Michael Christopher Humfleet; embellishing, tattoo’d cop

| June 3, 2014


Folks wrote to tell us about Michael Christopher Humfleet, a law enforcement officer by trade, but he’s a bit of a gypsy. When his lies about his military service are discovered, he moves on to another agency. Coincidentally, he met Shane Ladner once. But as you can see in the picture above, he claims he was a Ranger.


He tells anyone who will listen that he was in Afghanistan and earned a Bronze Star and left the Army as a Staff Sergeant. He also hints that he intentionally shot his LT in a friendly fire incident.

Well, he missed the war in Afghanistan by more than four years;

Michael Christopher Humfleet DD214

He went to jump school, but there’s no evidence that he attended Ranger School. It looks like his only deployment was to Bosnia as helicopter maintenance guy. It also looks like he was in the 82d Airborne Division as an infantryman. And he ended six years of service as a corporal.


Another perfectly good career ruined by vain and empty braggadocio.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Humfleet, VanFleet,

FLEET ENEMAS both of them.

NSFW youtube.


Chip- if you weren’t a hero of mine, I’d start to wonder/worry about what part of the interwebs you hang out on when you’re not here.


Not to worry….I’m about as “Vanilla” as they come.

James in Gulf Breeze

Well dont click on the swimwear ads to the left then!


Even in the 90’s, isn’t it unusual to get out of the Army as an E4 with 6 years service ? He has two GCMs, so he either stepped on his dick right after receiving one or wasn’t smart enough to make E5. He has a deployment from Jan-Aug 1991 Desert Storm ?


No. Check block 18 of his DD-214. That was the time he was in the Delayed Enlistment Program.


Dumbass… shouldn’t be too hard to cover over that piece of shit tat, at least the Ranger tab.
Good job dumbass.

Green Thumb



Airborne, EIB, an ARCOM and two AAMs in six years – that’s plenty to be proud of. More than many of his law enforcement buddies can claim, I’m sure. So why embellish?


Because Phildo said he was a SEAL?

The Other Whitey

“What do you suppose it is that makes a man go to hell that way?”
-Louis L’Amour, “Conagher”


Another one from Florida.

Green Thuumb

Seems to be a popular place.

All-Points Logistics must be having a job fair.

Hack Stone

Dang! That was mighty funny, Green Thumb! Anyone know if Paul was ever able to panhandle $30 from the River Road exit of I-495 in order to purchase a mailbox from Home Depot?


That right there is funny as hell. Don’t care who ya are! 😎



Alas alas, no takers.

Green Thumb

All-Points Logistics is having a job fair.

John "Faker 6" Giduck

I may have the perfect resume for a position. I’ve written a fictional novel based on real events, played dress-up with Russian GRU spetsnaz guys, and was a sledgehammer of an Army dude for every bit of the 58 days that I was on active duty. I’m one of the few people that can a “myself”. If there is an opening (other than what I give with my own hairy man ass) for a 300 pound sack of cocks and chewed bubble gum that gets winded going to the fridge, please let me know.


John “Faker 6” Giduck




Jesus. My daughter has been in less than 3yrs and did a year in Korea and now is heading to Qatar. Beats this jackass by a longshot. Oh yeah, shes an E-4 too.


I’m gonna guess his scores for promotion were low compared to others in his newer MOS.

Other than that,he’s just another liar.

That Guy

67T10 and no Aircraft Crewman Badge / Army Aviation Badge? Thats an AIT graduation badge in Aviation.


That Guy, maybe or may be not. His term of service fell during the period when the Badge was still under the Temporary or Permanent issue status. If he was just a hangar crew wrench turner and never was put on flight status, he may very well have never received orders for them as a permanent award. Which is OK by me, because if he is now lying about his service, he doesn’t deserve to wear the same wings that I was issued on a permanent basis for my flight time as a Huey Crew Chief in Vietnam.

Green Thumb

Matthew Beck must be pissed.


GT, speaking of Beck, he was AWOL from the Rigby, Idaho Barbershop this past month when I went for my haircut. But, rest assured I have my eye out for him and will pass on our “Best Regards” from all TAH members to him when our paths cross.

Green Thumb

Check out Beck’s thread here on TAH.

His fiancé posted that she dumped him.


It seems like if these people had to go before that judge in Brevard county that beat the shit out of a defense attorney today, we wouldn’t have so many shitheads or lying asshole attorneys. There’s a couple of both I’d like to see this happen to.

Judge Beats Up Attorney Outside Courtroom: http://youtu.be/7c3ckl_HT_E

A Proud Infidel®™

Hey, LOOK,
1. Half-assed facial camo paint
2. Sleeves rolled up
3. Shit-eating “HEY MOMMY, LOOK AT ME!” grin

YEAH, AS LEGIT as a 100% polyester WWII-era Uniform!!


Thanks guys for posting this. I so wish this was posted sooner. I dated him and my family tried to help Mike while he was in between jobs. I guess I was a sucker for the “victim story” and just wanted to help. He tried to secretly go after my sister in law (tried to lie, but she showed me phone records of the incoming calls) all while living at my mom’s house (working on the farm), and trying to hit on every female in the small town. I posted it on cheaterville.. lol, he is a loser and I feel very stupid for believing his stories and helping him. I’m too trusting and learned a very important lesson. I hope this helps other women out there. He comes across very genuine and caring, this is how he suckers females in believing his stories.