Weekend open thread
Here you go; drop off your links, exchange recipes, talk bad about me. Knock yourselves out.
Category: Administrative
Here you go; drop off your links, exchange recipes, talk bad about me. Knock yourselves out.
Category: Administrative
No way- I beat Sparks? 😉
Putzing around rearranging car parts in the shop, getting ready to cut trees up for a friend, not talking bad about Jonn…
Wishing all the troops well, and hope Valkyrie didn’t have to call 911!
Lurker Curt…I can’t believe I went to the can and missed the opening of the Weekend Thread! But I took a great Eric Holder, then I wiped my Obama and flushed down the big Shinseki. I was a work of art. I gave birth to a beautiful future member of the Obama administration. You should have seen it!
Damn. I’m just sitting here, trying to recover from my damn mono. In my earlier days of having it, though, I did vomit up some magnificent Biden brain essence from the pits of my stomach, though.
HANG IN THERE and get well soon, Kiddo!!
So far so good on the 911 front. It’s been quite in the neighborhood this week. Though I am hopeful, we got new neighbors yesterday who drink a lot and tattoo from their home. So either it’ll be exciting around here or I’ll finally get my first tattoo.
As I was walking through the park today I saw a young woman breast feeding her child on a park bench. Very proper of course.
I said to myself: “What a beautiful sight in nature, a mother feeding her young”.
But as I reflected I though of Commander Phil Monkress at All-Points Logistics sucking off of the proverbial taxpayer titty with respect to the funds he receives through dishonesty, misrepresentation and fraud.
I shook my head an continued on the path.
Green Thumb…yep, some thoughts, like Phil Monkress of All-Points Logicstics, just take to beauty and loveliness out of the world. If I may…what a TURD.
Ribs in the CFG shaking hands with hickory smoke, re-reading a Stephan Hunter “Swagger” novel on the Kindle, a glass of Fat Tire Amber Ale near at hand.
Life is pretty gosh-darn good today!
Marinating some 1″ thick boneless pork chops in lemon and Garlic overnight – will be grilling them tomorrow afternoon.
Gonna be making up some pork curry and rice in a couple of hours!
Seems not everyone was impressed with Jonn and MCPO’s interview on Lars Larson the other day. Mr. Wittgenfeld and Mr. “Not Bernath” seemed to be the most upset.
Can’t possibly imagine why.
Oh, who cares what they think? They’re jealous, on the outside looking in.
They should have it so good.
Durnit NHSparky, you beat me to it!!
Yeah, I had night shift and i couldn’t resist going there and leacing multiple “Pimp Slaps” for Benutless and SLURP41, they’re both butt-hurt as hell right now!!
Before all you folks start talking about hickory smoked ribs and wonderful home cooked recipes, remember, I’m just having a Costco Lasagna from the microwave for supper and that’s all. Sucks when I don’t feel like cooking!
Also I am rereading Hemingway’s “To Have and Not Have”.
Then, because I seem to have the attention span of a gnat these days, I’m watching a “Sponge Bob Square Pants” or two. 😀
I don’t want to hear it. I’d take Costco lasagna over living out of a suitcase.
Sorry NHSparky. Someone always has it worse off. I forget that sometimes. By the way, if you soak your dirty socks and then suck the water out, it’s kinda flavorful. 😀 😀 😀
I really shouldn’t play “one-up” or anything. At least TSO didn’t share a room with me.
And I snore. LOUD.
S’all good. We do what we must to pay the bills, and this one will take care of a few.
NHSparky, then I hope it all works out well for you and you can get home safe and soon.
I bought a new 11″ frying pan, because the old one was shot. Not the cast iron household weapon skillet, but rather the nonstick junk skillet I bought sometime ago from Montgomery Wards before they closed up shop.
I also bought a sirloin tip steak to cook in the new frying pan, with onions and mushrooms, and will add sliced potatoes cooked in EVOO and dusted lightly with steak seasoning, plus sliced tomatoes and baby carrots. Then ice cream for dessert.
Decadent, but good, healthy food. I am tired of being told what I should and should not eat to live to a health old age. I will definitely outlive all the worrywarts and fearful foodies.
Oops! Hit ‘submit’ before I was finished.
NHSparky, I will lift a glass of red wine in your honor when I tuck into that steak, and read a couple chapters of Henry Miller’s ‘Tropic of Cancer’.
*BLEEP!* the “Experts” who want to tell us how to live, my Great Grandmother ate fried eggs with either bacon or sausage for breakfast among other things they condemn, and she only lived to see age 99!
Ex-PH2…now I’m salivating! 😀 I’ll remember that recipe. Sounds great and simple too.
I’ll take a Costco Lasagna over an MRE any day!!
Not me. T Rat lasagna is the BOMB!!!
A bunch of years ago the most despised C-Rat was ham and lima beans…..we came up with a recipe that changed our world! We added crumbled crackers and a can of “cheddar” cheese, hot sauce and heated au jus over an ample piece of C-4 making sure not to overcook.
Jacque Pepin would be jealous!
LIRight…being from the south, I loved the ham and motherfuckers. It kinda tasted like home to me. Always ate enough, trading off anything for another helping of those. Those were the days.
Well, somebody who is totally not Daniel A. Bernath (he even says so himself) posted this on Lars Larson:
“Have you recovered from your mononucleosis yet? How do you think you really did on your final exams?
Doesn’t matter. You’ve been sued. We’re going to get a judgment against you and take half your salary when you get your first job.
Think about THAT as you are in training,
“You want fries with that?”
I’m quaking in my boots. Bernath, if you’re reading this, I hope a sociopathic doctor makes you the middle link in a human centipede between two stallions fed on a steady diet of burritos and curry. How’s that for the intentional affliction of emotional harm and making threats, dipshit?
That monkey fell out of his tree and hit his head on every branch falling out as well!!
*WHOOO!* Damn, I just got back from over there, and I’m barely able to sit up from laughing so hard!!
“We thank you for your gracious legal opinion, your Honor, and will give it all the weight that it deserves.
A Proud Infidel®™ what a guy! Duffel Blog paid and supported.
Quotes of wisdom:
Target of this brave anonymous poster
Paul Szoldra says: What’s next, we make him live in such fear that he’s shitting flaming squirrels?
