Arming terrorism

| May 9, 2014

Syrians with tow missiles

Commentary Magazine quotes Reuters when Reuters did an article on Monday about Boko Haram;

The Bama attack showed their substantial firepower, including machine guns, large numbers of rocket propelled grenades (RPGs) and pick-up trucks mounted with anti-aircraft guns, a sign the weapons flood from the Libyan war that helped rebels seize parts of Mali last year has reached Nigeria, officials say.

“They’re getting bolder, better armed, more organized. it’s looking bleak,” a security official in Maiduguri said.

So, now we’re sending “advisors” to Nigeria to help the country deal with the Islamist al Qaeda-linked group and those “advisors” will be facing some of the same weapons we sent to help overthrow Gaddafi in Libya because we didn’t supervise how those weapons were being distributed.

McClatchy reports that Syrian rebels have released video of the rebels using US TOW missiles against Syrian government tanks;

The trial program was revealed early last month when videos posted by the Hazem Movement, a rebel group with ties to the U.S.-backed Free Syrian Army, showed a small number of TOW anti-tank missiles being fired at Syrian government targets. Experts who examined the videos concluded that the missiles likely had been supplied by Saudi Arabia after the United States approved transfer of the advanced weapons.

New video released over the weekend suggests the program has since been expanded to at least five rebel groups, most with ties to the FSA but some that are loyal to the Syrian Revolutionary Front, another secular rebel coalition. The videos purport to show combat operations in both Syria’s north near the border with Turkey and in its south, along the border with Jordan.

So how long before our troops are facing al Qaeda jihadists who armed armed with TOW missiles that spilled over from the Syrian conflict? We are already planning to send advisers to Iraq to help that government fight against the insurgency there, you know the group that calls themselves ISIS the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

Category: Terror War

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SSDD imo


Advisers Huh:

Adviser: Abdul look through the field glasses.
No other way, the little parts next to your eyes. That’s right, you’re learning.

Abdul: What is dis I see dare?

Adviser: Well Abdul, that’s called a TOW missile.

Abdul: Toes Missiileeses?

Adviser: Yea well that’s close enough. Ya see Abdul, those are bad, yea very bad, you wanna stay away from those if you see one pointed at you.

Abdul: When we gets dees toes missiilleeses?

Adviser: Well Abdul now that’s, that’s a good question there. You see you have to fill out one of these things here. It’s called a requisition.

Abdul: Reconquesnion?

Adviser: Close enough Abdul, you’re learning. Yea, what you wanna do is fill one of those out, in triplicate and send up the line to see if you can get some TOWs for you guys. Lemme know how that works out Abdul. I’ll be back in a week, Gimme my field glasses back and hea you head thata way and I’m gonna sneak back thisa way and we’ll fool um see. That’s called “Jungle Warfare” see, see this patch I got? Says, “Jungle Expert” right there. I know these things Abdul, trust me on this. We got your back Abdul.

Abdul: Who gots our fronts? Hey? hey? You stills there? Hey where you go?


The religious fanaticism in those videos is troubling.


Well according to Moochelle we have to go over there to #bring back our girls!
When did Nigeria become part of the US?

Pinto Nag

That was a rhetorical question, right?

Pinto Nag

Is our government EVER going to figure out that they just keep making our troops face their own weaponry, by supplying questionable regimes?

How hard can that be to understand?


I watched that Syrian video, those two guys aren’t going to live long acting like that.

2/17 Air Cav

Get this. 53 girls escaped from Mocha Boca and his boys. That’s good except that the girls’ names are being withheld (yeah, like their villages don’t know they’re back) because they would now be either married to their abductors or sold into slavery. You read that right. The victims get that treatment. They’re screwed either way. What’s more, the president/king/chief/whatever of that shithole now says he’ll get his ass in gear IF he gets American equipment, such as drones. I see. Beats the hell out of internet scamming, I guess.


We gave the Muslim Brotherhood Abrams tanks.

The fix is in. Our Government supplies our enemies without a second thought.

Saudi Arabia being terrorism central #2 right behind Iran have many of our toys and frankly it’s only a matter of time until they are used against us.

B Woodman

Said it before, I’ll say it again.
VietNam (redux)
With the same “hands-tied-their-backs” ROEs imposed by the politicians (who never EVER get their children in harm’s way).