Duane Sutton; truck mechanic special forces

Scottie sends us his work on Duane Sutton, a real Vietnam veteran, who claims that he’s in the “Special Forces Hall of Fame”, I guess it’s because because they needed a truck mechanic, because that’s what he did in Vietnam from February 1972 until February 1973. If I’m reading the 2-1 correctly, his assignment was to a transportation company in the 1st Cavalry Division;

He spent four years in the Army and ended his career as an E-2;

And here’s his tattoo;

Category: Phony soldiers
He’s special alright….just check out them Dennis Chevalier BJ Love Handle Jug Ears
Is that a real head those ears are attached to, or a ventriloquist dummy?
Did those ears grow in size with age ?
Special Forces Hall of Shame is more like it. Do the fine folks over at Professional Soldiers know about this jaybird yet?
Four years and exits as an E2? STELLAR ACCOMPLISHMENT!! /SARC
Maybe with them ears, he could jump off of a cliff and hang glide on ’em… with Bernath in a harness taking pictures of the enemy, and,… OH, ‘cuz it’s kuhlassyfiyed, he couldn’t talk ’bout it…
His code name – “Pancake Ears”
Just another loser who wants the world to think otherwise of him. So, he plays dress-up with tats. He looks like Timothy McVeigh–back when McVeigh wasn’t dead, that is.
The hell of it is, there’s nothing wrong with being a mechanic.
LebbenB…I agree. He served honorably, well except for the obvious demotion somewhere along the way. Nothing wrong with being a mechanic or clerk or anything needed at all. That’s why I careful with the term “pog”. But this guy gets the name “pog” up down and sideways for claiming the shit he has. Now he needs “POG” tattooed on his forehead. Right below “ASSHOLE”.
I was writing about this guy in another thread, but one of the DS’es I served with was a 63B that had been assigned to 1st Batt and he knew as much about small unit tactics and BRM/ARM as us 11s.
My father-in-law was a helicopter mechanic in Vietnam and he was very proud of that.
My dad was a crew chief on Hueys for 2 tours in Vietnam. Never embellished, just came home did his 20 and retired. He never did the “professional veteran” thing either. I finally got him a “Vietnam Veteran” and a “US Army Retired” hats because I am proud of what he did.
A good family friend was a Air Force mechanic or whatever the equivalent is when you’re working on the B-1.
He’s restoring classic cars now, and has the most spotless garage I’ve ever seen.
I’ve joked that the cars gotta be easier than the B-1.
The ratio used to be 10 support troops for each combat troop. I don’t know what it is today. Somebody has to provide the mail, the parts, the food, the fuel, the bullets and the bandages. Somebody has to keep records, keep vehicles rolling, aircraft flying, and ships afloat. That’s the way it is. You do your job, whatever it may be, and you try to do it well.
Interesting that he was in long enough to rate a GCM and then got out as an E-2. I guess that means he kept his nose clean for 3 years (long enough to get his GCM) and then stepped on his dick before being discharged. Last assignment was Europe. Drugs? Seems likely but who knows?
Dude is the real “Rice Paddy Daddy”, isn’t he? A real “high drag, low speed” type of guy…
Hell, it looks like all the frauds and wanna-bes are making a run for the Ballduster this year, but none of them will make it to the Fecal Four (Bernasty, Frankie, Chevycheesedick, and Wafflehouse Willie)… unless they start coming in and justifying their lies.
high drag, low speed!!!! I LOL’d!!!!!!!!!
MOS is noted to be 62C20 – suggesting that he was an E-5 at one point, right?
Not necessarily, MrBill. That column is the “Duty MOS” column. He could have been an E3 or E4 filling an E5 MTOE slot due to personnel shortages.
Old practice was to allow slotting 2 grades above and 1 grade below actual grade if/when necessary to fill critical positions. Not sure if that’s still done today or not.
Having said that, I’d guess he got a reduction or two somewhere along the way to end up leaving the service as an E2 after 4 years.
He may have been given “acting jack” status in hopes he’d straighten himself out while in Germany. IIRC, Army would grant “AJ” status to an E4 in hopes the troop would learn, improve and want to become an NCO.
We had several in our unit that did and went on the bigger and better things. Some here may even of had run-in’s with them in Germany or Korea. 😎
Here some photos of his friends:
Wow, he looks familiar. I wonder if I can turn him into the FBI and claim the reward?
I thought he also looked like this…..
Or this…..
Chip you never fail to deliver. LOL!!!
Hannover Fist! I LOVED the first Heavy Metal movie. Good’un, Bro.