Paul Szoldra says:Bernasty is more fucked up than a
Gay Black Jewish man in the KKK!!
Paul Szoldra says:’’ve heard (my victim) blows winos behind the bus stop for a nickel and gives change!!
Paul Szoldra says: he is very mentally unstable, and could suddenly snap on someone. Part of me also thinks that he’s a manipulator As for his wife’s quotes, I doubt he’s even married
Paul Szoldra says: my victim is as onfused as a crowd of blind lesbians in a fish market trying to remember what they’ve blabbed to who
Paul Szoldra, cowardly causing terror to Vietnam War Veterans and hiding
behind a fake name”
Maybe my name isn’t Paul Szoldra, what if it’s Eugene P. Cowznofski instead?
OH, and since our CRACK leegul beegle/slooth has determined that I live in Berkeley:
Disgusted by Mark Seavey, Terence Hoey, Jonn Lilyea etck.05-17-2014
Sheriff now has your address in Berkeley now. He will be handing you some “legal documents” Monday. So how is that harmless hobby of driving Vietnam War Veterans to suicide working out for ya?
So before I get served, I hafta say “DUUUUDE,like, buy me a hamburger or a pizza, and I’ll like, split it with you!”
OH, and on the previous post, Paul Szoldra/ Melvin P. Cowznofski said that Daniel A. Bernath THE PHONY CPO/PHONY OREGON ATTORBEY is more messed up than a gay black Jewish NEONAZI in the KKK, he couldn’t even get that straight!!
DUDES, according to Daniel A. Bernath and Dallas Wittgenfeld, I ought to be sitting in my Pad in Berkely shaking in my Birkenstocks with the shades drawn, somebody buy me a pizza, and I’ll like, split it with you!!
Bernath thinks I live in KY and work as St. Elizabeth’s Hospital (boy, is someone going to be in for a HUGE surprise and a professional investigator crawling up his backside) … claims that I violated HIPAA by selectively editing a post I made back in December:
Danny-boi wouldn’t know what a HIPAA violation was if it came up to him and slapped him on the ass!
I went there and left a couple of snide remarks for dandan the bernastypantsman, just for gits and shiggles.
He has now declined to cut-and-paste, the usual empty threats, and several references to women’s derrieres.
And he’s boring as hell, too.
Ex-PH2, I’m not even halfway through the thread, and I wonder right now if I need to either read that while sitting on the floor or instal a seat belt in my office chair because I’ve fallen out of it laughing at least three times!!
P.S., How bout that pizza, Ma’am? I’m STARVING!!
Pizza? Pepperoni, mushrooms, chopped onion, fresh garlic, bacon, sausage, extra pepperoni, black olives and extra cheese. Thin crust.
Sound good? I’m starving, too.
I see y’all Lionesses of TAH gracefully sharpened your claws on those clowns again, I HAD to ask those dweebs if they’re sure I’m really Paul Szoldra from Berserkeley, Ca NAD NOT Eugene P. Cowznofski from Des Moines or Ames, IA, I CAN’T QUIT LAUGHING!
Maybe we can be kind to the fools just once, I say we order teh stoopid twins an extra large triple anchovy & jalapeno pizza!!
Yeah, Paul (Duffel Blog) wrote us earlier that Bernath’s sleuthing skills led him to Paul and Bernath thinks that Paul is A Proud Infidel. Paul hasn’t been on the blog for years since he’s busy running TDB and working at Business Insider. But, you know, when your sidekick is Wittgenfeld, everyone is suspected of being a “Valor Terrorist”. They thought one of the ladies is Michelle Malkin at one point. And then there was the poor lady in Missouri who was running a veterans’ homeless shelter that the Clown Car Ride harassed for weeks because they thought she was Ex-PH2. In truth, she had never even heard of us.
No one is safe from Inspector Jacques Clouseau Bernath.
I think that a mentally retarded one-eyed chimpanzee with ADHD on LSD would have better sleuthing skills than Daniel A. Bernath the phony CPO/phony Oregon Attorney and Dallas Wittgenfeld the Radiotelephone Operator that was once attached to a LRP unit!
They have 3 or 4 different pictures of people that are supposed to be me and have said I am from the TDB as well.
There are no pictures of me on the internet. There never have been. There are damned few pictures of me period.
I might be letting my ego get ahead of me, but have any unfortunate HS students been targeted by the clown car convoy who thought they were me?
Not that I’ve heard.
That’s good.
That’s good.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau Bernath
“I am a musician and the monkey is a businessman. He doesn’t tell me what to play, and I don’t tell him what to do with his money.”
Please notify “Duffel Blog” they have my full, Honorable and Genuine MCPO to use Hoey vs. Bernath in their work.
As some, but not all know, I launched the first suit against DB. Hoey vs. Bernath. I am moving toward trial and we will allow a jury to see his body of work. I won’t discuss issues directly related to my suit but I can say this: Bernath is not, never was nor will he ever be a Genuine or Honorary CPO. PERIOD!
And because he challenged the entire CPO Mess, he will now have to deal with all the love sent his way!
Including his future as a lawyer (as he claims), a pilot (not so much) and citizen (most turn the other way) … But I don’t have much to say about those issues (the Mess is on it), his own bebavior, action and words are enough. My issue has alaways been … NO CPO!
Keep posting your crap … They are peeling your onion with every key stroke.
They are 10 steps ahead.
KTMRIA … We will see you in court.
Remind me that I should never, ever piss you off, H. S. Sophomore… that is so brutal!
Damn skippy you shouldn’t. I might even give you stress shingles and PTSD and drive you to madness and suicide by threatening you with my dark legions of talking bushes, time-traveling KGB agents, and nazi space marines.
Now I have to go put a rubber catheter in my penis, past my prostate 6-8 times a day, then have Nurse Blucher give me my pain pills and curl up the fetal position and rock myself to sleep….
You don’t want to look out the window…but you can’t help it. You see it, and you can’t pull your eyes away. A tall, muscular man in a hammer and sickle beret, a Makarov pistol in his hands, steps out of a time portal and slowly aims at your head…You can’t take it any more! Desperate to make your delusions stop, you race to the rafters, affix a rope to one of them, and end your reign of terror by your own hand. And every man and woman on TAH did rejoice in our top secret joint HQ deep in the jungles of paprikaland we share with the American Legion and the Duffel Blog, one step closer to world domination.
