Harold Walkner; Vietnam Vet embellisher
![Harold Walkner article](https://i0.wp.com/valorguardians.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Harold-Walkner-article-300x215.jpg?resize=300%2C215)
Scotty sends us his work on Harold Walkner who told the local Owatonna People’s Press just last month on the run up to Memorial Day about his time in training and in combat as a special forces soldier in Vietnam;
Walkner was drafted into the Army in 1967. After going through basic training, he elected to join the regular Army to be eligible to join up with the Army’s Green Berets, a special forces unit.
“I had to enlist for another four years, which I did. I told them, from the inductions on, ‘Teach me everything you can because I know where I’m going.’ I knew I was going to Vietnam” Walkner said.
For 10 months, Walkner trained to become a Green Beret, developing specialties in three areas — language, hand-to-hand combat and demolition.
Walkner spent all of 1967 and some of 1968 in training to become a Green Beret. The training was intense. Of the 117 soldiers who set out to become Green Berets, only 13, including Walkner, made it through all the training and “Hell Week” to make it to graduation.
Walkner added that Hell Week was appropriately named, with trainees being pushed to the brink mentally, physically and emotionally. But, as Walkner says, he learned the traits desired by special forces soldiers were always inside him.
“I was a Green Beret long before I went into the service. I just never knew it,” Walkner said. “My mother and father taught me the right kind of morals. They taught me how to be an officer and a gentleman long before I ever got to the service.”
Once Hell Week was over, Walkner was trained on how to co-pilot various aircraft before he was sent to Vietnam.
Well he almost got it right for a minute. He was an airplane mechanic according to his records;
![Harold Walkner 2-1](https://i0.wp.com/valorguardians.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Harold-Walkner-2-1-223x300.png?resize=223%2C300)
He did one year in Vietnam (after he went AWOL enroute the first time) not four years, there are no Purple Hearts, no Special Forces training, and it doesn’t look like he was drafted. In fact there were no medals for merit or valor, only the medals that everyone got for going to Vietnam.
After his combat days, Walkner spent time as a teacher at West Point and eventually retired as a captain before returning to civilian life. Now, the Iowa native is making a point to tell his story to other veterans, setting an example that he wants them to follow.
Walkner speaks to veterans groups like the Open Roundtable because he wants fellow veterans to know sharing their stories is an important part of the healing process.
“They need to understand that it’s OK to talk. As you talk, things start to get better,” he said.
I guess the longer you let them talk, the more bullshit they’ll spit out. I hope there were real veterans at that little lecture he gave that saw through his bullshit.
Category: Phony soldiers
AWOL for 26 to 30 days if I do the math correctly?
How come he wasn’t locked up??
Without having first hand knowledge of his AWOL adventure, I’m willing to bet he wised up and turned himself in, either to civilian LEA or strolled into a recruitment office or military base and said “Hay!, here I am!”
Wait he didnt teach “Lying Sack O Shit 101” at West Point?
What the fuck…and he tries to convince people that his mom and dad instilled morals and integrity in him. fuck him and fuck his parents for raising such a piece of shit.
Tim that’s my favorite part of his story
As the VFW post commander in Owatonna this pisses me off. The round table is the same night as our post meeting, otherwise I would have been there. Several veterans said it sounded fishy that he would have such a distinguished record but never have heard of him before.
I’ve contacted the reporter and the paper, asking them to print a corrected story.
Git some, Dave!
Another case of some dumbshit reporter drinking the Kool Aid without doing any checking.
Old Sarge, I can certainly understand your anger. And I normally would not comment because I have seen too many news stories done wrong. While I am not trying to justify missing facts or the problem with the entire story, I can say with all honestly, this entire situations simply sucks.
My understanding of the story is that the Veterans roundtable invited this manto speak and they contacted the paper to do the story. The paper often relies on the tips of these groups for these feature articles. I know this reporter personally. He has many family members who are veterans along with active military currently serviing and holds our armed forces in very high esteem. I don’t think anyone was more upset than he was about the outcome of this story and I know that the paper is now working to correct this error. But what is just as sad it that the organizers of the roundtable also were mislead as well. It makes me extremely sad that we have to question a veteran of the armed services about his services because of men like this.
SadState- The original story is still online. No correction, although the comments section has been locked down and not even viewable.
The rebuttal story was posted last night
Tell your friend the reporter he still got it wrong.
Original story in May: “Walkner was drafted into the Army in 1967…
…Walkner spent all of 1967 and some of 1968 in training to become a Green Beret.”
Rebuttal story: “In an interview in May, Walkner told the paper that he had served from 1968 to 1972.”
Dave I also contacted the reporter and sent him the record on this clown as well.
“I hope there were real veterans at that little lecture he gave that saw through his bullshit.”
Apparently not. This is from a letter to the editor 10 days after the original article:
I was asked to write a short letter to the editor about the roundtable by one of the organizers of this event. Yes Mr. Walkner did hold every ones attention for the duration of his presentation. And I was impressed with the respect the crowd gave while sitting for an hour and a half. In the sixties and seventies it would have been hard to speak for 2 minutes without some one interrupting. I attended after reading the article in the paper and wondered if this guy was for real. There was no question and answer period so unable to challenge any of his story. I do hope the round table program continues as I feel todays citizens need to know what REAL soldiers have endured.
I agree, the REAL stories of REAL veterans needs to be heard. I hope from here on out the organizers of the round table do a little due diligence and vet their vets.
Thank you for your input here sir and for your service.
Yes I did attend the Round Table event and was impressed with the crowd how they sat for one and a half hours, while Mr. Walkner told His story. I do feel this program needs to continue so people can hear what REAL soldiers endured in various wars. There was no question and answer period at this event to challenge the speaker.
