Glenn D. Turner; Army deserters should buckle up

| April 24, 2014

ROS sends us a link to the London, Kentucky Echo-Sentinel which report that a routine seat belt traffic stop by Kentucky State Police Officer Duane Foley resulted in the arrest of Glen D. Turner, 32 who had deserted from the Army in 2008;

In mid-December of 2008, it was reported that Pvt. Glen D. Turner, out of the 551st Signal Company in the United States Army, became absent without leave (AWOL) from his enlistment in Knoxville, Tenn. The following January, Captain Duane Williams, also out of the 551st Signal Company, issued a desertion warrant for Turner’s arrest.

Turner was arrested for the execution of a bench warrant for desertion from the federal armed forces — a felony offense. He was quickly extradited on Monday morning after spending the weekend at the Laurel County Detention Center.

You may remember that little Kevin Shakely was convicted of desertion at Joint Base Lewis McCord in February and was awarded a year of confinement and new taxpayer-funded dental work when he was picked up for seven years of desertion.

Category: Shitbags

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A Proud Infidel®

I hope Bubba & Thor had a ball with his ass before he got turned over to the Feds!


When I was a state trooper it was always a good feeling to get a warrant return from the radio for a deserter… Especially loved the Marine deserters… they would always pick up at the jail, Army was 50/50 on pickup… sometimes they ordered them released and to self-report to Fort Knox, KY. Still though… loved putting them in jail. Truly one of the things I miss about being back on active duty…


Hellboy…Thank you Sir for serving as a State Trooper and I assume a veteran as well.

I remember on my Air Force base in Arkansas, about 1974, a Marine deserter was arrested by the SPs for trying to get on base to see his Airman girlfriend. (Stupid is as stupid does I guess). Anyway, three days later a Marine recovery team showed up for him. He had it pretty good in the Air Force stockade, until they arrived. A Security Policeman who lived next door in base housing told me about it. He said the Marines were quiet, professional and polite until…the transfer paperwork that put him into their custody was appropriately signed, then it was game on. He said the team wasted no time in jacking his ass up professional style. Giving him every opportunity to resist, which his dumb ass did. Then the batons came out and they whacked him good on the back of both his thighs, which put him on the floor and took the “resist” right out of him, cuffed him and tossed him in the vehicle. All the while he told me, they were yelling at him, quite loudly about what a worthless, piece of shit puke he was and what he had waiting for him at the Marine brig. Don’t know which Navy/Marine brig they took him to but something tells me it was a long ride for him with no stops at McDonald’s Playland. Now maybe my SP neighbor embellished some I don’t know I wasn’t there but I was smiling a rooting for those Marines the whole time he was telling the story.

A Proud Infidel®

I remember hearing stories about Army AWOL Recovvery Teams, I wonder if those still exist?


I know CID did AWOL investigations in the 90 ‘ s, but their focus has been in Iraq and A-Stan the last few years.


For as long as I’ve known (21st century only), CID had nothing to do with investigating AWOL/desertion.


The way we found one of our deserters was because my PL saw him getting arrested for another charge on a episode of “Cops”. When I was in 1/327 I had another kid go awol. A couple of days later I got a call from a 1SG from 2/502. Turns out the turd went awol and was hiding out in their barracks. He was caught when they were doing a health and welfare.

A Proud Infidel®

I’m convinced that at least ninety percent of the ones that go AWOL are real “Brain Surgeons” like the two you mentioned!

Dennis not chevy

The first time someone I knew was listed as a deserter I asked an NCO in my unit if the authorities were going to look for her. He told me no because more sooner than later she would do something stupid and get caught. Two weeks later she bounced a check and got caught. Another time another deserter got stopped for speeding. If the only thing they’re charged with is AWOL, UA, or desertion, there’s no need to look for them; they will come to you.

A Proud Infidel®

I remember when I was in Basic and the Drill Sergeants told us what awaited for anyone deciding to go AWOL or Desert. They told us even then (1991) that with the databases that were up and running, so much as trying to renew a Driver’s License would trigger a blip in the networks and set things in motion.


While I am happy and thrilled that this deserter was caught, the method of his capture is less than thrilling in my opinion.

This guy was pulled over for not wearing a seat belt – an infraction that would only affect him in the long run. For that minor infraction, he was told to produce his papers and had them run on a nationwide data system.

Here in Florida, the seat belt law was passed as a “additional charge,” but could not be used to stop a car. In other words, if you were speeding, you could be pulled over for speeding and then if you didn’t have a seat belt on, you could have that added to the ticket. You could not be stopped for the seat belt infraction alone.

That changed due to Federal bribery and extortion (withholding of Federal funds) unless states passed laws making not wearing a seat belt a primary reason for a traffic stop.

Once the government gets its nose in the tent, it never retreats.

Again, I am happy this guy was caught. The basis of that capture – the seat belt stop – bothers me.