In seriousness, I wonder how long it takes for Bernath to hit me up with another lawsuit threat for this mini-thread.
We seriously should set up a little clock on the front page that reads “Days since last Law Suit.”
You mean threat. These brokedicks almost never take their cases to court because even the knuckleheads we out are mostly smart enough to see they’ve been caught and will be laughed out of court if they try to sue us. Of course, there are exceptions…
And the answer to that question, ladies and gentlemen, was about fourteen hours.
The pink call box faded into view without a sound, save for the rustling of the bushes it pushed against as it materialized just outside the suburban home. From inside came sounds of muffled conversation. “How come yours is silent?” “I don’t leave the parking break on sweetie. Now, glad to give you boys a lift, but getting home is up to you.” *faintly* “reversario witlesswonderlevirosa” “Damn it” *even fainter* “Give it up mine-E, you screwed up that spell and not even Saint Mongos can give him back his brain” *faintly* “There has to be a way to reverse it. And I did not screw up, I hiccuped, so it’s not my fault the spell destroyed all cogent thought” *sounding like it’s right on the other side of the door to the pink call box* *bleating laugh* “No wo-oories, Time machine at Chernobyl can catch us from here, juu-ust couuuu-dn’t from Arctuuuurus Prime. Thaaa-anks Red.” The door to the pink call box opened to reveal three goats in Soviet army uniforms with the striped t-shirts designating them as Spetznaz. Modified Sam Browne’s carried Makarov pistols and throwing axes on each, with two of them carrying AKs and one of those also having an RPG on it’s back. The female voice with the delightful British accent came floating out the open door “I’m not asking what you’re up to, especially after we almost beaned that man in Texas with the instant setting cement boxed as instant cheese powder, just eat and enjoy…” The team leader, the alien goat armed only with a Makarov turned back towards the door and bleated “Be-e-eeter you not knowwww. Gooood lu-uck with tha-aaat group in the-err-re. One quee-es-tion Re-ed, whyyy pink ca-alll box?” The voice was clearly amused as it replied “They’re British, I have to look after them and besides, they’re not a bad bunch when not trying to use broken wands. On the other, it was a pink submarine, but Tony thought Gary would like this better so…” The door closed and the call box faded from site, the bushes rustling more as they… Read more »
Nobel prize for this fellow.
*bows* Thank you. I figured if he thought your time travelers were real, this should really kick things up. Saw somewhere down the thread something about aliens, and thought I saw goats mentioned in a non-locker context, and my Muse ran with it.
*Rustle Rustle*
BE CAREFULSKI about what yoo say about time travel machineski, Comrade!! You have good tinfoil hatski on when you post about it?
By way, Nazi Space marines, they ROBOTNIKS!
Time for another Vodka…
Has anyone out there seen any comments lately from John Robert Mallernee? I haven’t seen any from him in about three weeks now. Hope he’s OK.
Hey, you’re right! JRM, hope you’re doing OK out there!
I was wondering the same thing.
Does anyone have contact info?
Ask and ye shall receive:
John Robert Mallernee
Armed Forces Retirement Home
1800 Beach Drive, Unit 311
Gulfport, Mississippi 39507
OK, I google-fu’d the phone number for the retirement home and talked to like a switch board operator. I gave him my home phone number and he said he would hand carry a message to JRM to call me. The Unit 311 referenced is just a Mail Box. So current status is awaiting a call.
Keep us posted.
John Posted on his blog yesterday and today.
He talks to me through his YouTube channel.
Thanks, so I gather that he must be OK. It’s just that he is a Vietnam vet from the 101st Airborne like myself and SJ and I was just checking up on a fellow old trooper.
Eh, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to check up on someone, I give you +5 Cool Points for thinking about him like that!!
Thanks Claw! Airborne!
Thanks guys for the follow up on JRM. Good to know we look after one another here. By the way I was just a “leg” in Vietnam, but all you Airborne guys have all my respect. You served well in every campaign. Kudos SJ and CLAW131 and all the rest of you Airborne troops!
And if I may add, being just a leg…”Rendezvous With Destiny!”
I just returned from MAGTF-TC in 29 Palms where I was with 1stMarDiv for a training exercise. Here’s a feel good story about 3/11 while we were there.
How is the ‘Stumps? Spent two tours there and retired from their in 2008. Good Marines and Sailors on the base that do a lot of good things for the community.
TA Prospect was hot and windy, that’s for sure!! My first tour there was back in 1989 and it continues to grow. You should take a trip there, it’s changed alot since 2008.
The Stumps,,,, I once figured out that I did 475 days there, and was never stationed there.
I went out from 10th Marines on a back to back Cax once,,, 72 Days, almost exclusively in the field, Other then that I did the trips up with 11th Marines and 3/4 from Pendelton.
I still have a few maps of the training areas. If you know the locations of “The Alligator” and “the Head of the Dick” we are best friends.
“The Head of the Dick”… haven’t heard that landmark name since I was with 2/7 doing our CAX prior to deployment in 96… don’t remember “The Alligator”, though.
JOD – you know that 3/4 is now at the Stumps, moved up there when they came back from UDP in 97, if I remember correctly.
Yes I was in both 3/11 (85-86) and 3/4 (95-98). 3/4 relocated sometime in the Summer of 98. 3/11 supports 7th Marines and 3/4 is part of them becaue of the UDP.
By the way 3/4 is being disbanded at the end o this month.
The Alligator is a ridgeline, it looks a bit like an alligator on the map.
The stumps was my first duty station, 4/11, August of 1963. Talk about desolate! Still had one Honest John Rocket battery there.
Ohio, you would definitely be surprised to see the place now. Condor curve is no longer on the way to the main gate, the main road now is a straight shot into the town of 29 Palms. Some of the areas might be familiar, they still have a lot of the old flat tops that are still being used…but the amount of construction over the last 20 years is staggering. Even Camp Wilson, that I visited in 90 has a laundromat, warrior club, px, fire station and a built up fiber and base tel infrastructure.
