About That Recent CIA Station Chief Outing . . .

| June 12, 2014

The CIA Station Chief for Afghanistan was recently “outed”, apparently accidentally, during the POTUS’ recent visit to Afghanistan. So let’s do a comparison with another recent outing of a “clandestine” operative, shall we?

I’ve looked at both. The results are . . . interesting.

Remember all the brouhaha over the Valerie Plame “outing”? How the left – and the media – was all up in arms over Carl Rove’s supposed “outing” of that “clandestine CIA operative”?

Here’s a refresher on the facts of the Plame case:

  • The fact that Plame worked for the CIA was apparently common knowledge in DC.
  • Plame was not working in a clandestine capacity at the time she was “outed”; she was working openly as an analyst at CIA HQ at the time (such positions are generally not clandestine and are thus not covered by the 1982 Intelligence Identities Protection Act [IIPA]). She may or may not have been covered by IIPA the due to past overseas clandestine work, as the IIPA provides 5 years of identity protection under such circumstances (50 USC 426). (That claim has been asserted and is likely true, but to my knowledge was never definitively proven.)
  • Rove didn’t “out” Plame to journalist Robert Novak.  He confirmed, apparently in an offhand reply to a remark made by Novak himself, information Novak already had obtained.
  • Robert Novak already had learned Plame’s name and CIA connection prior to approaching his first confirmatory source, Richard Armitage.
  • The CIA confirmed Plame’s CIA connection to Novak, and requested he not use her name.  However, the CIA never explicitly indicated to Novak that she was a current or previous clandestine operative.  In fact, they indicated she would likely never work for the CIA in such a capacity in the future.
  • Scooter Libby went to jail for perjury/lying to investigators, not for outing Plame.
  • No one was ever prosecuted for “outing” Plame.
  • Finally, the investigative reporting regarding Plame’s alleged “outing” was legitimate journalism, not political payback. The reporter, Robert Novak, was exploring legitimate questions raised by the assignment of Joe Wilson – who had zero experience in either nuclear proliferation issues or with the country of Niger, and who was a former senior Clinton Administration official – to investigate processed uranium ore (yellowcake) provided by Niger to Iraq prior to 2003. Novak was following up on a lead; he’d heard Wilson’s wife (Plame) was the reason he’d gotten the special assignment.

We all know that the alleged Plame “outing” received intense media attention, was thoroughly investigated, and that one prosecution resulted – Libby, for essentially being stupid and lying to investigators. But what was the actual impact of Plame’s supposed “outing”?

Well, frankly, not much. At the time Plame was working openly at CIA HQ, apparently as an analyst – and had been for a number of years. She was rated as unlikely to ever receive another clandestine assignment.  Claiming her current assignment working openly at CIA HQ was “clandestine” is, bluntly, nonsensical.  As noted previously, she was almost certainly covered under the IIPA for work she’d done in the past – and was likely nearly outside the five year “window” of IIPA coverage.  So the practical effect of her alleged “outing” was small if not effectively nada.

Now:  contrast the Plame brouhaha with the current screw-up in Afghanistan, where the identity of the current CIA Station Chief for Afghanistan was disclosed.  In contrast to the Plame case, to paraphrase a currently-famous politician this disclosure is indeed a “big (freaking) deal”. Common sense tells anyone that disclosing a CIA Station Chief’s identity dramatically reduces his/her effectiveness, if not destroys it completely.  It also leads to other problems I won’t discuss here.

It also makes the individual working in such a position a high-value target for terrorists. Don’t believe me?  Just ask the next of kin of the late Richard Welch and LTC William Buckley.  Indeed, Welch’s murder by terrorists after being outed as CIA Station Chief in Greece is one of the primary reasons that the IIPA was passed.

In this recent case, there was thus serious damage – even if inadvertent.  Ditto a violation of the IIPA.  Even if the media is generally being cooperative and not releasing the individual’s name, it’s a virtual certainty that foreign intelligence services and terrorist organizations have that info today.

So, the White House is going to hammer someone, right?  I mean, even if by accident, this one gets someone fired – right?

Well, no.  Other than a couple of procedural changes, the White House doesn’t plan to do squat in the way of disciplining anyone.  Apparently they don’t see it as any big deal.

The media also apparently doesn’t think it’s worth raising Cain about, either. Best I can tell, there have been precious few stories about the screw-up.  The Plame case, on the other hand, was front-page news for literally years.

I’ll leave it to you to decide for yourself why the media is treating this case differently than they did Plame’s.

Category: Media, Politics, Terror War

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My pet conspiracy theory is that the name of the Kabul station chief was leaked to force him to either resign, or be effectively made powerless in his current job, because he opposed to administration’s plan to trade those 5 Taliban all-stars for Bergdahl.


Dylan you could well be on target considering how the Obama crew works. Their problem is, everything that goes through their minds, which isn’t much and is usually ass backwards and upside down, comes out of their mouths.

AW1 Tim


President mom-jeans and his clown car posse administration.



That has not yet, nor will it ever, keep them from getting away with whatever crosses their minds, though.

There is not anything even vaguely resembling accountability for any of them.

Who’s fault is that?

We can each look in the mirror to answer that question.


I looked in the mirror for the answer. Wasn’t me, I didn’t vote for that feckless son of a bitch.


Yeah, I like that theory…a lot.


I’m going to beat Green Thumb to the punch here….




Why would they prosecute anyone? They’re Democrats, after all–right, Senator Leahy?



I’ll beat you to it. “I do not think that word means what I think it means.”


I wish somebody in the Obummer circle of nefarious treachery would come out and out Obummer himself.

Would make my whole year.


Huh. Deserter is the best we can do?

Going over to the enemy, voluntarily, during a time of war…

What did that used to be called?

It’s that thing that doesn’t exist any more because none dare call it what it is.



B Woodman


Veritas Omnia Vincit

We know why they are treating it differently, they even know why. They just can’t actually say it out loud because it will confirm their complete lack of integrity and objectivity.

Plame’s supposed “undercover” work wasn’t really all that covert either…junior state department officer at the Brussels embassy…she was already known to have been in the CIA…it’s not really covert when you start out for the CIA and then “leave” the CIA to join the state department at a safe embassy in Europe…that’s defacto procedure for a NOC and so predictable that our enemies have been aware of it for decades….but I digress.

Did I mention the media is a rather large pile of biased turds pretending to be impartial?

Delilah T.

Did I ever mention that some rather important people in US-friendly countries in Europe are thoroughly pissed off at us for spying on their leaders, especially in the case of Angel Merkel?

If you want a vague idea of how truly dimwitted this administration is, Russian bears – those big ol’ spy planes of theirs – are now flying through US air space near Alaska.


They may visit your neigborhood soon. I suggest you go out and wave at them when they do. And get pictures. Oh, and if Vlad pays us a visit, his last name is pronounced ‘pu-teen’, not ‘pu-tin’.