Mrs. Turner

I to think that as Americans we should have the right to wear a seatbelt if we want or to not wear one. I am the wife of Glen Turner and I just want to say that this hole ordeal was a huge blow up that should have not happened. The Army didn’t check the box saying Glen could leave the base and it went through all persons before being sent to be processed. They then caught that the signatures where there but the accept box wasn’t checked off. Then the warrant was issued. They should have sent the paperwork back to the persons who signed the paper but guess it was easier this way. There is so much more to this story but we are so tired of having to talk about it,


Navy still has a full time unit dedicated to picking up strays called the Navy Absentee Collection and Information Center. Once a squid is identified as being a deserter and is apprehended by civil or military authority, they go round him/her up. NCIS even has a “Most Wanted” list you can see here:


NavCWORet…thanks for the link. I must say they are a fine looking bunch of sailors too! Now I hate to make conclusions by looks alone but everyone of them has “problem child” stamped on their foreheads.


gitacarver, I’m with you on the seat belt law.
Back in ’72, a couple days after I got out, an FBI agent knocked on the door and asked if I knew the whereabouts of my buddy that had enlisted with me. I didn’t, but I thought it was odd that the FBI would be looking for a deserter. Never did find out if the fella did something more tha desert.


You’d think they’d get picked up easily via IRS tax returns. Once they are flagged a call goes out and somebody goes picks them up at said residence. It took them 6 years and just luck to catch this guy.

Not impressed. Then again this is the same IRS that gives illegals tax refunds and subsidies.


FatCircles0311…”Then again this is the same IRS that gives illegals tax refunds and subsidies.”

Here I was having a relaxing morning and then…you reminded me of this sanctioned “scam” on America. Now I have to take a pain pill and blood pressure meds!

I have a friend who subsidizes his income each year working for H&R Block. The stories he tells me of illegals coming in to get their taxes done send me through the roof. They have no shame using different Social Security numbers for different returns. (and H&R Block can’t question them as to the legitimacy of the numbers.) Nine kids plus a mom and dad as dependents so there’s always a refund. Here’s the kicker from my Social Security Administration friend. If at 62 the illegal can produce all the social security numbers (yours, mine, anyone elses they scammed) and the wages they earned under those numbers…they get Social Security benefits. Illegal or not. Now I’m putting on a fresh case of pissed off to the Nth degree just thinking about it!


Sorry that was off topic.


And your buddy is way off topic and if he is allowing illegals to file false tax returns…. Please turn him in to the authorities.

A Proud Infidel®

Things like that give me the belief that EVERY bureaucrat and politician that inflicts laws and regulations like that on us should be savagely beaten to within an inch of their lives no less than three times a day!!

Pinto Nag

Who says they file tax returns? Just like with SV, desertion probably is only the tip of the iceberg for these losers.

Just an Old Dog

With the internet and shared databases there is no excuse for deserters not being foud out. Anytime you apply for a job or a state ID it should pop up.
Sadly most police departments have so many warrants out that they can’t serve them all. Just like any other small time crook deserters get caught for other stuff.
Most the ones I knew that got snatched up were for traffic violations. There were a couple of cases I remember where guys had deserted during the vietnam era and got caught 10-15 years later. One guy I remember was with 2/6. He only had 6 months left on his contract, so he ended up doing his half a year and got out.
As far as the way the prisoners got treated in the brig,,, it was like a super boot camp where they would beat your ass and throw you in an empty cell if you gave them greif. I was a unit chaser for a bit, and by the time they were checked in they knew they were up shit creek.

A Proud Infidel®

When I was stationed in Korea, I had a Section Sergeant that did a stint as an NCOIC at the CCF on Fort Lost-in-the-Woods, and some of the stories of how he treated his inmates,… My personal favorite was of him making his boys shake their dog tags every moment while they were doing their business in the latrine!


This working? Testing another O/S & browser.

Mrs. Turner

I am the wife of Glen Turner. I have read the comments to this post and I understand your feelings about the topic however, I would like to set the record straight on this matter. My husband did get pulled over for no seatbelt and yes as an American we should have the choice to wear it (seatbelt) or not, but my husband was arrested for going AWOL because his paper work lacked a check box to be marked as accepted to leave Army base ( which was in Fort Gordon Gaorgia). This paper went through two signatures and then to be processed were it was caught and and a warrent was issued. In the time the warrent was issued he had his license renewed and we got our marriage license. Sgt Laplace in Fort Knox had Glen released to me at 9:30 Monday morning and I had to take him to Lexigton Air Port by by 5pm to fly to Fort Seal Oklahoma where they got it all lined out and was back home in four days.


And how does that explain your husband never returning to his unit, “Ms. Turner”?

I’ll save you the trouble of answering. It doesn’t.

Your husband is a damned deserter during wartime. He’s lucky the Army seems to have lost it’s cojones during the last few years. Until recently, that was a crime that could receive the death penalty.

I believe theoretically it still can, but your husband almost certainly won’t get it.

Green Thumb

Agreed. +1.

Turner is a deserter.

Extra turd.


I don’t get it… Is he claiming that they messed up his leave form, so he just assumed that his request for more than 5 years of leave was approved?

Re: the rest of this story, I suppose it’s possible that he got away with a quick chapter 10 (basically an OTH in leiu of court martial), but this whole story seems off.


Oh, I get it! I had 30 days of leave approved, stayed gone for six years, and it’s someone else’s fault!

Totally legit!

Green Thumb

Turner the Turd.