I reenlisted, K 3/3 in Kbay for B 1/4 in 29 Palms in 86. I am from Albuquerque so the weather and terrain were what I was born to, and it was only 11 hours from home.
My poor wife is from Los Angles and joined the Marine Corps to get out of southern California. Poor thing ended up in 29 Palms, she now loves Albuquerque. (We’ve been married 25 years next month.)
Our kids were born in 29 Palms. Son ended up at Pendleton, youngest daughter ended up at 29 Palms after her year in Korea.
OK, this wins the internet as the most outrageous TAH conspiracy theory I’ve ever heard from our phonies, and read Dallas Wittgenfeld’s ranting screed about how we were allied with corrupt elements of NASA to build a fleet of spaceships to take over the world. Crossposted from the Lars Larson page:
“So these valor terrorists are trying to kill off the vietnam war vets so that there is more money left over at the va for them.
the’ve admitted that at the american legion official resolutions
they say ‘we ve got to preserve va money for the nw vets AND stpp wastng tax money on the wwtwo and VN vets.
so, the amerian legon is now trying to kill off the old vets in hopes they can get the new vets to join AMERICAN LEGION.
no…american legion, a racists (no bloacks or hispncs allowed at posts) is dying. and now that the truth is told that they are pushng VN war vets to suicide NO REAL AMERICAN VET would join such a bunch of traitors.”
HSSophomore, plenty of people here (including me) who are in-country or Vietnam-era vets.
We are not dead yet, and will most likely outlive DumbAss WhipitnFlogit, because he’ll probably probably get knocked into the bushes by a delivery truck while he’s falling down drunk down there in Florida. That, or a ‘gator will snag him and drag him under while he’s urinating in a ‘gator pond down there.
Nothing surprises me about that drunk old fart, other than he’s still alive.
Personally, I think it’s more likely that he’ll jump out of a plane so baked he’ll forget to pull his ripcord. That, or he’ll get in a plane drunk and crash it into the ground. Five dollar bet?
Naw, I would never take a bet on something that is such a surefire guaranteed win.
If anything, he’d fall out of bernutsless’s plane, break off the wind on that side, and think he’s being kidnapped by alien spetznaez goats.
There are so many Vietnam Vets that have never spoken about their service or told their stories to anyone.
It is a very unfortunate thing that people such as those mentioned above believe that they are the voice of that generation.
They no more represent the feeling and emotions of the Vietnam Veterans Community than Jane Fonda does the rest of the country.
What they are doing is try to cloud the lie with topics that are so unrelated that its not even funny.
That is one of the truly great things about this site. Being able to tell a story or two about those days, so long ago in Vietnam. I’m not talking about war stories. Just everyday stuff.
I’ve told my wife more in the last two years about Vietnam than I had ever told her previously.
Thank you, one and all!
Howdy, 3/17 (Steve). Charlie here, and yes, the same thing for me. There are not many veterans from any of the services around here where I am and TAH is about the only outlet I have to converse with people who share a similiar background. So Thanks, TAH.
Rat commie bastards never change…they simply switch to the next topic in their little sockful talking points. SIN Tactic, switch Subjects, Ignore you and resort to Name calling.
I wish these nuts such as Bernath and Wittgenfeld would leave the Vietnam vets out of their crazy train. I recently helped my father-in-law apply for 100 percent disability rating for Agent Orange under a new online application program (still a pain, but we were successful). He had all his Navy records in good order. A very humble man with all sorts of ailments/diabetes, etc, he had two purple hearts and a bronze star w/ valor among other awards. And because the write-up for the awards named the rivers he was on, the disability claim was a no-brainer. But really, it was an honor to assist him. It’s guys like him that many of these phony jerks steal from.
Ex-PH2, I WOULD NOT be surprised if one day we were to hear about DallASS Wittgenfart being nominated for a Darwin Award®™ because of the way he “cashed in”!
Just wanted to pass onto the net that my son, a CSCS(SS) was placed on the Navy Retired Rolls effective 30 Apr 14.He gave them a total of 26 years and two months. I’m gonna thump my chest here a little, so bear with me. His retirement now marks a break in service (for my family) that started with my older brother in May 1962, through myself,(71-91) then on through my twin sons. My 20 year old Grandson is halfway through college and hasn’t yet decided on what he’s going to do with his life. Military service is not yet on his radar, but we’re hoping he’ll continue the tradition. I only bring this up because today is Armed Forces Day and I am the only house on my block to have the Colors posted.
God bless, sir. You’ve got an amazing family. Thanks for the service and devotion to the country. It’s a rare thing.
Thank You HS Soph. As an added note, there was a total of 76 years combined service between the four of us. I started out as a UH-1 Helicopter Crew Chief in Vietnam, then was turned into an Automotive/Weapons Systems Repair Parts Clerk , then into a Supply (Logistics)Sergeant. I spent all my time in the Army in Combat Arms units (Assault Helicopter,Air Defense Artillery, and Mechanized Infantry) and never regretted a day of it. My older brother was an Army Combat Medic, one son did the same job as I, Army Automotive Repair Parts Clerk, and the Navy Senior Chief son was a Mess/Culinary Specialist.
Genuine US Navy Senior Chief … HooYah.
I will tell Bernath what a Genuine SCPO is when I stare him down in court while he is rocking back and forth waiting for VA prescribed meds!
Congratulations to your son and God Bless your family for its service to our Country – I transferred to the Fleet Reserve in May of 2008, and “Retired” in May of 2012.
Hooah, waterdog! Enjoy your retirement!
Claw…..I have my flag out also. Just ordered my solar light for the flagpole. So I can leave it up 24/7. Also ordered a Army flag to place below the Stars and Stripes.
I also have a home cannon below the flagpole. Should be quite be quite a bang on the 4th of July. If my wife lets me get away with it!
Meant home made cannon
I have thwo .58 cal. muzzleloaders, one is a repro of an Enfield, used mainly by the Confederate Army, and a Springfield, used mainly by the Union. Shooting blanks from it is fun, you just use real black powder. I can say from experience that one 150 grain charge of FFFg black powder dumped down the barrel with nothing else gives off a nice loud *BOOM!*, 200 grains are even better, but beware of the recoil from 200 grains. *NO BULLSHIT WARNING* – DO NOT PUT A PROJECTILE IN THE BARREL WITH THAT MUCH POWDER, that amount of it will generate quite a kick as well as a flash and plenty of smoke!!
