Weird Scenes Inside the Justice System

| May 13, 2014

Two years ago, a former NYPD cop was arrested.  The charges were even in this day and age, still shocking:  conspiracy to kidnap and murder women – then cook and eat them.

He was convicted.  He’s currently incarcerated while a judge considers his request for a new trial.  I guess you can say he’s awaiting his chance for a second bite at the big apple (yes, the double-pun here is intentional).

While incarcerated, like many prisoners he’s working at a prison job.  He’s earning 44 cents an hour while working.

His job?  He’s one of the prison’s cooks.

No, I’m not joking,

Category: Crime, Legal, WTF?

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Hack Stone

I don’t know about you, but there is no way in hell that I am trying the Sloppy Joes.

Pinto Nag

That was my laugh for the day and I needed it. Thanks, Hack Stone.

AW1 Tim

And this is how Soylent Green got started…….


Okay then!


Will he be serving the entrée with fava beans and a nice chianti?


If your food tastes funny, there might be a missing clown.


May or may not be the safest place for him. 😉

2/17 Air Cav

Inmate: “Wait! Hey Valle, are these dogs Kosher?”

Valle: “Sure they’re all beef, fresh and—see?–they were circumcised.”


Oh sure, you coach little league for years, but they don’t call you “Jimmy the coach”. And you work as a cop for years, but they don’t call you “Jimmy the cop”. But you conspire to commit one measly act of cannibalism…


While that is a good adaptation-this particular joke is far too old for that “the damn few” skit to be “original”.

2/17 Air Cav

Inmate: “Hey Valle. These hotdogs are too small.”

Valle: “Yeah, well, don’t blame me. They were all full size when I got them. The new guy washed them off in cold water and put them in the fridge.”


Happy eating mystery meat fans.


Yeah, that’s a real head scratcher.


I wonder what kind of marinade he uses on the Death Row prisoners before they’re cooked by the state.


Just the potatoes for me, thanks

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