FBI director thinks 2009 Fort Hood murders linked to al Qaeda

| May 23, 2014

Chief Tango sends us a link to The Blaze which reports that the director of the FBI, James Comey, told a Senate Committee that he thinks that the 2009 murders of Fort Hood soldiers by Nidal Hasan were inspired by al Qaeda.

“Do you agree with the intelligence community’s assessment that Hasan was inspired by Al Qaida to conduct that attack?” [Senator John Cornyn, TX-R] asked.

Comey responded: “Yes, sir, based on everything I’ve read. Again, I wasn’t in office at the time, but I’ve read about it since, and I — and I do.”

Well, that’s certainly a step in the right direction – a step away from “work place violence”. Maybe folks will get the Purple Heart that they deserve for being victims of the war against terror. the we can go on to award the Purple Heart to Carlos’ Bledsoe’s victims in Little Rock, the murdered Private William Long, and the wounded Private Quinton Ezeagwula. Remember their sacrifice this weekend, too.

Category: Terror War

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2/17 Air Cav

Who appointed Comey to head up the FBI? Right. The Emperor. I need know nothing more about the fellow. He’ll get a nice note or call from The Emperor’s chief of staff (if he hasn’t already) reminding him that the AQ reference in relation to the Fort Hood ‘workplace violence incident’ is not to be repeated. And official Liar Jay Carney is ready for any questions coming his way. He’ll say that inspiration and causation are to be distinguished, that Comey was not involved in the matter, and that his comment was no more than conjecture, which may or may not have been accurate.


2/17 Air Cav you beat me to it. Director of the FBI, James Comey, is now on the Emperor’s shit list for that little talking point. I promise you, you will never hear him say it again. That is, if he still has his job by next month.


Yeah, he will pay for that admission.

It was an act of terrorism. Always has been and always will be. The fact that it occurred in a workplace is only significant when looking at sub-categories of acts of terrorism occurring in workplaces vs in domiciles vs retail establishments, etc. Most folks have no need to get down into those weeds.


“Workplace violence” was a characterization that served the President and the perpetrator and abused the victims. I suspect that the President didn’t care about the perp or the victims but the “official” DOJ characterization “workplace violence” following the attack in 2009 served him well — “those AQ guys are no threat to us now … so we can withdraw from Iraq”. We can all see how that’s working out for the Iraqis.


Not really a shock that there was involvement since even during the trial they listed evidence that he was communicating with terrorist representation in Yemen.

Oh but this is “workplace violence” yet according to Harry Reid, the whole Ranch issue in Nevada was “domestic terrorism”.

This guy will get fired, but not right away, he’ll be transferred to a windowless office and then told he’s being laid off due to “budget cuts” somewhere down the road.

Farflung Wanderer

How on earth did they not catch on to this earlier?