I still have my Enfield repop. Had an 1842 Springfield pumpkin-slinger repo which I sold.
My prize in a genuine model 1822 converted to percussion.
Cool! The great part of shooting black powder is that you can make your own bullets on a propane stove outside with the right molds. That, and for the price of a pound of powder and a tin of caps you can shoot all day!!
Any of you guys ever play with a Carbide Cannon?
I had a neighbor that had one of those. He would get shit faced on a Friday or Saturday night and take that thing out in his back yard and have a ball in till someone would call the police.
The model he had weighed about twenty pounds with a six inch barrel and would shoot a flame five feet out of the barrel.
3/17, I have my colors up everyday, weather permitting. That is how I give directions to folks/repairmen coming to the house. Only one in the whole subdivision with a flag pole. On National Holidays here, for a donation to the Boy Scouts, they will come around and post a five foot pole with flag in your yard for the day.
CLAW131…All my respect for your, your son’s and your families’ service. God bless and keep you all! Thank you all for all you gave.
Well, ChipNASA asked me many moons ago about my relationship status with that Starbucks barista I rescued from that pyscho phony SEAL, so I thought I’d tell. It broke off after a few months because a). she was a year older than me b). she lived forty miles away and we each had to take the train to be together most days (I can’t drive and southern bay area traffic is brutal) and c). we were both so damn busy with HS. Still—we had a damn good ride, and she was great and real pretty and funny and smart and good in some other ways as well 😉
You’re young, enjoy life every chance you get to!
I know what that means… NSFW
You guessed. She was awesome as all hell at what she did 😀
Keep her on your list. When you hit your 20s, that minute age difference will disappear.
Which “bay area” are you referring to? There are a few, including the one I live next to (SF)…
I live to the south of that cursed city, Old Sarge.
“Cursed city”… I like that. Agreed! I am at the east end of that “cursed Bay Bridge”. The one with the new eastern portion that seems to be falling down, slowly, of course.
Keep up the good work. Beware the Bedwetters.
The Brown Bridge…my prayers, sir for your safety and longevity if you have to drive across it frequently. You’ll need them.
Sounds to me like she was worth a trip on the BART-in spite of the, um, eccentric personalities, you meet on the train.
(Went to Camp Parks for a school)
Got a start putting out the tomatoes, peppers & eggplant I started from seed. Resting up with a cigar and an Arrogant Bastard.
Should finish tomorrow.
Still kinda early in the season here in the Idaho Snake River Valley to start outside gardening. We are still getting nightly kill frosts, hard enough to freeze the dog’s water bowl solid. My stuff is still inside the little greenhouse I have set up.
“Should finish tomorrow”
Quit nursing that damn beer… Thats why they make six packs… 😉
Who needs a six-pack when you have “bombers”?
WOW, you’re drinking a beer named after me? I’m flattered!!
Jonn smells of elderberries. That’s right, the gloves are off!
Ah, but is his mother also a hamster??
And I fart in his general direction!
Now go away, before I taunt you a second time, you silly English ka-niggit!
Welp, besides having returned to the workforce, I’ve begun writing something (short story) about a vet thats returned home after leaving at eighteen and gotten into civilian law enforcement. DON”T worry though, I will not be following our newest fakers footsteps. Heh.
Put some hot sex into it, willya?
Yeah baby!
Um…wow! I might be able to work something in to it along those lines. Wouldn’t have to do too much in the way of character development, either. 😎
Next stop for California Chrome is NY’s Belmont Stakes for the TRIPLE CROWN.
Oh … and Bernath is not, never was nor will he ever be a Genuine or Honorary CPO. PERIOD.
This was Chrome’s race to lose, and he didn’t. He’s done, though, and you read it here first–he will not finish in the money at Elmont in the Belmont Stakes. Today’s was the shortest of the TC races and the fractions were pitifully slow. Despite a dream trip without traffic issues, Chrome was not going especially well in the stretch. Ride on Curlin was asked for run too soon, swept around a half dozen horses coming into the stretch and finished second on a gas gauge needle of E. There are fresh, fit, and talented colts that will be running at Beautiful Belmont and Chrome is toast. Bet on it.
Lars Larson was just a tip of the iceberg. Today, the TAH Public Affairs Squad Team Unit Battalion received invitation for on air interview nationally televised.
So the topic is Stolen Valor, however the news out of the PAC NW has hit NYC, and my friends invited me to put together a story to advance comprehensive STOLEN VALOR ACT REFORM.
So see ya on the air, or should I say, cable waves!
Oh … And for my friend:
KMRIA … See you in court!
just let us know when to tune in so we can catch it and record it ^_^
Hi all,
I’m the last normal brain normal brain cell of Dallas. I tried to explain to him that Bernath will turn on him just as soon as its not convenient for Dallas to be Bernaths Stooge anymore.
But he would not listen so I left. I felt a little bad about leaving him but I could not hang around any longer and watch the train wreck.
Bravo Zulu, brain cell. Maybe you can alert him to the fact that Psul Wickre isn’t really a Beltway multi-millionaire with connections in Congress who can rain hellfire down on TAH and its authors and readers.
Hang tough, buddy! Heavens knows DuLlAsS41 has done his best to kill of the lot of you, what with all that cheap hootch.
Way to go, MCPO! Yer alright for a waterdog. Don’t care what Birdbath says about ya! 😎
Quite frankly neither do, I have stayed on point and to his demise he has not.
In addition, the global CPO is providing much hurt at his request.
You want to challenge the Mess … Go ahead!
So, the two old Indiana farmers were leaning on the fence talking about their gardens. The first one says “My sweet corn is waist high and we’ve already picked some lettuce and a few pickles.” The other old feller says “Mine’s not doing so good. Those damn bacon seeds I planted three weeks ago weigh 55 pounds now and have pretty well eaten everything else in my garden down to the roots.”
I don’t get it!
MCPO, Seriously. (No sarcasm intended)
Jonn, delete this comment. I’m not trying to anger anyone.
