SGT Kyle J. White awarded Medal of Honor today

| May 13, 2014

So, This Ain’t Hell, against all odds, was admitted into the White House today for the Medal of Honor ceremony honoring Kyle J. White’s heroism and devotion to his duty on November 9, 2007. The best interview that I’ve read with SGT White is at Stars & Stripes so you should read that and not bother with my blather.

There are a few more pictures at my Flickr page.

Category: Real Soldiers

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Very cool. How did you guys get invited?

Green Thumb

Good stuff.

SGT White is the epitome of a Soldier.


THAT guy:

“… and then [I’d] run back to where Kain was just to try to draw their fire and have them follow me and leave him alone.”

Right there.


All that work by our mentally ill stalker worked perfectly. Not only did Jonn not have to go through security but the President nodded to Jonn from about a foot and a half away.

(Yes, that batshit crazy guy sent several letters to secret service rgar we were a potential threat to the President.)


Mentally ill stalker: which one? I can think of at least three. Oh, never mind.

Cool photos. You guys get to do all the exciting things.


Wait … You are not threats to national security?

Thank God … Because if you were … Personally speaking, “I would be scared sh!tless”.

Thank Sweet Baby Jesus, Holy Mary and Saint Joseph the USSS sorted everything out!

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

Now you know they had to treat it as a credible threat, until they read his drival,

Bet I know who is on the watch list now…


Watch list … How about “don’t and or never fly list”!

Good Bless SGT White!


I told myself that I was going to die. You know, there’s no doubt in my mind I was not going to make it off that cliff that day. And so in my mind … it was, you know, if I am going to die I’m going to help my battle buddies until it happens … You also know that if the roles were reversed and it was you that was sitting out there, you know your battle buddy would come and get you.

I have some smoke in my Eyes…

Calypso Facto

F’n hooah. That is all.


Stories like this are why fakers like John Giduck, Phildo, and others need to be continuously exposed for what they are. The fakes steal the honor of real heroes.

Every time that John Giduck continues to maintain that he is a “survivor of 8 conflicts” or that his one week military style commercial adventure camps were something other than what they were, he takes something from real men that lay their life on the line like Kyle White.

I hate even saying Giduck’s name in the same sentence.

Toasty Coastie

What an honour…
SGT White is why we do what we do here. To uphold and protect their Service, his buddies who have sacrificed everything for this Country for all of this Country’s Service Men and Women.

Seems there is an odd dust storm in my living room….

Toasty Coastie

What an honour…
SGT White is why we do what we do here. To uphold and protect their Service, his buddies who have sacrificed everything for this Country for all of this Country’s Service Men and Women.

Seems there is an odd dust storm in my living room….


Jonn and TSO … Thanks for being there for us!

God Bless the good SGT White.

Toasty Coastie


A hacker with a sever Cyber Stutter has got hold of my puter…

So sorry…. 🙁

Toasty Coastie


A hacker with a sever Cyber Stutter has got hold of my puter…

So sorry…. 🙁

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

TC, Email me please

Toasty Coastie

Incoming 🙂

Sorry if this stutters again. I ran antivirus and malware and it came clean *sigh*


What is the insignia on his collar?

Bravo Zulu.


The brass is crossed rifles. The blue around it also signifies Infantry.


So what determines whether if the insignia with the backing to worn over just the cross rifles insignia?

For example:

Same MOS insignia just different style?


Gotta tell all you younger vets that it makes an old 60’s paratrooper proud when another of his younger brothers is recognized for his valor. It is no accident that so many awards for courage go to Airborne troopers. The same cojones that get you up to and out that door with its scary, screaming winds are the same cojones that will serve you well in combat when the shit hits you square in the face.

When I went through jump school at Ft. Campbell in November/December 1959, we had some WWII and Korean vets as cadre and we felt truly honored to be trained by such men, even when the cruel bastards were standing on our fingers, grinding them into the gravel while we performed the endless push-ups they’d dropped us for. That has to be one of the few life situations where a sane human being can actually have respect for, even affection for, a person who is deliberately trying to make you quit the course you so fervently want to complete.

Sergeant White, may the remainder of your life be blessed for the bravery you demonstrated under fire. You have entered a hallowed hall where you will forever remain as a worthy and honored example of the thousands of young Airborne soldiers who follow in your path.

Just as those old WWII and Korean Rakkasans inspired my generation into being fierce warriors in Vietnam, so will your example inspire all the young sky soldiers to follow.

Again, Airborne! and well done young trooper…


Amen, and Airborne!


A salute to you sir! I hope your days will bring you some kind of peace.


Right on. Wonder what he’s doing with his life now


Investment analyst according to the newspaper


Yes, he is an investment analyst.


A damn fine – and brave – man has been deservedly honored.

Congratulations, SGT White.


Kinda gives us hope that the younger generation isn’t as screwed up as we sometimes think. SGT White was 20 years old when he performed these actions – not even old enough to legally buy a beer. Ya done good young man!

Club Manager

When they showed the ceremony on TV I mentioned to my wife that we had someone in the room representing all of us. I was talking about Jonn, not any of those selling us out for political favors. Thanks Jonn.


All my respect and highest regards to SGT Kyle J. White! Thank you for serving and thank you giving all you did to receive this highest and well deserved honor.


Damn it was good seeing you and TSO in the room (even though TSO was squeezed between ladders and cameras)

Kyle is an amazing young man who, as so many, has been through one hell of a journey since that day and since leaving the Army. I could not possibly be more proud of him for his valorous actions or for the way he pulled himself out of one damn deep, dark hole.

He will represent the 173rd, the 2-503d, the Army and this nation well.