about American lives at threat there presently as Obama. Drones? Please, forget drones and send in helicopters with fighter cover and AC-130 support and get our citizens out of that Embassy now. It WILL come a time when it is too late. Sooner I fear than Obama is willing to admit or act upon. I do hope with every part of me I am wrong.
I wonder who, or what, will get blamed for this attack on an Embassy?
We can only hope that some military commander somewhere will swallow hard and have a QRF ready to go (even though it’s going to mean the loss of his command and career afterwards) when that embassy puts the call out for help. Otherwise the body count is going to be a hell of a lot higher than four this time.
We should definitely pull everybody out of Baghdad right now. Then watch the satellite/UAV feeds to see when ISIS/ISIL/ISISL/AQI/EIEIO/whatever the hell they’re called today sets one foot on the compound, then turn the whole place into a crater. Somebody earlier mentioned Tomahawks, personally I think a Trident would be more appropriate.
The Other Whitey…Love your tactics! Here-Here on the Trident.
Amen, brother… a smoking hole about 20km in diameter. Glows funny at night, too.
” He has too much false pride to admit an error in judgement …”
Concur, Brother. This clown is as vain as a cat.
NO TROOPS TO IRAQ!! Marines, airmen, sailors – hey, what the hell, but NO TROOPS.
Now, do you feel better?
David…Yes, spot on. So I guess those 100 Soldiers and Marines are what…just a feel good exercise? I thought NO TROOPS IN IRAQ kinda meant NO TROOPS IN IRAQ. I guess I am not seeing the big Obama picture of what he says really means. I’m just not on the same wavelength I guess. Maybe I need to adjust my receiver to the “words coming out of Obama’s mouth are always lies” frequency. This is just…the beginning I fear.
Well, isn’t this grand(?)
And here I was, thinking Obama would actually shut up and do what he said he’d do.
My heart goes out to the hundred going overseas. Let’s hope it’s an uneventful stay followed by a quick rotation home once the danger is past.
Latest is 275, not 100. And there may be more.
Stay tuned to this station for further updates.
let iran and isis fight it out to see if bagdad is remamed Osama Bin Ladin City or ayatollah khomeni city. When you sow the wind you reep the whirlwind! Anybody here want to go fight for maliki ?
“reep” ??
You’ll be happy to know that the troops who are going to Iraq this week will be wearing flip-flops so the President can keep his promise from last week – “No boots on the ground”. It’s like that “decimated al-Qaeda” thing.
Marines like to fight.
There is no shortage of people needing to be killed there either. The only downside is whether or not the commander in chief and his lackeys will actually have the warrior’s backs if needed. In Libya they didn’t.
Give ’em hell, Marines.
“It’s fun to shoot some people.”
– Lt. Gen. James “Mad Dog” Mattis
The american people voted against the iraq war when they voted for president obama. Elections have consequences! Send cheney and the fox news neo-con artists vietnam war draft dodging chicken hawk cowards if they want to defend bagdad so bad! Knowing them they would send the little illegal alien children in their place!
gawd, it just gets more unintelligible all the time. Careful about killing any more brain cells, kid, every time you do you’re taking a double-digit percentage out of what few (if any) are left.
Dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go take your meds.
Could someone please translate that gobbledegook for me? I had to give up on it.
It’s hard to fathom such barbarity. It seems the US would have to stay there for a couple of generations until this group of fanatical a**holes are dead and their ideas are in the trash heap. How long are we willing to stay?