Master Chief, I hope i haven’t angered you. There is a picture floating around the Interwebz of five little week old pigs all lined up and the caption reads “Bacon Seeds” and I figured most folks had seen it by now. Hence my attempt at humor.
I still don’t get it … Am I going retardo?
No, Master Chief, you’re not. I guess you would have to see the picture and then remember that it is farm humor. I’m not computer literate enough to do the “link” thing or I would have included the picture.
Bacon seeds are pigs, they grow up and eat everything
One day in rural Iowa, a Tractor Salesman stopped by to see an old friend. “Hey Jeb, howya doin’?” said the salesman, to which his friend replied “Been in a real pickle lately Herb, ya see, I was tryin’ to milk one of the cows in the barn one night, and that critter kept smackin’ me in the face with her tail, so I tied it to a rafter with some rope for the time bein’. Then she tried to kick me with one leg, so I tied it to one side of the stall, and wouldn’tcha’ know it, she tries to kick me with the other leg, so I tied that one off to the other side of the stall. Now if YOU can convince my Wife I was goin’ ta’ milk that cow, I’ll buy a tractor from you!”
11 more hours of this shift and THEN my weekend starts…
Man I LOVE working on Saturday nights…
BTDT, plenty more before I can retire, I know the feeling! I love getting on TAH via my phone when I get a break, BUT DAMN, it gets lonely here on night shift, don’t it?
Detroit 4, Boston 0. Miggy is on a tear tonight, 2 RBIs, home run and single. WOOHOO!!!
Now 6-1. Lackey chased in the 6th. Go Tigers!!!
First Holy Communion tomorrow.
I’ll be praying for your son. Tell him congrats from a random guy on the internet.
Okay, I broke down for a dinner not in a crappy diner.
Two words: Faial sauce. Look it up.
Had some hippy-dippy long-haired dude pan-handling on a busy steet corner late last week. As per beggar’s SOP, he had the obligatory “combat-wounded veteran needs your help now after he fought for you blah-blah-blah” blurb on his cardboard sign. I was going to ask for his MOS and any accompanying military paperwork, but the traffic light changed and I had to move on in the busy vehicular traffic. Like 99.9999999999 percent of his ilk, I can almost guarantee this POS was a phony. Just another phony poser beggar in the big city…
I ask those scum bags a couple of questions every chance I get. I’ve been %100 percent disappointed. None of them are vets or Vietnam vets.
I keep a bag of canned food in the car for just such occasions. Only one time out of dozens has the person taken the food, despite their signs stating that food is what they need money for. I never give money to the beggars, but the food is theirs if they want it. I would venture to say that 95% of them are just too damn lazy to work, or are druggies, crooks, etc.
We had (or rather, still have) one of those as a fixture at an intersection near my former place of employment – he said some unpleasant words when I asked him the same question and told me it was none of my business. A street preacher of my acquaintance talked to him afterwards, he laughed at the offer of food, shelter and other help, and told him that he was making well into five figures, tax free, doing nothing but this fake-vet panhandling a few hours each day.
Bingo. If you ever want to learn some inventive new insults (or new twists on old ones), try offering to buy one of those tools lunch.
Most are simply panhandling vice working. I’m guessing most spend the $$$ on booze or drugs.
But at least this guy was honest about it:
Where’s Chevy?
In the land of the banned, creating the proper conditions for his future coronary artery explosion by chugging cheese whip can by can.
The latest from the Lars Larson TAH thread: somebody is apparently having a ball sockpuppeting MCPO. Call me cray-cray, but my bet is on Bernath.
I thought I’d share a little about what is currently (as in right now) happening here at Valhalla. The boy (my son) is trying to convince the girl (daughter) that she is adopted. He even ran inside and wrote an adoption contract between myself and aliens. She is currently trying to beat down the door to the bathroom and I am sitting outside laughing my a maniac, trying to convince the neighbors that we are sane and are not in need of assistance.
It’s called picking your battles and this is one that I choice to stay out of. I am readying the first aid kit though.
That is great,
It was cruel until it was aliens, now its creative.
You tell your boy that a random teenager on the interwebz says he’s destined for comedy greatness. An alien adoption contract? DAMN, I was never that creative as a kid!
what? your still a kid, you have time to get that achievement unlocked ^_^
Valkyrie…..have a similar story. My ex had two sisters, the two oldest including my ex. Wrote on the back of a old dresser in chalk, that the youngest was adopted. They also included a date of adoption. I guess the reaction was priceless. This went on for about a week. Share with your son?
HS- The girl is driving me nuts for your contact information. But it’s hard to do with both of us being “hunted” by the stupid squad, so I’m asking if anyone on my Facebook has HS also, please pass along my information to him. Email won’t work on my phone since my son set up all the games on it to his Gmail.
Dang, I’m not on any of these fine folks facebooks or on TAH’s page for the exact reason that I don’t want some nimrods in the stupid brigade going through there and hunting me down that way (I’ve also been preemptively blocking all of them on Facebook since I started posting here). Jonn has my contact info, though. Jonn, if you’re reading this, send Valkyrie my name and email. I’m excited to talk to her daughter (smile). She’s really been driving you NUTS for my email? Gee, I must have more appeal to the fairer sex than I thought 😀
I’ve got them all blocked also. My Facebook is locked down tighter than a nun’s chastity belt on Easter Sunday.
HS, can you Email me?
Surefire thing. Could you post yours or have Jonn send it to me, though? I don’t seem to recall where it is, though I remember seeing it on some previous post.
I sent you one.
I’m sneaking into my brother’s room now to use his computer for email. So I’m going to shoot you one also E4U if’in that’s alright.
Never mind I can’t send or even save your email to my contacts. It keeps saying it’s not a valid email address. I sometimes really hate technology! I got a weird pop up saying my phone had 11 viruses. Phones can’t get viruses, can they?
Yep, phones can get viruses when they are the same phone that you use to close the deal on that Wyoming ocean beach front property.
Val shoot me an Email when you can
Yes phones can get viruses. There are antivirus programs for smart phones, just do a search in the apps for one.
Thanks for that. I got a virus protection app for my phone and everything checked out alright. One of the kids had downloaded a game that caused the pop up. All better now!