I have to say I think the folks that have served and pull this tick me off worse than those who have not. Those who have and had honrable service should know what it means to put on the uniform and the pride at earning awards etc. It is but a small precentage that even serve in our countries armed forces so there is a lot to take pride in and not everyone can be SOF or at the pointy end of the poodle. It takes a team and a family to make it all happen. While we of course all make fun of REM’s, Fobbit’s, Pogue’s etc it with the possible exception of the folks that handle pay, records, food, and the all important shot record lest ye be stuck with the yellow fever series yet again or ye old gam shot in the backside. Point being it is one family one fight and the jest that goes on is just that jest and of course everyone pics on everyone and of course gangs up on the Air Force because, well why not.
Signing up and putting on the uniform and doing your job and serving with honor is what counts and carrying that honor with you after service. Honoring those who served with you by doing the right thing. Many of us know what it is to lose a friends which makes stuff like this more offensive. Nothing wrong with being a driver or a mechanic, what have you it is what it is and in the bigger picture you were supporting the mission. It is time people start seeing that and stop trying to be more for attention. Awards and pretty uniforms do not make the Soldier, Salior, Airmen, or Marine the person wearing it does and without honor and pride the uniform and all that goes on it means nothing and it becomes an empty suit or costume which is just what many of the stolen valor people do.
Agreed. There are no “most important” people in combat. Everyone’s job is important to the overall effort.
The ones that particularly gall me (besides fake POWs and fake Purple Heart claimants, who p!ss me off to no end) are a subset of that type, Island. There are some who that actually did serve with distinction in combat, in dangerous jobs, and were decorated for valor – and still don’t feel they were “heroic enough” or are “getting what they deserve”. When one of those guys starts claiming sh!t they never did, it p!sses me off almost as much as a false POW or Purple Heart claim.
Yeah I’m talking about you, purple-tiger-stripe-boi who was never SF and who never had a BSM. Geau fjarnykait yerzelf.
Bah! What do you all know!! Here’s the real story. Ol’Duane was SF. But when he would jump on the helicopter for insertions with his A team, his ears caused so much drag the bird would near crash. So he was transferred over to that 1st Cav Sekret Skwirrel Stealth Truck Company.
If you looked like that, you’d say anything you could to get a girl, too. Great googly moogly he’s ugly.
That’s a nice Huey on his back…
He would look better with a Huey on his head, as in landing on it…..
That’s his back?
Oh, thank the Secret Squirrel tatt artist! I thought it was his upper leg and that photo was as close to a pron shot as you could get. And nobody wants to see that.
Right then! I’m starting a revolt. Two years on TAH and the posers are getting to me finally. No one wants to pose as a plain Jane 11B and that pisses me off! It’s always Airborne this and Ranger that and then those Special Forces thrown in and oh, let’s not forget about all the SEALs and Force Recon/Marine Snipers posers! How come they get all the poser glory, eh? Even this ugly Sutton guy says he’s SF. None of these ass holes has the balls to stand in his Class A uniform with just his Infantry cord and say, “Yep I was just a grunt…that’s right, a plain ‘ole 11Bravo leg with no medals and I’m proud of it! I don’t care that the FOIA says I was a clerk or supply guy or mechanic! I was a grunt with a capital G!”
I’m starting a club for disenfranchised grunts! I think I’m call it “The Disgruntled Grunts” or “The Hamstrung Legs”. (Unless someone has a better name.) Guys we gotta start standing up for ourselves here. We few, we proud, we unsung grunts with nothing but our “I showed up awards”, an old Shelby P-38 and a Zippo to remember days gone by. I’m getting a tattoo on my arm that says, “I USE TO BE A LEG”!
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
It’s all in how you “spin it.” You weren’t a grunt, you were a part of the elite Legborne Infantry.
LebbenB…Good point. I was trying to be tongue in cheek and should have been more clear. But there’s already a name for “The Disgruntled Grunt”. It’s called “The Bitchin’ Troop”. I asked an old NCO in my early days after a platoon talk fest, “How do you stand all the constant griping?” He answered as he smiled and put out his cigarette, “Son, a bitchin’ troop is a happy troop”. Now I’m sure he didn’t coin that phrase but it was the first time I had heard it. I thought, pure gold wisdom.
And the follow up, “It’s when they stop bitchin’ that you have to worry about.”
I knew a guy at Bragg that used to have a vanity plate on the front of his truck. It read, “Average Guy.” Pretty fuckin’ funny, I thought.
LebbenB…”Average Guy” that’s a keeper!
I guess the bigger the SF/elite unit tattoo the bigger the phony huh?
LostOnThemInterwebs…Yes I think the more pain they endure in the tattoo parlor reinforces in their minds how “special” they really are. I mean, who who go through all that if they weren’t serious…right. (Their thought train there, not mine.)
And all these years I thought Dumbo was just a Disney character….
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