“…the medals that everyone got for going to Vietnam.”
Or paperweights, as I thought of them. During outprocessing at the 1ID at the end of my first tour, the clerk slapped two blue boxes on the assorted paperwork. The boxes were slightly larger than a Zippo and I thought they were to keep the papers from being blown away by the floor fan. When we got done I slid the boxes off to the side and the clerk said, no, they were mine. And that’s how I got my National Defense and VN Campaign medals.
As for the Purple Heart, back in the day I don’t recall that being the medal anyone ever thought of as, yeah, that’s the one I gotta’ have. My brother, who got a couple the hard way, used to jokingly refer to them as VC marksmanship badges.
The editor of the newspaper is checking it out. Apparently no one checked the facts. He should be emailing you guys shortly.
I have heard of dirtbags like Walkner actually being grand Marshals in parades, accepting MLB free tickets, applying for preferential hiring, and even accepting awards for their “service”. He is a disgusting slug!
I’m so Goddamn irritated by these people.
8 May was my anniversary when my ACAV was struck by an RPG-7 in 1968 – – three crew members were KIA and the ONLY reason why I wasn’t one of them was because my original TC (track commander) was struck in the face by an AK round – – that was his fourth Purple Heart and I assumed the TC position when he was medivac’d…..thank God for me!! His name, I hope you don’t mind Jonn, was Rudy Johnson an African American from NY and ONE BRAVE SOB and a great soldier! I wish I knew how to contact him.
So, when I see some scumbag talk about four Purple Hearts I want to double tap him….with a lot of malice in my heart.
What a friggin scumbag!!
What about 3 purple hearts in less than 5 months and not a single day in the hospital?
No Not me. Someone else, guess who?
John Kerry…….Do I win the prize?
I am going to go with Bob “The Maggot” Hay.
Question for the newest dipstick in the cheese turnip patch…
When were you an instructor at West Point? I think he could clarify that, I might be able to find out some more proof that the statements are their usual full of cadet poop.
A #1 Dickbutt of Owatonna.
Harold just bought a ticket to the Pain Train. Prepare to be the wrong kind of famous.
My Aunt and Uncle live in Owatonna and have for 55 years. Owatonna is the kind of town if you leave your porch light on overnight, it’s the primary topic of discussion at the next morning’s coffee klatch.
This mofo is so vested in this BS story he is going to tap dance better than Fred Astaire trying to get out of it
Reading this breaks my heart, as I have such great respect for Vietnam Vets. I really hope this embellisher quickly come clean and apologize so we can move on…but he probably won’t…
Butt nugget describes him well
Damit, I’ll never understand these assholes who were boots on the ground in Vietnam. At the time I would have traded my left nut to be inside the wire during that time.
These embellishing assholes just don’t get it. Being outside the wire is not fun. It’s not glorious. It’s uncertainty, stress and being scared shitless.
Fuck you, Harold walkner, you lying, embellishing piece of shit!
Thanks, man.
Thank you for your service.
Whether inside the wire or out, wartime or peacetime, combat arms or support, everyone who serves has something to be proud of. I just do not understand these embellishers who just can’t be satisfied with what they actually did.
While serving as a Captain, he was on the faculty at West Point? (Yeah, okay…)
This shirt bird graduated from high school in 1968. Prob. About June. Entered the Army in Nov of the same year. The chances of being drafted within five months after graduating arehighly unlikely.
I’m going to guess he joined the Army hoping to avoid going to Vietnam. During that time a enlistment in the Army was three years.Since he was discharged approximately two years and two months As a E-1 Pvt. I’m going to guess he was a poster. Boy shit bird. Serving 26 months, and getting discharged as E-1 there was prob. Some malfeasance involved.
The only other explanation I can think of is he got a early out to go teach at West Point. (Smile)
3/17AirCav, I’ll take malfeasance for $500.
I sure hope that Mr. Puffalump figures out that he can’t out-bullshit old bullshitters before he kicks the bucket.
From the info on his 2-1, it looks like he got orders fro Vietnam, went AWOL, was caught or turned himself in, and then was sent to Vietnam anyway. I think you’re right. He was a major shitbird.
If you look at the last entries on his 2-1, it looks like he took some extra time on his trip back too. He left 26 Aug 70-Enroute to CONUS, but didn’t sign in to the 2d Avn at West Point until 26 Oct 70. So 60 days in route? Also that final entry of 2 Feb 71 UOHC-Disch looks to me to be Under Other
than Honorable Conditions. It must have been a living Hell at Danang in the Fixed Wing Billets at the Air Base. I almost betcha he never saw a shot fired in anger.
Claw…..don’t you know? He needed those 60 days so he could become a Captain. Before he started teaching at West Point! (Smile)
Comments have been shut down on the News article . Waiting to see if the paper writes a rebuttal after their investigation.
This reminds me of the Bergdahl situation in the sense that The Emperor’s position, as articulated through his spokesidiots at the Dept of State and, of course, Susan Rice, is that all of the facts won’t be in until Bergdahl’s account is obtained. The idiocy of that position is self evident. Witness Wanker here. We have his version of events. I guess you could say that the newspaper was satisfied that it had the facts because it obtained Wanker’s account directly from him. Jerks.
Dear Idiotor,
I really enjoyed his his presentation, he certainly had everyone’s attention. I particularly like the part about “Hell Week”.
Just One of the Many Who Know Nothing About the Military
13 Lonesome Lane
Owatonna Luxury Trailor Parks
Just another shitbag with a less than honorable career who’s trying to play the hero in his old age.
Any bets that sometime next week Captain Shitbird says his records are sealed? I’m giving odds.
What’s the odds on “records done burnt up real good in that fire”?
I was gone this weekend so I missed this sack of shit.
He probably was a Captain…of the Rear Guard.