Maryland couple arrested for phony fundraising scheme

| June 1, 2014

Amanda Ashley Miskimon and Matthew David Michalski

Chief Tango sends a link from the Baltimore Sun which reports that Amanda Ashley Miskimon and Matthew David Michalski were raising money for a vharity called “Support Our Troops Foundation” outside a Giant supermarket in Glen Burnie, MD when police arrested them;

Officers arrested the couple but did not find the jar with the money.

During an interview, they told police they had posed as fundraisers before and were trying to support a drug habit.

Michalski, 25, disputed the charges, saying said been collecting money for two years and donating the funds to local veterans groups. He added that he and his girlfriend, Miskimon, 21, do not do drugs.

“We were actually trying to do the right thing,” he said.

They were busted when a donor called the number on their flier and their cell phone began ringing. Of course, they say it was only coincidental, that someone else happened to be calling their drug-addled asses at the same time.

Category: Politics

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A Proud Infidel®

Who or what is that on the left, Gorilla Girl? Gee Whiz, they just look like misunderstood youth trying to turn their lives around, real pillars of their community! /sarc


Its time for our most favored rope.


Tied to their private parts, and then hoisted.


I think we sent that one to Chelsea in Leavenworth.


Do you mean that you don’t think this is a pair of beknighted children, merely engaged in doing something special?


Problem I see, is seeing more of these appearing as time passes. Sound good charity names, hanging outside large stores collecting money. I have taken to questioning them at length and if they are shady I go see the store manager who’s approval they need to be there. One incident, led the store manager to send them packing in a loud, profane manner (a veteran himself) only to be caught by police the manager called, before they were out of the parking lot. As probability would have it, they were both wanted on outstanding warrants.

Green Thumb

I see All-Points Logistics in their future.

They appear to have the talent.


Phil Monkress our most favored Goggle poop still floats to top like an MRE turd. Howe we miss your bath salt infused rants. Phil Monkress & one to grow on Phil monkress


I recommend DB of Oregon represent these two at trial.

That will ensure a conviction.


Boy, you want to help with vet charities, but with mailings, phone banks and the people along side the road, your cash can go only so far. I have had a good life and career and will attempt to assist the less fortunate but this kind of activity shakes my faith and I despise them for making me feel this way. BZ

Just an Old Dog

I feel the same way, I hate that I have become so jaded about charities and people in need. When I see a panhandler the first thing I think of is “meth head”.

A Proud Infidel®

I tend to think about the same, I always wonder if it’s someone who really is down on their luck or one of the “Professional Homeless”, the type that drifts around looking for the easiest free ride. I’ve given a few of them food instead of money only to get cussed out for not giving them cash instead! I spent some time in Memphis while on a contract, and while playing around downtown one weekend, a Trolley Motorman told me “The panhandlers will tell you one of thre stories, one being they just got out of prison and are broke, a Judge has given them until midnight to get out of town and they’re only a few bucks away from a bus ticket, or they’re stranded.” Sure enough, he was right.

Roger in Republic

I told my adult children that at age 25 they can no longer use the “Stupid Kid’ excuse. By that age you were either an adult or you were a loser. While the fellow is only 21 I feel he is well on his way to loser status. His girl friend has already arrived. Lets hope they both catch felony convictions and serve some time for their scamming.


I pick my places to lodge extra cash.

Mikey comes first.

Just an Old Dog

Cheetah stud dance lessons arent cheap.