Valkyrie, I sent you an e-mail. Go check your brother’s computer.
Because I know all of you TAH/Jonn Lilyea groupies will get a huge kick out of this…..
Wednesday we were in line for screening to get on the buses to go to the White House. Background checks were done before we even got to DC and to even get on the bus your name had to be on “the list”. Once your name was checked off of “the list” you were to go through a metal detector. I went through first. I looked back to see how it was going to work for Jonn since he was being pushed in a wheel chair. The chair wouldn’t fit through the metal detector so one of the security guys said, “hang on”. He walked over and turned the metal detector sideways so that Jonn could be pushed by the metal detector. I was laughing my a$$ off. I even snapped a pic. After Jonn’s chair was clear they turned the metal detector back around for folks to walk through.
I couldn’t help but think of all of the TAH fans who would have gotten a huge chuckle out of that – for various reasons.
How can this be? We’ve been told that there are BOLO’s for Jonn et al and LEO’s everywhere are waiting to haul them to jail. Yet, they got into the WH and in the awesome presence of Dear Leader?
Blackfive and I both passed through without screening. He was pushing me around that day.
JLilyea/TAH: +20
Verydumb and Evendumber: -0
Bearing down on a big fat John Giduck – the turd with a face
Your making Phildo jealous.
Second place sucks.
Sooooooo … I spent the better part of three hours reading all the comments over at Lars Larson, and then here. And no, I’m not a slow reader. I was laughing so hard I literally slid out of my wheelchair several times. Takes me a while to crawl back up into it. I was laughing so hard I got the F’ing hiccups.
And Claw (or whomever it was) that posted the “bacon seed” joke. I spewed coffee out my nose, and almost drowned. I love that picture.
Oh, and whichever knucklehead it is suing us (I forgot which knucklehead already) you still don’t know who I am. And you can still insert a rusty chainsaw sideways into your anal orifice and make humpy motions.
Gravel, get a seat belt or put some velcro on your pants. Safety first.
Anyone else ever own and drive a Bug?
Funny you should ask. My first car was a VW convertible. It had the Karmann Ghia emblem on it.
Great little car, and so much fun hauling stuff in it with the top down. Lots of good memories surround that car.
An interesting piece about NKP (Nickel Plate Road) 765, a steam locomotive that was restored in the 70’s and recently went through the mandated overhaul if I’m right. There are more restored steam engines out there than most folks realize, as well as those being restored, like Union Pacific 4014, the biggest steam loco ever built, Norfolk & Western 611, a streamlined beauty that was sidelined in 1994 when Norfolk Southern ended its Steam Excursion Program, which it has since resurrected, and Southern 4501, which I’ve ridden behind. Anyone else ever ridden a steam excursion?
Proud, UP4014, Big Boy 4-8-8-4,completed her trip from Pamona to Cheyenne on May 8th. She is waiting for me to complete my PCS to Cheyenne later on this summer so I can get my hands on her. I’ve never ridden on one yet, but I do follow the NKP 765 and UP 3985 on YouTube. Man, I can’t wait.
Coal-powered, steam-driven locomotives were what hauled passengers and freight when I was very little, so yes, I’ve ridden steam-powered trains, back in the Dark Ages.
It was nice, affordable and pleasant. There was a dining car on every train, the seats could be pulled down and turned into sleeping couches, and the trains hit every town that had a train station. There are times when I would like to get into the Wayback Machine and move back there.
The NKP 765 is in operation for this summer with a few excursions starting next month. She operates out of Ft. Wayne, IN. However UP 3985 (Challenger) is still in the Cheyenne Steam Shop getting a new fire box and insulation work. She may not be operational until next year sometime.But when she comes out of the shop I will be the first in line for an excursion ticket.
Depending on the age – ’62 and earlier had a Wolfsburg crest at the bottom end of the hood (trunk) chrome strip. Some later bug convertibles had the Karmann coachworks emblem on the sides. Technically only the Karmann designed Ghia “sports car” was a Karmann Ghia, though, and the symbol was the script “Karmann Ghia” on the engine compartment lid. (Yeah, a VW junkie – have had 11, 8 of them air-cooleds.)
Happy Sunday All 🙂
Big week coming up…Second opinion and more vampire visits. Yay me !
I hope you all have a great week full of laughs and love.
Oh and Bernath was Never, Not Now Nor Ever Will Be a CPO Honourably or Otherwise, Dallas Wittgenfeld Never Was, Not Now, Nor Ever Will Be LRRP or SF, and Dennis H. Chevelier/LIAR Be-Sparkled Blob Fish, Never a USAF LtCOL, Non-Holder of a PhD, No Longer a Member of TxSG are still LIARS and THIEVES.
I do wish you well, TC. Positive thoughts, all the way around.
Thank you Ex-PH2 <3 <3<3
My thoughts and well wishes are with you.
Thank you Enigma 🙂
True Memoirs of a fake,
So there I was taking inventory of IBM typewriter balls and carbon paper. Someone had been taking them without the proper forms and I was bound and determined I was going to catch the dirty bastard. When all of the sudden BAM,
I heard gun shot, well I had been waiting on this, I had my rifle ready, I grabbed it and set up an ambush. I took postilion under my desk, ready to defend the supply cabinet with my life.
I heard someone come into the office, I yelled for them to give the password. They answered what password you dumb ass, we are 40 miles behind the lines.
I knew it was a trap. Thinking quickly I took the red ink pad and rubbed it in my forehead, Hoping that the enemy would think I was dead so I could get the drop on them.
They must have gassed me or something because when I woke up one of those front line guys was in my office, He was pretending to want supplies but I know he was really looking for the enemy.
I asked my co about getting a purple heart and he said, You bet. Im going to make sure you get what you deserve.
Well a few days later I was told to pack very quick, that I was being sent on a secret mission. I got on a plane and when it landed I was met by some big guys, must have been green berets, well they took me to the secret HQ (It was disguised as a hospital. We had to wear robes and slippers as part of our uniform.
I spent the rest of the war looking for secret Codes in Gomer Pyle and Password tv shows.
I decided that all my awards must be secret because I never got them.
I figured enough time has passed for me to wear them so I ordered them off the internet. Now the spies are trying to get me again.
