Colbert endorses Obama
I saw this transcript from Comedy Central’s “The Colbert Report” on WSJ’s Washington WIre yesterday and I thought it was pretty funny.
“It is time for the media to stop covering these has-beens and start covering this is-be,” Colbert deadpanned, as pictures of Obama-backing Republicans like Colin Powell appeared on the screen.
“My endorsement of Obama just now took real courage, the courage to cross party lines from a party that is a staggering mass of flaming agony to the party that looks like it’s got a pretty good shot at winning this thing,” he said.
Colbert reasoned that it’s good to be associated with the winner “and if there’s one thing that this campaign has taught us it’s that we are defined by our associations,” he said, as pictures of Bill Ayers and Rev. Jeremiah Wright appeared on screen.
Colbert was quick to add a caveat. “That does not mean I’m voting for him—I am not crazy,” he said. “There are plenty of things out there you can endorse but not do anything to support.”
He took some pretty good shots at the turn-coat “Republicans” and, well, I just thought it was the funniest thing I’ve read lately.
Category: Politics
What a brave move…