SGT Kyle White to be awarded Medal of Honor

| April 15, 2014

Kyle White

Our buddy, ParachuteCutie, sends the news that Sergeant Kyle White is to be awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions in Afghanistan on November 9, 2007 in the Nuristan Province. Before you read the citations, you should read the eye witness account of what he did that day on a narrow ledge of a trail while Taliban fire rained down on him and his team from C Company 2/503rd of the 173rd Airborne Combat Team at Parachute Cutie’s link.

Category: Real Soldiers

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My highest respect and honor go to Sergeant Kyle White. Well done soldier. Damn well done!


Just outstanding stuff from the retired SGT!

I remain hopeful that one day there will be a living MOH recipient from OIF.


I think the increase in awards is kind of the response to that. A lot of people were quite angry that there were a few people who should have gotten a Medal of Honor for actions during OIF did not actually receive one.

Farflung Wanderer

Well done, glad to see a 101st guy get the MoH!

Farflung Wanderer

Wait, 503rd is a 101st Airborne Division regiment, right? Or is that 82nd?

Either way, well done, paratrooper!


Thank you, Jonn.

Farflung Wanderer

Oh, I thought that was a BCT of some kind. Your post did say “Airborne Combat Team”. I still sorta run off of World War II/Korea/Vietnam thinking when it comes to regiments.

I was wrong either way; 503rd isn’t from either the 101st or 82nd during that era.



173rd ABCT, 2-503d PIR out of Vicenza, Italy. Holy buckets. It’s in the link above and in Jonn’s post, too.


But it’s understandable that you confused it with the 101st. I was in A/2/503 when it was part of 3rd Bde, 101st ABN (AASLT) at Campbell.

“The Rock!”



What can I say other than what I have said before, “as long as we grow these warriors our nation will survive”.


Hand Salute … Ready To.


Little more to say other than a hearty “Well done.” And “Thank you.”


Kyle is a very quiet (almost to the point of shy), humble and intensely intelligent young man. This will not be easy for him but those of us who love him know he will continue to make the Army, The 173rd and this nation proud.


To survive a trap like that is amazing.

Well done.

common sense

And to walk into a trap like that is insane.

decent human being

fuck off, guy

common sense

The fact that they had ICOM chatter with a unfamiliar dialect, a unusual number of MAMs, MAMs following them and maneuvering on them. These are things that kinda indicate shit is about to go down.


What makes you think they knew ahead of time that it was a trap?

Try reading for content before you say something.

A Proud Infidel®™

Your screen name is the antithesis of what you really are, booby traps and ambushes are a fact of live over there, I know, I’ve done a tour in that corner of hell myself, you shit-eating hippie!

common sense

Oh I am a shit eating hippie. Cause I question the tactics of why they are walking in broad daylight. Why they stayed overnight. Instead of using the cover of darkness to arrive and exit. I mean its are single biggest advantage we have. Seeing in the night and gps. And regular army refuses to use it effectively. And if you tell me that its cause they had Afghans, I have had to herd Afghans at night, its possible. God forbid somebody critiques the tactics that keep getting people killed in the Stan.


All that is as may be and fair enough. But, unless I am reading the story wrong, SGT White was a SPC at the time and so none of that was his decision. If you imply no criticism of him, I have no argument, but I also think that his actions are what are relevant WRT this thread.

common sense

In no way do imply any criticism to him. But all I said was walking into a ambush that was pretty much telegraphed is insane. People want to lose their mind cause somebody questions tactics.


It was a real death trap, alright. It seems pretty clear that somebody in the village set them up.

I suspect that the trail was the ONLY way in or out. Remember the terrain … the Hindu Kush.


Recognition far too long in coming.

Bravo Zulu, Sergeant!


A remarkable young man. “No greater love then for your brothers.”

A salute to you sir! Welcome home.


“No greater love than for your brothers.”

Spell check sucks, either way.

Welcome home Sgt. White. I know you did what you felt you had to. You came to your brothers in distress. I salute you. You are far above “the call of duty.”


I hope that he is able to further heal the wounds he carries from that day. Well deserved recognition of his actions…


Now THAT’S a paratrooper. Well done, SGT White, well done indeed.

Ex-Army doc

This story was a moving and meaningful way to start the day. Thank you, Jonn, for posting another reminder of what “Army values” should mean.

It is a poignant response to the chief enlisted advisors of the services telling Congress to slash military pay.

Everyone living within 50 miles of the nation’s Capitol building should ask if their actions in governmemt service mirror SGT White’s dedication to his unit, fellow warriors, and their mission.


Roger that, Brother!

A Proud Infidel®™

BRAVO ZULU, SGT WHITE, you’re a Real Man and a Real Warrior!!


Very, very well done SGT White. You are an outstanding example to all of us. Thanks for serving, and welcome home, Brother!

May the Good Lord grant you, and those left behind, Peace and Healing of the soul.