Considering some of the crap I’ve read over the years you should sell that on Amazon as a 99cent short story for e-readers. You’d probably make a few bucks.
The latest from the Lars Larson thread…It appears that Mr. Bernath is now considering suing the US Military for loaning their assets to TAH so we can spy on him round the clock. He is also sockpuppeting what seems like everyone on TAH. Many lulz are being had; DO NOT MISS OUT!!! 😀
I’m having a ball on that thread, Daniel A. Bernath the phony CPO/phony Oregon Attorney is shitting flaming squirrels while he spouts off and once again interprets every insult as a death threat!
Aye, me, too. It is the highest honor for an internet commenter to be worthy of sock puppetry to try to make it look as if he’s done an ideological about-face. Means your arguments are so sound they can’t rebut them, so they gotta use subterfuge.
Good Lord! The stupid is strong! The idiot contradicts himself in every other comment over at Lars’. He thinks picking on a kid is a great/smart way to gather support for his inane lawsuit? When I reach his age if my mind is as gone as his, I hope my family will do right by me and the world!
Your future son in law here (when E4U gives my your contact info.). Don’t worry Val, we’ll even let you choose the caliber of the instrument of right (smile). No Bernath, that isn’t a threat.
Check your Email 🙂
Thanks; I’ll drop Valk a line later. Homework to handle now.
Thanks! The Girl says she’s already got the flowers picked out. I think I should start to worry now.
For some more lolz…go check that nasty mess of a website..he’s updated again so might want to get screenies.
web page saved. and apparently I like to threaten people from the neighbors house…I don’t know how that works.
Apparently he thinks ignoring legal advice is a good thing.
It’s that one brain cell of his that got him through law school that keeps loosing the argument with all the other crazy ones he’s got going on, since he’s representing himself in all his shit.
I just got done reading the comments on Lars Larson……..Man, that is a metric fuckton of stupid there. As far as those alleged supporters (I’m looking at you FtBenningSoldier) you guys might want to uncouple your car from the crazy train. Bernath and the ShOrTbUsWiNdOwLiCkEr69 have really done it this time. Everything they accuse you of doing is what they themselves have done. Just watch out because the Lurp cometh! The thing is, he never seems to arrive!
Meh, THE SLUUURP says he cometh, but then goes back to his bottle s of T-Bird, MD 20/20,…
I’m pretty Sure FtBenning Soldier and Followme are Dullas Whippensuckits sock puppets. That they have refused to come on this blog and post anything is pretty much proof that they won’t pass the “IP Check”,
I have a feeling pretty much everything on that blog that isn’t a TAH commenter is a sock puppet of Bernath/Wittgenfeld. We haven’t had any white superiority rantings yet, so it looks like Wickre is passed out at a seedy bar someplace in DC currently.
Y’all oughtta see what AGENT X®™ just said to Daniel A. Bernath the phony CPO/phony Oregon Attorney and DallASS Whipandbeatit, it oughtts make both of them shit a few more flaming squirrels®™!
BTW, HS Sophomore, you did a helluva job of PWNING those pukes on Lars’s comment thread, KUDOS!
Thanks, but that’s no achievement. Pretty much anything north of a dog turd mentally can smash Bernutless’s wicked legal logic.
Very true, Kiddo, but dirtballs like Bernath and DallASS wittlessfart do their damndest to anger and irk others into losing their cool, which you did not do, you exhibited excellent self-control!
That Lurp cometh thing he always writes reminds me that I really, REALLY don’t need to participate in his masterbatory habits even at this distance. Eeeeeewww.
Please feel free to stop by the TAH Gift Shop, for your complimentary 5 gal. bottle of brain bleach and 14 SOS/Brillo pads to rid yourself of that unhealthy vision.
Only one gist set per person, per visit. Limited time offer. Not valid with any coupons or rebates. Doubling of Coupons not permitted.
Phil Monkress is a crook.
And smells BAD.
And he drools, too.
I guess he’s still hiding out, huh?
That and eyeballing young men.
It’s rumored that he doeas that after sniffing Psul’s soiled spandex!
Just got word from my sister (PhD Biology) that she received her BA in Music yesterday. I sent her congratulations on that, particularly because she teaches pre-med students full-time and counsels non-pre-med students in career choices.
Good for her! that’s quite the work load. My cousin just got her BA in Music too.
The latest bedazzling legal logic from the century’s greatest lawyer, coming to you from the commenter “Legal Consultant” in Lars Larson’s comment section, who is totally not a sockpuppet of Bernath’s, says:
“When you come to court, you will be given your copy (as a defendant) of the 110 military visits to Mr. Bernath’s family website from around the world.
Once legal counsel and congressmen forced the end of the military spying on civilian Daniel A. Bernath, these rogue military people then began to spy on Mr. Bernath by using proxies and “covermyass” type intermediaries from Europe, Japan and elsewhere with US Military bases.”
Apparently it’s now illegal for TAH’s military readers to view the stuff he posts on the internet in the PUBLIC DOMAIN. Bernathian logic. Gotta love it.
That piece of shit page is a “family website” now?
Yeah, maybe Manson Family.
For any of the folks,(HMCS,SJ,Sparks,E4y,etc)who were wondering about JRM, just talked to him a little while ago. He says it is getting too painful for him to do commenting here, but does appreciate the health & welfare check.
Please tell him this WILL end and there IS only one outcome.
Glad to know that Mr. Mallernee is hanging in there. Sorry to hear he is in pain. I hope he is with friends and family. It was nice of you to call and check up on him CLAW131. I am sure he thought it was pretty nifty. I do too.
CLAW131 Thanks so much for the update. I am so sorry to hear about JRM. He will be in my prayers. If you speak with him again pass on my message and all my best thoughts for him as well. Thanks again, CLAW131, for looking after a brother.
There is a headline on Drudge that my informants tell me looks like this: “COURT: Arrested TSA officer mentally unfit to stand trial…”
But I dare not click on it because I do not want to be accused of spying on Daniel A. Bernath non-CPO.
I clicked it…its not about our illustrious Loony..its about the one in Los Angeles.
Well, I’ll be out at Lake Audubon celebrating the reburial of England’s last king to die on the battlefield, Richard III, in Leicester.